402 resultados para enemies


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[ES]drácula es un personaje real del siglo XV: príncipe de Valaquia, valiente luchador contra el imperio otomano por la independencia de su país, justo, pero muy cruel con los enemigos, cualidades que le confieren la inmortalidad de los personajes históricos. protagonista de creaciones literarias ya en su vida, se convierte en leyenda y adquiere la inmortalidad del vampiro gracias a stoker. Y, a la vez, la inmortalidad de los persona - jes de leyenda, literarios, pictóricos, musicales y cinematográficos, gracias a las numerosísimas creaciones artísticas inspiradas en su figura.


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The focus of this dissertation is the relationship between the necessity for protection and the construction of cultural identities. In particular, by cultural identities I mean the representation and construction of communities: national communities, religious communities or local communities. By protection I mean the need for individuals and groups to be reassured about dangers and risks. From an anthropological point of view, the relationship between the need for protection and the formation and construction of collective identities is driven by the defensive function of culture. This was recognized explicitly by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jurij Lotman. To explore the “protective hypothesis,” it was especially useful to compare the immunitarian paradigm, proposed by Roberto Esposito, with a semiotic approach to the problem. According to Esposito, immunity traces borders, dividing Community from what should be kept outside: the enemies, dangers and chaos, and, in general, whatever is perceived to be a threat to collective and individual life. I recognized two dimensions in the concept of immunity. The first is the logic dimension: every element of a system makes sense because of the network of differential relations in which it is inscribed; the second dimension is the social praxis of division and definition of who. We are (or what is inside the border), and who They are (or what is, and must be kept, outside the border). I tested my hypothesis by analyzing two subject areas in particular: first, the security practices in London after 9/11 and 7/7; and, second, the Spiritual Guide of 9/11 suicide bombers. In both cases, one observes the construction of two entities: We and They. The difference between the two cases is their “model of the world”: in the London case, one finds the political paradigms of security as Sovereignty, Governamentality and Biopolitics. In the Spiritual Guide, one observes a religious model of the Community of God confronting the Community of Evil. From a semiotic point view, the problem is the origin of respective values, the origin of respective moral universes, and the construction of authority. In both cases, I found that emotional dynamics are crucial in the process of forming collective identities and in the process of motivating the involved subjects: specifically, the role of fear and terror is the primary factor, and represents the principal focus of my research.


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Why some powers manage to coordinate their security efforts while others confront each other as rivals is still one of the most relevant and debated questions in the field of IR theory. The dissertation wants to give a contribution to this important debate. In particular, the main goal of the research is to analyse the dynamics of great power interactions after the end of hegemonic conflicts, that is to understand why, following the defeat of the common enemies, some of the winning allies continue to cooperate, while others begin to engage in political and military competition. In order to understand this difference, the study compares the explanatory value of two rival theoretical perspectives: neorealism, in its main version of the balance of power framework, and a liberal approach focused on domestic politics. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first, I do summarize the main assumptions and predictions of the theories, from which I derive two different sets of hypotheses on the evolution of post-war great power relations. In the second part, I test the hypotheses by focusing on two cases of post-war alignment dynamics: 1) the relations among Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and France after the Napoleonic wars; 2) the relations among the US, the UK, France and Italy after the end of WWI. The historical cases disconfirm the logic of the balance of power and confirm the liberal hypotheses, seeing that the results of the analysis show changes in the domestic structures of the great powers had a much larger impact on the emergence of new alliances and rivalries than did the international distribution of power. In the conclusion of the dissertation, I provide the reader with a discussion of the main theoretical implications of the empirical findings.


