993 resultados para vinyl sulfides


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Poly(vinyl butyral)-polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared via polymerization of aniline between clay mineral platelets at two different pH levels (2.0 and 5.0), followed by dispersion of the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite in a poly(vinyl butyral) solution. A comparison was made of the effect of the pH levels and the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite precursor on the final structures of the poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites and their electrical conductivities. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of nanocomposites at both pH levels. UV-Vis spectra indicated that the polyaniline formed at both pH levels was conductive, with the UV-Vis spectra presenting a band at 420 nm corresponding to the polaronic form and the beginning of a new band at 600 nm indicating the presence of polaronic segments. FTIR spectra revealed the peaks of the groups present in polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites. The electrical conductivities of the polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites prepared at pH 2.0 were lower than those of the same nanocomposites prepared at pH 5.0, probably due to the lower formation of polyaniline chains in a more acidic dispersion and to the final configuration of polyaniline in the nanocomposites.


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Credneramides A (1) and B (2), two vinyl chloride-containing metabolites, were isolated from a Papua New Guinea collection of cf. Trichodesmium sp. nov. and expand a recently described class of vinyl chloride-containing natural products. The precursor fatty acid, credneric acid (3), was isolated from both the aqueous and organic fractions of the parent fraction as well as from another geographically and phylogenetically distinct cyanobacterial collection (Panama). Credneramides A and B inhibited spontaneous calcium oscillations in murine cerebrocortical neurons at low micro-molar concentrations (1, IC50 4.0 mu M; 2, IC50 3.8 mu M).


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Isoprene is emitted from many terrestrial plants at high rates, accounting for an estimated 1/3 of annual global volatile organic compound emissions from all anthropogenic and biogenic sources combined. Through rapid photooxidation reactions in the atmosphere, isoprene is converted to a variety of oxidized hydrocarbons, providing higher order reactants for the production of organic nitrates and tropospheric ozone, reducing the availability of oxidants for the breakdown of radiatively active trace gases such as methane, and potentially producing hygroscopic particles that act as effective cloud condensation nuclei. However, the functional basis for plant production of isoprene remains elusive. It has been hypothesized that in the cell isoprene mitigates oxidative damage during the stress-induced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but the products of isoprene-ROS reactions in plants have not been detected. Using pyruvate-2-13C leaf and branch feeding and individual branch and whole mesocosm flux studies, we present evidence that isoprene (i) is oxidized to methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein (iox) in leaves and that iox/i emission ratios increase with temperature, possibly due to an increase in ROS production under high temperature and light stress. In a primary rainforest in Amazonia, we inferred significant in plant isoprene oxidation (despite the strong masking effect of simultaneous atmospheric oxidation), from its influence on the vertical distribution of iox uptake fluxes, which were shifted to low isoprene emitting regions of the canopy. These observations suggest that carbon investment in isoprene production is larger than that inferred from emissions alone and that models of tropospheric chemistry and biotachemistryclimate interactions should incorporate isoprene oxidation within both the biosphere and the atmosphere with potential implications for better understanding both the oxidizing power of the troposphere and forest response to climate change.


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Assessing a full set of mechanical properties is a rather complicate task in the case of foams, especially if material models must be calibrated with these results. Many issues, for example anisotropy and heterogeneity, influence the mechanical behavior. This article shows through experimental analyses how the microstructure affects different experimental setups and it also quantifies the degree of anisotropy of a poly(vinyl chloride) foam. Monotonic and cyclic experimental tests were carried out using standard compression specimens and non-standard tensile specimens. Results are complemented and compared with the aid of a digital image correlation technique and scanning electron microscopy analyses. Mechanical properties (e.g., elastic and plastic Poisson's ratios) are evaluated for compression and tensile tests, for two different material directions (normal and in-plane). The material is found to be transversely isotropic. Differences in the results of the mechanical properties can be as high as 100%, or even more depending on the technique used and the loading direction. Also, the experimental analyses show how the material's microstructure behavior, like the evolution of the herein identified yield fronts and a spring back phenomenon, can influence the phenomenological response and the failure mechanisms as well as the hardening curves. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 52:2654-2663, 2012. (C) 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) with 19% of vinyl acetate and its derivatives modified by hydrolysis of 50 and 100% of the initial vinyl acetate groups were used to produce blends with thermoplastic starch (TPS) plasticized with 30 wt% glycerol. The blends were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction, water absorption, stress-strain mechanical tests, dynamic mechanical analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. In contrast to the blends with unmodified EVA. those made with hydrolyzed EVA were compatible, as demonstrated by the brittle fracture surface analysis and the results of thermal and mechanical tests. The mechanical characteristics and water absorption of the TPS were improved even with a small addition (2.5 wt%) of hydrolyzed EVA. The glass transition temperature rose with the degree of hydrolysis of EVA by 40 and 50 degrees, for the EVA with 50 and 100% hydrolysis, respectively. The addition of hydrolyzed EVA proved to be an interesting approach to improving TPS properties, even when very small quantities were used, such as 2.5 wt%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chitosan/poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PVS) films have been prepared on Nafion® membranes by the layer-by-layer (LbL) method for use in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Computational methods and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra suggest that an ionic pair is formed between the sulfonic group of PVS and the protonated amine group of chitosan, thereby promoting the growth of LbL films on the Nafion® membrane as well as partial blocking of methanol. Chronopotentiometry and potential linear scanning experiments have been carried out for investigation of methanol crossover through the Nafion® and chitosan/PVS/Nafion® membranes in a diaphragm diffusion cell. On the basis of electrical impedance measurements, the values of proton resistance of the Nafion® and chitosan/PVS/Nafion® membranes are close due to the small thickness of the LbL film. Thus, it is expected an improved DMFC performance once the additional resistance of the self-assembled film is negligible compared to the result associated with the decrease in the crossover effect.


