919 resultados para sonic arts and architecture


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Ethos is the spirit that motivates ideas and practices. When we talk casually about the ethos of a town, state, or country we are describing the fundamental or at least underlying rationale for action, as we see it. Ideology is a way of looking at things.It is the set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions. In this brief essay I want to create a space where we might talk about the ethos and ideology in knowledge organization from a particular point of view; combining ideas and inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement of the early Twentieth Century, critical theory in extant knowledge organization work, the work of Slavoj Žižek, and the work of Thich Nhat Hahn on Engaged Buddhism.I will expand more below, but we can say here and now that there are many open questions about ethos and ideology in and of knowledge organization, both its practice and products. Many of them in classification, positioned as they are around identity politics of race, gender, and other marginalized groups, ask the classificationist to be mindful of the choice of terms and relationships between terms. From this work we understand that race and gender requires special consideration, which manifests as a particular concern for the form of representation inside extant schemes. Even with these advances in our understanding there are still other categories about which we must make decisions and take action. For example, there are ethical decisions about fiduciary resource allocation, political decisions about standards adoption, and even broader zeitgeist considerations like the question of Fordist conceptions (Day, 2001; Tennis 2006) of the mechanics of description and representation present in much of today’s practice.Just as taking action in a particular way is an ethical concern, so too is avoiding a lack of action. Scholars in Knowledge Organization have also looked at the absence of what we might call right action in the context of cataloguing and classification. This leads to some problems above, and hints at larger ethical concerns of watching a subtle semantic violence go on without intervention (Bowker and Star, 2001; Bade 2006).The problem is not to act or not act, but how to act or not act in an ethical way, or at least with ethical considerations. The action advocated by an ethical consideration for knowledge organization is an engaged one, and it is here where we can take a nod from contemporary ethical theory advanced by Engaged Buddhism. In this context we can see the manifestation of fourteen precepts that guide ethical action, and warn against lack of action.


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Il concetto di contaminazione fra architettura ed arti plastiche e figurative è molto antico. La dicotomia arte-architettura, sancita in via definitiva con il moderno museo di spoliazione napoleonica, non può che essere considerata una variazione neo-tecnicista sulla quale, non sempre giustamente, sono andati assestandosi gli insegnamenti delle scuole politecniche. Non così è sempre stato. Come il tempio greco può essere considerato un’opera plastica nel suo complesso, esempio tra i primi di fusione tra arte e architettura, moltissimi sono gli esempi che hanno guidato la direzione della ricerca che si è intesa perseguire. Molti sono gli esempi del passato che ci presentano figure di architetto-artista: un esempio fra tutti Michelangelo Buonarroti; come per altro non è nuovo, per l’artista puro, cimentarsi nella progettazione dello spazio architettonico o urbano, o per l'architetto essere coinvolto dalle indagini della ricerca artistica a lui contemporanea dalla quale trarre suggestioni culturali. Le rappresentazioni dei linguaggi visivi sono il frutto di contaminazioni che avvengono su diversi livelli e in più direzioni. Spesso le ricerche artistiche più significative hanno anticipato o influenzato il mondo del design, dell’architettura, della comunicazione. L’intenzione della ricerca è stata quindi approfondire, attraverso un viaggio nel Novecento, con particolare attenzione al Secondo Dopoguerra, i fenomeni culturali che hanno prodotto i più significativi sviluppi stilistici nell’ambito della ricerca e del rinnovo del linguaggio architettonico. Il compito, parafrasando Leonardo Benevolo, non è stato quello di elencare le singole battute della discussione ma di riconoscere gli interventi fruttuosi a lunga scadenza. Mutuando gli insegnamenti della scuola del Bauhaus, arte e architettura sono state affiancate perché considerate espressioni strettamente relazionate di coevi fenomeni culturali. L’obiettivo ha puntato all’individuazione dei meccanismi delle interazioni tra discipline, cercando di delineare il profilo della complessità dell’espressione del contemporaneo in architettura.


