909 resultados para theology of Beauty
Despite the worship of beauty that has ruled this globalized society and the importance of physical activity for the prevention of cardio-degenerative diseases (US.DHHS, 1996), sedentary behavior continues to increase in the population. What strategies can be used by professionals of human movement to make the population physically active? It is at this point where the Transtheoretical Model appears as an innovative option that greatly surpasses the classic short-term biological interventions, which have focused on momentary changes produced by physiological values. This model has great potential since it offers the theoretical basis that makes the acquisition of an active behavior possible. This article explains the theoretical basis of the transtheoretical model, including the way to assess the stages of change and to develop different strategies to make the person active by using behavioral processes and processes of change.
S’il est établi que le baby-boomer québécois francophone issu de la tradition catholique s’est distancié de cette dernière, nous observons aussi qu’il continue à s’y identifier à chaque recensement. Ce mémoire propose une démarche et des outils permettant de décrire l’expérience de foi de celui-ci. Il s’agit de la théologie de l’intime, dont la genèse et son expérimentation sont présentés dans le cadre d’une recherche conduite auprès de sujets appartenant à cette population. Cette approche s’articule à travers trois dialogues complémentaires et interdépendants : la quête de l’essence, la démarche d’incarnation et le défi identitaire. L’expérimentation démontre que le caractère pluridisciplinaire de la théologie de l’intime réussit à décrire de façon congruente l’expérience de foi de baby-boomers dont elle confirme aussi la cohérence, malgré le constat d’un décalage doctrinal avec le catholicisme. Le mémoire conclut en proposant d’autres perspectives d’application de la théologie de l’intime.
S’il est établi que le baby-boomer québécois francophone issu de la tradition catholique s’est distancié de cette dernière, nous observons aussi qu’il continue à s’y identifier à chaque recensement. Ce mémoire propose une démarche et des outils permettant de décrire l’expérience de foi de celui-ci. Il s’agit de la théologie de l’intime, dont la genèse et son expérimentation sont présentés dans le cadre d’une recherche conduite auprès de sujets appartenant à cette population. Cette approche s’articule à travers trois dialogues complémentaires et interdépendants : la quête de l’essence, la démarche d’incarnation et le défi identitaire. L’expérimentation démontre que le caractère pluridisciplinaire de la théologie de l’intime réussit à décrire de façon congruente l’expérience de foi de baby-boomers dont elle confirme aussi la cohérence, malgré le constat d’un décalage doctrinal avec le catholicisme. Le mémoire conclut en proposant d’autres perspectives d’application de la théologie de l’intime.
A estética é algo que interfere no bem-estar das pessoas e o sorriso não é excepção, sendo até considerado um factor estético essencial nos dias de hoje, perante uma sociedade cada vez mais exigente relativamente aos padrões de beleza. A área da estética dentária, encontra-se em constantes mudanças devido à evolução da qualidade dos materiais e das técnicas utilizadas, levando a melhorias na reprodução das características naturais dos dentes. O médico dentista tem a responsabilidade de adquirir conhecimento e habilidades profissionais para a elaboração de tratamentos estéticos dentários que satisfaçam as expectativas dos pacientes quanto ao seu sorriso. Actualmente, o médico dentista possui várias opções para planear os tratamentos, entre as quais, o planeamento digital através do Digital Smile Design. O Digital Smile Design (DSD), criado pelo Doutor Christian Coachman, veio responder à procura elevada por tratamentos cada vez mais personalizados por parte dos pacientes. O DSD amplia a visão relativamente aos diagnósticos, melhora a comunicação entre as diferentes especialidades na área da medicina dentária e cria planos previsíveis durante o tratamento dentário. Trata-se de um programma onde são trabalhadas imagens fotográficas do paciente para a elaboração de um tratamento estético que responda as necessidades biológicas, funcionais e emocionais do paciente. Este poderá acompanhar e visualizar todos os passos do tratamento e deste modo, torna-se parte integrante do processo. O paciente expressa a sua opinião e as suas expectativas quanto ao resultado final. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre a técnica Digital Smile Design utilizando as palavras-chaves: Digital Smile Design; Visagism; dental planning; meaning of smile; mock-up. Os objetivos deste trabalho foi o de conhecer a técnica Digital Smile Design, os princípios do visagismo e a importância do planeamento nestes contextos. O sucesso de um tratamento está dependente de um correcto planeamento e de uma execução clínica e laboratorial cuidadosa.
