958 resultados para receptor intrinsic activity
The neuronal-specific cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) is important for brain cholesterol elimination. Cyp46a1 null mice exhibit severe deficiencies in learning and hippocampal long-term potentiation, suggested to be caused by a decrease in isoprenoid intermediates of the mevalonate pathway. Conversely, transgenic mice overexpressing CYP46A1 show an improved cognitive function. These results raised the question of whether CYP46A1 expression can modulate the activity of proteins that are crucial for neuronal function, namely of isoprenylated small guanosine triphosphate-binding proteins (sGTPases). Our results show that CYP46A1 overexpression in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons leads to an increase in 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase activity and to an overall increase in membrane levels of RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42 and Rab8. This increase is accompanied by a specific increase in RhoA activation. Interestingly, treatment with lovastatin or a geranylgeranyltransferase-I inhibitor abolished the CYP46A1 effect. The CYP46A1-mediated increase in sGTPases membrane abundance was confirmed in vivo, in membrane fractions obtained from transgenic mice overexpressing this enzyme. Moreover, CYP46A1 overexpression leads to a decrease in the liver X receptor (LXR) transcriptional activity and in the mRNA levels of ATP-binding cassette transporter 1, sub-family A, member 1 and apolipoprotein E. This effect was abolished by inhibition of prenylation or by co-transfection of a RhoA dominant-negative mutant. Our results suggest a novel regulatory axis in neurons; under conditions of membrane cholesterol reduction by increased CYP46A1 expression, neurons increase isoprenoid synthesis and sGTPase prenylation. This leads to a reduction in LXR activity, and consequently to a decrease in the expression of LXR target genes.
Rehabilitation is very important for in the results of treatment in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Rehabilitation processes occur through gradual changes. These changes integrate intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the individual, promoting adaptations to the needs and activities of daily living according to individual goals. Recommendations for exercise in multiple sclerosis: these recommendations apply only to patients with EDSS less than 7; moderate intensity aerobic exercise for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, twice or three times for week; the resistance training with low or moderate intensity is well tolerated by patients with MS; associated with these exercises were recommended flexibility exercises of moderate intensity, as well as strengthening exercises. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in multiple sclerosis patients.
ABSTRACT: Carotid bodies (CB) are peripheral chemoreceptor organs sensing changes in arterial blood O2, CO2 and pH levels. Hypoxia and acidosis or hypercapnia activates CB chemoreceptor cells, which respond by releasing neurotransmitters in order to increase the action potential frequency in their sensory nerve, the carotid sinus nerve (CSN). CSN activity is integrated in the brainstem to induce a fan of cardiorespiratory reflex responses, aimed at normalising the altered blood gases. Exogenously applied adenosine (Ado) increases CSN chemosensory activity inducing hyperventilation through activation of A2 receptors. The importance of the effects of adenosine in chemoreception was reinforced by data obtained in humans, in which the intravenous infusion of Ado causes hyperventilation and dyspnoea, an effect that has been attributed to the activation of CB because Ado does not cross blood-brain barrier and because the ventilatory effects are higher the closer to the CB it is injected. The present work was performed in order to establish the functional significance of adenosine in chemoreception at the carotid body in control and chronically hypoxic rats. To achieve this objective we investigated: 1) The release of adenosine from a rat carotid body in vitro preparation in response to moderate hypoxia and the specificity of this release. We also investigated the metabolic pathways of adenosine production and release in the organ in normoxia and hypoxia; 2) The modulation of adenosine/ATP release from rat carotid body chemoreceptor cells by nicotinic ACh receptors; 3) The effects of caffeine on peripheral control of breathing and the identity of the adenosine receptors involved in adenosine and caffeine effects on carotid body chemoreceptors; 4) The interactions between dopamine D2 receptors and adenosine A2B receptors that modulate the release of catecholamines (CA) from the rat carotid body; 5) The effect of chronic caffeine intake i.e. the continuous blockage of adenosine receptors thereby simulating a caffeine dependence, on the carotid body function in control and chronically hypoxic rats. The methodologies used in this work included: molecular biology techniques (e.g. immunocytochemistry and western-blot), biochemical techniques (e.g. neurotransmitter quantification by HPLC, bioluminescence and radioisotopic methods), electrophysiological techniques (e.g. action potential recordings) and ventilatory recordings using whole-body plethysmography. It was observed that: 1) CB chemoreceptor sensitivity to hypoxia could be related to its low threshold for the release of adenosine because moderate acute hypoxia (10% O2) increased adenosine concentrations released from the CB by 44% but was not a strong enough stimulus to evoke adenosine release from superior cervical ganglia and arterial tissue; 2) Acetylcholine (ACh) modulates the release of adenosine/5’-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from CB in moderate hypoxia through