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OBJECTIVE: As part of the WHO ICD-11 development initiative, the Topic Advisory Group on Quality and Safety explores meta-features of morbidity data sets, such as the optimal number of secondary diagnosis fields. DESIGN: The Health Care Quality Indicators Project of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development collected Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) information from administrative hospital data of 19-20 countries in 2009 and 2011. We investigated whether three countries that expanded their data systems to include more secondary diagnosis fields showed increased PSI rates compared with six countries that did not. Furthermore, administrative hospital data from six of these countries and two American states, California (2011) and Florida (2010), were analysed for distributions of coded patient safety events across diagnosis fields. RESULTS: Among the participating countries, increasing the number of diagnosis fields was not associated with any overall increase in PSI rates. However, high proportions of PSI-related diagnoses appeared beyond the sixth secondary diagnosis field. The distribution of three PSI-related ICD codes was similar in California and Florida: 89-90% of central venous catheter infections and 97-99% of retained foreign bodies and accidental punctures or lacerations were captured within 15 secondary diagnosis fields. CONCLUSIONS: Six to nine secondary diagnosis fields are inadequate for comparing complication rates using hospital administrative data; at least 15 (and perhaps more with ICD-11) are recommended to fully characterize clinical outcomes. Increasing the number of fields should improve the international and intra-national comparability of data for epidemiologic and health services research, utilization analyses and quality of care assessment.


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A versão revisada da escala Early childhood environment rating scale tem sido amplamente utilizada em pesquisas sobre os programas para crianças em idade pré-escolar, muitas das quais realizadas nos EUA. No artigo três grandes estudos são apresentados e discutidos no contexto da educação infantil nos Estados Unidos, e seus resultados indicam que a escala é um recurso valioso na análise da qualidade dos serviços prestados em vários tipos de configurações de educação infantil. É descrito o sucesso do uso de dados da referida escala para influenciar políticas públicas e esforços de melhoria dos programas, e são discutidos cuidados e lições aprendidas com o uso prolongado desse instrumento.


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La guerra de Laos es probablemente uno de los episodios de la Guerra Fría más desconocidos e ignorados por la historiografía a pesar de las terribles consecuencias que tuvo. El hecho de que frecuentemente se considere como un conflicto periférico y ligado a la Guerra de Vietnam no contribuye tampoco a mejorar esta imagen.


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Con la implicación definitiva de los Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno y el alto mando militar decidieron impulsar un amplio programa audiovisual que utilizando la letra impresa, la radio y el cine intentaría explicar –principalmente, aunque no exclusivamente, a millares de civiles reclutados para la ocasión– el porqué de la guerra y la necesaria implicación de los Estados Unidos en la contienda. Naturalmente, a esta voluntad pedagógica se unía otra propagandística. Por lo que respecta al cine, y contando con los destacados antecedentes del cine soviético y las producciones cinematográficas del régimen nazi, se decidió poner en marcha un exhaustivo programa para la producción cinematográfica de documentales que cubriría estos dos aspectos esenciales: el formativo y el propagandístico –bautizado, eufemísticamente, como “orientación moral”. De entre las producciones cinematográficas de orientación moral, impulsadas por el ejército, destaca, por su ambición y calidad intrínseca, una serie de siete documentales presentada bajo el título genérico de Why We Fight


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el procedimiento base de recaudación aplicado por el Internal Revenue Service, la Administración federal de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, y alguno de los procedimientos especiales que en el mismo se pueden insertar, con el objetivo de contrastarlo con los procedimientos vigentes en España y destacar sus más señaladas divergencias. Se ha prescindido, pues, de todo lo relativo a las peculiaridades estatales y locales.