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El taller de proyectos constituye el núcleo de la enseñanza arquitectónica. Estudiar sus procesos educativos en la actualidad implica la contextualización teórica del acto educativo y la revisión histórica de la evolución de su estructura social. Esta estructura, es heredera de la larga tradición del taller donde los maestros de obra, artesanos, arquitectos y artistas, se ocupaban desde siempre de la enseñanza de la construcción, de la artesanía, del diseño arquitectónico y del arte. Los aprendices se sometían a la autoridad de sus maestros y pasaban horas practicando, produciendo y aprendiendo junto a ellos. Con la aparición de las primeras Academias de arte y posteriormente de arquitectura, se evidenció un progresivo interés de los Estados hacía los productos artísticos y arquitectónicos. La consideración de las artes y de la arquitectura como proyecto estatal, supuso la construcción lenta, pero consolidable, de un proyecto educativo paralelo, coexistiendo simultáneamente con los talleres de los maestros, pero sin posibilidad de integración, hasta mucho más tarde. La “teoría”, que es de lo que se ocupaba la academia, con la “práctica” que es lo que se desarrollaba en el taller, no encontraban fácilmente la manera de encajarse y complementarse mutuamente en un proyecto educativo común. Las concepciones educativas de ambos, afrontaban la enseñanza y el aprendizaje desde puntos de vista también diferentes; mientras la Academia representaba el conocimiento validado y explicitado, en el taller se trabajaba con un conocimiento tácito e implícito. En la práctica artística del taller era donde se producía el aprendizaje mientras que en la Academia es donde se validaba. Esta estructura llegó en muchas ocasiones a situaciones extremas, no siendo casual que las más grandes crisis registradas en la historia de la enseñanza de las artes, coincidieran con un aumento de la distancia entre estas dos “instituciones”, talleres y academias. Por otra parte, parece que cualquier proyecto o concepto innovador, se ha fundado sobre la redistribución de estos equilibrios perdidos. En dicho contexto, en el campo de la educación y especialmente en el siglo XX, surge un debate que se estructura en base a los fines de la educación, contemplando dos posturas bien diferenciadas. Una de ellas sostiene como fin primordial de la educación, el desarrollo de la conciencia y la reciprocidad social del individuo. La otra, fija como fin el desarrollo de su singularidad. La búsqueda del equilibrio entre ambas, parte del interés por fomentar el crecimiento de lo que cada ser humano posee de individual, armonizándolo con la unidad orgánica del grupo social al que pertenece (Read 2010, 33). Sobre esta tensión se han basado muchos de los discursos pedagógicos y especialmente los aquí usados. La estructura social en los talleres de proyectos arquitectónicos, presenta hoy día una máxima integración entre las dos instituciones, el taller y la Academia, tanto a nivel del espacio, donde tiene lugar la enseñanza, como a nivel conceptual y pedagógico. Los talleres de proyectos poseen un formato de enseñanza y aprendizaje que constituye un paradigma (Schön, 2008) no solo dentro, sino también fuera del campo arquitectónico. Bajo este formato se complementa el aprendizaje práctico con el teórico y la producción, con la validación del conocimiento. Aunque tal estructura pedagógica presenta importantes variaciones entre unas escuelas de arquitectura y otras, los principales procesos que tienen lugar, son lo suficientemente similares, como para poder ser examinados desde una perspectiva común. Esta investigación, estudia el taller de proyectos desde un aspecto pedagógico, que contempla tanto los discursos educativos, como la historia de la evolución del taller como constructo social. El análisis se estructura sobre los elementos fundantes del acto didáctico: un sujeto que aprende, un sujeto que enseña, un método, la estrategia o procedimiento a través del que se enseña, un contenido y el propio acto docente (Sánchez Cerezo, 1994, 530). Además, se han añadido otros dos elementos que se consideran fundamentales para llevar a cabo el estudio: el contexto de la enseñanza, tanto el tangible como el intangible y la evaluación de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El caso de estudio de la presente investigación se sitúa en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid en la actualidad. Sin embargo, no se pretende generar un retrato exacto de esta institución sino utilizarla como ejemplo principal en el desarrollo de los capítulos del método, contenido, acto docente y contexto, en los que también se introducen ejemplos de otras escuelas de arquitectura que amplían los argumentos presentados que constituyen la contextualización teórica del acto pedagógico en los talleres de proyectos arquitectónicos. ABSTRACT Design studio constitutes the core of architectural education. To study its current educational processes involves a theoretical approach of its educational praxis and an historic revision of how its social structure evolved. This structure is inherited from the long tradition of the workshop in which master masons, craftsmen, architects and artists have always been in charge of teaching construction, crafts, architectural design and art. Apprentices were subjected to the authority of their teachers and spent hours practicing, producing and learning along with them. With the establishment of the first Academies of Art and later of Architecture, the interest of the State in artistic and architectural products started growing. The understanding of arts and architecture as a state project entailed the slow, but robust development of a parallel education project. This project coexisted with the masters’ workshops, without the possibility of integration between two, until much later. It was difficult to find a way to synthesize academic “theory” with workshop “practice”. The workshops’ and the Academy's conception about teaching and learning differed significantly. While the Academy represented a verified and explicit knowledge, the workshop worked with a tacit and implicit knowledge. The workshops produced education through artistic practice, while the the Academy organized and verified knowledge. This dual framework has on occasions reached extremes. It is no accident that the biggest known crises in the history of arts education coincide with an increase in the distance between these two "institutions", the workshops and Academies. Furthermore, it seems that most innovative concepts or projects have been founded on restoring the lost balance between the two. In this context, in the field of education, and especially during the 20th century, a debate that contemplated the purpose of education and resulted in two quite differentiated approaches, emerged,. One position claims as the primary purpose of education the development of social awareness and mutuality in individuals. The other approach sets as a purpose developing each student's uniqueness. The quest for the right balance between these two positions is based on the assumption that the general purpose of education is to foster the growth of what is individual in each human being, at the same time harmonizing the individuality thus educed with the organic unity of the social group to which the individual belongs (Read, 2010, 33). This tension forms the basis for many pedagogical discourses, especially the ones utilized in this dissertation. The social structure of architecture studios today demonstrates a very high level of integration between the two institutions, the workshop and the Academy, both in terms of space —where the teaching takes place— as well as on a conceptual and pedagogical level. Architecture studios today have developed a format for teaching and learning that has established a paradigm (Schön, 2008) , not only in architecture, but also in other fields. Under this paradigm, practical and theoretical learning, as well as production and verification of knowledge, complement each other. And although this pedagogical structure presents important variations among different schools of architecture, the principal processes that take place in the studio are sufficiently similar so as to be examined from a common perspective. This research examines the architecture studio from a pedagogical point of view, that takes into account both the educational discourses, as well as the historical evolution of the workshop as a social structure. The analysis presented here is structured on the fundamentals of the teaching act: an individual learning, an individual teaching, a method, strategy or procedure for teaching and learning, the content and the teaching act itself (Sánchez Cerezo, 1994, 530). Two extra elements that were considered essential for carrying out this study have also been added: the context in which teaching takes place, tangible as well as intangible, and the evaluation of teaching and learning. The Madrid School of Architecture in the present day served as a case study. However the aim is not to generate an accurate portrayal of this school but to use it as the principal example for the development of the chapters of method, content, teaching act and context. In addition to that, examples from other schools of architecture are introduced in order to further the presented arguments that constitute the theoretical contextualization of the pedagogical act in architecture studios.