En el presente ensayo se analiza el pensamiento de tres autores considerados grandes representantes de la teología y de la filosofía latinoamericana de la liberación.
Preface dated 1856.
Objective: To examine the context of occupational health and safety related to blood-borne communicable diseases practice. Methods: A case study approach using qualitative semi-structured interviews with five key informants who represented different sectors of the beauty therapy industry in South Australia. Results: Four main themes were identified: (i) exposure to blood and blood-borne communicable diseases; (ii) prevention in practice; (iii) OH&S problems; and (iv) industry needs. Conclusion: Key OH&S issues in the beauty therapy industry include: power relationships between employers and employees, equipment costs, the need for more continuing education, and monitoring of practitioners. Implications: Economic constraints, continuing education, and government regulation of the beauty therapy industry are highlighted as significant areas for further consideration in addressing the OH&S needs of practitioners and their clients.
This article argues that the secular liberal and positivist foundations of the modern Western legal system render it violent. In particular, the liberal exclusion of faith and subjectivity in favour of abstract and universal reason in conjunction with its privileging of individual autonomy at the expense of the community leads to alienation of the individual from the community. Similarly, the positivist exclusion of faith and theology from law, with its enforced conformity to the posited law, also results in this violence of alienation. In response, this article proposes a new foundation for law, a natural law based in the truth of Trinitarian theology articulated by John Milbank. In the Trinity, the members exist as a perfect unity in diversity, providing a model for the reconciliation of the legal individual and community: the law of love. Through the law of love as the basic norm, individuals love their neighbours as themselves, reconciling the particular and the universal, and providing a community of peace rather than violence.
The Mediated Immediacy : João Batista Libanio and the Question of Latin American Liberation Theology
This study is a systematic analysis of mediated immediacy in the production of the Brazilian professor of theology João Batista Libanio. He stresses both ethical mediation and the immediate character of the faith. Libanio has sought an answer to the problem of science and faith. He makes use of the neo-scholastic distinction between matter and form. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, God cannot be known as a scientific object, but it is possible to predicate a formal theological content of other subject matter with the help of revelation. This viewpoint was emphasized in neo-Thomism and supported by the liberation theologians. For them, the material starting point was social science. It becomes a theologizable or revealable (revelabile) reality. This social science has its roots in Latin American Marxism which was influenced by the school of Louis Althusser and considered Marxism a science of history . The synthesis of Thomism and Marxism is a challenge Libanio faced, especially in his Teologia da libertação from 1987. He emphasized the need for a genuinely spiritual and ethical discernment, and was particularly critical of the ethical implications of class struggle. Libanio s thinking has a strong hermeneutic flavor. It is more important to understand than to explain. He does not deny the need for social scientific data, but that they cannot be the exclusive starting point of theology. There are different readings of the world, both scientific and theological. A holistic understanding of the nature of religious experience is needed. Libanio follows the interpretation given by H. C. de Lima Vaz, according to whom the Hegelian dialectic is a rational circulation between the totality and its parts. He also recalls Oscar Cullmann s idea of God s Kingdom that is already and not yet . In other words, there is a continuous mediation of grace into the natural world. This dialectic is reflected in ethics. Faith must be verified in good works. Libanio uses the Thomist fides caritate formata principle and the modern orthopraxis thinking represented by Edward Schillebeeckx. One needs both the ortho of good faith and the praxis of the right action. The mediation of praxis is the mediation of human and divine love. Libanio s theology has strong roots in the Jesuit spirituality that places the emphasis on contemplation in action.