the activation of nicotinic receptors with α4 and ß2 receptor subunits, suggesting that the excitatory role of ACh in chemosensory activity includes indirect activation of purinergic receptors by adenosine and ATP, which strongly supports the hypothesis that ATP/adenosine are important mediators in chemotransduction; 3) adenosine increases the release of CA from rat CB chemoreceptor cells via A2B receptors; 4) the inhibitory effects of caffeine on CB chemoreceptors are mediated by antagonism of postsynaptic A2A and presynaptic A2B adenosine receptors indicating that chemosensory activity elicited by hypoxia is controlled by adenosine; 5) The release of CA from rat CB chemoreceptor cells is modulated by adenosine through an antagonistic interaction between A2B and D2 receptors, for the first time herein described; 6) chronic caffeine treatment did not significantly alter the basal function of CB in normoxic rats assessed as the dynamics of their neurotransmitters, dopamine, ATP and adenosine, and the CSN chemosensory activity. In contrast, the responses to hypoxia in these animals were facilitated by chronic caffeine intake because it increased the ventilatory response, slightly increased CSN chemosensory activity and increased dopamine (DA) and ATP release; 7) In comparison with normoxic rats, chronically hypoxic rats exhibited an increase in several parameters: ventilatory hypoxic response; basal and hypoxic CSN activity; tyrosine hydroxylase expression, CA content, synthesis and release; basal and hypoxic adenosine release; and in contrast a normal basal release and diminished hypoxia-induced ATP release; 8) Finally, in contrast to chronically hypoxic rats, chronic caffeine treatment did not alter the basal CSN chemosensory activity. Nevertheless, the responses to mild and intense hypoxia, and hypercapnia, were diminished. This inhibitory effect of chronic caffeine in CB output is compensated by central mechanisms, as the minute ventilation parameter in basal conditions and in response to acute hypoxic challenges remained unaltered in rats exposed to chronic hypoxia. We can conclude that adenosine both in acute and chronically hypoxic conditions have an excitatory role in the CB chemosensory activity, acting directly on adenosine A2A receptors present postsynaptically in CSN, and acting presynaptically via A2B receptors controlling the release of dopamine in chemoreceptor cells. We suggest that A2B -D2 adenosine / dopamine interactions at the CB could explain the increase in CA metabolism caused by chronic ingestion of caffeine during chronic hypoxia. It was also concluded that adenosine facilitates CB sensitisation to chronic hypoxia although this effect is further compensated at the central nervous system.-------- RESUMO: Os corpos carotídeos (CB) são pequenos orgãos emparelhados localizados na bifurcação da artéria carótida comum. Estes órgãos são sensíveis a variações na PaO2, PaCO2, pH e temperatura sendo responsáveis pela hiperventilação que ocorre em resposta à hipóxia, contribuindo também para a hiperventilação que acompanha a acidose metabólica e respiratória. As células quimiorreceptoras (tipo I ou glómicas) do corpo carotídeo respondem às variações de gases arteriais libertando neurotransmissores que activam as terminações sensitivas do nervo do seio carotídeo (CSN) conduzindo a informação ao centro respiratório central. Está ainda por esclarecer qual o neurotransmissor (ou os neurotransmissores) responsável pela sinalização hipóxica no corpo carotídeo. A adenosina é um neurotransmissor excitatório no CB que aumenta a actividade eléctrica do CSN induzindo a hiperventilação através da activação de receptores A2. A importância destes efeitos da adenosina na quimiorrecepção, descritos em ratos e gatos, foi reforçada por resultados obtidos em voluntários saudáveis onde a infusão intravenosa de adenosina em induz hiperventilação e dispneia, efeito atribuído a uma activação do CB uma vez que a adenosina não atravessa a barreira hemato-encefálica e o efeito é quanto maior quanto mais perto do CB for a administração de adenosina. O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objectivo de esclarecer qual o significado funcional da adenosina na quimiorrecepção no CB em animais controlo e em animais submetidos a hipoxia crónica mantida. Para alcançar este objectivo investigou-se: 1) o efeito da hipóxia moderada sobre a libertação de adenosina numa preparação in vitro de CB e a especificidade desta mesma libertação comparativamente com outros tecidos não quimiossensitivos, assim como as vias metabólicas de produção e libertação de adenosina no CB em normoxia e hipóxia; 2) a modulação da libertação de adenosina/ATP das células quimiorreceptoras do CB por receptores nicotínicos de ACh; 3) os efeitos da cafeína no controlo periférico da ventilação e a identidade dos receptores de adenosina envolvidos nos efeitos da adenosina e da cafeína nos quimiorreceptores do CB; 4) as interacções entre os receptores D2 de dopamina e os receptores A2B de adenosina que modulam a libertação de catecolaminas (CA) no CB de rato e; 5) o efeito da ingestão crónica de cafeína, isto é, o contínuo bloqueio e dos receptores de adenosina, simulando assim o consumo crónico da cafeína, tal como ocorre na população humana mundial e principalmente no ocidente, na função do corpo carotídeo em ratos controlo e em ratos submetidos a hipoxia crónica. Os métodos utilizados neste trabalho incluíram: técnicas de biologia molecular como imunocitoquímica e western-blot; técnicas bioquímicas, tais como a quantificação de neurotransmissores por HPLC, bioluminescência e métodos radioisotópicos; técnicas electrofisiológicas como o registro de potenciais eléctricos do nervo do seio carotídeo in vitro; e registros ventilatórios in vivo em animais não anestesiados e em livre movimento (pletismografia). Observou-se que: 1) a especificidade dos quimiorreceptores do CB como sensores de O2 está correlacionada com o baixo limiar de libertação de adenosina em resposta à hipóxia dado que a libertação de adenosina do CB aumenta 44% em resposta a uma hipóxia moderada (10% O2), que no entanto não é um estímulo suficientemente intenso para evocar a libertação de adenosina do gânglio cervical superior ou do tecido arterial. Observou-se também que aproximadamente 40% da adenosina libertada pelo CB provém do catabolismo extracelular do ATP quer em normóxia quer em hipóxia moderada, sendo que PO2 reduzidas induzem a libertação de adenosina via activação do sistema de transporte equilibrativo ENT1. 