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Si hubiese un denominador común entre todas las artes en lo que ha venido llamándose postmodernidad, éste tendría mucho que ver con el final del origen de la obra. Desde la literatura y la música hasta las artes plásticas y la arquitectura, la superación de la modernidad ha estado caracterizada por la sustitución del concepto de creación por el de intervención artística, o lo que es lo mismo, la interpretación de lo que ya existe. A principios del siglo XX los conceptos modernos de creación y origen implicaban tener que desaprender y olvidar todo lo anterior con el ánimo de partir desde cero; incluso en un sentido material Mies sugería la construcción literal de la materia y su movimiento de acuerdo a unas leyes. A partir de la segunda mitad de siglo los planteamientos historicistas empezaron a surgir como reacción ante la amnesia y la supuesta originalidad de los modernos. En este contexto surgen los libros Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 y Delirious New York, 1978, ambos deudores en muchos aspectos con el anterior libro de Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. Estos dos libros sobre ciudades, alejándose decididamente de las tendencias historicistas de la época, proponían utilizar el análisis crítico de la realidad existente como vehículo para la teoría y el proyecto de manera simultánea, convirtiéndose indirectamente en Manifiestos. Si en un primer momento Venturi, Rossi y otros planteaban acabar con los límites formales establecidos por la modernidad, así como por cualquiera de los cánones anteriores, tomando la totalidad de la obra construida como sistema de referencia, - al igual que hiciera Eliot en literatura, - los libros de Las Vegas y Nueva York sugerían directamente borrar los límites de la propia disciplina, llegando a poner en duda ¿Qué puede ser considerado arquitectura? Sin embargo, debido precisamente a la ausencia total de límites y a la inmensidad del sistema referencial planteado, “todo puede ser arquitectura”, como apuntaba Hans Hollein en 1968, los libros proponen al mismo tiempo definir el campo de actuación de cada cual de manera individual. Los escritos sobre Las Vegas y Nueva York suponen por un lado la eliminación de los limites disciplinares y por otro, la delimitación de ámbitos de trabajo concretos para sus autores: los propios de cada una de las ciudades interpretadas. La primera parte de la Tesis, Lecciones, se ocupa del necesario proceso de aprendizaje y experimentación previo a la acción crítica propiamente dicha. Los arquitectos contemporáneos necesitan acumular material, conocimiento, documentación, experiencias... antes de lanzarse a proponer mediante la crítica y la edición; y al contrario que ocurría con los modernos, cuanto más abundante sea ese bagaje previo más rica será la interpretación. Las ciudades de Roma, Londres y Berlín se entienden por tanto como experiencias capaces de proporcionar a Venturi, Scott Brown y Koolhaas respectivamente, sus “personales diccionarios”, unas interminables imaginerías con las que posteriormente se enfrentarían a los análisis de Las Vegas y Nueva York. La segunda parte, Críticas, se centra en la producción teórica en sí: los dos libros de ciudades analizados en estrecha relación con el Complexity and Contradiction. El razonamiento analógico característico de estos libros ha servido de guía metodológica para la investigación, estableciéndose relaciones, no entre los propios escritos directamente, sino a través de trabajos pertenecientes a otras disciplinas. En primer lugar se plantea un importante paralelismo entre los métodos de análisis desarrollados en estos libros y los utilizados por la crítica literaria, observando que si el new criticism y el nuevo periodismo sirvieron de guía en los escritos de Venturi y Scott Brown, la nouvelle critique y su propuesta de identificación poética fueron el claro referente de Koolhaas al abordar Nueva York. Por otro lado, la relevancia ganada por la actividad de comisariado artístico y la aparición de la figura del curator, como autoridad capaz de utilizar la obra de arte por encima de las intenciones de su propio autor, sirve, al igual que la figura del editor, como reflejo de la acción transformadora y de apropiación llevada a cabo tanto en Learning from Las Vegas, como en Delirious New York. Por último y a lo largo de toda la investigación las figuras de Bergson y Baudelaire han servido como apoyo teórico. A través de la utilización que de sus ideas hicieron Venturi y Koolhaas respectivamente, se ha tratado de mostrar la proximidad de ambos planteamientos desde un punto de vista ideológico. La Inclusión propuesta por Venturi y la ironía utilizada por Koolhaas, la contradicción y la paradoja, no son sino el reflejo de lógicas que en ambos casos reaccionan al mismo tiempo contra idealismo y materialismo, contra modernidad y antimodernidad, en un continuo intento de ser lo uno y lo otro simultáneamente. ABSTRACT If there was a common denominator among all the arts in what has been called postmodernism, it would have much to do with the end of the origin of the artwork. From literature and music to fine arts and architecture, overcoming modernity has been characterized by replacing the concept of artistic creation by the one of intervention, in other words, the interpretation of what already exists. In the early twentieth century modern concepts of creation and origin involved unlearning and forgetting everything before with the firm intention of starting from scratch. Even in a material sense Mies suggested the literal construction of matter and its motion according to laws. From the mid-century historicist approaches began to emerge in response to the amnesia and originality alleged by moderns. In this context appeared the books Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 and Delirious New York, 1978, both debtors in many respects to the previous book by Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. These two books on cities, which broke away decidedly with the historicist trends of the time, proposed using critical analysis of the existing reality as a vehicle for theory and projecting at the same time, indirectly becoming manifests. If at first Venturi, Rossi and others pose to erase the formal limits set by modernity, as well as any of the canons before, taking the entire work built as a reference system, - as did Eliot in literature - the books on Las Vegas and New York proposed directly erasing the boundaries of the discipline itself, coming to question what could be considered architecture? However, and precisely because of the absence of limits and the immensity of the established framework, - “everything could be architecture” as Hans Hollein pointed in 1968, - the books suggested at the same time the definition of a field of action for each one individually. The cities of Las Vegas and New York represented on the one hand the elimination of disciplinary limits and on the other, the delimitation of specific areas of work to its authors: Those on each of the cities interpreted. The first part of the thesis, Lessons, attend to the necessary process of learning and experimentation before the critical action itself. Contemporary architects need to accumulate material, knowledge, information, experiences... before proposing through criticism and editing; and unlike happened with moderns, the most abundant this prior baggage is, the richest will be the interpretation. Rome, London and Berlin are therefore understood as experiences capable of providing Venturi, Scott Brown and Koolhaas respectively, their “personal dictionaries”, interminable imageries with which they would later face the analysis of Las Vegas and New York. The second part, Critiques, focuses on the theoretical production itself: the two books on both cities analyzed closely with the Complexity and Contradiction. The analogical reasoning characteristic of these books has served as a methodological guide for the research, establishing relationships, not directly between the writings themselves, but through works belonging to other disciplines. First, an important parallel is set between the methods of analysis developed in these books and those used by literary criticism, noting that if the new criticism and new journalism guided Venturi and Scott Brown´s writings, the nouvelle critique and its poetic identification were clear references for Koolhaas when addressing New York. On the other hand, the relevance gained by curating and the understanding of the figure of the curator as an authority capable to use artworks above the intentions of their authors, like the one of the Editor, reflects the appropriation and processing actions carried out both in Learning from Las Vegas, and Delirious New York. Finally and over all the research Bergson and Baudelaire figures resonate continuously. Through the use of their ideas done by Venturi and Koolhaas respectively, the research has tried to show the proximity of both approaches from an ideological point of view. Inclusion, as posed by Venturi and irony, as used by Koolhaas, contradiction and paradox are reflections of the logic that in both cases allow them to react simultaneously against idealism and materialism, against modernism and anti-modernism.