Modern Christian theology has been at pain with the schism between the Bible and theology, and between biblical studies and systematic theology. Brevard Springs Childs is one of biblical scholars who attempt to dismiss this “iron curtain” separating the two disciplines. The present thesis aims at analyzing Childs’ concept of theological exegesis in the canonical context. In the present study I employ the method of systematic analysis. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Introduction is the first chapter. The second chapter attempts to find out the most important elements which exercise influence on Childs’ methodology of biblical theology by sketching his academic development during his career. The third chapter attempts to deal with the crucial question why and how the concept of the canon is so important for Childs’ methodology of biblical theology. In chapter four I analyze why and how Childs is dissatisfied with historical-critical scholarship and I point out the differences and similarities between his canonical approach and historical criticism. The fifth chapter attempts at discussing Childs’ central concepts of theological exegesis by investigating whether a Christocentric approach is an appropriate way of creating a unified biblical theology. In the sixth chapter I present a critical evaluation and methodological reflection of Childs’ theological exegesis in the canonical context. The final chapter sums up the key points of Childs’ methodology of biblical theology. The basic results of this thesis are as follows: First, the fundamental elements of Childs’ theological thinking are rooted in Reformed theological tradition and in modern theological neo-orthodoxy and in its most prominent theologian, Karl Barth. The American Biblical Theological Movement and the controversy between Protestant liberalism and conservatism in the modern American context cultivate his theological sensitivity and position. Second, Childs attempts to dismiss negative influences of the historical-critical method by establishing canon-based theological exegesis leading into confessional biblical theology. Childs employs terminology such as canonical intentionality, the wholeness of the canon, the canon as the most appropriate context for doing a biblical theology, and the continuity of the two Testaments, in order to put into effect his canonical program. Childs demonstrates forcefully the inadequacies of the historical-critical method in creating biblical theology in biblical hermeneutics, doctrinal theology, and pastoral practice. His canonical approach endeavors to establish and create post-critical Christian biblical theology, and works within the traditional framework of faith seeking understanding. Third, Childs’ biblical theology has a double task: descriptive and constructive, the former connects biblical theology with exegesis, the later with dogmatic theology. He attempts to use a comprehensive model, which combines a thematic investigation of the essential theological contents of the Bible with a systematic analysis of the contents of the Christian faith. Childs also attempts to unite Old Testament theology and New Testament theology into one unified biblical theology. Fourth, some problematic points of Childs’ thinking need to be mentioned. For instance, his emphasis on the final form of the text of the biblical canon is highly controversial, yet Childs firmly believes in it, he even regards it as the corner stone of his biblical theology. The relationship between the canon and the doctrine of biblical inspiration is weak. He does not clearly define whether Scripture is God’s word or whether it only “witnesses” to it. Childs’ concepts of “the word of God” and “divine revelation” remain unclear, and their ontological status is ambiguous. Childs’ theological exegesis in the canonical context is a new attempt in the modern history of Christian theology. It expresses his sincere effort to create a path for doing biblical theology. Certainly, it was just a modest beginning of a long process.
