799 resultados para 833


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O intenso uso de herbicidas implica a necessidade de determinar o potencial dessas substâncias em contaminar fontes aquáticas subsuperficiais. Diante dessa preocupação, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes lâminas de água sobre o potencial de lixiviação de quatro herbicidas utilizados em pré-emergência na cultura do algodão, em dois solos provenientes de Campo Novo do Parecis-MT (RQ - textura arenosa) e Tangará da Serra-MT (LV - textura argilosa). No desenvolvimento deste trabalho utilizouse a técnica de bioensaio em colunas de solo, nas quais foram simuladas irrigações de 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 mm, após a aplicação de alachlor (RQ 2,40; LV 3,36 kg ha-1), oxyfluorfen (RQ 0,48; LV 0,72 kg ha-1), prometryne (RQ 0,75; LV 1,50 kg ha-1) e S-metolachlor (RQ 1,20; LV 1,44 kg ha-1). Nas amostras de solo com textura arenosa (RQ), evidenciou-se que lâminas de 80 e 100 mm de água proporcionaram lixiviação até a profundidade de 10-15 cm do alachlor e até 15-20 cm do S-metolachlor. Independentemente da lâmina de água aplicada, nas amostras de RQ oxyfluorfen não ultrapassou a camada de 5-10 cm, e o prometryne movimentou-se até a camada de 10-15 cm somente na lâmina de 100 mm de água. Nas amostras de solo com textura argilosa (LV), o oxyfluorfen não se movimentou além da camada superficial, mesmo sob as maiores lâminas de irrigação, e o prometryne atingiu 5-10 cm de profundidade sob lâminas de 80 e 100 mm. Os herbicidas alachlor e S-metolachlor atingiram 10-15 cm de profundidade sob lâminas de 80 e 100 mm no LV. Evidenciou-se uma maior movimentação efetiva das moléculas de herbicidas nas amostras de solo com textura arenosa (RQ), em relação às amostras de solo com textura argilosa (LV).


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de asma em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada entre o desfecho e variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) referiram asma. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: idade (zero a quatro anos/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), idade (cinco a nove anos/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), idade (10 a 14 anos/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (sim/não) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinite (sim/não) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de saúde nos 15 dias prévios à entrevista (sim/não) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cômodos no domicílio (1 a 3/4 e mais) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), e cor da pele (preta e parda/branca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados do presente estudo apontam a importância da asma associada à presença de rinite e alergia, idade entre cinco e nove anos, cor da pele preta e parda e moradia com menor número de cômodos. Os frequentes problemas de saúde podem ser considerados consequência dessa doença.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne do peito depois da inclusão de fitase em dietas para frangos de corte, com diferentes níveis de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para nitrogênio (EMAn) e proteína bruta (PB) reduzida, suplementadas com aminoácidos essenciais seguindo o conceito de proteína ideal. Foram utilizados 1.500 frangos machos Cobb dos 22 aos 42 dias de idade com peso inicial de 833 ± 7 g e final de 2741 ± 48 g distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3x3+1 (três níveis de EMAn - 2950, 3100 e 3250 kcal/kg - e três de PB - 14, 16 e 18% - e um tratamento adicional - controle, sem fitase, com 3100 kcal/kg EMAn, 19,2% de PB e 0,4% de fósforo disponível) em seis repetições com 25 aves cada. Ao final do experimento, duas aves de cada parcela foram sacrificadas para a mensuração do rendimento de carcaça e de cortes e determinação da composição química da carne do peito. Os níveis de energia e proteína em rações com fitase influenciaram (P<0,05) os rendimentos de carcaça, peito e gordura abdominal a porcentagem de umidade, proteína e lipídios no músculo pectoralis major das aves, sendo os níveis de 3100 kcal EMAn/kg e 18% de PB os que proporcionaram maiores rendimentos de carcaça e de peito e menor deposição de gordura abdominal, mas em maior teor de lipídios na carne do peito. Conclui-se que a manipulação da energia em rações com reduzido teor de proteína e suplementadas com aminoácidos e fitase influencia o rendimento de cortes e a qualidade da carne do peito de frangos aos 42 dias.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (Pallas) Areschoug nas rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 e 21 a 42 dias de idade, em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico). Para isso, foram utilizados 300 pintos machos, da linhagem Cobb®, que receberam rações contendo o calcário calcítico e a alga Lithothamnium calcareum (colhida de inteira e na forma de areia biodentrítica) como fontes de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e cinco repetições de 20 aves cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: ganho de peso (g/ave), consumo de ração (g/ave) e conversão alimentar (g/g). No final do experimento foram avaliados os parâmetros ósseos: peso da tíbia (g), comprimento da tíbia (mm), diâmetro da tíbia (mm) e teor de cinzas na tíbia (%). Na fase inicial (1 a 21 dias) houve efeito (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos para o ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, sendo que o tratamento controle apresentou melhores resultados. Para a fase de crescimento (21 a 42 dias) e período total (1 a 42 dias) não houve efeito entre os tratamentos estudados. A utilização da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (independente da forma de colheita) em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico) pode ser recomendada para as rações de frangos de corte, sem prejudicar o desempenho zootécnico. Porém, deve-se levar em consideração a viabilidade econômica do uso dessa fonte alternativa nas rações.