2) a ACh modula a libertação de adenosina /ATP do CB em resposta à hipoxia moderada sugerindo que o papel excitatório da ACh na actividade quimiossensora inclui a activação indirecta de receptores purinérgicos pela adenosina e ATP, indicando que a adenosina e o ATP poderiam actuar como mediadores importantes no processo de quimiotransducção uma vez que: a) a activação dos receptores nicotínicos de ACh no CB em normóxia estimula a libertação de adenosina (max 36%) provindo aparentemente da degradação extracelular do ATP. b) a caracterização farmacológica dos receptores nicotínicos de ACh envolvidos na estimulação da libertação de adenosina do CB revelou que os receptores nicotínicos de ACh envolvidos são constituídos por subunidades α4ß2. 3) a adenosina modula a libertação de catecolaminas das células quimiorreceptoras do CB através de receptores de adenosina A2B dado que: a)a cafeína, um antagonista não selectivo dos receptores de adenosina, inibiu a libertação de CA quer em normóxia quer em resposta a estímulos de baixa intensidade sendo ineficaz na libertação induzida por estímulos de intensidade superior; b) o DPCPX e do MRS1754 mimetizaram os efeitos da cafeína no CB sendo o SCH58621 incapaz de induzir a libertação de CA indicando que os efeitos da cafeína seriam mediados por receptores A2B de adenosina cuja presença nas células quimiorreceptoras do CB demonstramos por imunocitoquímica. 4) a aplicação aguda de cafeína inibiu em 52% a actividade quimiossensora do CSN induzida pela hipóxia sendo este efeito mediado respectivamente por receptores de adenosina A2A pós-sinápticos e A2B pré-sinápticos indicando que a actividade quimiossensora induzida pela hipóxia é controlada pela adenosina. 5) existe uma interacção entre os receptores A2B e D2 que controla a libertação de CA do corpo carotídeo de rato uma vez que: a) os antagonistas dos receptores D2, domperidona e haloperidol, aumentaram a libertação basal e evocada de CA das células quimiorreceptoras confirmando a presença de autorreceptores D2 no CB de rato que controlam a libertação de CA através de um mecanismo de feed-back negativo. b) o sulpiride, um antagonista dos receptores D2, aumentou a libertação de CA das células quimiorreceptoras revertendo o efeito inibitório da cafeína sobre esta mesma libertação; c) a propilnorapomorfina, um agonista D2 inibiu a libertação basal e evocada de CA sendo este efeito revertido pela NECA, um agonista dos receptores A2B. O facto de a NECA potenciar o efeito do haloperidol na libertação de CA sugere que a interacção entre os receptores D2 e A2B poderia também ocorrer ao nível de segundos mensageiros, como o cAMP. 6) a ingestão crónica de cafeína em ratos controlo (normóxicos) não alterou significativamente a função basal do CB medida como a dinâmica dos seus neurotransmissores, dopamina, ATP e adenosina e como actividade quimiossensora do CSN. Contrariamente aos efeitos basais, a ingestão crónica de cafeína facilitou a resposta à hipóxia, dado que aumentou o efeito no volume minuto respiratórioapresentando-se também uma clara tendência para aumentar a actividade quimiossensora do CSN e aumentar a libertação de ATP e dopamina.7) após um período de 15 dias de hipóxia crónica era evidente o fenómeno de aclimatização dado que as respostas ventilatórias à hipóxia se encontram aumentadas, assim como a actividade quimiossensora do CSN basal e induzida pela hipóxia. As alterações observadas no metabolismo da dopamina, assim como na libertação basal de dopamina e de adenosina poderiam contribuir para a aclimatização durante a hipoxia crónica. A libertação aumentada de adenosina em resposta à hipóxia aguda em ratos hipóxicos crónicos sugere um papel da adenosina na manutenção/aumento das respostas ventilatórias à hipóxia aguda durante a hipóxia crónica. Observou-se também que a libertação de ATP induzida pela hipóxia aguda se encontra diminuída em hipóxia crónica, contudo a ingestão crónica de cafeína reverteu este efeito para valores similares aos valores controlo, sugerindo que a adenosina possa modular a libertação de ATP em hipóxia crónica. 8) a ingestão crónica de cafeína em ratos hipóxicos crónicos induziu o aumento do metabolismo de CA no CB, medido como expressão de tirosina hidroxilase, conteúdo, síntese e libertação de CA. 9) a ingestão crónica de cafeína não provocou quaisquer alterações na actividade quimiossensora do CSN em ratos hipóxicos crónicos no entanto, as respostas do CSN à hipóxia aguda intensa e moderada e à hipercapnia encontram-se diminuídas. Este efeito inibitório que provém da ingestão crónica de cafeína parece ser compensado ao nível dos quimiorreceptores centrais dado que os parâmetros ventilatórios em condições basais e em resposta à hipoxia aguda não se encontram modificados em ratos expostos durante 15 dias a uma atmosfera hipóxica. Resumindo podemos assim concluir que a adenosina quer em situações de hipoxia aguda quer em condições de hipoxia crónica tem um papel excitatório na actividade quimiossensora do CB actuando directamente nos receptores A2A presentes pós-sinapticamente no CSN, assim como facilitando a libertação de dopamina pré-sinapticamente via receptores A2B presentes nas células quimiorreceptoras. A interacção negativa entre os receptores A2B e D2 observadas nas células quimiorreceptoras do CB poderia explicar o aumento do metabolismo de CA observado após a ingestão crónica de cafeína em animais hipóxicos. Conclui-se ainda que durante a aclimatização à hipóxia a acção inibitória da cafeína, em termos de resposta ventilatória, mediada pelos quimiorreceptores periféricos é compensada pelos efeitos excitatórios desta xantina ao nível do quimiorreceptores centrais.