745 resultados para entrepreneurial Innovation
Even though the research on innovation in services has expanded remarkably especially during the past two decades, there is still a need to increase understanding on the special characteristics of service innovation. In addition to studying innovation in service companies and industries, research has also recently focused more on services in innovation, as especially the significance of so-called knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) for the competitive edge of their clients, othercompanies, regions and even nations has been proved in several previous studies. This study focuses on studying technology-based KIBS firms, and technology andengineering consulting (TEC) sector in particular. These firms have multiple roles in innovation systems, and thus, there is also a need for in-depth studies that increase knowledge about the types and dimensions of service innovations as well as underlying mechanisms and procedures which make the innovations successful. The main aim of this study is to generate new knowledge in the fragmented research field of service innovation management by recognizing the different typesof innovations in TEC services and some of the enablers of and barriers to innovation capacity in the field, especially from the knowledge management perspective. The study also aims to shed light on some of the existing routines and new constructions needed for enhancing service innovation and knowledge processing activities in KIBS companies of the TEC sector. The main samples of data in this research include literature reviews and public data sources, and a qualitative research approach with exploratory case studies conducted with the help of the interviews at technology consulting companies in Singapore in 2006. These complement the qualitative interview data gathered previously in Finland during a larger research project in the years 2004-2005. The data is also supplemented by a survey conducted in Singapore. The respondents for the survey by Tan (2007) were technology consulting companies who operate in the Singapore region. The purpose ofthe quantitative part of the study was to validate and further examine specificaspects such as the influence of knowledge management activities on innovativeness and different types of service innovations, in which the technology consultancies are involved. Singapore is known as a South-east Asian knowledge hub and is thus a significant research area where several multinational knowledge-intensive service firms operate. Typically, the service innovations identified in the studied TEC firms were formed by several dimensions of innovations. In addition to technological aspects, innovations were, for instance, related to new client interfaces and service delivery processes. The main enablers of and barriers to innovation seem to be partly similar in Singaporean firms as compared to the earlier study of Finnish TEC firms. Empirical studies also brought forth the significance of various sources of knowledge and knowledge processing activities as themain driving forces of service innovation in technology-related KIBS firms. A framework was also developed to study the effect of knowledge processing capabilities as well as some moderators on the innovativeness of TEC firms. Especially efficient knowledge acquisition and environmental dynamism seem to influence the innovativeness of TEC firms positively. The results of the study also contributeto the present service innovation literature by focusing more on 'innovation within KIBs' rather than 'innovation through KIBS', which has been the typical viewpoint stressed in the previous literature. Additionally, the study provides several possibilities for further research.
Valtaosa eurooppalaisista yrityksistä on pk-yrityksiä, mutta tästä huolimatta seudullisen innovaatiopolitiikan vaikutusta juuri pk-yrityksiin on tutkittu melko vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda yleiskuva pk-yritysten näkemykseen oman seutunsa innovaatiopolitiikasta viidellä EU:n alueella sijaitsevalla seudulla. Kirjallisuuden perusteella rakennettiin seudullista innovaatiopolitiikkaa kuvaava kysely, johon joukko pk-yrityksiä viideltä seudulta vastasi. Kyselyn tulokset kuvailtiin graafisesti, minkä lisäksi etsittiin vastauksiin vaikuttaneita tekijöitä ja yhteyksiä yritysten vastausten välillä. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan lähinnä kvantitatiivinen. Tutkimus osoittaa, että seudullisessa innovaatiopolitiikassa on vielä paljon kehitettävää, jotta se tavoittaisi kattavasti pk-yritykset. Pk-yritysten tietoisuutta tulisi lisätä, sillä nämä eivät yleisesti ottaen näytä pitävän seudullista innovaatiopolitiikkaa menetykseen vaikuttavana tekijänä tai siihen liittyviä yhteistyömahdollisuuksia tärkeinä omalle toiminnalleen. Erot innovaatiotoiminnan seudullisessa roolissa tulivat esiin tuloksissa. Yritysten vastauksia selittäviä tekijöitä löydettiin, samoin yhteyksiä vastausten välillä, mutta varsinaisten johtopäätösten tekeminen edellyttänee laajempaa tutkimusta.
The driving forces of technology and globalization continuously transform the business landscape in a way which undermines the existing strategies and innovations of organizations. The challenge for organizations is to establish such conditions where they are able to create new knowledge for innovative business ideas in interaction between other organizations and individuals. Innovation processes continuously need new external stimulations and seek new ideas, new information and knowledge locating more and more outside traditional organizational boundaries. In several studies, the early phases of the innovation process have been considered as the most critical ones. During these phases, the innovation process can emerge or conclude. External knowledge acquirement and utilization are noticed to be important at this stage of the innovation process giving information about the development of future markets and needs for new innovative businessideas. To make it possible, new methods and approaches to manage proactive knowledge creation and sharing activities are needed. In this study, knowledge creation and sharing in the early phases of the innovation process has been studied, and the understanding of knowledge management in the innovation process in an open and collaborative context advanced. Furthermore, the innovation management methods in this study are combined in a novel way to establish an open innovation process and tested in real-life cases. For these purposes two complementary and sequentially applied group work methods - the heuristic scenario method and the idea generation process - are examined by focusing the research on the support of the open knowledge creation and sharing process. The research objective of this thesis concerns two doctrines: the innovation management including the knowledge management, and the futures research concerning the scenario paradigm. This thesis also applies the group decision support system (GDSS) in the idea generation process to utilize the converged knowledge during the scenario process.
