646 resultados para skill weight
Body mass index (BMI) is related with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), but less is known regarding the combined relationships between BMI and body fat (BF) on CRF. Cross-sectional study included 2361 girls and 2328 boys aged 10–18 years living in the area of Lisbon, Portugal. BMI was calculated by measuring height and weight, and obesity was assessed by international criteria. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. CRF was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run and the participants were classified as normal-to-high or low-CRF level according to Fitness gram criterion-referenced standards. The prevalence of low CRF was 47 and 39% in girls and boys, respectively. The corresponding values for the prevalence of obesity were 4.8 and 5.6% (not significant) and of excess BF of 12.1 and 25.1% (P <0.001), respectively. In both sexes, BMI and BF were inversely related with CRF: r = – 0.53 and – 0.45 for BMI and % BF, respectively, in boys and the corresponding values in girls were – 0.50 and – 0.33 (all P <0.01). When compared with a participant with normal BMI and BF, the odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for low CRF were 1.94 (1.46–2.58) for a participant with normal BMI and high BF, and 6.19 (5.02–7.63) for a participant with high BMI and high BF. The prevalence of low-CRF levels is high in Portuguese youths. BF negatively influences CRF levels among children/adolescents with normal BMI.
Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood. Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits. In an expanded genome-wide association meta-analysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism.
Brown adipocytes oxidize fatty acids to produce heat in response to cold or to excessive energy intake; stimulation of brown fat development and function may thus counteract obesity. Brown adipogenesis requires activation of the transcription factor C/EBPβ and recruitment of the zinc finger protein Prdm16, but upstream inducers of these proteins are incompletely defined. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of Plac8, a gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved protein, induces cold intolerance, and late-onset obesity, as well as abnormal morphology and impaired function of brown adipocytes. Using brown preadipocyte lines we show that Plac8 is required for brown fat differentiation, that its overexpression induces C/EBPβ and Prdm16, and that upon induction of differentiation Plac8 associates with C/EBPβ and binds to the C/EBPβ promoter to induce its transcription. Thus, Plac8 is a critical upstream regulator of brown fat differentiation and function that acts, at least in part, by inducing C/EBPβ expression.
Exchange matrices represent spatial weights as symmetric probability distributions on pairs of regions, whose margins yield regional weights, generally well-specified and known in most contexts. This contribution proposes a mechanism for constructing exchange matrices, derived from quite general symmetric proximity matrices, in such a way that the margin of the exchange matrix coincides with the regional weights. Exchange matrices generate in turn diffusive squared Euclidean dissimilarities, measuring spatial remoteness between pairs of regions. Unweighted and weighted spatial frameworks are reviewed and compared, regarding in particular their impact on permutation and normal tests of spatial autocorrelation. Applications include tests of spatial autocorrelation with diagonal weights, factorial visualization of the network of regions, multivariate generalizations of Moran's I, as well as "landscape clustering", aimed at creating regional aggregates both spatially contiguous and endowed with similar features.
Selostus: Metioniinin ja energian saannin rajoittamisen vaikutukset kananmunan painoon ja laatuun
Résumé Fondement : le développement de solutions d'hydroxy-éthyl-amidons (HEAS) avec peu d'impact sur la coagulation sanguine, mais un effet supérieur sur la volémie, par comparaison aux HEAS couramment utilisés, est d'un grand intérêt clinique. Nous posons l'hypothèse que des solutions de haut poids moléculaire et de bas degré de substitution possèdent ces caractéristiques. Méthode : trente porcs ont été perfusés avec trois HEAS différents (20 ml/kg) de même degré de substitution (0.42) mais de poids moléculaire différent (130, 500 et 900 kDa). Une série de prélèvements sanguins ont été effectués sur 24 heures, sur lesquels des analyses de coagulation sanguine étaient effectuées par thromboélastographie et dosages plasmatiques. De plus, la concentration plasmatique ainsi que le poids moléculaire in vivo ont été déterminés, ainsi que des paramètres de pharmacocinétiques, ceci en se basant sur un modèle bi-compartimental. Résultats : les analyses de thromboélastographie et les tests de coagulation plasmatique n'ont pas démontré d'altération plus marquée de la coagulation sanguine après l'utilisation des solutions des HAES 500 et HAES 900, par comparaison avec celle de HAES 130. Par contre, les HAES 500 et HAES 900 ont présenté une plus grande aire sous la courbe (area under the curve), dans la relation concentration en fonction du temps [1542 (142) g min litre-1, p<0.001, 1701 (321) g min litre-1, p<0.001] par rapport au HAES 130 [1156 (223) g min litre-1]. La demi-vie alpha (t ½α) était plus longue pour les HAES 500 [53.8 (8.6) min, p<0.01] et HAES 900 [57.1 (12.3) min, p<0.01 ]que pour le HAES 130 [39.9 (10.7) min]. La demi-vie beta (t½β) était par contre similaire pour les trois types de HAES [de 332 (100) à 381 (63) min]. Conclusions : pour les HAES de bas degré de substitution, le poids moléculaire n'est pas un facteur clé en ce qui concerne l'altération de la coagulation. La persistance intravasculaire initialement plus longue des HAES de haut poids moléculaire et bas degré de substitution pourrait résulter dans un plus long effet volémique de ces substances. Abstract Background: The development of hydroxyethyl starches (HES) with low impact on blood coagulation but higher volume effect compared with the currently used HES solutions is of clinical interest. We hypothesized that high molecular weight, low-substituted HES might possess these properties. Methods: Thirty pigs were infused with three different HES solutions (20 ml kg-1) with the same degree of molar substitution (0.42) but different molecular weights (130, 500 and 900 kDa). Serial blood samples were taken over 24 h and blood coagulation was assessed by Thromboelastograph® analysis and analysis of plasma coagulation. In addition, plasma concentration and in vivo molecular weight were determined and pharmacokinetic data were computed based on a two-compartment model. Results: Thromboelastograph analysis and plasma coagulation tests did not reveal a more pronounced alteration of blood coagulation with HES 500 and HES 900 compared with HES 130. In contrast, HES 500 and HES 900 had a greater area under the plasma concentration-time curve [1542 (142) g min litre-1, P<0.001, 1701 (321) g min litre-1, P<0.001] than HES 130 [I 156 (223) g min litre-1] and alpha half life (t ½α) was longer for HES 500 [53.8 (8.6) min, P<0.01 ] and HES 900 [57. I (I 2.3) min, P<0.01 ] than for HES 130 [39.9 (I 0.7) min]. Beta half life (t½β), however, was similar for all three types of HES [from 332 (100) to 381 (63) min]. Conclusions. In low-substituted HES, molecular weight is not a key factor in compromising blood coagulation. The longer initial intravascular persistence of high molecular weight lowsubstituted HES might result in a longer lasting volume effect.
