947 resultados para granite sawing waste
(241)Pu was determined in slurry samples from a nuclear reactor decommissioning project at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland). To validate the results, the (241)Pu activities of five samples were determined by LSC (TriCarb and Quantulus) and ICP-MS, with each instrument at a different laboratory. In lack of certified reference materials for (241)Pu, the methods were further validated using the (241)Pu information values of two reference sediments (IAEA-300 and IAEA-384). Excellent agreement with the results was found between LSC and ICP-MS in the nuclear waste slurries and the reference sediments.
This article shows the results of an exploratory study related to the separation of organic waste in order to offer suggestions for the improvement of waste disposal communication campaigns. The overall objective is to analyze attitude and behavior of those who do and those who do not separate organic waste, related to a specific promotional campaign carried out in two neighborhoods, in the municipality of Badalona (Spain), within the framework of the study of proenvironmental attitudes and behaviors and based on the Psychosocial Four Spheres Model. 1,010 interviews were conducted and data was analyzed using Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). Waste separation behavior was used as a dependent variable. The reasons given to explain why people do or do not separate organic waste and sociodemographic variables, have been introduced as independent variables. In accordance with the Four Spheres Model, results show significant differences in waste separation. Based on the profiles obtained, we find some predictive variables that facilitate the development of communication campaigns according to the requirements of each community.
This article shows the results of an exploratory study related to the separation of organic waste in order to offer suggestions for the improvement of waste disposal communication campaigns. The overall objective is to analyze attitude and behavior of those who do and those who do not separate organic waste, related to a specific promotional campaign carried out in two neighborhoods, in the municipality of Badalona (Spain), within the framework of the study of proenvironmental attitudes and behaviors and based on the Psychosocial Four Spheres Model. 1,010 interviews were conducted and data was analyzed using Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). Waste separation behavior was used as a dependent variable. The reasons given to explain why people do or do not separate organic waste and sociodemographic variables, have been introduced as independent variables. In accordance with the Four Spheres Model, results show significant differences in waste separation. Based on the profiles obtained, we find some predictive variables that facilitate the development of communication campaigns according to the requirements of each community.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of supplemental feeding of soy waste on the feed intake and growth rate of goats. Twenty male crossbred (Boer x local) goats were assigned to two isonitrogenous diet groups: one of commercial pellet and the other of soy waste. The commercial pellet (1.0%) and soy waste (0.8%) were provided on the dry matter basis of body weight (BW) per day, to the respective group of each diet. The soy waste group had lower daily intakes of total dry matter (0.79 vs. 0.88 kg) and organic matter (665.71 vs. 790.44 g) than the group fed pellet; however, the differences on daily intakes for grass (0.62 vs. 0.64 kg), crude protein (96.81 vs. 96.83 g), and neutral detergent fibre (483.70 vs. 499.86 g) were not significant. No differences were observed between groups for BW gain. The feed conversion ratio and feed cost per kilogram of BW gain were lower for the group fed soy waste than for the one fed pellet. Goats fed supplemental soy waste have a lower total dry matter intake, feed conversion ratio, and feed cost per kilogram of body weight gain than those fed commercial pellets.
Puukuitulujitteisten muovikomposiittien käyttömäärät ovat maailmanlaajuisesti kasvaneet jatkuvasti viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana.Kasvun on ennustettu jatkuvan voimakkaana myös tulevaisuudessa. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää puukuitulujitteisten muovikomposiittimateriaalien soveltuvuus erääseen, mahdollisesti rakennusteollisuuden käyttöön tulevaan, tuotteeseen. Tutkittaviksi materiaaliyhdistelmiksi valittiin sekä kerta- että kestomuovin ja puu- jauhon seos. Puujauho oli koivupuista sahaus- ja hiontajätettä. Molemmissa tapauksissa puun osuus komposiitissa oli 30 p-%. Koekappaleiden valmistuksessakäytettiin koivupuisia muotteja, joihin materiaali annosteltiin. Kertamuovin japuujauhon seos kovettui huoneenlämmössä. Kestomuovin ja puujauhon seoksen sulatukseen käytettiin lämmitettävillä puristinlevyillä varustettua aihiopuristinta. Koekappaleille määritettiin taivutuslujuudet taivutuskokeen avulla. Koekappaleiden taivutuslujuuksia verrattiin mm. lattialastulevyn ja koivuliimalevyn arvoihin. Liimalevyn taivutuslujuus muihin verrattuna oli huomattavasti suurempi. Komposiittimateriaalista valmistettujen koekappaleiden taivutuslujuus oli lähellä lattia-lastulevyn tasoa, osittain jonkin verran parempikin. Diplomityössä saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta puukuitulujitteisilla muovikomposiiteilla olevan kehityspotentiaalia myös tutkimuskohteen tyyppisissä ratkaisuissa. Jatkotutkimusta tulisi kohdistaa ennen kaikkea kestomuovipohjaisen komposiittimateriaalinsuuntaan.