Firms operating in a changing environment have a need for structures and practices that provide flexibility and enable rapid response to changes. Given the challenges they face in attempts to keep up with market needs, they have to continuously improve their processes and products, and develop new products to match market requirements. Success in changing markets depends on the firm's ability to convert knowledge into innovations, and consequently their internal structures and capabilities have an important role in innovation activities. According 10 the dynamic capability view of the firm, firms thus need dynamic capabilities in (he form ofassets, processes and structures that enable strategic flexibility and support entrepreneurial opportunity sensing and exploitation. Dynamic capabilities are also needed in conditions of rapid change in the operating environment, and in activities such as new product development and expansion to new markets. Despite the growing interest in these issues and the theoretical developments in the field of strategy research, there are still only very few empirical studies, and large-scale empirical studies in particular, that provide evidence that firms'dynamic capabilities are reflected in performance differences. This thesis represents an attempt to advance the research by providing empirical evidence of thelinkages between the firm's dynamic capabilities and performance in intenationalization and innovation activities. The aim is thus to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of the organizational factors that explain interfirm performance differences. The study is in two parts. The first part is the introduction and the second part comprises five research publications covering the theoretical foundations of the dynamic capability view and subsequent empirical analyses. Quantitative research methodology is used throughout. The thesis contributes to the literature in several ways. While a lot of prior research on dynamic capabilities is conceptual in nature, or conducted through case studies, this thesis introduces empirical measures for assessing the different aspects, and uses large-scale sampling to investigate the relationships between them and performance indicators. The dynamic capability view is further developed by integrating theoretical frameworks and research traditions from several disciplines. The results of the study provide support for the basic tenets of the dynamic capability view. The empirical findings demonstrate that the firm's ability to renew its knowledge base and other intangible assets, its proactive, entrepreneurial behavior, and the structures and practices that support operational flexibility arepositively related to performance indicators.
L'émergence du mercenariat entrepreneurial, et plus précisément les Sociétés Militaires et Sécuritaires Privées, fait depuis plus d'une décennie l'objet de nombreuses recherches, ouvrages et reportages. L'intervention des États-Unis en Afghanistan et en Irak constitue un tournant pour le mercenariat entrepreneurial, puisqu'en fin 2007, et ce pour la première fois dans l'histoire moderne, les contractors privés ont dépassé le nombre de troupes régulières. La fin de la guerre froide et des armées de masse, la complexification technologique, ou encore les difficultés financières des États, facteurs très souvent mis en avant pour expliquer le renouveau du mercenariat entrepreneurial sont certes des facteurs explicatifs, mais ne peuvent rendre compte à eux seuls ce phénomène. Ce travail replace tout d'abord le mercenariat dans son contexte historique en analysant quatre périodes distinctes : la guerre de Cents Ans et les Grandes compagnies ; les condottieri de la péninsule italienne ; la guerre de Trente Ans ; les compagnies marchandes. En effet, le mercenariat est intimement lié au processus de construction étatique et à son acquisition progressive du monopole de la violence légitime. Dans un deuxième temps, le processus historique du renouveau du mercenariat durant le XXème siècle est abordé. Deux changements structurels - l'avènement d'un capitalisme financier transnational et les transformations du système capitaliste dès les années 1970, et l'émergence puis la domination de la norme néolibérale dès la fin de la guerre froide - ont permis de rendre réalisable la délégation de services sécuritaires et militaires à des acteurs privés. Désormais en train de lutter pour maintenir sa position, l'État tend à devenir de plus en plus dépendant de services qu'il peine pourtant à contrôler efficacement.
Career counselors are often concerned with stability and likelihood of implementation of clients' career intentions. It is often assumed that the status in career decision making (CDM) is one likely indicator; yet, empirical support for this assumption is sparse. The present study focused on entrepreneurial career intentions (EI) and showed that German university students (N = 1,221), with high EI can be found in very different empirically derived CDM statuses that range from preconcern to mature decidedness. Longitudinal analyses (n = 561) showed that career choice foreclosure (high decidedness/low exploration) related to more EI stability and that mature decidedness (high decidedness/high exploration) amplified effects of EI on opportunity identification, a form of EI actualization. The results imply that CDM statuses are useful to estimate stability and actualization of career intentions.
