750 resultados para violence - marriage - immigrants
Este estudio surge con la intención de dar respuesta a la atención psicosocial en formato grupal de mujeres migradas que han sido víctimas de violencia de género. Dado que nos movemos en una sociedad multicultural, debemos encaminar nuestros esfuerzos hacia la integración del elemento cultural en las intervenciones. El trabajo está articulado en torno a dos grandes bloques. El primero, con tres ejes medulares, trata la situación actual de las mujeres migradas en nuestro contexto: I) los factores críticos en las mujeres migradas para superar la situación de maltrato; II) el marco legal de protección de las mujeres víctimas de malos tratos, y III) las respuestas y los retos actuales a los que nos enfrenta este fenómeno. Para elaborar el segundo bloque se ha tenido en cuenta las experiencias particulares de las mujeres extranjeras y sus contextos. A partir de entrevistas y grupos de discusión, se han ido recogiendo la voz de las mujeres migradas que han vivido situaciones de maltrato y explorado sus realidades, preocupaciones e inquietudes a fin de poder responder a sus necesidades para ayudarlas en los procesos de recuperación.
Este estudio surge con la intención de dar respuesta a la atención psicosocial en formato grupal de mujeres migradas que han sido víctimas de violencia de género. Dado que nos movemos en una sociedad multicultural, debemos encaminar nuestros esfuerzos hacia la integración del elemento cultural en las intervenciones. El trabajo está articulado en torno a dos grandes bloques. El primero, con tres ejes medulares, trata la situación actual de las mujeres migradas en nuestro contexto: I) los factores críticos en las mujeres migradas para superar la situación de maltrato; II) el marco legal de protección de las mujeres víctimas de malos tratos, y III) las respuestas y los retos actuales a los que nos enfrenta este fenómeno. Para elaborar el segundo bloque se ha tenido en cuenta las experiencias particulares de las mujeres extranjeras y sus contextos. A partir de entrevistas y grupos de discusión, se han ido recogiendo la voz de las mujeres migradas que han vivido situaciones de maltrato y explorado sus realidades, preocupaciones e inquietudes a fin de poder responder a sus necesidades para ayudarlas en los procesos de recuperación.
We analyse the impact of working and contractual conditions, particularly exposure to job risks, on the probability of acquiring a permanent disability, controlling for other personal and firm characteristics. We postulate a model in which this impact is mediated by the choice of occupation, with a level of risk associated with it. We assume this choice is endogenous, and that it depends on preferences and opportunities in the labour market, both of which may differ between immigrants and natives. To test this hypothesis we apply a bivariate probit model to data for 2006 from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives provided by the Spanish Social Security system, containing records for over a million workers. We find that risk exposure increases the probability of permanent disability arising from any cause - by almost 5%.
El maltractament vers les dones en les relacions de parella no és exclusiu de cap grup sociocultural. En el nostre país són molt escassos els estudis empírics sobre dones immigrants que pateixen una situació d’abús, i sobre les diferències respecte a les dones autòctones. Els objectius d’aquest treball són: 1) descriure i diferenciar les circumstàncies del maltractament en la relació de parella que pateixen les dones autòctones i les immigrants; 2) comparar la qualitat de la relació de parella d’ambdós grups; i 3) avaluar i comparar els perfils de personalitat, la simptomatologia clínica i la possible psicopatologia de les dones autòctones i immigrants. Es realitza una entrevista semiestructurada i s’administra el Millon Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II, Millon, 1999) i la Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS, Spanier, 1976), a 32 dones autòctones i 16 immigrants (N=48) que consulten en un servei d’atenció psicoterapèutica. En contrast amb altres estudis, els resultats indiquen que les dones autòctones presenten un perfil psicopatològic més greu i valoren més deficientment la qualitat de la seva relació de parella. Paraules clau: dones maltractades autòctones i immigrants, circumstàncies del maltractament, perfi ls de personalitat, simptomatologia clínica i psicopatologia.