------- RESUMEN Los cuerpos carotídeos (CB) son órganos emparejados que están localizados en la bifurcación de la arteria carótida común. Estos órganos son sensibles a variaciones en la PaO2, en la PaCO2, pH y temperatura siendo responsables de la hiperventilación que ocurre en respuesta a la hipoxia, contribuyendo también a la hiperventilación que acompaña a la acidosis metabólica y respiratoria. Las células quimiorreceptoras (tipo I o glómicas) del cuerpo carotídeo responden a las variaciones de gases arteriales liberando neurotransmissores que activan las terminaciones sensitivas del nervio del seno carotídeo (CSN) llevando la información al centro respiratorio central. Todavía esta por clarificar cual el neurotransmisor (o neurotransmisores) responsable por la señalización hipóxica en el CB. La adenosina es un neurotransmisor excitatório en el CB ya que aumenta la actividad del CSN e induce la hiperventilación a través de la activación de receptores de adenosina del subtipo A2. La importancia de estos efectos de la adenosina en la quimiorrecepción, descritos en ratas y gatos, ha sido fuertemente reforzada por resultados obtenidos en voluntarios sanos en los que la infusión intravenosa de adenosina induce hiperventilación y dispnea, efectos estés que han sido atribuidos a una activación del CB ya que la adenosina no cruza la barrera hemato-encefalica y el efecto es tanto más grande cuanto más cercana del CB es la administración. Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el objetivo de investigar cual el significado funcional de la adenosina en la quimiorrecepción en el CB en animales controlo y en animales sometidos a hipoxia crónica sostenida. Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha estudiado: 1) el efecto de la hipoxia moderada en la liberación de adenosina en una preparación in vitro de CB y la especificidad de esta liberación en comparación con otros tejidos no-quimiosensitivos, así como las vías metabólicas de producción y liberación de adenosina del órgano en normoxia y hipoxia; 2) la modulación de la liberación de adenosina/ATP de las células quimiorreceptoras del CB por receptores nicotínicos de ACh; 3) los efectos de la cafeína en el controlo periférico de la ventilación y la identidad de los receptores de adenosina involucrados en los efectos de la adenosina y cafeína en los quimiorreceptores del CB; 4) las interacciones entre los receptores D2 de dopamina y los receptores A2B de adenosina que modulan la liberación de catecolaminas (CA) en el CB de rata y; 5) el efecto de la ingestión crónica de cafeína, es decir, el bloqueo sostenido de los receptores de adenosina, simulando la dependencia de cafeína observada en la populación mundial del occidente, en la función del CB en ratas controlo y sometidas a hipoxia crónica sostenida. Los métodos utilizados en este trabajo incluirán: técnicas de biología molecular como imunocitoquímica y western-blot; técnicas bioquímicas, tales como la cuantificación de neurotransmissores por HPLC, bioluminescencia y métodos radioisotópicos; técnicas electrofisiológicas como el registro de potenciales eléctricos del nervio do seno carotídeo in vitro; y registros ventilatórios in vivo en animales no anestesiados y en libre movimiento (pletismografia). Se observó que: 1) la sensibilidad de los quimiorreceptores de CB esta correlacionada con un bajo umbral de liberación de adenosina en respuesta a la hipoxia ya que en respuesta a una hipoxia moderada (10% O2) la liberación de adenosina en el CB aumenta un 44%, sin embargo esta PaO2 no es un estimulo suficientemente fuerte para inducir la liberación de adenosina del ganglio cervical superior o del tejido arterial; se observó también que aproximadamente 40% de la adenosina liberada del CB proviene del catabolismo extracelular del ATP en normoxia y en hipoxia moderada, y que bajas PO2 inducen la liberación de adenosina vía activación del sistema de transporte equilibrativo ENT1. 2) la ACh modula la liberación de adenosina /ATP del CB en respuesta a la hipóxia moderada lo que sugiere que el papel excitatório de la ACh en la actividad quimiosensora incluye la activación indirecta de receptores purinérgicos por la adenosina y el ATP, indicando que la adenosina y el ATP pueden actuar como mediadores importantes en el proceso de quimiotransducción ya que: a) la activación de los receptores nicotínicos de ACh en el CB en normoxia estimula la liberación de adenosina (max 36%) que aparentemente proviene de la degradación extracelular del ATP. Se observó también que este aumento de adenosina en el CB en hipoxia ha sido antagonizado parcialmente por antagonistas de estos mismos receptores; b) la caracterización farmacológica de los receptores nicotínicos de ACh involucrados en la estimulación de la liberación de adenosina del CB ha revelado que los receptores nicotínicos de ACh involucrados son constituidos por sub-unidades α4ß2. 