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本文对不同菌种(酵母菌和运动发酵单胞菌)快速生产燃料乙醇的条件进行了研究,实现了鲜甘薯快速转化为燃料乙醇。全文分为两部分: 第一部分:酵母菌快速生产燃料乙醇的条件研究。通过单因素试验,酵母菌快速生产燃料乙醇的条件为:发酵方式采用边糖化边发酵(SSF),蒸煮温度为85 ℃,料水比2:1(初始糖浓度 210 g/kg),糖化酶用量0.75 AGU/g 鲜甘薯,接种量10%(v/w)。在最优条件下,经过24 h发酵,乙醇浓度可达97.44 g/kg, 发酵效率为92%,发酵强度为4.06 g/kg/h。由于采用了低温蒸煮和SSF,可以大大节约能耗,从而降低乙醇生产的成本。同时,利用摇瓶优化的条件,进行了10 L,100 L,500 L发酵罐的放大试验,由于发酵罐初期可以人为通氧,使菌体能迅速积累,发酵时间缩短2 h,发酵效率在90%以上。 第二部分:运动发酵单胞菌快速生产燃料乙醇条件研究。通过单因素试验和正交试验获得了发酵的最佳参数:初始pH值6.0-7.0,硫酸铵5.0 g/kg,糖化酶量1.6 AUG/kg淀粉,初始糖浓度200 g/kg,接种量12.5%(v/w)。经过21 h发酵,乙醇浓度为95.15 g/kg,发酵效率可达94%。同时对不灭菌发酵也进行了研究,发酵效率可达92%。为鲜甘薯运动发酵单胞菌燃料乙醇的工业化生产打下基础。 对发酵结束后的残糖进行了研究。通过薄层层析和葡萄氧化酶测定证明:无论是酵母菌还是运动发酵单胞菌发酵结束后的发酵液中都不含葡萄糖。经过HPLC进一步分析残糖说明:发酵液中已没有葡萄糖成分;经糖化酶水解后仍没有葡萄糖出现;但经酸水解后又出现了葡萄糖,说明结束后的残糖是一些低聚糖结构。有关残糖的结构需要进一步研究。可以通过开发高效的低聚糖水解酶来降低发酵液的残糖,提高原料的利用率。 A new technology for rapid production fuel ethanol from fresh sweet potato by different microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis) was gained in this research. The paper involved two parts: Part 1: The study on fuel ethanol rapid production from fresh sweet potato by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The following parameters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated by a series of experiments: fermentation models, cooking temperature, initial sugar concentration and glucoamylase dosage. The results showed that SSF (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation) not only reduced the fermentation time (from 30 to 24h) but also enhanced the ethanol concentration (from 73.56 to 95.96 g/kg). With low-temperature-cooking (85 ℃) using SSF, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae was able to produce ethanol 97.44 g/kg which the fermentation yield could reach to 92% and ethanol productivity 4.06 g/kg/h from sweet potato enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, the savings in energy by carrying out the cooking (85 ℃) and saccharification (30 ℃) step at low temperature had been realized. The results were also verified in 10 L, 100 L and 500 L fermentor. The fermentation yield was no less than 90%. The fermentation time of fermenter was shorter than Erlenmeyer flask. This may be that the aeration in the early fermentation period is available, which lead to the rapidly commutations of biomass. Part 2: The technology of ethanol rapid production with simultaneous saccharification and fermentation ( SSF ) by Zymomonas mobilis,using fresh sweet potato as raw material was studied. The effects of various factors on the yield of ethanol were investigated by the single factor and the orthogonal experiments. As a result, the optimal technical conditions were obtained from those experiments:initial pH value 6.0-7.0, nitride 5.0 g/kg,(NH4)2SO4, glucoamylase 1.6 AUG/kg starch, inoculums concentration 12.5% (v/w). The Zymomonas mobilis was able to produce ethanol 95.15 g/kg, with 94% of the theoretical yield, from fresh sweet potato after 24 h fermentation. The fermentation efficiency of non-sterilized was also reach to 92%. We also analyzed the final fermentation residual sugars of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis. When the residual sugars were analyzed by thin-layer chromatogram and glucose oxidase, there was no glucose. The analysis of reducing sugars by HPLC showed that there was no glucose existed in the fermentation liquor. However, the glucose appeared after being hydrolyzed by acid. It is indicated that the residual sugars in the final fermentation liquor were the configuration of oligosaccharide, which was linked by the special glycosidic bonds. It was feasible for reducing residual sugars to develope the enzyme that can degradation the oligosaccharide.


