936 resultados para 12930-026


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In this paper, the water relaxation enhancement behavior of Gd-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid(DTPA) in water and in aqueous solution of bovine serum albumine(BSA) has been studied. The T-1 relaxivity of Gd-DTPA in BSA solution is higher than that in aqueous solution. The results indicate that Gd-DTPA can integrate non-covalently with BSA mainly in forms of (Gd-DTPA) . BSA, (Gd-DTPA)(2) . BSA, for which the apparent equilibrium constant is 0.026 mmol(-1).L,0.0018 mmol(-2).L-2 respectively. This method would be used to study the interactivities between protein and contrast agent.


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A poly(4-vinyl)pyridine (PVP)/Pd film electrode was constructed for the electrocatalytic detection of hydrazine. The preparation of the PVP/GC electrode was performed by electropolymerization of the monomer 4-vinylpyridine onto the surface of a glassy carbon electrode. Subsequently, palladium is electrodeposited onto the polymer modified electrode surface. The ion-exchange function of PVP polymer is helpful to this process in view of the tetrachlorapalladate anion. Compared with the Pd/GC electrode, the modified electrode displays a better mechanical stability in a flowing stream. The PVP/Pd film electrode exhibits higher sensitivity when detecting hydrazine with a detection limit of 0.026 ng (S/N=3).


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Heterotrophic culture of microalgae to develop methods of increasing biomass productivity and storage lipids has brought new insight to commercial biodiesel production. To understand the relationship between heterotrophy and lipid production, the effects of carbon sources on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sorokiniana GXNN01 was studied. The alga exhibited an increased growth rate in response to the addition of carbon sources, which reached the stationary phase after 48 h at 30A degrees C. In addition, glucose and NaAc had a significant effect on the lipid accumulation during the early-stationary phase. Specifically, the lipid content was 0.237 +/- 0.026 g g(-1) cell dry weight and 0.272 +/- 0.041 g L-1 when glucose was used as the carbon source, whereas the lipid content reached 0.287 +/- 0.018 g g(-1) cell dry weight and 0.288 +/- 0.008 g L-1 when NaAc was used as the carbon source. The neutral lipid content was found to first decrease and then increase over time during the growth phase. A glucose concentration of 20 mmol L-1 gave the maximal lipid yield and the optimum harvest time was the early-stationary phase.