3) la adenosina modula la liberación de CA de las células quimiorreceptoras del CB a través de receptores de adenosina A2B ya que: a) la cafeína, un antagonista no selectivo de los receptores de adenosina, ha inhibido la liberación de CA en normoxia y en respuesta a estímulos de baja intensidad siendo ineficaz en la liberación inducida por estímulos de intensidad superior; b) el DPCPX y el MRS1754 ha mimetizado los efectos de la cafeína en el CB y el SCH58621 ha sido incapaz de inducir la liberación de CA lo que sugiere que los efectos de la cafeína son mediados por receptores A2B de adenosina que están localizados pré-sinapticamente en las células quimiorreceptoras del CB. 4) la aplicación aguda de cafeína ha inhibido en 52% la actividad quimiosensora del CSN inducida por la hipoxia siendo este efecto mediado respectivamente por receptores de adenosina A2A pós-sinápticos y A2B pré-sinápticos lo que indica que la actividad quimiosensora inducida por la hipoxia es controlada por la adenosina. 5) existe una interacción entre los receptores A2B y D2 que controla la liberación de CA del CB de rata ya que: a) el sulpiride, un antagonista de los receptores D2, ha aumentado la liberación de CA de las células quimiorreceptoras revertiendo el efecto inhibitorio de la cafeína sobre esta misma liberación; b) los antagonistas de los receptores D2, domperidona y haloperidol, han aumentado la liberación basal e evocada de CA de las células quimiorreceptoras confirmando la presencia de autorreceptores D2 en el CB de rata que controlan la liberación de CA a través de un mecanismo de feed-back negativo; c) la propilnorapomorfina, un agonista D2, ha inhibido la liberación basal e evocada de CA sendo este efecto revertido por la NECA, un agonista de los receptores A2B. Ya que la NECA potencia el efecto del haloperidol en la liberación de CA la interacción entre los D2 y A2B puede también ocurrir al nivel de segundos mensajeros, como el cAMP. 6) la ingestión crónica de cafeína en ratas controlo (normóxicas) no ha cambiado significativamente la función basal del CB medida como la dinámica de sus neurotransmisores, dopamina, ATP y adenosina y como actividad quimiosensora del CSN. Al revés de lo que pasa con los efectos básales, la ingestión crónica de cafeína facilitó la respuesta a la hipóxia, ya que ha aumentado la respuesta ventilatória medida como volumen minuto presentando también una clara tendencia para aumentar la actividad quimiosensora del CSN y aumentar la liberación de ATP y dopamina. 7. Después de un período de 15 días de hipoxia crónica se puede observar el fenómeno de climatización ya que las respuestas ventilatórias a la hipoxia están aumentadas, así como la actividad quimiosensora del CSN basal e inducida por la hipoxia. Los cambios observados en el metabolismo de la dopamina, así como en la liberación basal de dopamina y de adenosina podrían contribuir para la climatización en hipoxia crónica. El aumento en la liberación de adenosina en respuesta a la hipoxia aguda en ratas sometidas a hipoxia crónica sugiere un papel para la adenosina en el mantenimiento/aumento de las respuestas ventilatórias a la hipoxia aguda en hipoxia crónica sostenida. Se ha observado también que la liberación de ATP inducida por la hipoxia aguda está disminuida en hipoxia crónica y que la ingestión crónica de cafeína reverte este efecto para valores similares a los valores controlo, sugiriendo que la adenosina podría modular la liberación de ATP en hipoxia crónica. 8. la ingestión crónica de cafeína ha inducido el aumento del metabolismo de CA en el CB en ratas hipóxicas crónicas, medido como expresión de la tirosina hidroxilase, contenido, síntesis y liberación de CA. 9. la ingestión crónica de cafeína no ha inducido cambios en la actividad quimiosensora del CSN en ratas hipóxicas crónicas sin embargo las respuestas do CSN a una hipoxia intensa y moderada y a la hipercapnia están disminuidas. Este efecto inhibitorio que es debido a la ingestión crónica de cafeína es compensado al nivel de los quimiorreceptores centrales ya que los parámetros ventilatórios en condiciones básales y en respuesta a la hipoxia aguda no están modificados en ratas expuestas durante 15 días a una atmósfera hipóxica. Resumiendo se puede concluir que la adenosina en situaciones de hipoxia aguda así como en hipoxia crónica tiene un papel excitatório en la actividad quimiosensora del CB actuando directamente en los receptores A2A localizados pós-sinapticamente en el CSN, así como controlando la liberación de dopamina pré-sinaptica vía receptores A2B localizados en las células quimiorreceptoras. Las interacciones entre los receptores A2B y D2 observadas en las células quimiorreceptoras del CB podrían explicar el aumento del metabolismo de CA observado después de la ingestión crónica de cafeína en animales hipóxicos. Por fin, pero no menos importante se puede concluir que durante la climatización a la hipoxia la acción inhibitoria de la cafeína, medida como respuesta ventilatória, mediada por los quimiorreceptores periféricos es compensada por los efectos excitatórios de esta xantina al nivel de los quimiorreceptores centrales.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies normally causes hyperthyroidism. However, they might have blocking activity causing hypothyroidism. A 11-year-old girl followed due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and euthyroid lymphocytic thyroiditis at diagnosis. Two years after the initial evaluation, thyroid-stimulating hormone was suppressed with normal free T4; nine months later, a biochemical evolution to hypothyroidism with thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies elevation was seen; the patient remained always asymptomatic. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone -receptor, and then exposed to the patient's serum; it was estimated a 'moderate' blocking activity of these thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, and concomitantly excluded stimulating action. In this case, the acknowledgment of the blocking activity of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, supported the hypothesis of a multifactorial aetiology of the hypothyroidism, which in the absence of the in vitro tests, we would consider only as a consequence of the destructive process associated to lymphocytic thyroiditis.