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The vibrational spectra of palladium phthalocyanine (PdPc) evaporated thin solid films are reported, including the resonance Raman scattering, surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) and SERRS mapping of the film surface using micro-Raman spectroscopy with 633 nm laser radiation. SERRS of PdPc was obtained by evaporating an overlayer of Ag nanoparticles on to the PdPc film on glass. The SERRS enhancement factor is estimated as similar to10(4) with reference to PdPc evaporated films on glass. The molecular organization of the PdPc evaporated films was probed using transmission and reflection-absorption infrared spectra. It was established that a random molecular distribution found in PdPc evaporated films is independent of temperature. No evidence of thermal degradation due to thermal annealing was found in the films. Electronic absorption and emission spectra are also discussed. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The characteristics, performance, and application of an electrode, namely, Pt\Hg\Hg-2(PABzt)(2)\ graphite, where PABzt stands for p-aminobenzoate ion, are described. This electrode responds to PABzt with sensivity of (58.1 +/- 1.0) mV per decade over the range 1.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-1) mol l(-1) at pH 6.5-8.0 and a detection limit of 3.2 x 10(-5) mol l(-1). The electrode shows easy construction, fast response time (within 10-30 s), low-cost, and excellent response stability (lifetime greater than 6 months, in continuous use). The proposed sensor displayed good selectivity for p-aminobenzoate in the presence of several substances, especially, concerning carboxylate and inorganic anions. It was used to determine p-aminobenzoate in pharmaceutical formulations by means of the standard additions method. The results obtained by using this electrode compared very favorably with those given by an HPLC procedure. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tanto a toxidez como a deficiência de Mn em soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), levam a um prejuízo na produtividade. Tem-se recomendado a calagem para superar os graves problemas de toxidez de Mn em soja, mas existem condições potenciais para ocorrer indução de deficiências de micronutrientes, inclusive o Mn. Com o objetivo de explorar esta possibilidade, a cultivar de soja Cristalina foi plantada em vasos, contendo dois Latossolos Vermelho- Escuro de textura média, na presença ou ausência de adubação potássica (50 ug/cm3), e calagem. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a adubação potássica pode ter como consequência uma menor absorção de Mn pela soja, e quando associada à calagem (pH 6,5) pode levar à ocorrência de deficiência induzida de Mn, que se manifesta como clorose internerval nas folhas do terço superior da planta.