Seudullinen innovaatio on monimutkainen ilmiö, joka usein sijaitsee paikallisten toimijoiden keskinäisen vuorovaikutuksen kentässä. Täten sitä on perinteisesti pidetty vaikeasti mitattavana ilmiönä. Työssä sovellettiin Data Envelopment Analysis menetelmää, joka on osoittautunut aiemmin menestyksekkääksi tapauksissa, joissa mitattavien syötteiden ja tuotteiden väliset suhteet eivät ole olleet ilmeisiä. Työssä luotiin konseptuaalinen malli seudullisen innovaation syötteistä ja tuotteista, jonka perusteella valittiin 12 tilastollisen muuttujan mittaristo. Käyttäen Eurostat:ia datalähteenä, lähdedata kahdeksaan muuttujsta saatiin seudullisella tasolla, sekä mittaristoa täydennettiin yhdellä kansallisella muuttujalla. Arviointi suoritettiin lopulta 45 eurooppalaiselle seudulle. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli arvioida DEA-menetelmän soveltuvuutta innovaatiojärjestelmän mittaamiseen, sillä menetelmää ei ole aiemmin sovellettu vastaavassa tapauksessa. Ensimmäiset tulokset osoittivat ylipäätään liiallisen korkeita tehokkuuslukuja. Korjaustoimenpiteitä erottelutarkkuuden parantamiseksi esiteltiin ja sovellettiin, jonka jälkeen saatiin realistisempia tuloksia ja ranking-lista arvioitavista seuduista. DEA-menetelmän todettiin olevan tehokas ja kiinnostava työkalu arviointikäytäntöjen ja innovaatiopolitiikan kehittämiseen, sikäli kun datan saatavuusongelmat saadaan ratkaistua sekä itse mallia tarkennettua.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of business exits on future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity at the macroeconomic level. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data for 41 countries and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to carry out the analysis. The paper differentiates the effect of the two components of total entrepreneurial activity, and the two motivations for it – opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship. Findings: The results presented here show a positive and significant effect of the coefficient associated with exits in all models. This means that the levels of entrepreneurial activity exceed business exits. The robustness of the models are tested, including other variables such as the fear of failure, the Gross Domestic Product, role models, entrepreneurial skills and the unemployment variables. The main hypothesis which stated that at national level business exits imply greater rates of opportunity-driven entrepreneurship is corroborated. Originality/value: One would expect that unemployment rates would imply higher levels of necessity entrepreneurship. However, results show that unemployment rates do in fact favour opportunity entrepreneurship levels. This could be due to those government policies that are aimed at promoting entrepreneurship through the capitalization of unemployment to be totally invested in a new start-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first panel data study to link previous exit rates to future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, business exits, social values, industrial organization Paper type: Research paper
Diplomityössä tutkittiin innovaatioiden omaksumista organisaatioissa, ja tarkoituksena oli selvittää tekijät, jotka vaikuttivat omaksumisajankohtaan sekä luokitella yritykset omaksujaryhmiin. Työn empiirinen osuus tarkasteli yritysten internet-kotisivujen omaksumista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin postikyselyn avulla, ja vastausprosentti kyselyssä oli melko hyvä (60%). Aikaisempien tutkimusten pohjalta muodostettiin eri tekijöille mittarit, jotka analyysien perusteella olivat erittäin luotettavia. Regressioanalyysia sovellettiin, kun pyrittiin selvittämään omaksumisajankohtaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä, ja klusterianalyysiä käytettiin apuna omaksujaluokkien muodostamisessa. Omaksujaluokkien väliset erot selvitettiin varianssianalyyseillä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin kolme omaksumisajankohtaan vaikuttavaa tekijää: (1) innovaation koettu suhteellinen hyöty, (2) yritysjohdon sitoutuminen omaksumisprosessiin, sekä (3) yrityksen strategisten partnereiden määrä. Yritykset luokiteltiin neljään omaksujaluokkaan (innovaattorit, aikaiset omaksujat, aikainen enemmistö ja myöhäinen enemmistö) innovatiivisuuden perusteella. Innovatiivisuutta mitattiin kolmella indikaattorilla, jotka olivat: (1) ajankohta, jolloin yritys tuli tietoiseksi internet-sivuista, (2) ajankohta, jolloin tehtiin omaksumispäätös sekä (3) aika, joka kului internet-sivujen käyttöönottoon. Omaksujaluokkien välillä tunnistettiin lukuisia eroja eri ominaisuuksien suhteen.
Platforms like eBay allow product seekers and providers to meet and exchange goods. On eBay, consumers can return a product if it does not correspond to expectations; eBay is the third-party firm in charge of assuring that the agreement among seekers and providers will be respected. Who provides the same service for what concerns open innovation, where specifications might not fully defined? This paper describes the business model of an organizational structure to support the elicitation and respect of agreements among agents, who have conflicting interests but that gain from cooperating together. Extending previous studies, our business model takes into account the economic dimensions concerning the needs of knowledge share and mutual control to allow a third-party to sustainably reinforce trust among untrusted partners and to lower their overall relational risk.