891 resultados para super duplex stainless steel


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Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels


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Wastewater from a seasoning freeze-drying industry was electrolysed to increase its biodegradability. Stainless-steel electrodes were used at 9.09 A/m², for up to 80 min. Conductivity, pH, biochemical (BOD) and chemical (COD) oxygen demands, Daphnia similis acute toxicity bioassays, and bacteria counting through the plate count agar method were determined after different times of electrolysis. The results (e.g. higher BOD and lower COD) showed that the biodegradability of the wastewater was significantly increased; furthermore, Fe2+ ions liberated by the electrodes cause microorganisms to die and, when oxidised to Fe3+, contribute for the flocculation and sedimentation of solid residues.


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Työ jakaantuu kirjalliseen tutkimukseen sekä kokeelliseen osaan. Työn kirjallisuustutkimus käsittelee laserleikkausta yleisesti ja kartoittaa tämän hetken tilannetta kuitulaserin mahdollisuuksista ruostumattomien terästen leikkauksessa. Työn kokeellinen osuus käsittelee ruostumattomien terästen kuitulaserleikkauksesta levypaksuuksilla 3 mm ja 6 mm. Kokeissa tutkitaan leikkauspään leikkaussuunnan mukaisen kulman muutoksen vaikutusta leikkausnopeuteen. Leikkauksissa määritetään neljälle eri leikkauspään kulmalle suurin mahdollinen leikkausnopeus.


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This paper describes variations in the profile of the main volatile organic compounds present in Brazilian sugar cane spirits distilled in copper and stainless steel distillers. The main organic compounds: aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and esters, were determined through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and High Resolution Gas Cromatography (HRGC). The spirits produced in copper distillers exhibit higher contents of aldehydes with respect to the ones produced in stainless steel. The inverse is true with respect to the higher alcohol and ester contents. No significant variation has been observed for the carboxylic acids.


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This thesis is focused on process intensification. Several significant problems and applications of this theme are covered. Process intensification is nowadays one of the most popular trends in chemical engineering and attempts have been made to develop a general, systematic methodology for intensification. This seems, however, to be very difficult, because intensified processes are often based on creativity and novel ideas. Monolith reactors and microreactors are successful examples of process intensification. They are usually multichannel devices in which a proper feed technique is important for creating even fluid distribution into the channels. Two different feed techniques were tested for monoliths. In the first technique a shower method was implemented by means of perforated plates. The second technique was a dispersion method using static mixers. Both techniques offered stable operation and uniform fluid distribution. The dispersion method enabled a wider operational range in terms of liquid superficial velocity. Using dispersion method, a volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient of 2 s-1 was reached. Flow patterns play a significant role in terms of the mixing performance of micromixers. Although the geometry of a T-mixer is simple, channel configurations and dimensions had a clear effect on mixing efficiency. The flow in the microchannel was laminar, but the formation of vortices promoted mixing in micro T-mixers. The generation of vortices was dependent on the channel dimensions, configurations and flow rate. Microreactors offer a high ratio of surface area to volume. Surface forces and interactions between fluids and surfaces are, therefore, often dominant factors. In certain cases, the interactions can be effectively utilised. Different wetting properties of solid materials (PTFE and stainless steel) were applied in the separation of immiscible liquid phases. A micro-scale plate coalescer with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces was used for the continuous separation of organic and aqueous phases. Complete phase separation occurred in less than 20 seconds, whereas the separation time by settling exceeded 30 min. Fluid flows can be also intensified in suitable conditions. By adding certain additives into turbulent fluid flow, it was possible to reduce friction (drag) by 40 %. Drag reduction decreases frictional pressure drop in pipelines which leads to remarkable energy savings and decreases the size or number of pumping facilities required, e.g., in oil transport pipes. Process intensification enables operation often under more optimal conditions. The consequent cost savings from reduced use of raw materials and reduced waste lead to greater economic benefits in processing.