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In this work we have investigated the intercalation of electron-donors between NbS2 slabs in Nb-based layer sulfides. Two series of Sr substituted Nb-based misfit sulfides belonging to the 1.5Q/1H and 1Q/1H series of misfit layer compounds have been synthesised. For large lanthanides (Ln=La, Ce), only the 1Q/1H compounds formed whereas for smaller lanthanides and yttrium, both types of phases can be obtained. The crystal structure of misfit sulfide (Pr0.55Sr0.45S)1.15NbS2 has been refined using the composite approach. In the Q-slab, Pr-atoms are partly replaced by Sr with a random distribution over one cation position. The crystal structure of misfit sulfide [(Sm1/3Sr2/3S)1.5]1.15NbS2 belonging to the 1.5Q/1H series have also been determined. The obtained results suggest a preferred occupancy of the cation positions in the slab where Sr atoms mainly occupy positions on the exterior of the slab while Sm atoms are in the center of the slab. The (La1-xSrxS)1.15NbS2 solid solution (0.1<x<0.9) has also been studied. It was found that the maximum value of Sr substitution is 40-50% and therefore, the minimal value of charge transfer to stabilize this structure type is about 0.6ē per Nb atom. An attempt to synthesize SrxNbS2 (0.1≤x≤0.5) intercalates was made but single phases were not obtained and increasing the temperature from 1000оС to 1100оС leads to the decomposition of these intercalates. Single crystals of Sr0.22Nb1.05S2 and Sr0.23NbS2 were found and their structures were determined. The structures belong to two different types of packings with statistical distribution of Sr between layers. A new superconducting sulfide, "EuNb2S5", was investigated by ED and HREM and its structure model consisting of Nb7S14 and (Eu3S4)2 slabs alternating along the c-axis is suggested. An attempt to suggest a model for the structure of "SrNb2S5" by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction was made. The proposed structure consists of two types of slabs: a Nb7S14 and a [Sr6(NbS4)2S] slab with niobium in tetrahedral coordination. It is shown that "SrNb2S5" and "EuNb2S5" are have similar structures. For the first time, single crystals of the complex sulfide BaNb0.9S3 have also been studied by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction. The single crystal refinement and EDX analysis showed the existence of cation vacancies at the niobium position. BaNb0.9S3 has also been studied by ED and no superstructure was found which implies that and the vacancies are statistically distributed. No improvement of the magnetic properties of the studied compounds was observed in comparison to NbS2.