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La tesis se centra en el análisis de 356 números de la revista El Arquitecto Peruano publicados entre 1937 y 1977. La revista fue fundada en agosto de 1937 por Fernando Belaúnde Terry, arquitecto graduado en la University of Texas at Austin en 1935 quien la dirigió por 25 años hasta marzo de 1963. Desde abril de 1963 la dirige Miguel Cruchaga Belaunde. Durante esta última etapa la revista deja de ser regular, publicándose intermitentemente con varios años sin editarse, hasta desaparecer finalmente en 1977. La revista es la publicación periódica de arquitectura más importante del siglo XX en el Perú. La investigación ubica a la revista en el contexto nacional donde se desarrolló vinculando además los diversos eventos de la arquitectura y el urbanismo del panorama internacional sucedidos durante las tres décadas de estudio. El trabajo empieza por establecer una secuencia de periodos. Esta se basa en la identificación de una estructura fija existente en la revista conformada por las secciones permanentes. Una paulatina inserción de secciones temporales fue complementando y detallando nuevas temáticas y contenidos generando variantes de la estructura fija a lo largo del tiempo. Como resultado de este proceso se reconocen 5 periodos vinculados a una serie de temas vertebrales durante la dirección de Fernando Belaunde: Periodo 1 (Agosto de 1937 a marzo de 1942). Vivienda Unifamiliar. Periodo 2 (Abril de 1942 a mayo de 1944). Urbanismo moderno. Periodo 3 (Junio de 1944 a diciembre de 1949). Vivienda Colectiva. Periodo 4 (Enero-febrero de 1950 a enero-febrero de 1956). Proyectos y obras. Periodo 5 (Marzo-abril de 1956 a enero-febrero-marzo de 1963). Territorio. Los años finales bajo la dirección de Miguel Cruchaga conforman el último Periodo. En la década de los treinta, durante el primer periodo se analiza el rol que un grupo de revistas de arquitectura europeas y norteamericanas tuvieron en la construcción formal y temática de El Arquitecto Peruano. En sus inicios existen influencias de The Architectural Forum, The American Architect, Architecture, California Arts and Architecture y Architectural Digest . Y junto a estas, las revistas alemanas Moderne Bauformen e Innen Dekoration. A raíz de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las referencias a las revistas alemanas desaparecen y las relaciones con Estados Unidos se intensifican por la posición del Perú dentro del área de influencia norteamericana. El canal de las revistas no fue el único medio de influencia, durante los años cuarenta hubo un marco de apertura hacia Latinoamérica que incluyó viajes de cooperación de arquitectos norteamericanos por el sur del continente. Como parte de estos vínculos, en 1945 Paul Lester Wiener de Town Planning Associates y Richard Neutra, - ambos miembros del CIAM y el segundo Presidente del CIAM USA- prestaron asistencia a la iniciativa más importante promovida por la revista peruana, un proyecto de vivienda popular para obreros y empleados llamado el Plan Peruano. La revista tuvo siempre una fuerte actitud de cambio de la realidad existente en el medio peruano. Para modelar su nueva versión de la realidad instrumentó una serie de campañas de prensa. En la más importante utilizó las ideas del urbanismo moderno que circulaban durante la guerra nacidas en los CIAM de entreguerras. El Arquitecto Peruano aprovecha la coyuntura de los primeros años de la posguerra para canalizar sus iniciativas, tomando como modelo de su propuesta la idea de la Neighborhood Unit, convirtiéndolo en proyecto y finalmente construyendo la Unidad Vecinal N°3, el proyecto de mayor escala asociado con la revista. A esta perspectiva favorable para las ideas vertidas por la publicación se une el hecho de que su Director, es elegido Diputado por Lima y es un miembro muy cercano al gobierno de turno que dio la cobertura legal y de gestión para cristalizar los proyectos desde 1945 hasta 1948. Durante este periodo se producen las propuestas de mayor alcance promovidas por Fernando Belaunde y difundidas por la revista, como el propio Plan Peruano de Vivienda, los Centros Climáticos de Invierno, el Plan Piloto de Lima y los Concursos de Vivienda popular. Existe un trabajo anterior sobre la revista, restringido al campo del urbanismo realizado en 1992 por el historiador Antonio Zapata y titulado El joven Belaunde: Historia de la revista El Arquitecto Peruano en donde se inclina el peso de la revista hacia la Vivienda Social y se señala a Walter Gropius como el arquitecto más influyente en la publicación. La presente tesis plantea que el Plan Peruano es la punta del iceberg, pero que todos estos proyectos relacionados con la revista, conforman un conjunto indisoluble y que el paquete completo tiene una directa influencia de proyectos, ideas y labor editorial de José Luis Sert desarrollada desde finales de los años veinte hasta los años cincuenta. Sus libros Can Our Cities Survive? , The Heart of the City y la revista del GATEPAC AC Documentos de Actividad Contemporánea tienen improntas claras en la revista peruana que atraviesan tres de los periodos propuestos. Durante la década de los cuarenta cuando Sert junto a Wiener fueron socios en Town Plannning Associates y tuvieron contacto directo con