We have reported that ingesting a meal immediately after exercise increased skeletal muscle accretion and less adipose tissue accumulation in rats employed in a 10 week resistance exercise program. We hypothesized that a possible increase in the resting metabolic rate (RMR) as a result of the larger skeletal muscle mass might be responsible for the less adipose deposition. Therefore, the effect of the timing of a protein supplement after resistance exercise on body composition and the RMR was investigated in 17 slightly overweight men. The subjects participated in a 12-week weight reduction program consisting of mild energy restriction (17% energy intake reduction) and a light resistance exercise using a pair of dumbbells (3-5 kg). The subjects were assigned to two groups. Group S ingested a protein supplement (10 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 3.3 g fat and one-third of recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals) immediately after exercise. Group C did not ingest the supplement. Daily intake of both energy and protein was equal between the two groups and the protein intake met the RDA. After 12 weeks, the bodyweight, skinfold thickness, girth of waist and hip and percentage bodyfat significantly decreased in the both groups, however, no significant differences were observed between the groups. The fat-free mass significantly decreased in C, whereas its decrease in S was not significant. The RMR and post-meal total energy output significantly increased in S, while these variables did not change in C. In addition, the urinary nitrogen excretion tended to increase in C but not in S. These results suggest that the RMR increase observed in S might be associated with an increase in body protein synthesis.
Selostus: Hiehojen elopainon määrittäminen mittauksin alkukasvatusvaiheessa
BackgroundIn Switzerland, socio-demographic and behavioural factors are associated with obesity, but no study ever assessed their impact on weight gain using prospective data.MethodsData from 4,469 participants (53.0% women), aged 35 to 75 years at baseline and followed for 5.5 years. Weight gain was considered as a rate (kg/year) or as gaining ¿5 kg during the study period.ResultsRate of weight gain was lower among participants who were older (mean¿±¿standard deviation: 0.46¿±¿0.92, 0.33¿±¿0.88, 0.21¿±¿0.86 and 0.06¿±¿0.74 kg/year in participants aged [35-45[, [45-55[, [55¿65[and [65+ years, respectively, P<0.001); physically active (0.27¿±¿0.82 vs. 0.35¿±¿0.95 kg/year for sedentary, P¿<¿0.005) or living in a couple (0.29¿±¿0.84 vs. 0.35¿±¿0.96 kg/year for living single, P¿<¿0.05), and higher among current smokers (0.41¿±¿0.97, 0.26¿±¿0.84 and 0.29±0.85 kg/year for current, former and never smokers, respectively, p<0.001). These findings were further confirmed by multivariable analysis. Multivariable logistic regression showed that receiving social help, being a current smoker or obese increased the likelihood of gaining ¿5Kg: Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.43 (1.16-1.77); 1.63 (1.35-1.95) and 1.95 (1.57-2.43), respectively, while living in couple or being physically active decreased the risk: 0.73 (0.62-0.86) and 0.72 (0.62-0.83), respectively. No association was found between weight gain and gender, being born in Switzerland or education.ConclusionsIn Switzerland, financial difficulties (indicated by receiving social help) and current smoking were associated with increases in body weight over a 5 years follow-up. Living in couple, being older or physically active were protective against weight gain.
BACKGROUND: Truth-telling is a complex task requiring multiple skills in communication, understanding, and empathy. Its application in the context of breaking bad news (BBN) is distressing and problematic if conducted with insufficient skills. PURPOSE: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention integrating the learning of communication skills within an ethical reflection on students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, perceived competence and comfort in BBN. METHODS: We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). We analysed their ethical attitudes and level of comfort and competence in BBN before, after the intervention, and during clinical rotations. RESULTS: Students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling remained stable. Students feeling uncomfortable or incompetent improved their level of perceived comfort or competence after the intervention, but those feeling comfortable or competent became more aware of the difficulty of the situation, and consequently decreased their level of comfort and competence. CONCLUSIONS: Confronting students with a realistic situation and integrating the practice of communication skills within an ethical reflection may be effective in maintaining ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, in developing new skills and increasing awareness about the difficulty and challenges of a BBN situation.