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During bone formation, as in other tissues and organs, intense cellular proliferation and differentiation are usually observed. It has been described that programmed cell death, i.e., apoptosis, takes place in the control of the cellular population by removing of the excessive and damaged cells. Although it is generally accepted that apoptotic bodies are engulfed by professional phagocytes, the neighboring cells can also take part in the removal of apoptotic bodies. In the present study, regions of initial alveolar bone formation of rat molars were examined with the aim to verify whether osteoblasts are capable of engulfing apoptotic bodies, such as professional phagocytes. Rats aged 11-19 days were sacrificed and the maxillary fragments containing the first molar were removed and immersed in the fixative solution. The specimens fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. For the detection of apoptosis, the specimens were fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, and submitted to the TUNEL method. The results revealed round/ovoid structures containing dense bodies on the bone surface in close contact to osteoblasts and in conspicuous osteoblast vacuoles. These round/ovoid structures showed also positivity to the TUNEL method, indicating that bone cells on the bone surface are undergoing apoptosis. Ultrathin sections showed images of apoptotic bodies being engulfed by osteoblasts. Occasionally, the osteoblasts exhibited large vacuoles containing blocks of condensed chromatin and remnants of organelles. Thus, these images suggest that osteoblasts are able to engulf and degrade apoptotic bodies. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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PURPOSE--To analyze the influence of transient and sustained elevations of arterial pressure (AP) on the rate of rise of the left ventricular pressure (dp/dt). METHODS--Thirteen anesthetized, thoracotomized and mechanically ventilated dogs, submitted to pharmacological autonomic block (oxprenolol-3 mg/kg plus atropine-0.5 mg/kg). The AP elevation was obtained by mechanical constriction of the descending thoracic aorta. Two protocols were applied to all animals: Transient Arterial Hypertension (TAH) and Sustained Arterial Hypertension (SAH) and the following variables were evaluated: heart rate (HR), systolic (LVSP) and end diastolic (LVEDP) left ventricular pressure and dp/dt. In TAH the variables were analyzed in the basal condition (To) and at the maximal value of AP attained during the transient pressure elevation (TM). In the protocol SAH the variables were evaluated in the conditions: Control (Ho), hypertension 1 (H1) and hypertension 2 (H2). RESULTS--Considering all conditions, there were no significant differences among the values of HR. In the protocol TAH, the LVSP varied from 133 +/- 22 mmHg to 180 +/- 27 mmHg, whereas in SAH the values of LVSP were as follow: HO = 129 +/- 25 mmHg; H1 = 152 = 23 mmHg; H2 = 182 +/- 24 mmHg. LVEDP changed in both protocols: To = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; TM = 13 +/- 2 mmHg (p < 0.05); Ho = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; H1 = 10 +/- 2 mmHg; H2 = 14 +/- 3 mmHg (p < 0.05). During TAH there was no difference between the values of dp/dt (To = 3.303 +/- 598 mmHg/s; TM = 3.350 +/- 653 mmHg/s; p > 0.05), however, there were increases of the dp/dt during SAH (Ho = 3.233 +/- 576 mmHg/s; H1 = 3.831 +/- 667 mmHg/s; H1 = 4.594 +/- 833 mmHg/2; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION--The values of dp/dt are not influenced by transient elevation of AP. Sustained increase of AP activates cardiac adjustments, which results in elevation of dp/dt, by stimulation of contractile state. Probably, the inotropic intervention mechanism is the length dependent activation due to the Frank-Starling mechanism.


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The geographic area of the present study corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course (Figure 1), in the portion that extends from the tributaries of its source, in the east of the plateau Correntes/Itiquira, in the neighbourhoods the city of Alto Garç as, to the scarp of the São Jerônimo mountain range, toward the west of Itiquira, in the state of Mato Grosso, totalizing 5,361 km 2. The area is placed in the eastern part of the Alto Paraguai basin, in the western portion of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin plateau. Through GIS techniques, it was possible to asses total soil losses from the Itiquira river basin, considering the years of 1966, 1985 and 1996, being based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thus, in 1966 the basin lost 201,546.94 ton of soil, with an average loss of 0.37 ton/ha/year. Considering that the total area of the Itiquira river basin is of 536,100 ha, while in 1985 the soil losses had passed to 1,760,833.40 ton, with an increase of approximately 8.5 times. The average of soil losses in 1985 was of 3.28 ton/ha/year. In 1996 the basin lost 1,662,043.24 ton, with a reduction of only 9.4% in relation to 1985 but, in relation the 1966, the increase continued in the order of 8 times. The average losses per hectare in this year was in the order of 3.10 ton/ha/year (Chart 1). The map of potential of the laminar erosion for 1966 (Figure 3), shows to the highest values in small areas, situated in the northeast of the