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造纸行业是造成我国水环境有机污染物的重要污染源之一,其水污染的特点是小厂多、草浆多、工艺落后、污染扩散面广、造成废 水排放量大,每年排放的废水量约39亿立方米,占全国工业废水排放量的1/6,其中有机污染物(以BOD5计)160万吨左右,约占全 国工业废水中有机污染物总量的1/4。尤以占全国制浆造纸行业90%以上的碱法草浆造纸厂的蒸煮黑液量大面广,除含有机物外,还 含有木质素、残碱、硫化物、氯化物等污染物,属于PH值高、色度深、难于治理的高浓度有机废水,对水体污染特别严重,各地要 求治理呼声很高,急待研究并尽快找出各种有效的治理途径。对于碱法草浆蒸煮,黑液高浓度废水的治理,有各种方法,根据国内 的研究进展和我们已有试验工作表明,最经济有效,具有实用价值,在生产上可获得成功是厌氧处理法。近10多年来,国外关于高 效厌氧处理技术研究进展迅速,并出现了多种多样的工艺设备,如高效厌氧生物反应器,并在实用化方面取得了很大成绩,建立了 生产性装置,达到了高负荷运行,效果良好。本试验是根据我们已有研究基础,针对我国国情,对小型制浆造纸厂水污染防治除了 开发碱回收及各种综合利用技术外,要特别加强废水(废液)实用技术研究的指导思想,本试验采用改进型的上流式厌氧污泥床反应 器,设计了两种试验方案,通过试验结果如下。1. 试验方案I—碱法草浆黑液酸化和厌氧发酵I号UASB反应器动态模型试验结果表 明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器USAB内装有填料(陶粒)和三相分离器,具有保持高浓度生物量和防止污泥流失的特点 ,污泥浓度Vs 可达30%以上,因而具有高效、节能、产能、滞留期短的优点,当进水CODcr在7500-10000mg/l,HRT由7天缩短到3天 ,有机容积负荷在1.22gCODcr/l·d-3.43gCODcr/l·d时,CODcr平均去除率可达55%-45.5%,最高CODcr去除率可达60.2-63.5%, BOD5去除率可达75.9-83.2%,沼气容积产气率可达0.29-0.67l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率达0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,CH4含量 65.8-75.5%。厌氧发酵出水再用化学法进行后处理脱除难降解的木质素,CODcr总去除率达80%以上。(2). 动态试验结果表明:采 用酸化—厌氧发酵处理黑液工艺合理,技术路线可行。2. 试验方案II—黑液用化学法(Hcl)去除木质素进行厌氧发酵,II号UASB反 应器动态模型试验结果表明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器UASB(内有软填料),当进水CODcr7000-13000mg/l左右,HRT 由6天缩短到1天,有机负荷由0.98gCODcr/l·d增加到11gCODcr/l·d时,COD平均去除率均可稳定在70-77%,BOD5去除率为87.3- 93.1%,沼气容积产气率0.21-2.6l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率为0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,高的可达0.53l/gCODcr·d,转化 率较高,CH4含量63-70%。(2). 试验证明碱法草浆黑液物化预处理—厌氧发酵处理的技术路线也是可行的,工艺合理、效果较好。 在有条件的工厂可采用。3.厌氧发酵阶段几大类群微生物计数表明:(1). 当发酵工艺和运行处于相对稳定状态时,微生物群体的 组成也达到相对的稳定,各类微生物之间保持动态平衡关系。当产乙酸菌的数量为107-108个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为105-106 个/ml,当产乙酸菌数量为106-107个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为103-105个/ml。(2).稳态运行条件下,黑液预处理为甲烷发酵创造 了有利的生态环境,获得了较好的处理效果和较高的COD转化为沼气的产率0.39-0.48l/g·CODcr·d,反应器中形成较为稳定而数 量较下水污泥中高1-2个数量级的厌氧发酵微生物区系组成。这一结果为黑液厌氧发酵提供了微生物理论依据。Paper industry is one of the important pollution source of water environment in our country. Its character of water pollution is many small factories, much grass pulp, disadvantageous technique, large preading area of pullution. Its effluent makes up 1/6 of whole country's industry wastwater. Its organic pollutant accounts 1/4 of whole country's. Alkaline grass paper pulp effluent with pollutants such as ligoin, remaining alkali sulfide, chloride besides organic material, is a kind of high concentrate organic wastewater which has high PH walug, dark colour and is difficult in treatment. There is urgent require to find ways to treat the wastewater. There are different ways to treat alkaline paper grass pulp effluent. According to the research advances and our experiment work, the most economical and useful way is anaerobic degradation which was advanced quick in last ten years. In the control of waste water of small pulp paper mill, the study of wastewater utilization technology should be emphasized, besides alkaline retrieving and different kinds of comprehensive utilization technology. Our experiment used modified UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor). Two kinds of plan were disgned. The results are lined below. 