The main research problem of this thesis is to find out the means of promoting the recovery of packaging waste generated in thefast food industry. The recovery of packaging waste generated in the fast food industry is demanded by the packaging waste legislation and expected by the public. The means are revealed by the general factors influencing the recovery of packaging waste, analysed by a multidisciplinary literature review and a case study focusing on the packaging waste managementof McDonald's Oy operating in Finland. The existing solid waste infrastructure does not promote the recovery ofpackaging waste generated in the fast food industry. The theoretical recovery rate of the packaging waste is high, 93 %, while the actual recovery rate is only 29 % consisting of secondary packaging manufactured from cardboard. The total recovery potential of packaging waste is 64 %, resulting in 1 230 tonnes ofrecoverable packaging waste. The achievable recovery potential of 33 %, equalling 647 tonnes of packaging waste could be recovered, but is not recovered mainly because of non-working waste management practises. The theoretical recovery potential of 31 %, equalling 583 tonnes of packaging waste can not be recovered by the existing solid waste infrastructure because of the obscure status of commecial waste, the improper operation ofproducer organisations, and the municipal autonomy. The sorting experiment indicated that it is possible to reach the achievable recovery potential inthe existing solid waste infrastructure. The achievement is promoted by waste producer -oriented waste management practises. The theoretical recovery potential can be reached by increasing the consistency of the solid waste infrastructure through governmental action.
Työn tavoitteena oli vanerin tuotantoprosessin tehostaminen ja raaka-aineen käyttösuhteen parantaminen Schauman Wood Oy:n Kuopion vaneritehtaalla. Tuotannon pitkä läpimenoaika ja välivarastojen suuri määrä sitovat paljon pääomaa. Välivarastot ovat tuotannon kapeikkokohtien seurannaisia, koska yksittäisten konelinjojen kapasiteetti ei ole tasapainossa optimaaliseen materiaalin virtaukseen nähden. Teoriaosuus käsittelee valmistettavaa vanerituotetta, tuotantotaloutta, tuotannon- ja materiaalin ohjausta sekä Kuopion vaneritehtaan tuotantoprosessia, joiden avulla selvitään vanerin valmistukseen liittyviä asioita ja niiden yhteyksiä toisiinsa. Tutkimuksen kokeellisessa osassa poistettiin yksi työvaihe vanerin valmistusprosessista ja samalla kiinnitettiin suurta huomiota viilun valmistuksen mittatarkkuuteen. Vanerin liimauksessa aihion reunat jäävät epätasaisiksi, mikä johtuu viilujen mittavaihtelusta, ladontamenetelmästä ja ladonnan tarkkuudesta. Levyjen reunat puhdistetaan ja oikaistaan sahaamalla niistä pois 30 - 50 mm leveät suikaleet. Useasti levyn ensimmäinen sahaus, eli niin sanottu karsintasahaus, on valmisteleva toimenpide tulevaa jatkokäsittelyä varten. Karsintasahauksen poistamisella saavutetaan nopeampi läpimenoaika, pienempi välivarasto viimeistelyosastolla sekä puumateriaalin säästö jättämällä reunojen oikaisu pois.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää kohdeyrityksen puuraaka-aineen käyttöä. Kohdeyritys on massiivipuuparkettia valmistava yritys, jonka tuotantotoiminta oli diplomityön aloitushetkellä noin vuoden ikäinen. Parkettituotannossa uutta tekniikkaa hyödyntävä valmistuslinja sekä uuden tuotantolaitoksen käytännön ongelmat ovat vaatineet henkilöstöltä paljon aikaa. Puuraaka-aineen hankintaan ja käyttöön liittyville tutkimus- ja kehitystoimille olikin yrityksessä selvä tarve. Projektin aikana tutkittiin erilaisin kokein puuraaka-aineen kulutusta parketin valmistuksen eri vaiheissa. Kokeissa keskityttiin materiaalin kulutuksen kannalta kriittisimpiin työvaiheisiin, jotka kohdeyrityksen tuotannossa ovat vannesahaus, jyrsintä, särmäys ja laatulajittelu. Lisäksi suoritettiin kuivauskokeita tuotteessa käytettävillä erityyppisillä puumateriaaleilla. Suoritetuilla kokeilla saatiin selville työvaiheiden puun kulutus sekä merkittävimmät syyt eri vaiheissa syntyvälle materiaalihukalle. Tulosten pohjalta on esitetty tekijöitä, joihin keskittymällä yrityksen puuraaka-aineen hankintaa ja käyttöä voidaan tehostaa. Työn aikana kehitettiin myös erityyppisten puuraaka-aineiden vastaanottoon ja laadun seurantaan liittyvää dokumentointia.