el director de la revista así como con los principales colaboradores, y durante la década posterior. A la luz de las evidencias analizadas, la figura de José Luis Sert emerge como la del arquitecto más influyente para la revista El Arquitecto Peruano a lo largo de todo su recorrido. ABSTRACT The thesis focuses on the analysis of 356 issues of the magazine El Arquitecto Peruano published between 1937 and 1977. The magazine was founded in august 1937 by Fernando Belaunde Terry, graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1935 who leaded it 25 years until March 1963. Since April 1963 was leaded by Miguel Cruchaga Belaunde. During this last stage the magazine ceases to be published on regular times, being published intermittently, unreleased several years, and finally disappear in 1977. El Arquitecto Peruano is the most important magazine of architecture of the twentieth century in Peru. The research located the magazine in the national context where was developed further by linking the various events of architecture and urbanism of the international scene occurred during the three decades of study. The research begins to establish a sequence of periods. This identification is based on a fixed structure existing in the journal formed by the permanent sections. A gradual insertion of temporary sections was complementing and detailing new themes and contents generating variants of the fixed structure over time. As a result of this process we recognize five periods linked to a series of central themes developed under the lead of Fernando Belaunde: Period 1 (September 1937 to March 1942): The Small House. Period 2 (April 1942 to May 1944). Modern urbanism. Period 3 (June 1944 to December 1949). Housing. Period 4 (January-February 1950 January-February 1956). Projects and Buildings. Period 5 (March-April 1956 January-February-March 1963). Territory. The final years under the direction of Miguel Cruchaga make the last Period. In the thirties, during the first period, is analyzed the role that a group of European and American magazines in architecture had in formal construction and thematic of the magazine. In the beginning there are influences of The Architectural Forum, The American Architect, Architecture, California Arts and Architecture and Architectural Digest. And along with these, the german magazine Moderne Bauformen and Innen Dekoration. Following World War II, the references to german magazines disappear and US relations are intensified by the position of Peru in the area of US influence. The magazines was not the only ways of influence, during the forties there was an open framework with Latin America that included cooperation trips of american architects on the south of the continent. As part of these links, in 1945 Paul Lester Wiener of Town Planning Associates and Richard Neutra, -both members of CIAM and the second President of the CIAM USAassisted the most important initiative promoted by the peruvian magazine, a popular housing project for workers and employees called El Plan Peruano. The magazine always has a strong attitude of change of the reality in the peruvian scene. To model the new version of reality created a series of media campaigns. In the biggest it used the ideas of modern urbanism that circulated during the war born in the CIAM of twenties and thirties. El Arquitecto Peruano take advantage of the situation of the early postwar years to direct their initiatives, modeled his proposal with the idea of Neighborhood Unit, making project and finally building the Unidad Vecinal N° 3, the larger scale project linked with the magazine. This favorable outlook for the ideas expressed by the publication joins the fact that its Director is elected deputy for Lima and is very close member to the current government who gave legal instruments and management to crystallize projects from 1945 to 1948. During this period of far-reaching proposals promoted by Fernando Belaunde and diffused by the magazine, as El Plan Peruano itself, the Centros Climaticos de Invierno, the Plan Piloto for Lima and the Concusos de Vivienda Popular. There is an earlier work on the magazine, restricted to the field of urbanism in 1992 by historian Antonio Zapata, entitled El Joven Belaunde: Historia de la revista El Arquitecto Peruano where the weight of the magazine leans Social Housing and notes Walter Gropius as the most influential architect in the publication. This thesis suggests that El Plan Peruano is the end of the iceberg, but these related projects to the magazine, form an inseparable whole and that the whole package has a direct influence of projects, ideas and editorial work of José Luis Sert developed from late twenties to the fifties. His book Can Our Cities Survive? , The Heart of the City and the magazine of GATEPAC AC Documentos de Actividad Contemporanea have clear signs in the peruvian magazine cross three of the proposed periods. During the forties when Sert and Wiener were partners in Town Plannning Associates and had direct contact with the director of the magazine as well as with key colaborators, and during the following decade. In light of the evidence examined, the shape of José Luis Sert emerges as the most influential architect to the peruvian magazine along its entire route.