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En los últimos treinta años la posición de España respecto al fenómeno migratorio ha variado radicalmente. Ha pasado de ser un país con saldos migratorios negativos a atraer mano de obra extranjera. Esta nueva tendencia, que se ha consolidado durante los últimos diez años, lejos de remitir, presenta indicios de expansión. Varios fenómenos de carácter global contribuyen a ello. En primer lugar, las tasas de crecimiento de la población en los países en vías de desarrollo (PVD) son superiores a las tasas de crecimiento de la ocupación en dichos países. En segundo lugar, los diferenciales de renta entre países ricos y pobres se están incrementando. Asimismo, el gran desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones hace accesible el conocimiento del nivel de vida occidental a los habitantes del llamado Tercer Mundo. Por último, el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte ha disminuido el coste de las migraciones internacionales.La situación, aunque nueva para España, ya ha sido experimentada por otros países, en especial por los Estados Unidos, tradicional polo de atracción de movimientos migratorios. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar y analizar las estrategias generales eguidas por la agencia de inmigración norteamericana (Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS) con el propósito de aportar elementos de reflexión a los sectores de la opinión pública de nuestro país afectados por esta problemática. El pilar básico del marco legal vigente de la política migratoria norteamericana es la Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), aprobada el 6 de noviembre de 1986 por el presidente Reagan, y cuyo objetivo era, y es, reducir el volumen de inmigrantes ilegales en los Estados Unidos. A continuación, presentamos la evolución histórica de la legislación norteamericana existente y explicamos cómo esta evolución ha llevado a la implementación de la IRCA. En segundo lugar, evaluamos las diversas estrategias seguidas por la agencia de inmigración norteamericana y los criterios de asignación de fondos entre estas diversas alternativas; en particular, mostramos que en los últimos años la agencia ha dado primacía a las políticas de frontera1. A continuación, demostramos que las políticas de control de frontera son menos efectivas que las de interior. Concluimos argumentando que el uso excesivo de políticas de frontera por parte del INS parece responder más al objetivo de obtener grandes presupuestos, que al de minimizar el número de inmigrantes ilegales en el país. Una vez analizada la experiencia estadounidense terminamos sugiriendo las medidas de política migratoria que a nuestro juicio maximizarían el bienestar social de un país receptor como España.


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Reseña de: 2012 survey of ebook usage in U.S. academic libraries: third annual survey. LJ/SLJ Library Research Syndicate (LRS). [New York, N.Y.]: Library Journal, 2012. 93 p. Disponible en línea en: -usage-reports/academic/> [consulta: 14 nov. 2012].


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PURPOSE: To develop a consensus opinion regarding capturing diagnosis-timing in coded hospital data. METHODS: As part of the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases-11th Revision initiative, the Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group is charged with enhancing the capture of quality and patient safety information in morbidity data sets. One such feature is a diagnosis-timing flag. The Group has undertaken a narrative literature review, scanned national experiences focusing on countries currently using timing flags, and held a series of meetings to derive formal recommendations regarding diagnosis-timing reporting. RESULTS: The completeness of diagnosis-timing reporting continues to improve with experience and use; studies indicate that it enhances risk-adjustment and may have a substantial impact on hospital performance estimates, especially for conditions/procedures that involve acutely ill patients. However, studies suggest that its reliability varies, is better for surgical than medical patients (kappa in hip fracture patients of 0.7-1.0 versus kappa in pneumonia of 0.2-0.6) and is dependent on coder training and setting. It may allow simpler and more precise specification of quality indicators. CONCLUSIONS: As the evidence indicates that a diagnosis-timing flag improves the ability of routinely collected, coded hospital data to support outcomes research and the development of quality and safety indicators, the Group recommends that a classification of 'arising after admission' (yes/no), with permitted designations of 'unknown or clinically undetermined', will facilitate coding while providing flexibility when there is uncertainty. Clear coding standards and guidelines with ongoing coder education will be necessary to ensure reliability of the diagnosis-timing flag.


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Ressenya de: 2012 survey of ebook usage in U.S. public libraries: third annual survey. LJ/SLJ Library Research Syndicate (LRS). [New York, N.Y.]: Library Journal, 2012. 108 p. Disponible en línia a: -usage-reports/public/> [Consulta: 27 feb. 2013].