1. The first experiment plant-aciding black pulp effluent and methanogenic digestion. The dynamic model experiment results of I-UASB reactor showed: (1)The mesophilic(35℃±1℃)high effect UASB reactor having haydite and threee state seperation in it had the character of keeping high bioimass concentration and preventing losss of sludge. It had advantages of high effect, energe saving, energe prodcing and short HRT(Hydroulic retention time). When the influent COD was 7500-10000mg, HRT was shortened from 7 days to 3days, organic loading rate was 1.22g-3.43COD/l· d, the average COD removal efficiency was 55%-45%. The highest COD efficiency was 60.2-63.5%, BOD removal of 75.9 -83.4% was achieved. Biogass production rate were up to 0.29-0.67l/l·d. Biogass converted efficiency from every gram of COD could reach 0.39-0.48l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 65.0-75.5%. Chemical method was used to deplate lignin in anaerobic digestion effluent. Total COD removal efficiency could be more than 80%. (2)Using aciding annaerobic digestion to treat the black effluent was reseanable in technique and technology. 2. The second experiment plan-anaerobic digestion was used after the chemical method was used to deplate lignin in the black effluent. The result of dynamic experiment of II-UASB reactor showed: (1)High effect mesophilic (35℃±1℃)UASB reactor having soft slaffing in was used. When influent COD was about 7000-13000mg/l, HRT was shortened from 6 days to 1 day and organic loading rate was increased from 0.90 to 11g COD /l·d, average COD removal efficiency remained stable on 70-77%. BOD, removal efficiency was between 87.3-93.1%. Biogass production rate was 0.2-2.6l/l ·d .Biogass converted efficiency from a gram of COD was 0.39-0.481/gCOD·d with the high value of 0.53l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 63-70%. (2)The way that using physical, chemical Pre-treatment-anaerobic digestion to treat alkaline black effluent is feasible and can be used in some factories when the condition exists. 3. Counting of several class of microoganisms in anaerobic digestion stage showed: (1)As the disgestion was in stable motion, the compositon of microorganic colony could get relative stable. Dynamic balance was remaining among different kinds of microorganism such as methanogenic bacteria, Acidogenic bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, and heterotrophic bacteria. (2)Under stable motion, the pre-treatment of black effluent produced favourable eco-enviroment for methanegenic digestion. Good treatment effect and high biogass convertent efficiency from COD(0.39-0.48l/g·COD· d)were gotten. Some stable and high quantity(10-100times more than sewage sludge)microorganism colony were formed in the reactor. This result provided theoretical basis for anaerobic digestion of black effluent.