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Esta tesis doctoral busca estudiar el espacio desde la premisa de que el espacio es, fundamentalmente, lo intermedio. El entre, lo que hay entre las cosas mismas y que les da, precisamente, su definición como cosas en un constante proceso de delimitación. Este entre, lo que hay entre las cosas, no es sin embargo un resto que queda, sino bien al contrario el principio activo que hace que las cosas, desde lo que hay alrededor, se configuren en su ser sensible y puedan percibirse. El entre, lo intermedio, no es así una línea, un corte puro, sino un intervalo, un espacio en sí mismo, un ámbito en que se desarrolla un proceso. Es por tanto un espacio de formación, en el que las cosas aún no son y ya están siendo, un intervalo ambiguo pleno de virtualidades, unas desplegadas otras que permanecen en espera, siempre en movimiento. Es la hipótesis principal de esta tesis que en el llamado Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura del siglo veinte esta condición ambigua del límite se pone de manifiesto como la raíz articuladora de los cambios espaciales y formales que definen su ser y su estética. Para desarrollar esta hipótesis, se parte de una doble premisa: por una parte, como un entre que es en sí misma, la arquitectura se encuentra delimitada por las disciplinas artísticas contemporáneas, especialmente pintura y escultura y a la vez las delimita. Por tanto, se explorarán una serie de momentos claves en las vanguardias de comienzos del siglo veinte en paralelo a una serie de arquitecturas contemporáneas para estudiar esta doble dialéctica entre límites. Por otra parte, y entendiendo que lo propio de la arquitectura es el espacio, se estudiarán en profundidad las concepciones espaciales que en la física y la estética del finales del siglo diecinueve y principios del veinte se desarrollan, para comprender cómo estas nuevas concepciones, centradas en las ideas de relatividad y de espacio-tiempo como magnitudes interlimitadas, determinan a su vez las concepciones espaciales que se desarrollan simultáneamente en las artes plásticas y en la arquitectura. La tríada espacio/tiempo/luz regirá este recorrido, en un doble camino: a través de la física y la teoría del arte, y a través de la arquitectura y las artes plásticas. Se trata por tanto de incardinar la arquitectura en su contexto artístico y científico, y comprobar cómo la comprensión del espacio como un entre, como un intervalo del límite y no como un absoluto trascendente, se generaliza en dichos ámbitos en una exploración paralela que condiciona los resultados en todos ellos y que define, por tanto, la arquitectura de la modernidad como una arquitectura del entre. El encuadre enmarca como motivo principal el Movimiento Moderno a través de la figura de Le Corbusier. Se muestra el modo en que los recursos y mecanismos empleados provocan el encuentro del espacio indecible a través de la polifonía de las artes. Desde el espaciamiento del límite, su borradura, su ambigüedad, producidos mediante el entrelazamiento de los recursos artísticos, la continuidad de lo lineal, el encabalgamiento, el maridaje, la ambivalencia, la relatividad del color y la luz, el intersticio. Ello se analiza a través de la obra de le Corbusier, destacando la dialéctica entre Le Cheminée y Nature morte aux nombreux objets; Ma maison y el pabellón del Zurichhorn; Unité y L’espace indicible. Aclaradas las premisas fundamentales y las consecuencias inmediatas para la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, la cuarta parte y final de la tesis, mucho más breve que las anteriores, expone una primera aproximación a las consecuencias que todo esto ha tenido en un momento liminal también: el comienzo de la postmodernidad. En realidad se trata de una apertura a lo que ha de venir, pues establecida la operatividad de la hipóteisi inicial, se trata aquí solamente de abrir el camino a una interpretación que en realidad escapa del alcance de esta tesis. Así se deja apuntado cómo, a través de la obra de tres arquitectos, teóricos y artistas trabajando en los años setenta y comienzos de los ochenta del pasado siglo, una comprensión más clara de la revolución moderna precipitada por esta nueva comprensión del espacio como límite-entre queda patente. Chamberworks de Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts de Peter Eisenman y Manhattan Transcripts de Bernard Tschumi servirían de privilegiados ejemplo. Como queda patente que las consecuencias de todo ello aún las estamos sintiendo en nuestra contemporaneidad. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to study the space from the premise that space is mainly the in-between. The in-between, what is in-between the things themselves and gives them precisely its definition as things in a constant process of delimitation. This in-between, what is in between things, is not a remnant that remains, but on the contrary it is the active ingredient that produces things from what is around, that configures them in a sensitive to be perceived. The in-between, the intermediate, is not a line, a pure cut, but an interval, a space in itself, an area in which a process is developed. It is therefore a space in development, where things are still not and already been, delimiting an ambiguous range full of potentialities, some present and others that remain only as virtualities. It is the main hypothesis of this thesis that in the so-called Modern Movement in the architecture of the twentieth century this ambiguous boundary condition is revealed as the result of the articulatation of spatial and formal changes. To develop this hypothesis, I posit this double premise: On the one hand, as an in-between which is in itself, architecture is defined by contemporary artistic disciplines, especially painting and sculpture and simultaneously defines them. Therefore, a number of key moments in the avantgarde of the early twentieth century in parallel with a number of contemporary architecture to study this double dialectic between boundaries will be explored. On the other hand, and considering that the “essence” of the architecture is space, I will study in depth the spatial concepts in physics and aesthetics of late-nineteenth century and early twentieth century to understand how these new concepts centered on the ideas of relativity and space-time as interlimited magnitudes in turn determine the spatial conceptions that take place simultaneously in the visual arts and architecture. The space / time / light triad governs this journey in a double way: through physics and theory of art, and through architecture and the arts. The aim is to anchor architecture in its artistic and scientific context, and to see how the understanding of space as an in-between interval and not as an absolute transcendent determines the results in all of them, defining, therefore, the architecture of modernity as an architecture of the in-between. The frame of the study is centered in the modern movement through the figure of Le Corbusier and how rthe different resources and mechanisms employed provoke an unspeakable space of encounter through the polyphony of the arts. From the spacing of the limit, its erasure, its ambiguity, produced by the intertwining of artistic resources to continuity of the linear, the marriage, the ambivalence, the relativity of color and light, the gap. All this is analyzed through the work of Le Corbusier, highlighting the dialectic between Le Cheminée and Nature morte aux nombreux objets, Ma maison and Zürichhorn pavilion, Unité and L’espace indicible. Once the basic premises and immediate consequences for the architecture of the Modern Movement are set, the fourth and final part of the thesis aims to explore the impact that all this has had in another liminal time: the beginning of postmodernism. Of course, this part is shorter, in fact it is more a prospective survey and an opening of possibilities than a truly articulated body of theory, since the conceptual core of this thesis has been developed in the central part. Hence, through the work of three architects, theorists and artists working in the seventies and early eighties of last century, a clearer understanding of the modern revolution precipitated by this new understanding of space as a boundary- between is proposed. Chamberworks by Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts by Peter Eisenman and Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi will exemplify this approach. The consequences of all this are still haunting our contemporaneity.