Using a green methodology, 17 different poly(2-oxazolines) were synthesized starting from four different oxazoline monomers. The polymerization reactions were conducted in supercritical carbon dioxide under a cationic ring-opening polymerization (CROP) mechanism using boron trifluoride diethyl etherate as the catalyst. The obtained living polymers were then end-capped with different types of amines, in order to confer them antimicrobial activity. For comparison, four polyoxazolines were end-capped with water, and by their hydrolysis the linear poly(ethyleneimine) (LPEI) was also produced. After functionalization the obtained polymers were isolated, purified and characterized by standard techniques (FT-IR, NMR, MALDI-TOF and GPC). The synthesized poly(2-oxazolines) revealed an unusual intrinsic blue photoluminescence. High concentration of carbonyl groups in the polymer backbone is appointed as a key structural factor for the presence of fluorescence and enlarges polyoxazolines’ potential applications. Microbiological assays were also performed in order to evaluate their antimicrobial profile against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus NCTC8325-4 and gram-negative Escherichia coli AB1157 strains, two well known and difficult to control pathogens. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC)s and killing rates of three synthesized polymers against both strains were determined. The end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine of living poly(2- methyl-2-oxazoline) and poly(bisoxazoline) led to materials with higher MIC values but fast killing rates (less than 5 minutes to achieve 100% killing for both bacterial species) than LPEI, a polymer which had a lower MIC value, but took a longer time to kill both E.coli and S.aureus cells. LPEI achieved 100% killing after 45 minutes in contact with E. coli and after 4 hours in contact with S.aureus. Such huge differences in the biocidal behavior of the different polymers can possibly underlie different mechanisms of action. In the future, studies to elucidate the obtained data will be performed to better understand the killing mechanisms of the polymers through the use of microbial cell biology techniques.
Unlike injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), where injured neurons can trigger a regenerative program that leads to axonal elongation and in some cases proper reinnervation, after injury to the central nervous system (CNS) neurons fail to produce the same response. The regenerative program includes the activation of several injury signals that will lead to the expression of genes associated with axonal regeneration. As a consequence, the spawned somatic response will ensure the supply of molecular components required for axonal elongation. The capacity of some neurons to trigger a regenerative response has led to investigate the mechanisms underlying neuronal regeneration. Thus, non-regenerative models (like injury to the CNS) and regenerative models (such as injury to the PNS) were used to understand the differences underlying those two responses to injury. To do so, the regenerative properties of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were addressed. This particular type of neurons possesses two branches, a central axon, that has a limited capacity to regenerate; and a peripheral axon, where regeneration can occur over long distances. In the first paradigm used to understand the neuronal regeneration mechanisms, we evaluated the activation of injury signals in a non-regenerative model. Injury signals include the positive injury signals, which are described as being enhancers of axonal regeneration by activating several transcription factors. The currently known positive injury signals are ERK, JNK and STAT3. To evaluate whether the lack of regeneration following injury to the central branch of DRG neurons was due to inactivation of these signals, activation of the transcription factors pELK-1, p-c-jun (downstream targets of ERK and JNK, respectively) and pSTAT3 were examined. Results have shown no impairment in the activation of these signals. As a consequence, we further proceed with evaluation of other candidates that could participate in axonal regeneration failure. By comparing the protein profiles that were triggered following either injury to the central branch of DRG neurons or injury to their peripheral branch, we were able to identify high levels of GSK3-β, ROCKII and HSP-40 after injury to the central branch of DRG neurons. While in vitro knockdown of HSP-40 in DRG neurons showed to be toxic for the cells, evaluation of pCRMP2 (a GSK3-β downstream target) and pMLC (a ROCKII downstream target), which are known to impair axonal regeneration, revealed high levels of both proteins following injury to the central branch when comparing with injury to their peripheral one. Altogether, these results suggest that activation of positive injury signals is not sufficient to elicit axonal regeneration; HSP-40 is likely to participate in the cell survival program; whereas GSK3-β and ROCKII activity may condition the regenerative capacity following injury to the nervous system.(...)
Early-life stress (ELS) induces long-lasting changes in gene expression conferring an increased risk for the development of stress-related mental disorders. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) mediate the negative feedback actions of glucocorticoids (GC) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary and therefore play a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the endocrine response to stress. We here show that ELS programs the expression of the GR gene (Nr3c1) by site-specific hypermethylation at the CpG island (CGI) shore in hypothalamic neurons that produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh), thus preventing Crh upregulation under conditions of chronic stress. CpGs mapping to the Nr3c1 CGI shore region are dynamically regulated by ELS and underpin methylation-sensitive control of this region's insulation-like function via Ying Yang 1 (YY1) binding. Our results provide new insight into how a genomic element integrates experience-dependent epigenetic programming of the composite proximal Nr3c1 promoter, and assigns an insulating role to the CGI shore.