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La Pialassa Baiona è una laguna sottoposta a diversi vincoli normativi, visto il suo inquadramento tra le aree SIC e ZPS, e soggetta a diverse sorgenti di disturbo antropico, più intense negli anni ‘50-‘70. Questa tesi si propone lo scopo di valutare il rischio associato ai metalli bivalenti presenti nei sedimenti della Pialassa Baiona attraverso tre approcci: il primo riguarda la determinazione della frazione biodisponibile dei metalli presenti nei sedimenti attraverso la determinazione dei solfuri acidi volatili (AVS) e dei metalli simultaneamente estraibili (SEM), nonché la valutazione della potenziale tossicità dei sedimenti attraverso la valutazione del rapporto molare SEM/AVS, il secondo approccio considera invece il contenuto pseudo totale dei metalli bivalenti (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn) e il loro confronto sia con i valori tipici di fondo naturale del Mar Adriatico che con i valori guida di riferimento internazionale (Threshold Effect Level, TEL e Probable Effect Level, PEL) al fine di valutare lo stato di qualità dei sedimenti della zona d’indagine. Il terzo approccio considera l’influenza del gradiente naturale terra-mare tipico delle zone di transizione e del gradiente antropico legato alla vicinanza dell’area industriale alla Pialassa Baiona, sulla distribuzione spaziale dei metalli oggetto di questo studio. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che l’area più prossima alla zona industriale e al contempo più lontana dall’effetto del ricambio delle acque e di dilavamento ad opera del mare, è risultata quella con livelli significativamente più elevati per la maggior parte dei metalli analizzati. Questo permette di ipotizzare un’influenza diretta delle sorgenti di inquinanti, ma anche un effetto dispersivo della circolazione. Gli AVS hanno invece evidenziato un gradiente terra-mare; ciò comporta che nelle zone più prossime all’influenza del mare si sono riscontrate concentrazioni minori di AVS. La valutazione della potenziale tossicità dei metalli in termini di rapporto SEM/AVS non ha evidenziato la presenza di siti a rischio per il biota acquatico, se non per un unico sito prossimo all’area industriale.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden eine Vielzahl optisch aktiver 1,2,6-trisubstituierte Piperidine stereoselekiv dargestellt. Bei der anschließenden Aza-Claisen-Umlagerunge wurden daraus chirale Azecinone (zyklische, ungesättigte, zehngliedrige Lactame) gebildet, die sich für die Totalsynthese u. a. von Clavepictin A eignen.rnrnDazu wurde zunächst über eine weitere zwitterionische Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung ein Dien aufgebaut, welches durch intramolekulare Grubbs-Metathese zum Piperidin geschlossen werden konnte. Daraus wurde ein Baikiain- sowie ein Pipecolinsäure-Derivat hergestellt.rnrnAuf einem weiteren Weg zu hochsubstituierten Piperidinen wurde eine von Katritzky et al. erarbeitete Synthese eines Bisaminals auf ihre Flexibilität bezüglich des Substitutionsmusters in 2- und 6-Position am Piperidinring durch eine Kaskade an Reduktionen und Grignard-Reaktionen zu stereoselektiv trisubstituierten 2-Vinyl-Piperidinen untersucht. rnrnDie anschließende zwitterionische Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung an diesen Vinyl-Piperidinen mit verschiedenen Säurefluoriden diente jeweils zur Überprüfung der Tauglichkeit der ausgewählten Reaktionswege zur Totalsynthese von Clavepictin. Durch Strukturbestimmung der gebildeten Azecinone mittels NOESY wurde der erwartete Chiralitätstransfer bei der Umlagerungsreaktion untersucht bzw. bestätigt.rnrnNebenbei wurde dabei ein Chinolizidin-Derivat gefunden, dessen Darstellung durch eine neuartige Dominoreaktion erklärt wurde und dessen Grundstruktur einen weiteren und ggf. kürzeren Syntheseweg zu Clavepictin A und seinen Derivaten zulassen sollte. rn


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The atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of styrene (St) was conducted in the presence of varying equivalence (eq) of hexafluorobenzene (HFB) and octafluorotoluene (OFT) to probe the effects of pi-pi stacking on the rate of the polymerization and on the tacticity of the resulting polystyrene (PSt). The extent of the pi-pi stacking interaction between HFB/OFT and the terminal polystyrenic phenyl group was also investigated as a function of solvent, both non-aromatic solvents (THF and hexanes) and aromatic solvents (benzene and toluene). In all cases the presence of HFB or OFT resulted in a decrease in monomer conversion indicating a reduction in the rate of the polymerization with greater retardation of the rate with increase eq of HFB or OFT (0.5 eq to 1 eq HFB/OFT compared to St). Additionally, when aromatic solvents were used instead of non-aromatic solvents the effect of the HFB/OFT on the rate was minimized, consistent with the aromatic solvent competitively interacting with the HFB/OFT. The effects of temperature and ligand strength on the ATRP of St in the presence of HFB were also probed. It was found that when using N,N,N’,N’,N’’-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) as the ligand the effects of HFB at 38o were the same as at 86oC. When tris[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-amine (Me6TREN) was used as the ligand at 38o there was a decrease in monomer conversion similar to the analogous PMDETA reaction. When the polymerization was conducted at 86oC there was no effect on the monomer conversion with HFB present compared to when HFB was absent. To investigate the pi-pi stacking effect even further, the reverse pi-pi stacking system was observed by conducting the ATRP of pentafluorostyrene (PFSt) in the presence of varying eq of benzene and toluene, which in both cases resulted in an increase in monomer conversion compared to when benzene or toluene were absent; in summary the rate of the ATRP of PFSt increases when benzene or toluene waas present in the reaction. The pi-pi stacking interaction between the HFB/OFT and the dormant alkyl bromide of the polymer chain was verified by 1H-NMR with 1-bromoethylbenzene as the alkyl bromide. Also verified by 1H-NMR was the interaction between HFB/OFT and St and the interaction between PFSt and benzene. In all 1H-NMR spectra a perturbation in the aromatic and/or vinyl peaks was observed when the pi-pi stacking agent was present compared to when it was absent. The tacticity of the PSt formed in the presence of 1 eq of HFB was compared to the PSt formed in the absence of HFB by observing the C1 signal in their 13C-NMR spectra, but no change in shape or chemical shift of the signal was observed indicating that there was no change in tacticity.


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The equilibrium relations of many of the metallic sulfides have long been a source of scientific and commer­cial interest, of particular interest, are the sulfides of nickel and copper, since the economic recovery of both of these useful metals, from their ores, involves the formation of a sulfide at some stage of the operations.