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Does art connect the individual psyche to history and culture? Psyche and the Arts challenges existing ideas about the relationship between Jung and art, and offers exciting new dimensions to key issues such as the role of image in popular culture, and the division of psyche and matter in art form. Divided into three sections - Getting into Art, Challenging the Critical Space and Interpreting Art in the World - the text shows how Jungian ideas can work with the arts to illuminate both psychological theory and aesthetic response. Psyche and the Arts offers new critical visions of literature, film, music, architecture and painting, as something alive in the experience of creators and audiences challenging previous Jungian criticism. This approach demonstrates Jung’s own belief that art is a healing response to collective cultural norms. This diverse yet focused collection from international contributors invites the reader to seek personal and cultural value in the arts, and will be essential reading for Jungian analysts, trainees and those more generally interested in the arts. [From the Publisher]


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The "vernacular" housing tradition of southeast Queensland is easily identifiable. Its history is more complex. This study seeks to challenge two popular conceptions of the "Queenslander" history by showing that they actually provide contradictory explanations. The aim is to produce a more complex account of local architecture and its historical explanation so that both its past and its present practices can be better understood as a distinctly subtropical idiom. This discussion shows that such practices may respond to common concerns but that are also ever-changing.


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The exchange between the body and architecture walks a fine line between violence and pleasure. It is through the body that the subject engages with the architectural act, not via thought or reason, but through action. The materiality of architecture is the often the catalyst for some intense association; the wall that defines gender or class, the double bolted door that incarcerates, the enclosed privacy of the bedroom to the love affair. Architecture is the physical manifestation of Lefebvre’s inscribed space. It enacts the social and political systems through bodily occupation. Architecture, when tested by the occupation of bodies, anchors ideology in both space and time. The architect’s script can be powerful when rehearsed honestly to the building’s intentions and just as beautiful when rebuked by the act of protest or unfaithful occupation. This research examines this fine line of violence and pleasure in architecture through performance, in the work of Bryony Lavin’s play Stockholm and Revolving Door by Allora & Calzadilla as part of the recent Kaldor Public Art Projects exhibition 13 Rooms in Sydney. The research is underpinned by the work of Architect and theorist, Bernard Tschumi in his two essays, Violence of Architecture and The Pleasure of Architecture. Studying architecture through the lens of performance shifts the focus of examination from pure thought to the body; because architecture is occupied through the body and not the mind.