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浮游动物在海洋生态系统物质循环和能量流动中起着至关重要的作用。浮游动物物种组成、生物量和次级生产力的变化会改变生态系统的结构和功能。在黄海生态系统中如何描述这个过程,并使它易于模拟是本论文的研究目的。生物量和生产力是海洋生态系统食物网的基础。谁是浮游动物生物量和次级生产力的基础?哪些种类在生态系统中起关键作用?这些问题在黄海这样的温带陆架边缘海区很难回答,原因是物种组成、生物量和生产力的季节变化显著。因此,在对黄海食物产出的关键过程进行模拟时,需要应用既准确又简便的方法来对浮游动物群落的生态过程进行模拟。在对黄海浮游动物群落结构和物理海洋学特征进行充分的分析之后,浮游动物功能群的方法被确定用来进行黄海生态系统结构和功能的模拟。 根据浮游动物的粒径、摄食习性和营养功能,黄海浮游动物被分为6个功能群:大型浮游甲壳动物功能群(Giant crustacean,GC)、大型桡足类功能群(Large copepods, LC)、小型桡足类功能群(Small copepods,SC)、毛颚类功能群(Chaetognaths)、水母类功能群(Medusae)和海樽类功能群(Salps)。GC、LC和SC是按照粒径大小而划分的功能群,他们是高营养层次的主要食物资源。毛颚类和水母类是两类胶质性的肉食性浮游动物功能群,他们与高营养层次竞争摄食饵料浮游动物;海樽类与其他浮游动物种类竞争摄食浮游植物,而本身的物质和能量却不能有效的传递到高营养层次。本文研究报道了浮游动物各功能群的时空分布、基于浮游动物动能群的黄海生态区划分、饵料浮游动物功能群的生产力、毛颚类对浮游动物的摄食压力以及中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)的摄食生态学。 春季,浮游动物生物量为2.1 g m–2,GC、LC和SC对生物量的贡献率分别为19, 44 和 26%。高生物量的LC和SC功能群主要分布于山东半岛南岸的近岸海域,而GC主要分布在远岸站位。夏季,浮游动物的生物量为3.1 g m–2,GC贡献了73%。GC、LC和SC主要分布在黄海的中部海域。秋季,浮游动物生物量为1.8 g m–2,GC、LC和SC的贡献率相似,分别为36, 33和23%,高生物量的GC和LC分布在黄海中部,而SC主要分布在远岸站位。GC和LC是冬季浮游动物生物量(2.9 g m–2)的优势功能群,分别贡献率了57%和27%,高生物量的GC、LC和SC都分布在黄海的中部海域。与GC、LC和SC相比,毛颚类生物量较低,主要分布于黄海的中北部海域。水母类(本文中指小型水母类)和海樽类斑块分布明显,主要分布于黄海沿岸和北部海域。属于不同功能群的约10个种类为浮游动物的优势种,控制着浮游动物群落的动态。 春季,黄海可以被分成4个浮游动物生态区,浮游动物生物量的分布中心位于山东半岛南岸近岸海域,与第一个生态区相对应,LC和SC在分布中心起主要的控制作用;夏、秋和冬季,黄海分别被分成3、4和3个生态区,浮游动物生物量的分布中心均位于黄海的中部海域,均与各季节的第一个生态区相对应,GC和LC是分布中心生态区的优势功能群,对分布中心起主要的控制作用。黄海冷水团(YSCBW)在GC、LC和SC的空间分布模式中起着重要的作用。黄海不同季节浮游动物生态区的空间分布模式及生态区中起控制作用的优势功能群类别有着重要的生态学意义。 我们将饵料浮游动物功能群细化为0.16–0.25 mm、0.25–0.5 mm、0.5–1 mm、1–2 mm和 >2 mm5个粒径组。应用生物能量学的方法研究了不同粒径浮游动物的生产力。结果表明:浮游动物次级生产力5月份最高,为91.9 mg C m–2 d–1,其次是6月和9月,分别为75.6 mg C m–2 d–1和65.5 mg C m–2 d–1,8月、3月和12月较低,仅为42.3 mg C m–2 d–1、35.9 mg C m–2 d–1和27.9 mg C m–2 d–1。根据这些结果,黄海浮游动物年次级生产力为18.9 g C m–2 year–1。0.16–0.25 mm和 0.25–0.5 mm 两个粒径组对浮游动物次级生产力的贡献率为58–79%,即相对应的SC功能群的周转率(P/B, 0.091–0.193 d–1)要高于GC和LC。 黄海毛颚类功能群的优势种类为强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)、纳嘎箭虫(S. nagae)、肥胖箭虫(S. enflata)和百陶箭虫(S. bedoti)。我们对这四种箭虫的生产力和对浮游动物生物量和生产力的摄食压力进行了研究。结果表明:黄海毛颚类总的生物量为98–217 mg m–2,总的生产力为1.22–2.36 mg C m–2 d–1。黄海毛颚类的生物量占浮游动物总生物量的6.35–14.47%,而生产力仅占浮游动物总生产力的2.54–6.04%。强壮箭虫和纳嘎箭虫是黄海毛颚类功能群的绝对优势种,控制着黄海毛颚类群落的动态。黄海毛颚类总的摄食率为4.24–8.18 mg C m–2d–1,对浮游动物现存量和生产力总的摄食压力分别为为0.94%和12.56%。黄海冬季,浮游动物的现存量和生产力为0.4 g C m–2和0.026 g C m–2d–1,而毛颚类的摄食压力却达到了全年的最大值,为1.4%和20.94%。因此,毛颚类的摄食可能对冬季浮游动物群落结构造成重要的影响。通过不同体长组箭虫的摄食率可以推断,黄海毛颚类全年主要摄食小型桡足类,对SC功能群的摄食压力最大。但是在夏季黄海冷水团形成的月份,毛颚类对前体长为2 mm的LC功能群中的种类摄食压力也较大,但此时,由于优势种中华哲水蚤进入滞育阶段,因此毛颚类的摄食会对其种群数量造成严重的影响。 中华哲水蚤在春、秋季的摄食率分别为2.08–11.46和0.26–3.70 µg C female–1 day–1,与微型浮游生物的现存量呈显著的正相关。春季,在黄海的北部,中华哲水蚤通过摄食微型浮游生物吸收的碳量能够满足其代谢和繁殖需求,而在黄海的南部和秋季黄海冷水团锋区附近,中华哲水蚤必须通过摄食其他类型的食物资源来维持其代谢和生殖需求。较低的摄食率、无产卵以及种群中CV期桡足幼体占优势表明,秋季中华哲水蚤在黄海冷水团区域内处于滞育状态。中华哲水蚤优先摄食微型原生动物,并且春季中华哲水蚤总的生长效率(GGE, 3–39%)与食物中微型原生动物的比例呈显著的正相关,表明微型原生动物具有较高的营养价值。但是,因较低的产卵率(0.16–12.6 eggs female–1 day–1)而导致的中华哲水蚤较低的总生长效率(13.4%),可能就是由于其食物中的必需营养成分含量不足(或缺乏)造成的。 本文从生物量的角度,对黄海浮游动物各功能群的时空分布、生态区划分进行了研究报道,对GC、LC和SC功能群的生产力、毛颚类对浮游动物的摄食压力和中华哲水蚤的摄食生态学进行了较为深入的研究,这些结果为黄海食物产出的关键过程的模拟提供了基础资料。今后的研究重点应搞清楚黄海水母类对浮游动物次级生产力的摄食压力和海樽类在食物产出模型中产生的负效应的程度,浮游动物各功能群的组成、季节变化和空间分布模式的长期变化,尤其是在气候变化和人类活动的影响下,将是今后研究的重点。