BACKGROUND: Numbers of travellers visiting friends and relatives (VFRs) from Europe to malaria endemic countries are increasing and include long-term and second generation immigrants, who represent the major burden of malaria cases imported back into Europe. Most recommendations for malaria chemoprophylaxis lack a solid evidence base, and often fail to address the cultural, social and economic needs of VFRs. METHODS: European travel medicine experts, who are members of TropNetEurop, completed a sequential series of questionnaires according to the Delphi method. This technique aims at evaluating and developing a consensus through repeated iterations of questionnaires. The questionnaires in this study included questions about professional experience with VFRs, controversial issues in malaria prophylaxis, and 16 scenarios exploring indications for prescribing and choice of chemoprophylaxis. RESULTS: The experience of participants was rather diverse as was their selection of chemoprophylaxis regimen. A significant consensus was observed in only seven of 16 scenarios. The analysis revealed a wide variation in prescribing choices with preferences grouped by region of practice and increased prescribing seen in Northern Europe compared to Central Europe. CONCLUSIONS: Improving the evidence base on efficacy, adherence to chemoprophylaxis and risk of malaria and encouraging discussion among experts, using techniques such as the Delphi method, may reduce the variability in prescription in European travel clinics.
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: The positive relationship between alcohol use, gender and violence-related injury is well established. However, less is known about injuries when alcohol is used in combination with other drugs. DESIGN AND METHODS: Self-report information was collected on alcohol and illicit drug use in the 6 h before a violence-related injury in probability samples of patients presenting to emergency departments (n = 9686). RESULTS: Patients with violence-related injuries reported the highest rates of alcohol use (49% of men; 23% of women) and alcohol use combined with illicit drugs (8% of men; 4% of women) whereas non-violent injury patients reported lower rates of alcohol use (17% of men; 8% of women) and alcohol use combined with drugs (2% for men; 1% for women). Marijuana/hashish was the most commonly reported drug. The odds of a violent injury were increased when alcohol was used [men: odds ratio (OR) = 5.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.6-6.3; women: OR = 4.0, 95% CI 3.0-5.5] or when alcohol was combined with illicit drug use before the injury (men: OR = 6.6, 95% CI 4.7-9.3; women: OR = 5.7, 95% CI = 2.7-12.2) compared with non-users. No significant change in the odds of a violent injury was observed for men or women when alcohol users were compared with alcohol and drug users. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The positive association between alcohol and violent injury does not appear to be altered by the added use of drugs. Additional work is needed to understand the interpersonal, contextual and cultural factors related to substance use to identify best prevention practices and develop appropriate policies. [Korcha RA, Cherpitel CJ, Witbrodt J, Borges G, Hejazi-Bazargan S, Bond JC, Ye Y, Gmel G. Violence-related injury and gender: The role of alcohol and alcohol combined with illicit drugs. Drug Alcohol Rev 2014;33:43-50].
BACKGROUND: Migration is one of the major causes of tuberculosis in developed countries. Undocumented patients are usually not screened at the border and are not covered by a health insurance increasing their risk of developing the disease unnoticed. Urban health centres could help identify this population at risk. The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and adherence to preventive treatment in a population of undocumented immigrant patients. METHODS: All consecutive undocumented patients that visited two urban healthcare centres for vulnerable populations in Lausanne, Switzerland for the first time were offered tuberculosis screening with an interferon-gamma assay. Preventive treatment was offered if indicated. Adherence to treatment was evaluated monthly over a nine month period. RESULTS: Of the 161 participants, 131 (81.4%) agreed to screening and 125 had complete examinations. Twenty-four of the 125 patients (19.2%; CI95% 12.7;27.2) had positive interferon-gamma assay results, two of which had active tuberculosis. Only five patients with LTBI completed full preventive treatments. Five others initiated the treatment but did not follow through. CONCLUSION: Screening for tuberculosis infection in this hard-to-reach population is feasible in dedicated urban clinics, and the prevalence of LTBI is high in this vulnerable population. However, the low adherence to treatment is an important public health concern, and new strategies are needed to address this problem.