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Much has been written about the impact of conflict on the physical nature of cities; most obviously perhaps the damage, destruction, defensive construction and spatial reconfigurations that evolve in times of conflict. Set within the context of Belfast, Northern Ireland, this paper will focus on three areas. First, a closer reading of the long-term physical impact of conflict, in particular, the spatial forms and practices that persist conceptually and culturally, and/or resist re-conceptualisation. Secondly, the effect of conflict on the nature of architectural practice itself, considering whether issues such as appointment and procurement impacted on architectural expectation and the context of operation. Thirdly, the effect of conflict on people, in particular in relation to creativity and hence the psyche of practice itself. This section will also identify the conditions that undermine or support design quality and creativity not only within times of conflict but also as society evolves out of the shadow space. 1
Twelve years on from the Peace Agreement,2 it may seem remarkable from an external perspective that Northern Ireland still needs to be reflecting on its troubled past. But the immediate post-conflict phase offered the communities of Northern Ireland place and time to experience ‘normal life’, begin to reconcile themselves to the hurt they experienced and start to reconfigure their relationships to one another. Indeed, it has often been expressed that probing the issues too much, at too early a phase, might in fact ‘Open old wounds without resolving anything’ and/or ‘Destabilise the already fragile political system.’3 This tendency not to deliberate or be too probing is therefore understandable and might be the reason why, for example, Northern Ireland's first Architecture and Built Environment policy, published in June, 2006, contains only one routine reference to ‘the Troubles’.

Clearly, however, there is a time in the development of a healthy, functioning society, when in order effectively to plan its future, it must also carry out a closer reading and deeper understanding of its past. As Maya Angelou puts it, ‘History, despite its wrenching pain/ Cannot be unlived, and if faced/ With courage, need not be lived again.’4

Increasingly, those within the creative arts sector and the built environment professions are showing interest in carrying out that closer reading, teasing out issues around conflict. This was led in part by the recent publication of the Troubles Archive by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.5 Those involved in the academic or professional development of future generations of architects are also concerned about the relevance of a post-conflict condition. As a profession, if architects purport to be concerned with context, then the almost tangible socio-political circumstances and legacy of Northern Ireland does inevitably require direct eye contact. This paper therefore aims to bring the relationship between conflict and architectural practice in Northern Ireland into sharp focus, not to constrain or dull creative practice but to heighten its potential.


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The hawari (local communities) of Old Cairo resemble a unique societal context whose history is actively involved in the contemporary everyday production of local habits, traditions and social practice. By the virtue of its durability and ability to survive, Architecture brings events and traditions of the past alive into the present through the spatial transformation, social practice and the value of the historical-fabric. The presence of buildings and houses from different historical periods has helped the local community’s memory to carry social practices over from one generation to another. This article explores the relationship between architecture, memory and everyday social practices through determining the way architecture moderates community experiences and communicates narratives among generations in haret al-Darb al-Asfar in old Cairo. Architecture emerges as a moderator of cross-time communication and as physical elements that help visualize history, situate values and materialize local traditions in old Cairo. Architecture, as process and product this article reports, works as agent of continuity, which in conjunction with the narrators, brings the full experience of the past alive in the present and helps guide future generations.


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Regarding the Real: Cinema, Documentary, and the Visual Arts develops an interdisciplinary approach to documentary film, focusing on its cultural and formal relations to other visual arts, such as animation, assemblage, photography, painting, sculpture, and architecture. The book considers the work of figures whose preferred film language is associative and fragmentary, and for whom the documentary is an endlessly open form, an unstable expressive phenomenon that cannot but interrogate the validity of its own narratives and representational modes. Combining close analysis with cultural history, Regarding the Real calls for a re-assessment of the influence of the modern arts in subverting the structures of realism typically associated with documentary filmmaking.


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This article examines the soundscapes of Ariane Mnouchkine’s Tambours Sur La Digue and explores the concept of acoustic mimesis located in the performance as a dramaturgical strategy to create, aurally, an imagined Far East. In Tambours, mimesis is the performative principle exemplified by the presentation of the mise en scène, and most distinctly Mnouckine’s decision to adapt the Japanese performance tradition of Bunraku through a process of 'reversed' mimicry (in which human bodies simulate the wooden marionettes of the Japanese style). Mimesis pervades the acoustemologies of the performance as it is heard in the extracted sounds, styles, and rhythms of Asian musical modes and movements that consequently become dislocated from context; the sounds become imitated, iconicised and exoticised as sonic signatures as they reify the Orientalist spectacle. The 'oriental' soundscape, reverberating with exotic overtones, becomes the means by which the production creates an imaginary Orient – one in which the Orient Other is silenced, and is resounded only through the musical sensibilities of the Occidental Self.


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This article will introduce a specially-commissioned edition of the JSS centering on articles developed from the International Symposium May 2014 by the Recomposing the City project.