We perform a meta - analysis of 21 studies that estimate the elasticity of the price of waste collection demand upon waste quantities, a prior literature review having revealed that the price elasticity differs markedly. Based on a meta - regression with a total of 65 observations, we find no indication that municipal data give higher estimates for price elasticities than those associated with household data. Furthermore, there is no evidence that treating prices as exogenous underestimates the price elasticity. We find that much of the variation can be explained by sample size, the use of a weight - based as opposed to a volume - based pricing system, and the pricing of compostable waste. We also show that price elasticities determined in the USA and point estimations of elasticities are more elastic, but these effects are not robust to the changing of model specifications. Finally, our tests show that there is no evidence of publication bias while there is some evidence of the existence of genuine empirical effect.
This paper analyzes the cost implications of privatization and cooperation in the provision of solid waste services for a sample of small municipalities. In conducting this empirical analysis, a survey is first designed and administered to municipalities in the Spanish region of Aragon, and then an estimation of the determinants of service costs is undertaken, considering the possible endogeneity of delivery choices. Our findings indicate that cooperation is more effective than privatization in saving costs. Both production forms can enable small municipalities to cut costs by exploiting scale economies. However, the fact that inter-municipal cooperation involves lower transaction costs and is less likely to be affected by competition problems would seem to account for the fact that it is a more effective way of reducing costs.
Corrosion reduces the lifetime of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) superheater tubes more than any other cause. It can be minimized by the careful selection of those materials that are most resistant to corrosion under operating conditions. Since thousands of different materials are already known and many more are developed every year, here the selection methodology developed by Prof. Ashby of the University of Cambridge was used to evaluate the performance of different materials to be used as MSWI superheater tubes. The proposed materials can operate at steam pressures and temperatures over 40 bars and 400ºC, respectively. Two case studies are presented: one makes a balanced selection between mechanical properties and cost per thermal unit; and the other focuses on increasing tube lifetime. The balanced selection showed that AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel (wrought, hard tempered) is the best candidate with a good combination of corrosion resistance, a relatively low price (0.83-0.92 e/kg) and a good thermal conductivity (23-27 W/m K). Meanwhile, Nitronic 50/XM-19 stainless steel is the most promising candidate for longterm selection, as it presents high corrosion resistance with a relatively low price (4.86-5.14 e/kg) compared to Ni-alloys.
Law 15/2012 established in Spain four new environmental taxes and extended the scope objective excise duties on mineral oils to tax the use of natural gas and coal as sources of electricity. One of the newly created taxes falls on all electric power producers, and has as tax base the turnover. The second one tax hydropower production, and the other two fall on the nuclear industry. So, there are two new taxes in Spain on the production of electricity from nuclear sources. The first one is a tax on nuclear waste production; the second one is a tax on the storage of nuclear waste. However, these are not the only levies in the Spanish tax system affecting nuclear waste. At the State level there are already several charges on nuclear waste. At the regional level, on the other hand, two Autonomous Communities were taxing nuclear waste. The creation of these new State taxes will finish with the regional taxes, but the State will be oblige to compensate these regions for losing revenues. The purpose of this work is to carry out a critical analysis of the Spanish system of taxation on nuclear waste.
Oxalate is a highly insoluble metabolic waste excreted by the kidneys. Disturbances of oxalate metabolism are encountered in enteric hyperoxaluria (secondary to malabsorption, gastric bypass or in case of insufficient Oxalobacter colonization), in hereditary hyperoxaluria and in intoxication (ethylene glycol, vitamin C). Hyperoxaluria causes a large spectrum of diseases, from isolated hyperoxaluria to kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis formation, eventually leading to kidney failure and systemic oxalosis with life-threatening deposits in vital organs. New causes of hyperoxaluria are arising recently, in particular after gastric bypass surgery, which requires regular and preemptive monitoring. The treatment of hyperoxaluria involves reduction in oxalate intake and increase in calcium intake. Optimal urine dilution and supplementation with inhibitors of kidney stone formation (citrate) are required. Some conditions may need vitamin B6 supplementation, and the addition of probiotics might be useful in the future. Primary care physicians should identify cases of recurrent calcium oxalate stones and severe hyperoxaluria. Further management of hyperoxaluria requires specialized care.