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畜禽废水是农村水环境污染的主要来源之一,其处理的难点在于脱氮。传统生物脱氮法具有能耗高、需大量外加碳源等缺点,开发低成本、高效率的新型生物脱氮技术具有重要意义。 本研究将短程硝化反硝化和厌氧氨氧化两种脱氮新技术结合,让前者为后者创造去除可降解COD、降低总氮负荷、调整pH、调整氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度比例等进水条件,而后者可在无需外加碳源的条件下进一步脱氮,二者结合可成为高氨氮、低C/N废水脱氮的新途径。 试验以低碳氮比猪场废水为研究对象,首先进行了短程硝化反硝化预处理研究,同时启动并运行调控厌氧氨氧化反应器,最后以经过短程硝化反硝化预处理的猪场废水为进水,进行厌氧氨氧化脱氮考察。实验表明:(1)短程硝化反硝化作为厌氧氨氧化的预处理工序是可行的。猪场废水通过短程硝化反硝化,可以达到基本去除可生化COD、部分脱氮、控制出水氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度之比在1︰1左右、pH在7.5~8.0的目的, COD和总氮平均去除率分别为64.3%、49.1%,出水可达到厌氧氨氧化反应的进水要求。(2)采用模拟废水启动厌氧氨氧化反应器,经过5个月左右的运行调控,反应器启动成功并稳定运行,最高总氮去除率为87.1%,总氮容积去除率最高达到0.14kg/m3.d;整个稳定阶段,氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮的变化量之比为1︰1.21︰0.33。(3)经过短程硝化反硝化预处理的猪场废水厌氧氨氧化脱氮效果稳定,氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、总氮、COD的平均去除率分别为93.0%、99.4%、84.6%、18.1%,处理效果与模拟废水处理系统相比无明显变化。(4)经过短程硝化反硝化预处理后,猪场废水中残留有机物成分在厌氧氨氧化反应过程中无显著变化,主要为酯类和烷烃类物质;残留有机物对厌氧氨氧化效果无明显影响。(5)采用PCR技术进行特殊功能菌种检测,结果表明模拟废水处理系统和猪场废水处理系统的菌群中均含有厌氧氨氧化菌和好氧硝化菌;通过blast比对,厌氧氨氧化菌扩增序列与未培养的Planctomycetales菌和Candidatus Brocadia fulgida菌16S rRNA部分序列相似性分别为95%、90%。(6)MPN法菌种计数结果显示,模拟废水处理系统和猪场废水处理系统的菌群中均含有硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌和少量反硝化菌,实验条件下的微生物系统是一个厌氧氨氧化菌与好氧硝化菌、反硝化菌共存的系统。 Poultry wastewater is one of the main source of water pollution in rural areas,and nitrogen removal is the most difficult part in treating poultry wastewater. There are some disadvantages in traditional nitrogen removal, such as high energy consumption and more additional organic carbon. It is important to develop ecolomical and efficient technologyies. Shortcut nitricfication/denitrification, as a pretreatment process, was combined with Anammox in this research, so that part of total nitrogen and most degradable COD could be removed by the former, and further nitrogen removal could be implemented by the latter. The combination of the two technologies was a new approach to treat wastewater with high ammonium and low C/N. Piggery wastewater with low C/N was treated in lab-scale experiment. Firstly, shortcut nitrification/denitrification was investigated, and Anammox reactor was started up successfully at the same time. Then piggery wastewater after pretreatment was treated by Anammox. The results showed :(1) It was feasible to take nitrification/denitrification as the pretreatment process of Anammox. By using this process, part of total nitrogen and COD were removed, the ratio of ammonium and nitrite reached around 1︰1 and the pH was about 7.8, which were favorable for Anammox. The average removal percentage of COD and total nitrogen were about 64.3% and 49.1%, respectively. (2) Simulated wastewater was used to start up Anammox reactor. The reactor was started up successfully within 5 months and stable performance was achieved. The highest nitrogen removal reached 87.1% and the biggest volumetric total nitrogen removal rate reached 0.14kg/m3.d. The average ratio of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate was 1:1.21:0.33. (3)Taking the effluent of shortcut nitrification/denitrification as the influent, the nitrogen removal efficiency of Anammox was stable, and the the average removal percentage of ammonium, nitrite, total nitrogen and COD were 93.0%, 99.4% , 84.6% and 18.1%, respectively, which had little difference with that by using simulated wastewater..(4) After pretreatment, the residual organic carbon in piggery wastewater showed no obvious change during the Anammox process, and the main organic compounds were saturated hydrocarbon and ester, which had no obvious negative effect on Anammox process.(5) By PCR technology, the existence of Anammox bacteria was confirmed and the aerobic nitrifying bacteria was found to coexist as well. The result of blast showed that the identities of Anammox bacterium to part of 16S rRNA sequence of uncultured Planctomycetales bacterium and Candidatus Brocadia fulgida bacterium were 95% and 90%, respectively.(6)By MPN method, nitrite oxidizer, ammonium oxidizer and denitrification bacteria were detected in both simulated and piggery wastewater treatment system of Anammox, and the microorganism system was composed of Anammox bacteria,aerobic bacteria and denitrification bacteria together.