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This work gives a reader basic knowledge about mineralogy and mineral processing. Main focus of this work was on flotation process and pulp electrochemistry on flotation. Three different sulphide poor ores are examined on experimental part. Platinum and palladium were the noble metals, which were contained into studied ores. Electrochemistry of flotation of PGE minerals on sulphide poor ores has been examined only slightly. Bench scale flotation test was used in this study. Chalcopyrite, nickel-pentlandite, pyrite, platinum and pH electrodes were used to investigation of pulp electrochemistry during flotation tests. Effects of grinding media, carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding and mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas to PGE flotation and electrochemistry of flotation were studied. Stainless steel grinding media created more oxidising pulp environment to flotation than mild steel grinding media. Concentrate quality improved also with stainless steel grinding media, but the recovery was remarkably poorer, than with mild steel grinding media. Carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding created very reducing pulp environment, which caused very good concentrate quality. But the recovery was again poorer than with normal mild steel grinding media. Mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas improved PGE recovery with some ores, but not always. Effect of carbon dioxide to pulp electrochemistry was detected mainly via pH-value.


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A study of the kinetics of oxygen evolution in alkaline conditions from ceramic films of Mn2O3 supported on stainless steel was carried out. This study has been done through the determination of transfer coefficients, Tafel slopes and exchange currents using potentiodynamic and quasi-potentiostatic measurements. The activation energy was determined as a function of the overpotential and, additionally, the electrode active surface was estimated. The results are consistent with data already published for other electrodes, implying that the methods used in this work were reliable and precise.


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A flow cell assembled on the original geometry of a graphite tube to achieve permanent chemical modifier is proposed. The graphite tube operates as the working electrode. A stainless steel tube, positioned downstream from the working electrode, was used as the auxiliary electrode. The potential value applied on the graphite electrode was measured against a micro reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) inserted into the auxiliary electrode. Palladium solutions in acetate buffer (100 mmol L-1, pH = 4.8), flowing at 0.5 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. A mercury solution (1 ng) was used to evaluate the performance of the permanent palladium modifier.


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UNS S31254 SS electrodes have been built to substitute platinum in conductimetric titrations. The electrodes were tested in both acid-basic titration (chloridric acid and sodium hydroxide) and precipitation titration (sodium chloride and argentum nitrate as titrant). The practical application was exemplified from conductimetric tritations of HF ¾ HNO3 mixtures used in metalurgical industry to passivate stainless steels. The results were compared with those obtained using commercial platinum electrodes. The equivalent volumes obtained were comparable within 3% experimental error. Its application depends on the nature of electrolyte. These results have shown that stainless steel, less expensive than platinum (about three order of magnitude), can substitute platinum electrodes in routine analyses and didactic laboratories.


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The quantitative chemical analysis of the Brazilian sugar cane spirit distilled from glass column packaged with copper, stainless steel, aluminum sponge, or porcelain balls is described. The main chemical compounds determined by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization (FID) and flame photometric (FPD) detectors and liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector are aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols, esters and dimethylsulfite (DMS). The spirits produced either in columns filled with copper or aluminum pot still exhibits the lowest DMS contents but the higher sulfate and methanol contents, whereas spirits produced in stainless steel or porcelain showed higher DMS concentration and lower teors of sulfate ion and methanol. These observations are coherent with DMS oxidation to sulfate, with methanol as by product, in the presence of either copper or aluminum.


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Joints intended for welding frequently show variations in geometry and position, for which it is unfortunately not possible to apply a single set of operating parameters to ensure constant quality. The cause of this difficulty lies in a number of factors, including inaccurate joint preparation and joint fit up, tack welds, as well as thermal distortion of the workpiece. In plasma arc keyhole welding of butt joints, deviations in the gap width may cause weld defects such as an incomplete weld bead, excessive penetration and burn through. Manual adjustment of welding parameters to compensate for variations in the gap width is very difficult, and unsatisfactory weld quality is often obtained. In this study a control system for plasma arc keyhole welding has been developed and used to study the effects of the real time control of welding parameters on gap tolerance during welding of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L. The welding tests demonstrated the beneficial effect of real time control on weld quality. Compared with welding using constant parameters, the maximum tolerable gap width with an acceptable weld quality was 47% higher when using the real time controlled parameters for a plate thickness of 5 mm. In addition, burn through occurred with significantly larger gap widths when parameters were controlled in real time. Increased gap tolerance enables joints to be prepared and fit up less accurately, saving time and preparation costs for welding. In addition to the control system, a novel technique for back face monitoring is described in this study. The test results showed that the technique could be successfully applied for penetration monitoring when welding non magnetic materials. The results also imply that it is possible to measure the dimensions of the plasma efflux or weld root, and use this information in a feedback control system and, thus, maintain the required weld quality.