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通过对贵州大方高岭土(GZK-1)、苏州高岭土(JSK)、新疆伊宁高岭土(XJK-6)和新疆尉犁水黑云母及其酸活化处理样矿物学特征的系统研究,得出如下讨论:(1)GZK-1、JSK、和XJK-6的微活指数依次为 29%, 13%和0%,在微活指数上埃洛石>高岭石>地开石;(2)高岭土的微活指数仅与杂质铁(Fe_2O_3+FeO)的含量有一定的正相关关系;(3)高岭土的微活指数与其孔体积和比表面积有正相关关系;(4)高岭土的微活指数主要与矿物成分有关,其结构羟基的特性是活性的根源;(5)XJK-6的比表面积小(9 m~2/g)、孔体积小(0.026 ml/g)、大孔多、热稳定性好、几乎无活性;(6)在一定的实验条件下,可获得即具大的比表面积、孔径和孔体积,又尽可能保持原有晶体结构的酸活化产物;(7)活化样品中K_2O、Fe_2O_3、MgO的含量可指示其比表面积的变化;(8)水黑云母含金云母晶层的矿物晶体结构决定了其比蛭石晶层耐酸腐蚀,在较为苛刻的条件下金云母晶层仍然保持;(9)酸活化产物的特点:结构中含一定量的镁;Na_2O含量低,K_2O的含量高;比表面积大(130 m~2/g);孔体积高(0.119 ml/g),中孔多;微活指数低 (4.7%).