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本文从新鲜大熊猫粪便和实验室保存的沼气发酵富集物中筛选得到 4 株厌氧纤维素分解菌B5、C3、D3-2、D4-1,利用这4 株菌预处理秸秆,然后将预处理后的秸秆用本实验室保存的厌氧产氢菌来发酵进行生物产氢。同时还比较研究了:○1 用1% H2SO4、25% NH3 · H2O和12% NaOH对秸秆进行化学预处理;○2 用厌氧纤维素分解菌对秸秆进行生物预处理;○3 化学与生物组合预处理对秸秆发酵生物产氢的影响。实验结果表明:12% NaOH和生物组合预处理后的秸秆发酵产氢效果最好,其产氢量为21.04 mL g-1,是未经预处理秸秆的75 倍;最高氢气浓度为57.3%,是未经预处理秸秆的96 倍;其产氢的最适pH 为4.5 ~ 6.0,最佳底物浓度为45 ~ 55 g L-1;其发酵过程中的挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)以乙酸和丁酸为主。 本实验筛选到的 4 株厌氧纤维素分解菌株中,B5 和D4-1 在降解纤维素的同时还具有直接以纤维素为底物产氢的功能,因此本文分别对菌株B5 和D4-1 以及二者的组合菌株B5+D4-1 直接利用秸秆为基质发酵生物产氢做了初步探索研究。结果发现:组合菌株发酵产氢的效果以及对秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的降解率要比单菌株好。菌株B5+D4-1 发酵,秸秆的产氢量为11.4 mL g-1,分别是B5 和D4-1 单菌株的1.6 倍和3.1 倍;组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵的最大氢气浓度为31.6%,分别是B5 和D4-1 单菌株的1.3 倍和2.4 倍。在发酵过程中,组合菌株B5+D4-1 对秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的最高降解率分别为35.0%和11.8%,分别是菌株B5 的1.2 倍和1.1 倍,是菌株D4-1的1.5 倍和1.3 倍。菌株B5,D4-1 以及组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵过程产生的挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)均以乙酸为主。菌株B5 单独发酵过程中只检测到乙酸和丁酸,菌株D4-1 单独发酵以及组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵过程检测到有乙醇、乙酸和丁酸。 The fermentative bio-hydrogen production by anaerobic hydrogen bacteria preserved in our laboratory from the straw which had been pretreated by four anaerobic cellulolytic decomposition strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1 which were isolated and screened from giant panda’s excrement and biogas fermentation enrichments conserved in our laboratory was studied. Besides, the impact of chemical(1% H2SO4、25% NH3·H2O and 12% NaOH), biological (cellulolytic strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1) and chemical-biological combination pretreatment on bio-hydrogen production from straw by fermentation was also comparatively studied. The experiments showed that the best results of bio-hydrogen production were obtained from the straw with 12% NaOH-biological combination pretreatment method, its capability of bio-hydrogen production was 21.04 mL g-1, which was 75 times higher than the straw without pretreatment; the maximum concentration of H2 was 57.3%, which was 96 times higher than the straw without pretreatment; its optimum pH range was 4.5 ~ 6.0, and its optimum range of substrate concentration was 45 ~ 55 g L-1; In the process of fermentation, the main composition of VFAs were acetate and butyrate. Among the four strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1, B5 and D4-1 have the function of hydrogen-producing by cellulose used as substrate when it decompose cellulose, so the preliminary exploration and research on fermentative bio-hydrogen production by B5, D4-1 and B5+D4-1 which directly used straw as substrate was carried out. The results showed that the combination strains of B5+D4-1 was strikingly better than either B5 or D4-1 strain in the fermentative hydrogen production. The hydrogen-production capability of B5+D4-1 was 11.4 mL g-1 which was respectively 1.6 times and 3.1times higher than B5 and D4-1; the maximum hydrogen concentration of B5+D4-1 was 31.6% which was respectively 1.3 times and 2.4 times higher than B5 and D4-1. In the process of fermentation, the maximum degradation rate of cellulose and hemicellulose in straw was respectively 35.0% and 11.8% by B5+D4-1, which was 1.2 times and 1.1 times higher than B5, and was 1.5 times and 1.3 times higher than D4-1 respectively. The Volatile Fattty Acids(VFAs) generated in the process of fermentation with strains of B5, D4-1 and B5+D4-1 were all mainly acetate. Acetate and butyrate were detected in the process of fermentation with B5, ethonal, acetate and butyrate were detected in the process of fermentation with D4-1 and B5+D4-1.