The thesis consists of five international congress papers and a summary with an introduction. The overarching aim of the studies and the summary is to examine the inner coherency of the theological and anthropological thinking of Gregory of Nyssa (331-395). To the issue is applied an "apophatic approach" with a "Christological focus". It is suggested that the coherency is to be found from the Christological concept of unity between "true God" and "true man" in the one person of Jesus Christ. Gregory is among the first to make a full recognition of two natures of Christ, and to use this recognition systematically in his writings. The aim of the studies is pursued by the method of "identification", a combination of the modern critical "problematic method" and Gregory's own aphairetic method of "following" (akolouthia). The preoccupation with issues relating to the so-called Hellenization of Christianity in the patristic era was strong in the twentieth-century Gregory scholarship. The most discussed questions have been the Greek influence in his thought and his philosophical sources. In the five articles of the thesis it is examined how Gregory's thinking stands in its own right. The manifestly apophatic character of his theological thinking is made a part of the method of examining his thought according to the principles of his own method of following. The basic issue concerning the relation of theology and anthropology is discussed in the contexts of his central Trinitarian, anhtropological, Christological and eschatological sources. In the summary the Christocentric integration of Gregory's thinking is discussed also in relation to the issue of the alledged Hellenization. The main conclusion of the thesis concerns the concept of theology in Gregory. It is not indebted to the classical concept of theology as metaphysics or human speculation of God. Instead, it is founded to the traditional Judeo-Christian idea of God who speaks with his people face to face. In Gregory, theologia connotes the oikonomia of God's self-revelation. It may be regarded as the state of constant expression of love between the Creator and his created image. In theology, the human person becomes an image of the Word by which the Father expresses his love to "man" whom he loves as his own Son. Eventually the whole humankind, as one, gives the divine Word a physical - audible and sensible - Body. Humankind then becomes what theology is. The whole humanity expresses divine love by manifesting Christ in words and deeds, singing in one voice to the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Tutkielma käsittelee intertekstuaalisuuden eri muotoja Zadie Smithin romaanissa On Beauty (suom. Kauneudesta). Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on osoittaa kuinka oleellisesti intertekstuaalisuuden teoria on vaikuttanut kirjallisuustieteen metodeihin ja postmoderniin kirjallisuuskäsitykseen, sekä käsitellä sen soveltuvuutta nykykirjallisuuden tutkimiseen analysoimalla teorian sisäistä monimuotoisuutta ja ristiriitoja. Tutkimusmateriaalina käytetään Smithin romaanin lisäksi E. M. Forsterin romaania Howards End (suom. Talo jalavan varjossa), johon On Beauty tietoisesti viittaa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkielmassa toimii Gérard Genetten teoksessa Palimpsests sekä Roland Barthesin esseessä Tekijän kuolema esille tuodut kirjallisuusteoreettiset käsitykset. Valittu metodologia antaa mahdollisuuden hahmottaa intertekstuaalisuus kahdella eri tavalla: Genetten strukturalistinen lähestymistapa soveltuu teosten välisten viittaussuhteiden tutkimiseen, kun taas Barthesin jälkistrukturalistinen diskurssi auttaa ymmärtämään tekstienvälisyyden osana merkityksen jatkuvaa epävakautta. Tutkielman ensimmäinen osio keskittyy analysoimaan lähiluvun keinoin romaanien On Beauty ja Howards End välistä strukturalistista suhdetta vertailemalla teosten eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä Genetten intertekstuaalisuusteorian valossa. Vertailussa kiinnetetään erityisesti huomiota teosten juoneen, rakenteeseen, aikaan ja paikkaan, sekä uudelleenkirjoitusten yleiseen tendenssiin päivittää alkuperäistä tarinaa kohdeyleisölle paremmin sopivaksi. Toisessa osiossa tutkimusta esille nousee jälkistrukturalistinen näkemys intertekstuaalisuudesta osana lukijan tuottaman merkityksen tulkinnanvaraisuutta. Osiossa käsitellään Rembrandtin taideteosten roolia Smithin romaanissa ja analysoidaan hahmojen tulkintoja sekä suhtautumista Rembrandtin tuotantoon Barthesin teoreettisten käsitteiden kautta. Keskeiseksi analyysin kohteeksi nousee lukija sekä lukijan tuottamat tulkinnat ja niiden merkitys Smithin romaanin tematiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan kuinka intertekstuaalisuus ei ole niin yksinkertainen termi kuin sen laaja käyttö niin kirjallisuustieteessä kuin mediassakin antaa ymmärtää, sekä selvitetään intertekstuaalisuuden teorian kehitystä 60-luvulta nykypäivään. Vaikka strukturalistisessa muodossa käsite soveltuu etenkin kahden toisiinsa kytkeytyneen teoksen tutkimiseen, vertaileva analyysi kuitenkin osoittaa, että On Beauty ei ole pelkkä uudelleenkirjoitus, vaan romaanin tulkintaan tarvitaan myös jälkistrukturalistisen dekonstruktion käsitteitä, jotta laajemmat tekstuaalisuuden verkostot aukeavat lukijalle. Romaanissa esiintyvä taitelijakuva myös osoittaa, että Smith itse on hyvin tietoinen kirjallisuusteoreettisesta keskustelusta.