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Les empreses sempre han buscat com optimitzar el màxim els seus recursos i ser més eficients a la hora de realitzar les tasques que li han estat encomanades. És per aquest motiu que constantment les empreses realitzen estudis i valoracions de com poder millorar dia a dia. Aquest fet no és diferenciador a l’empresa Serralleria i Alumini Vilaró (S.A.V), que dia a dia estudia com optimitzar els seus processos o de vegades introduir-ne de nous per tal d’expandir la seva oferta de serveis. L’empresa és dedica a la fabricació de peces metàl•liques el procés ja sigui només de tall i mecanitzat, plegat, soldadura, acabats en inoxidable, pintura i fins i tot embalatge pel que fa a la part productiva, respecte a la part d’oficina tècnica també ofereix serveis de desenvolupament de productes segons especificacions del client i reenginyeria de qualsevol producte, analitzant la part que és vol millorar. En l’actualitat l’empresa ha detectat una mancança que creu que es podria solucionar, el problema és que l’empresa disposa de varies màquines de tall, entre les quals hi ha una màquina de tall làser i el problema principal és que la càrrega de les planxes del calaix de magatzem a la bancada de la màquina es realitza o bé manualment o a través d’un gripper sostingut al pont grua, depenent del pes de la planxa a transportar. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és fer el disseny d’una màquina que permeti automatitzar el procés de transportar la planxa metàl•lica del calaix de magatzem dipositat sobre una taula mòbil a la bancada de la màquina de tall. El disseny que pretenem fer és complet començant per fer un disseny estructural de la màquina més els seus respectius càlculs, moviments que volem aconseguir, tria de components ( motors, sensors ...), elaboració d’un pressupost per poder fer una estimació i finalment la elaboració del programa de control de tota la màquina més la interacció amb la màquina a través d’una pantalla tàctil. Es a dir, el que pretenem és realitzar un projecte que puguem fabricar en la realitat utilitzant tota la informació continguda dins del mateix


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A cleaning validation method was developed and validated, based on swabbing sampling and simultaneous chromatographic determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and trimethoprim (TMP) residues. The method presented limits of detection of 0.06 mg mL-1 for SMX and 0.09 mg mL-1 for TMP. It was considered selective, precise, accurate and robust according to the guidelines from ANVISA, the Brazilian regulatory agency, and International Conference on Harmonization. Mean swab recovery factors of 98.5% for SMX and 97.7% for TMP were obtained for spiked stainless steel plates. The method was successfully applied to the assay of actual swab samples collected from eleven points on an equipment surface.


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The present work describes a low-cost electrochemical "wall-jet" detector for flow analysis. The electrolytic solution enters into the cell through a tube of stainless steel (200 to 300 µm i.d), reaching to the center of the working electrode perpendicularly and then being mixed to the remaining solution in the cell, which flows under atmospheric pressure into a waste reservoir. The proposed electrochemical detector can be used with any type of working electrode, from commercial to home-made, such as glassy carbon and metallic electrodes (modified or unmodified), which enlarge the applications of the electrochemical detector.


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Conventional sample holder cells used to the electric characterization of ceramics at high temperature consists of an alumina tube and platinum wires and plates using a complex design. The high cost materials used in the conventional sampler holder cell were replaced by stainless steel and conventional ceramics. The sample holder was validated by characterizing yttria-stabilized-zirconia in a temperature range of 25 to 700 ºC. The results do not present variations, discontinuity or unusual noise in the electric signals. Several samples were characterized without maintenance, which demonstrates that the sample holder is electric and mechanic adequate to be used to electrical characterization of ceramics up to 700 ºC.