The present study demonstrates the antibacterial potential of a phage endolysin against Gram-negative pathogens, particularly against multidrug resistant strains of Acinetobacter baumannii. We have cloned, heterologously expressed and characterized a novel endolysin (ABgp46) from Acinetobacter phage vb_AbaP_CEB1 and tested its antibacterial activity against several multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strains. LC-MS revealed that ABgp46 is an N-acetylmuramidase, that is also active over a broad pH range (4.0-10.0) and temperatures up to 50°C. Interestingly, ABgp46 has intrinsic and specific anti-A. baumannii activity, reducing multidrug resistant strains by up to 2 logs within 2 hours. By combining ABgp46 with several organic acids that act as outer membrane permeabilizing agents, it is possible to increase and broaden antibacterial activity to include other Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. In the presence of citric and malic acid, ABgp46 reduces A. baumannii below the detection limit (> 5 log) and more than 4 logs P. aeruginosa and Salmonella Typhimurium strains. Overall, this globular endolysin exhibits a broad and high activity against Gram-negative pathogens, that can be enhanced in presence of citric and malic acid, and be used in human and veterinary medicine.
TEMA I. MECANISMOS NO CLÁSICOS EN EL CONTROL DE LA BIOSÍNTESIS DE HORMONAS TIROIDEAS. El objetivo general de este aspecto del proyecto es el estudio de los mecanismos bioquímicos y moleculares que regulan la hormonogénesis tiroidea en diferentes condiciones funcionales. En proyectos anteriores hemos demostrado que la endotoxina bacteriana lipopolisacárido (LPS) y el oxido nítrico (NO) inducen modificaciones en la biosíntesis de hormonas tiroideas. En base a estos resultados se propone investigar el mecanismo responsable de la estimulación de la captación de ioduro y la expresión de NIS ejercida por LPS y los factores que regulan la producción de NO en la célula tiroidea. Por otra parte se investigarán posibles factores hormonales reguladores de la absorción de ioduro a nivel intestinal y su relación con el eje hipófiso-tiroideo, así como los mecanismos involucrados en la expresión de NIS en enterocitos. Como extensión con aplicación clínica y en base a la experiencia del grupo en el estudio de proteínas que participan en la biosíntesis hormonal tiroidea, se realizará una pesquisa de posibles mutaciones en el transportador de ioduro en pacientes con Hipotiroidismo congénito.TEMA II. ESTUDIO DEL EFECTO DE LAS HORMONAS TIROIDEAS EN LA INICIACIÓN DE LA RESPUESTA INMUNE EN RATÓN. INTERACCIÓN CON GLUCOCORTICOIDES. En nuestro grupo demostramos recientemente un efecto novel de las hormonas tiroideas sobre la maduración/función de células presentadoras de antígenos especializadas: células dendríticas (DC), derivadas de médula ósea de ratón. En este proyecto se propone: 1) profundizar el mecanismo molecular involucrado en el efecto de triiodotironina (T3) sobre DC: rol del receptor de T3-señalamiento intracelular; capacidad de DC tratadas con T3 de estimular la citotoxicidad antígeno-específica; estrategia de vacunación en el tratamiento antitumoral. Por su parte, también previamente demostramos la característica de los glucocorticoides (GC) de interaccionar con el mecanismo de acción de las hormonas tiroideas en la expresión final de los efectos T3-específicos. Considerando el uso terapéutico de los GC en diversos estados clínico-patológicos inmunes, se propone: 2) Estudio del efecto de dexametasona (GC de síntesis) sobre el mecanismo de acción de T3 a nivel de DC.
A role for the gastro-intestinal tract in controlling bone remodeling is suspected since serum levels of bone remodeling markers are affected rapidly after a meal. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) represents a suitable candidate in mediating this effect. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of total inhibition of GIP signaling on trabecular bone volume, microarchitecture and quality. We used GIP receptor (GIPR) knockout mice and investigated trabecular bone volume and microarchitecture by microCT and histomorphometry. GIPR-deficient animals at 16 weeks of age presented with a significant (20%) increase in trabecular bone mass accompanied by an increase (17%) in trabecular number. In addition, the number of osteoclasts and bone formation rate was significantly reduced and augmented, respectively in these animals when compared with wild-type littermates. These modifications of trabecular bone microarchitecture are linked to a remodeling in the expression pattern of adipokines in the GIPR-deficient mice. On the other hand, despite significant enhancement in bone volume, intrinsic mechanical properties of the bone matrix was reduced as well as the distribution of bone mineral density and the ratio of mature/immature collagen cross-links. Taken together, these results indicate an increase in trabecular bone volume in GIPR KO animals associated with a reduction in bone quality.