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本文主要研究了泸州老窖古酿酒作坊内外环境空气真菌和空气细菌的群落结构和分布特征。结果如下: 作坊内外环境空气微生物浓度差别显著,并随季节变换而变化,春、夏季微生物浓度较高,秋、冬季较低,空气真菌在夏季达到最高,细菌在春季最高。 古作坊内外环境检测到的真菌均为16 属,但优势菌属不同,作坊外的优势菌属为青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、无孢菌(non-sporing)、枝孢霉属(Cladosporium)和链格孢属(Alternaria);而作坊内优势菌属为曲霉属、青霉属、酵母菌(Yeast)、无孢菌,作坊内还含有较高浓度的根霉属(Rhizopus)、毛霉属(Mucor)、短梗霉属(Aureobasidiu),枝孢霉属和链格孢属等,曲霉属、酵母菌、根霉属、毛霉属为古酿酒作坊重要的酿酒真菌,青霉属、链格孢属为酿酒不利菌群。对古作坊内曲霉属进行了初步鉴定,主要是小冠曲霉(A.cristatellus)、米曲霉(A.oryzae)、黑曲霉(A.niger)和白曲霉(A.cadidus)。 空气细菌10 属21 种,作坊内外环境的优势菌属均为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、微球菌属(Micrococcus)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonad),其中芽孢杆菌属在作坊内占有绝对的优势,浓度比在40℅以上,是古酿酒作坊重要的酿酒细菌,另外还检测到较高浓度的乳酸杆菌(lactobucillus),这类菌容易使酒味发涩发苦,为酿酒不利菌。 作坊内外环境空气微生物表现出明显的交流现象。作坊内,青霉属、枝孢霉属、链格孢属、葡萄球菌属等杂菌占有一定比例;而在作坊外,芽孢杆菌属、曲霉属、根霉属(Rhizopus)、酵母菌等处于相对较高水平,绿化环境较好的营沟头作坊内的短梗霉属,枝孢霉属和链格孢属等杂菌含量低于什字头和新街子作坊。 The community structure and distribution characteristic of airborne microbes was investigated in ancient brewage workshops of luzhoulaojiao. The results are as follows: The concentration of airborne microbes was different in interior and exterior environment of ancient workshops, and also varied by seasons. microbial concentration was higher in spring and summer, and lower in fall and winner. The highest levels of airborne bacteria was in spring, but the fungal’s in summer. The identified genus of fungi were 16 in interior and exterior environment of the ancient workshops. But the dominant genus were different , The advantage genus in the interior were Aspergillus, Yeasts, Penicillum and Nonsporing and in the exterior were Penicillum, Nonsporing, Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Aureobasidiu. Rhizopus ,mucor, Aureobasidiu, Cladosporium, Alternaria and all also were at a higher level. Among these, Aspergillus, Yeasts, Rhizopus ,mucor are important vintage flora . Penicillum, Alternaria do harm to vintage. Aspergillus of ancient workshops was identified , the preponderant aspergillus species were A.cristatellus, A.oryzae, A.niger and A.cadidus in ancient brewage workshops. 10 genus 21 species bacteria were identified, the advantage genuses among the interior and exterior of the three workshops were bacillus, microccus, Staphylococcus Pseudomonas. Bacillus, which account for beyond 40℅ of the total bacteria concentration in all sampling pots, was the most dominant genus. Lactobacillus was identified at a high level in ancient workshops, it makes spirit taste bitter and astringent. So it is not a kind of good bacterium for vintage. The fungus in the interior and exterior atmosphere characterized intercommunion phenomenon. Obviously, the concentration of profitless fungus such as Penicillum, Cladosporium, Alternaria appeared in the interior, and the fungus such as Bacillus, Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Yeasts in the exterior were at a relatively high level. the harmfull fungus in yinggoutou workshops such as Aureobasidiu, Cladosporium, Alternaria and all were lower than shenzitou and xinjiezi workshops.


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