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沉积物表层几厘米范围经常呈现某些微量金属元素富集的现象,过去常笼统地认为这是工业革命以来人为污染不断加剧的证据。但近来的研究却证明强烈的早期成岩作用可以在一定程度上造成微量金属元素在沉积物中的再迁移现象,使得其环境记录失真。因此沉积物中元素分布记录不能完全反映对流域输入的物质组成特征。另外,在一定条件下,沉积物中部分金属元素也可再次向上覆水体释放,造成“二次污染”问题,严重威胁到湖泊/水库的水质安全,成为埋藏在湖泊深处的一颗“定时炸弹”。各种地球化学过程在沉积物一水界面附近造成的重金属元素的源/汇效应因此日益受到人们的重视。近年来贵州红枫湖水质季节性恶化事件频繁出现,作为贵阳市饮用水源的阿哈湖水质也开始出现季节性恶化趋势。紧迫的环境问题及重要的科学意义促使我们系统开展了红枫湖、啊哈湖沉积物一水界面微量金属的地球化学行为研究。两湖都是黔中地区人工水库,具有岩溶湖泊的共性,也具有明显的区别。红枫湖湖水具有典型的岩溶水化学特征,湖水中度富营养化;而啊哈湖受矿山废水的影响,同时由于近年的人工石灰投放等原因,造成该湖湖水具有极硬水、硫酸盐型水特征,矿化度达到600tng/L。我们对上述两湖进行了详细研究,获得了如下的研究成果:1.硫酸盐还原细菌(SRB)及铁还原细菌(DIRB)的计数直观地指示了有机质早期成岩过程中各电子受体依次利用的分带性:即硫还原(锰还原)叶铁还原。孔隙水中硫酸根及溶解铁分布与SRB和D工RB的分布吻合。沉积物孔柱的模拟实验、各类还原性微生物计数及与孔隙水中铁锰、硫酸根分布的综合分析证实了微生物的作用是厌氧环境中各种还原反应的不可缺少的因素,界面附近氧含量的变化是引起水质恶化的基本外因。模拟实验的结果还解释了铁、锰、硫在季节性缺氧湖泊中的循环机理。2.微生物计数及生物大分子分析证实了上层沉积物(0-10厘米)是微生物活跃最为强烈的区域,易降解有机质在此区域被降解。红枫湖沉积物有机质降解持续的深度较深〔达到10cm),而啊哈湖沉积物有机质降解持续深度较浅,仅为4厘米,这主要是由于两湖都是季节性厌氧型湖泊,红枫湖在缺氧季节,有机质厌氧降解所需的电子受体迅速消耗,使得缺氧季节该湖有机质降解速率相对缓慢;啊哈湖受到大量煤矿废水注入,水体及沉积物中硫酸根、铁锰含量异常高,并在厌氧季节里为微生物厌氧呼吸提供充足的电子受体,因而易降解部分有机质在表层迅速被氧化,而且该湖沉积速率相对较慢,有机质有相对充裕的时间在上层被降解,避免了被掩埋的命运。3.啊哈湖沉积物孔隙水及界面水δ13CDIC及DIC浓度的分析,显示啊哈湖沉积物产甲烷过程很弱或不明显。这主要是受到硫酸盐还原作用的抑制。从δ34SSO42-SO42-相关关系及硫酸盐还原菌分布特征,可以在深度上划分为两种还原过程及硫同位素分馏过程:慢速还原阶段(6厘米以下),硫同位素分馏程度较大,最大分馏达13.71%。分馏因子约为1.024-1.026之间;快速还原阶段(0-6厘米),硫同位素具有明显分馏,最大达到38‰,这与快速还原过程硫同位素分馏较小的规律相反,主要原因是由于表层同时出现有还原态硫的氧化反应.产生较负的δ34S-so41,δ34S-SO42--SO42-的变化反映出混合过程。通过研究我们进一步还推断,采样点沉积物下部还有煤矿硫源的输入。4.两湖沉积物中铁、锰、硫的还原作用发生位置都具有季节性沿沉积深度上下迁移的特性,部分微量金属元素扩散通量因此发生季节性变化。受沉积物中铁锰含量的控制,红枫湖沉积物一水界面铁锰循环作用比啊哈湖弱。啊哈湖锰含量很高,导致界面附近锰的循环剧烈且远强于铁的循环,并在一定程度上引起部分微量金属在沉积物上层强烈富集。5.通过红枫湖后五沉积物剖面研究,我们发现各种微量元素由于其自身不同的地球化学性质差异,早期成岩过程对其在沉积物中的垂直分布特征的改造程度是不同的。①锰具有明显的向上富集趋势,铁在沉积物中的分布特征的后期改造作用就比较弱。②钻、镍分布的后期改造程度与铁相似,从总量来看再迁移程度比较弱。③铜、锌在早期成岩过程中逐渐向沉积物中上部富集,这主要是与铜锌强烈的亲硫性引起的。钥的表层富集现象最为明显,沉积后再迁移效应显著。由其含量在上层沉积物中的两重峰值,可以指示界面剧烈的锰循环及界面下硫酸盐还原作用对它的联合控制。6.与红枫湖相比,啊哈湖沉积物金属元素再迁移特征有很大的不同:①通过部分微量金属元素地球化学相态分析,各相态微量金属分布主要服从其总量分布特征。②沉积物稀土配分模式明确指示了啊哈湖成湖基底的位置,即沉积物-水界面下18-19厘米以下。③通过Ti、Zr、ΣREE+Y等的分析也显示了成湖前原始基底的存在位置,同时它们在沉积物中的含量变化特征还反映了该湖扩容后陆源输入的减少。④在沉积深度上铁锰及部分微量金属元素出现明显的分离现象。⑤通过相关性分析,Fe与Cu,U、Mn与Pb,C0,Ni,Cd,Zn等都存在很好的相关性,表明它们之间具有相似的界面地球化学行为。Fe型元素与Mn型元素分布差异的原因可以简约的概括为:锰的界面循环极为强烈,导致再迁移程度很高;而铁的循环相对较弱,又容易受到上层硫酸盐还原作用的抑制,因此再迁移程度不高。此外,由岩溶地区湖泊较强的酸中和能力及近年来的人为石灰投放,沉淀PH不同导致微量金属元素间发生分离,引起下游大坝处金属元素的输入差异。因此,啊哈湖大坝附近沉积物中微量金属元素的分布特征应受到沉积后再迁移和受 pH控制的煤矿废水输送差异联合制约。