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The aim of the present set of studies was to explore primary school children’s Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR) and its role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. The specific goals were to determine if it was possible to identify a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency that indexes children’s tendency to recognize and utilize quantitative relations in non-explicitly mathematical situations and to determine if this tendency has an impact on the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in late primary school. To this end, we report on six original empirical studies that measure SFOR in children ages five to thirteen years and the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in ten- to thirteen-year-olds. SFOR measures were developed to determine if there are substantial differences in SFOR that are not explained by the ability to use quantitative relations. A measure of children’s conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations of rational numbers and the density of rational numbers is utilized to capture the process of conceptual change with rational numbers in late primary school students. Finally, SFOR tendency was examined in relation to the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in these students. Study I concerned the first attempts to measure individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in 86 Finnish children from the ages of five to seven years. Results revealed that there were substantial inter-individual differences in the spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in these tasks. This was particularly true for the oldest group of participants, who were in grade one (roughly seven years old). However, the study did not control for ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, so it was not clear if these differences were due to ability or SFOR. Study II more deeply investigated the nature of the two tasks reported in Study I, through the use of a stimulated-recall procedure examining children’s verbalizations of how they interpreted the tasks. Results reveal that participants were able to verbalize reasoning about their quantitative relational responses, but not their responses based on exact number. Furthermore, participants’ non-mathematical responses revealed a variety of other aspects, beyond quantitative relations and exact number, which participants focused on in completing the tasks. These results suggest that exact number may be more easily perceived than quantitative relations. As well, these tasks were revealed to contain both mathematical and non-mathematical aspects which were interpreted by the participants as relevant. Study III investigated individual differences in SFOR 84 children, ages five to nine, from the US and is the first to report on the connection between SFOR and other mathematical abilities. The cross-sectional data revealed that there were individual differences in SFOR. Importantly, these differences were not entirely explained by the ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, suggesting that SFOR is partially independent from the ability to use quantitative relations. In other words, the lack of use of quantitative relations on the SFOR tasks was not solely due to participants being unable to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, but due to a lack of the spontaneous attention to the quantitative relations in the tasks. Furthermore, SFOR tendency was found to be related to arithmetic fluency among these participants. This is the first evidence to suggest that SFOR may be a partially distinct aspect of children’s existing mathematical competences. Study IV presented a follow-up study of the first graders who participated in Studies I and II, examining SFOR tendency as a predictor of their conceptual knowledge of fraction magnitudes in fourth grade. Results revealed that first graders’ SFOR tendency was a unique predictor of fraction conceptual knowledge in fourth grade, even after controlling for general mathematical skills. These results are the first to suggest that SFOR tendency may play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Study V presents a longitudinal study of the development of 263 Finnish students’ rational number conceptual knowledge over a one year period. During this time participants completed a measure of conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations and the density of rational numbers at three time points. First, a Latent Profile Analysis indicated that a four-class model, differentiating between those participants with high magnitude comparison and density knowledge, was the most appropriate. A Latent Transition Analysis reveal that few students display sustained conceptual change with density concepts, though conceptual change with magnitude representations is present in this group. Overall, this study indicated that there were severe deficiencies in conceptual knowledge of rational numbers, especially concepts of density. The longitudinal Study VI presented a synthesis of the previous studies in order to specifically detail the role of SFOR tendency in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Thus, the same participants from Study V completed a measure of SFOR, along with the rational number test, including a fourth time point. Results reveal that SFOR tendency was a predictor of rational number conceptual knowledge after two school years, even after taking into consideration prior rational number knowledge (through the use of residualized SFOR scores), arithmetic fluency, and non-verbal intelligence. Furthermore, those participants with higher-than-expected SFOR scores improved significantly more on magnitude representation and density concepts over the four time points. These results indicate that SFOR tendency is a strong predictor of rational number conceptual development in late primary school children. The results of the six studies reveal that within children’s existing mathematical competences there can be identified a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency named spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations. Furthermore, this tendency is found to play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in primary school children. Results suggest that conceptual change with the magnitude representations and density of rational numbers is rare among this group of students. However, those children who are more likely to notice and use quantitative relations in situations that are not explicitly mathematical seem to have an advantage in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. It may be that these students gain quantitative more and qualitatively better self-initiated deliberate practice with quantitative relations in everyday situations due to an increased SFOR tendency. This suggests that it may be important to promote this type of mathematical activity in teaching rational numbers. Furthermore, these results suggest that there may be a series of spontaneous quantitative focusing tendencies that have an impact on mathematical development throughout the learning trajectory.


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