BACKGROUND: CD19 is a B cell lineage specific surface receptor whose broad expression, from pro-B cells to early plasma cells, makes it an attractive target for the immunotherapy of B cell malignancies. In this study we present the generation of a novel humanized anti-CD19 monoclonal antibody (mAb), GBR 401, and investigate its therapeutic potential on human B cell malignancies. METHODS: GBR 401 was partially defucosylated in order to enhance its cytotoxic function. We analyzed the in vitro depleting effects of GBR 401 against B cell lines and primary malignant B cells from patients in the presence or in absence of purified NK cells isolated from healthy donors. In vivo, the antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) efficacy of GBR 401 was assessed in a B cell depletion model consisting of SCID mice injected with healthy human donor PBMC, and a malignant B cell depletion model where SCID mice are xenografted with both primary human B-CLL tumors and heterologous human NK cells. Furthermore, the anti-tumor activity of GBR 401 was also evaluated in a xenochimeric mouse model of human Burkitt lymphoma using mice xenografted intravenously with Raji cells. Pharmacological inhibition tests were used to characterize the mechanism of the cell death induced by GBR 401. RESULTS: GBR 401 exerts a potent in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic activity against primary samples from patients representing various B-cell malignancies. GBR 401 elicits a markedly higher level of ADCC on primary malignant B cells when compared to fucosylated similar mAb and to Rituximab, the current anti-CD20 mAb standard immunotherapeutic treatment for B cell malignancies, showing killing at 500 times lower concentrations. Of interest, GBR 401 also exhibits a potent direct killing effect in different malignant B cell lines that involves homotypic aggregation mediated by actin relocalization. CONCLUSION: These results contribute to consolidate clinical interest in developing GBR 401 for treatment of hematopoietic B cell malignancies, particularly for patients refractory to anti-CD20 mAb therapies.
Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have been efficiently used for rapid high level expression of several G protein-coupled receptors. Here we describe the use of SFV vectors to express the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) alone or in the presence of the G protein alpha q and/or beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits. Infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells with recombinant SFV-alpha 1b-AR particles resulted in high specific binding activity of the alpha 1b-AR (24 pmol receptor/mg protein). Time-course studies indicated that the highest level of receptor expression was obtained 30 hours post-infection. The stimulation of BHK cells, with epinephrine led to a 5-fold increase in inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, confirming the functional coupling of the receptor to G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C. The SFV expression system represents a rapid and reproducible system to study the pharmacological properties and interactions of G protein coupled receptors and of G protein subunits.
The alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) is a member of the large superfamily of seven transmembrane domain (TMD) G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Combining site-directed mutagenesis of the alpha1b-AR with computational simulations of receptor dynamics, we have explored the conformational changes underlying the process of receptor activation, i.e. the transition between the inactive and active states. Our findings suggest that the structural constraint stabilizing the alpha1b-AR in the inactive form is a network of H-bonding interactions amongst conserved residues forming a polar pocket and R143 of the DRY sequence at the end of TMDIII. We have recently reported that point mutations of D142, of the DRY sequence and of A293 in the distal portion of the third intracellular loop resulted in ligand-independent (constitutive) activation of the alpha1b-AR. These constitutively activating mutations could induce perturbations resulting in the shift of R143 out of the polar pocket. The main role of R143 may be to mediate receptor activation by triggering the exposure of several basic amino acids of the intracellular loops towards the G protein. Our investigation has been extended also to the biochemical events involved in the desensitization process of alpha1b-AR. Our results indicate that immediately following agonist-induced activation, the alpha1b-AR can undergo rapid agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization. Different members of the G protein coupled receptor kinase family can play a role in agonist-induced regulation of the alpha1b-AR. In addition, constitutively active alpha1b-AR mutants display different phosphorylation and internalization features. The future goal is to further elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the complex equilibrium between activation and inactivation of the alpha1b-AR and its regulation by pharmacological substances. These findings can help to elucidate the mechanism of action of various agents displaying properties of agonists or inverse agonists at the adrenergic system.
B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is a negative regulator of T cell activation, but its function in vivo is not well characterized. Here we show that mice deficient in full-length BTLA or its ligand, herpesvirus entry mediator, had increased number of memory CD8(+) T cells. The memory CD8(+) T cell phenotype resulted from a T cell-intrinsic perturbation of the CD8(+) T cell pool. Naive BTLA-deficient CD8(+) T cells were more efficient than wild-type cells at generating memory in a competitive antigen-specific system. This effect was independent of the initial expansion of the responding antigen-specific T cell population. In addition, BTLA negatively regulated antigen-independent homeostatic expansion of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. These results emphasize two central functions of BTLA in limiting T cell activity in vivo.
In liver, the glyoxylate cycle contributes to two metabolic functions, urea and glucose synthesis. One of the key enzymes in this pathway is glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (GRHPR) whose dysfunction in human causes primary hyperoxaluria type 2, a disease resulting in oxalate accumulation and formation of kidney stones. In this study, we provide evidence for a transcriptional regulation by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) of the mouse GRHPR gene in liver. Mice fed with a PPARalpha ligand or in which PPARalpha activity is enhanced by fasting increase their GRHPR gene expression via a peroxisome proliferator response element located in the promoter region of the gene. Consistent with these observations, mice deficient in PPARalpha present higher plasma levels of oxalate in comparison with their wild type counterparts. As expected, the administration of a PPARalpha ligand (Wy-14,643) reduces the plasma oxalate levels. Surprisingly, this effect is also observed in null mice, suggesting a PPARalpha-independent action of the compound. Despite a high degree of similarity between the transcribed region of the human and mouse GRHPR gene, the human promoter has been dramatically reorganized, which has resulted in a loss of PPARalpha regulation. Overall, these data indicate a species-specific regulation by PPARalpha of GRHPR, a key gene of the glyoxylate cycle.