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Weighted graph matching is a good way to align a pair of shapes represented by a set of descriptive local features; the set of correspondences produced by the minimum cost of matching features from one shape to the features of the other often reveals how similar the two shapes are. However, due to the complexity of computing the exact minimum cost matching, previous algorithms could only run efficiently when using a limited number of features per shape, and could not scale to perform retrievals from large databases. We present a contour matching algorithm that quickly computes the minimum weight matching between sets of descriptive local features using a recently introduced low-distortion embedding of the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) into a normed space. Given a novel embedded contour, the nearest neighbors in a database of embedded contours are retrieved in sublinear time via approximate nearest neighbors search. We demonstrate our shape matching method on databases of 10,000 images of human figures and 60,000 images of handwritten digits.


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C.G.G. Aitken, Q. Shen, R. Jensen and B. Hayes. The evaluation of evidence for exponentially distributed data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 5682-5693, 2007.


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For a given TCP flow, exogenous losses are those occurring on links other than the flow's bottleneck link. Exogenous losses are typically viewed as introducing undesirable "noise" into TCP's feedback control loop, leading to inefficient network utilization and potentially severe global unfairness. This has prompted much research on mechanisms for hiding such losses from end-points. In this paper, we show through analysis and simulations that low levels of exogenous losses are surprisingly beneficial in that they improve stability and convergence, without sacrificing efficiency. Based on this, we argue that exogenous loss awareness should be taken into account in any AQM design that aims to achieve global fairness. To that end, we propose an exogenous-loss aware Queue Management (XQM) that actively accounts for and leverages exogenous losses. We use an equation based approach to derive the quiescent loss rate for a connection based on the connection's profile and its global fair share. In contrast to other queue management techniques, XQM ensures that a connection sees its quiescent loss rate, not only by complementing already existing exogenous losses, but also by actively hiding exogenous losses, if necessary, to achieve global fairness. We establish the advantages of exogenous-loss awareness using extensive simulations in which, we contrast the performance of XQM to that of a host of traditional exogenous-loss unaware AQM techniques.


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We leverage the buffering capabilities of end-systems to achieve scalable, asynchronous delivery of streams in a peer-to-peer environment. Unlike existing cache-and-relay schemes, we propose a distributed prefetching protocol where peers prefetch and store portions of the streaming media ahead of their playout time, thus not only turning themselves to possible sources for other peers but their prefetched data can allow them to overcome the departure of their source-peer. This stands in sharp contrast to existing cache-and-relay schemes where the departure of the source-peer forces its peer children to go the original server, thus disrupting their service and increasing server and network load. Through mathematical analysis and simulations, we show the effectiveness of maintaining such asynchronous multicasts from several source-peers to other children peers, and the efficacy of prefetching in the face of peer departures. We confirm the scalability of our dPAM protocol as it is shown to significantly reduce server load.


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This paper explores the problem of protecting a site on the Internet against hostile external Java applets while allowing trusted internal applets to run. With careful implementation, a site can be made resistant to current Java security weaknesses as well as those yet to be discovered. In addition, we describe a new attack on certain sophisticated firewalls that is most effectively realized as a Java applet.


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Long-range dependence has been observed in many recent Internet traffic measurements. In addition, some recent studies have shown that under certain network conditions, TCP itself can produce traffic that exhibits dependence over limited timescales, even in the absence of higher-level variability. In this paper, we use a simple Markovian model to argue that when the loss rate is relatively high, TCP's adaptive congestion control mechanism indeed generates traffic with OFF periods exhibiting power-law shape over several timescales and thus introduces pseudo-long-range dependence into the overall traffic. Moreover, we observe that more variable initial retransmission timeout values for different packets introduces more variable packet inter-arrival times, which increases the burstiness of the overall traffic. We can thus explain why a single TCP connection can produce a time-series that can be misidentified as self-similar using standard tests.


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We present a distributed indexing scheme for peer to peer networks. Past work on distributed indexing traded off fast search times with non-constant degree topologies or network-unfriendly behavior such as flooding. In contrast, the scheme we present optimizes all three of these performance measures. That is, we provide logarithmic round searches while maintaining connections to a fixed number of peers and avoiding network flooding. In comparison to the well known scheme Chord, we provide competitive constant factors. Finally, we observe that arbitrary linear speedups are possible and discuss both a general brute force approach and specific economical optimizations.