
Autoria(s): 刘培旺






本文从新鲜大熊猫粪便和实验室保存的沼气发酵富集物中筛选得到 4 株厌氧纤维素分解菌B5、C3、D3-2、D4-1,利用这4 株菌预处理秸秆,然后将预处理后的秸秆用本实验室保存的厌氧产氢菌来发酵进行生物产氢。同时还比较研究了:○1 用1% H2SO4、25% NH3 · H2O和12% NaOH对秸秆进行化学预处理;○2 用厌氧纤维素分解菌对秸秆进行生物预处理;○3 化学与生物组合预处理对秸秆发酵生物产氢的影响。实验结果表明:12% NaOH和生物组合预处理后的秸秆发酵产氢效果最好,其产氢量为21.04 mL g-1,是未经预处理秸秆的75 倍;最高氢气浓度为57.3%,是未经预处理秸秆的96 倍;其产氢的最适pH 为4.5 ~ 6.0,最佳底物浓度为45 ~ 55 g L-1;其发酵过程中的挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)以乙酸和丁酸为主。 本实验筛选到的 4 株厌氧纤维素分解菌株中,B5 和D4-1 在降解纤维素的同时还具有直接以纤维素为底物产氢的功能,因此本文分别对菌株B5 和D4-1 以及二者的组合菌株B5+D4-1 直接利用秸秆为基质发酵生物产氢做了初步探索研究。结果发现:组合菌株发酵产氢的效果以及对秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的降解率要比单菌株好。菌株B5+D4-1 发酵,秸秆的产氢量为11.4 mL g-1,分别是B5 和D4-1 单菌株的1.6 倍和3.1 倍;组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵的最大氢气浓度为31.6%,分别是B5 和D4-1 单菌株的1.3 倍和2.4 倍。在发酵过程中,组合菌株B5+D4-1 对秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的最高降解率分别为35.0%和11.8%,分别是菌株B5 的1.2 倍和1.1 倍,是菌株D4-1的1.5 倍和1.3 倍。菌株B5,D4-1 以及组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵过程产生的挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)均以乙酸为主。菌株B5 单独发酵过程中只检测到乙酸和丁酸,菌株D4-1 单独发酵以及组合菌株B5+D4-1 发酵过程检测到有乙醇、乙酸和丁酸。 The fermentative bio-hydrogen production by anaerobic hydrogen bacteria preserved in our laboratory from the straw which had been pretreated by four anaerobic cellulolytic decomposition strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1 which were isolated and screened from giant panda’s excrement and biogas fermentation enrichments conserved in our laboratory was studied. Besides, the impact of chemical(1% H2SO4、25% NH3·H2O and 12% NaOH), biological (cellulolytic strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1) and chemical-biological combination pretreatment on bio-hydrogen production from straw by fermentation was also comparatively studied. The experiments showed that the best results of bio-hydrogen production were obtained from the straw with 12% NaOH-biological combination pretreatment method, its capability of bio-hydrogen production was 21.04 mL g-1, which was 75 times higher than the straw without pretreatment; the maximum concentration of H2 was 57.3%, which was 96 times higher than the straw without pretreatment; its optimum pH range was 4.5 ~ 6.0, and its optimum range of substrate concentration was 45 ~ 55 g L-1; In the process of fermentation, the main composition of VFAs were acetate and butyrate. Among the four strains of B5, C3, D3-2, D4-1, B5 and D4-1 have the function of hydrogen-producing by cellulose used as substrate when it decompose cellulose, so the preliminary exploration and research on fermentative bio-hydrogen production by B5, D4-1 and B5+D4-1 which directly used straw as substrate was carried out. The results showed that the combination strains of B5+D4-1 was strikingly better than either B5 or D4-1 strain in the fermentative hydrogen production. The hydrogen-production capability of B5+D4-1 was 11.4 mL g-1 which was respectively 1.6 times and 3.1times higher than B5 and D4-1; the maximum hydrogen concentration of B5+D4-1 was 31.6% which was respectively 1.3 times and 2.4 times higher than B5 and D4-1. In the process of fermentation, the maximum degradation rate of cellulose and hemicellulose in straw was respectively 35.0% and 11.8% by B5+D4-1, which was 1.2 times and 1.1 times higher than B5, and was 1.5 times and 1.3 times higher than D4-1 respectively. The Volatile Fattty Acids(VFAs) generated in the process of fermentation with strains of B5, D4-1 and B5+D4-1 were all mainly acetate. Acetate and butyrate were detected in the process of fermentation with B5, ethonal, acetate and butyrate were detected in the process of fermentation with D4-1 and B5+D4-1.






刘培旺.利用含纤维素原料发酵产氢的研究.[硕士 学位论文 ].中国科学院研究生院.2008-05-01

Palavras-Chave #环境科学 #秸秆 #纤维素 #厌氧纤维素分解菌 #发酵 #生物产氢 #straw #cellulose #anaerobic cellulolytic decomposition strain #fermentation #bio-hydrogen production