area, in Alto Garças, with values between 10 the 20 ton/ha/year and some spots in sources of the Itiquira and Ariranha rivers, with values between 1 the 5 ton/ha/year. In a general way, however, the area presents low soil loss for laminar erosion in this year, with inferior values to 1 ton/ha/year. The higher class of erosion, over 10 ton/ha/year, occupied 2,947 ha in 1966. In the year of 1985 (Figure 4), the erosive process spread over the entire studied area, and the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year, already started to occupy 78,437 ha, implying an increase of approximately 27 times in 19 years. A strong increment in the erosive process was noticed in the western part of the area, to along the BR-163 road, exactly where great areas of natural vegetation (open pasture) had been transformed in culture and pasture areas. In the north-eastern part of the area it was also noticed an increment in the erosive process in agreement with the increase of culture areas and reduction of the natural areas, but it was not of so intense form as in the western portion of the area. In the year of 1996 (Figure 5), the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year had diminished for a total of 53.499 ha noticing a retraction of the erosive process in the western part of the area, alongside the BR-163 road. On the other hand, it occurred a strong increment in the northern part of the area, in the neighbourhoods of the city of Alto Garças, alongside the BR-364 road and part of the MT-040 road. In a general way, in the outskirts of the city of Itiquira, in the central part of the area, it was verified an increase of the amount of zones with erosion between 0-1 ton/ha/year, passing to the immediately superior class, of 1-3 ton/ha/year; scarce data of hydrosedimentology in the UHE Itiquira (1999), shows good agreement with the values gotten for the EUPS (Chart 2). Based on the hydric classification proposal for FAO (1967) (Chart 3), it is noticed that areas with high degree of erosion (> 50) in the analysed area are very restricted, occupying 493 ha in 1985 and 332 ha in 1996 (Chart 4). In 1996 appeared as isolated spots in the north of Itiquira and Alto Garças, however beyond limits of the Itiquira river basin. These areas require special cares in its use as agricultural areas. Aiming at identifying and indicating the areas of potential risk of erosion and that need implementation of conservation practices, it was elaborated the map of limit of tolerance to the soil losses. In 1966 (Figure 6), areas with soil losses over of the tolerable were restricted to small spots located in the eastern part of the area, occupying 0.43% of the total of the area; already in 1985 (Figure 7), this percentage passed to 5.86%, spreading for all the area; in 1996 (Figure 8) it is observed a fast reduction of the areas with soil losses over of the tolerance limit, passing 5.43% of the total of the area. All the areas with losses over of the tolerable value must be considered as risk areas and were done in these areas studies for implementation of conservation practices.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, were fed to apparent satiation twice daily with purified diets containing 0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 mg/kg and 0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, and 32.0 mg/kg of thiamin in separate 14- and 8-wk trials (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). Fish fed the diet devoid of thiamin developed neurological disorders, anorexia, reduced growth, and feed efficiency and increased mortality (Experiment 2 only) within 4-6 and 8-10 wk for Experiments 2 and 1, respectively. Low red blood cell count (RBC) and hematocrit (Ht) were observed in fish fed the thiamin-deficient diet. Serum pyruvate was elevated in fish fed the thiamin unsupplemented diet. Serum lactate was not affected by dietary thiamin levels. Whole body protein was unaffected by dietary levels of thiamin. Body moisture and ash increased whereas body lipid decreased in fish fed the thiamin unsupplemented diets. None of these abnormalities were observed in fish fed the thiamin-supplemented diets. Using the response curves determined by PROC NLMIXED to estimate dietary thiamin levels required for various response variables, a dietary thiamin level of 3.5 mg/kg diet was adequate for optimum growth, feed intake and efficiency, survival, prevention of neurological symptoms, and maintaining normal levels of RBC, Ht, serum pyruvate, and proximate body composition. © 2011.


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This article presents an exercise in meta-comprehension of what has been researched on teaching probability and statistics in Brazil. This research was based on the work on this subject presented in the third International Symposium for Research in Mathematics Education (III SIPEM). Articles were selected from the proceedings of the event analyzed hermeneuticly according to the procedures of phenomenology. We observed no evidence of clustering of research on this topic in terms of region or institutions, and we also emphasize that research on the teaching of Probability and Statistics needs to advance toward a theoretical discussion that transcends the subjects being studied and makes broader and deeper links between theory and practice. Findings also indicate that this sub-area of research in mathematics education is in the process of constituting itself.