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Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine biologische Bekämpfung von Kleider- und Pelzmotten durch die gezielte Freilassungen von parasitoiden Hymenopteren als deren natürliche Gegenspieler möglich. Es wurden erstmalig ausführliche Versuche zur Parasitierung der Kleider- und Pelzmotte, insbesondere durch Eiaparasitoide der Gattung Trichogramma, durchgeführt. Für die braconide Schlupfwespe Apanteles carpatus wurde eine Zucht- und Freilassungsmethode entwickelt. Sie kann nun als neuer Nützlinge gegen textilschädigende Mottenlarven eingesetzt werden. Eine natürliche Parasitierung textilschädigender Motten durch Eiparasitoide ist bislang nicht nachgewiesen worden. Die Tineiden erwiesen sich im Laborversuch für Trichogramma als gut geeignete Wirte. Hinsichtlich der praktischen Anwendung von Eiparasitoiden der Gattung Trichogramma konnte aus einer Auswahl von 29 Arten und Stämmen aus einer Laborzucht mit T. piceum (Stamm: PIC M 91) eine besonders geeignete Art selektiert werden. Dieser Stamm zeigte die höchste Parasitierungsrate mit über 80 Eiern bei Temperaturen von 20-25°C und einer Lebensdauer von bis zu 17 Tagen. Im Präferenztest wurden sowohl Eier der Kleidermotte als auch der Getreidemotte, dem Massenzuchtwirt, von allen Stämmen mit Abstand am besten parasitiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von T. piceum lag bei über 80%. Der untersuchte Stamm von Apanteles carpatus zeigte bei 25°C eine durchschnittliche Nachkommenzahl von 55 pro Weibchen. Die Parasitoide erreichten jedoch nur unter optimalen Bedingungen eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 14 Tagen. In den Käfigversuchen ohne zusätzliche Nahrungsquellen wurden die Tiere nicht älter als 4 Tage. Es war nicht möglich, für A. carpatus Ersatzwirte für eine Massenzucht zu finden, da sie offensichtlich auf Tineiden spezialisiert sind, jedoch konnte ein Zuchtsystem mit Kleidermotten als Zuchtwirte etabliert werden. Die ausgewählten Trichogramma-Arten wurden in Käfigversuchen ausführlich untersucht und im Hinblick auf ihre Suchleistung auf verschiedenen Stoffoberflächen geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die getesteten Arten sehr unterschiedlich geeignet sind, um Textilien nach Eiern abzusuchen. Die Arten T. evanescens (Stamm: Lager) und T. piceum (PIC M 91) erwiesen sich als in der Suchleistung als am besten geeignet. Im Vergleich dazu zeigte T. cacoeciae (CAC D 90 O) sehr wenig Suchleistugsvermögen auf Textilien. Die geeigneten Arten durchdrangen außer verschiedenen Textilien auch grobe Schafwolle bis zu 0,4 m vom Freilassungsort. Das Ködern von Larvalparasitoiden von tineiden Motten im Freiland erwies sich als nicht erfolgreich. Trotzdem in der Literatur eine Reihe parasitoider Hymenopteren als Gegenspieler von Tineiden beschrieben sind und in Innenräumen beobachtet wurden, war es nicht möglich, weitere freilebende Arten zu ködern. Sowohl für das Ködern im Freiland als auch für die Rückköderung in Lagern wurden Ködermethoden getestet und optimiert. Nebenwirkungstests haben ergeben, dass die Nützlinge ergänzend zum Einsatz von Niem-Präparaten an schlecht zugänglichen Befallsstellen eingesetzt werden können. Ebenso wurde ermittelt, dass eine Kombination des Nützlingseinsatzes mit Repellents möglich ist. Bei zu hoher Konzentration der Wirkstoffe, den reinen Niem-Öl und konzentriertem Lavendel-Öl, in geschlossenen Glaskäfigen, wurden starke Nebenwirkungen auf Trichogramma festgestellt. In größerem Raumvolumen oder geringerer Dosierung der Wirkstoffe parasitierte Trichogramma allerdings auch Ködereier, die sich auf Niem-behandeltem Stoff befanden. Erste Freilassungsversuche in der Praxis ergaben unterschiedliche Erfolge. Nach einer Freilassung von Apanteles carpatus in einem Wohnhaus, das mit Schafwolle gedämmt wurde, reduzierte sich Fang von adulten Motten auf Pheromon-Klebfallen deutlich. In einem Textillager hingegen war es mit einer einmaligen Freilassung jedoch nicht möglich, die Gegenspieler zu etablieren und den Mottenbefall zu kontrollieren. Die mehrwöchige Freilassung von Trichogramma in einem Textillager konnte dazu beitragen, einen Pelzmottenbefall zu reduzieren. Hier zeigten sich Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von parasitoiden Schlupfwespen gegen Textilmotten gleichermaßen.


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The introduction of exotic species is one of the most important threats to biodiversity.This phenomenon may cause economic and environmental damage. To prevent these invasions there are institutions like EPPO. Nevertheless, the introduction of exotic pests is an increasing issue, difficult to control. Classic biological control, based on importation of natural enemies from the country of origin, has been successfully used for over 120 years, but it has also raised some criticism. My research work has focused on the study of the new associations occurring between indigenous parasitoids and three exotic pests introduced in Italy and Europe. The three target insects considered were: Cacyreus marshalli Butler (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), a pest of Geranium plants; Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), a plague of Castanea sp. and Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). This ladybug has been introduced as a biological control agent, but since some years it considered as an invasive species. For C. marshalli I performed laboratory tests on acceptance and suitability of immature stages of this butterfly by Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Brachymeria tibialis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidicae). The experiments showed that these two parasitoids could be used to contain this pest. For D. kuriphilus I performed field samplings in an infested chestnut area, the samples were maintained in rearing chamber until gall wasp or parasitoids emergence. In the 3-year research many parasitoids of gall wasps were found; one of these, Torymus flavipes (Walker), was found in large number. For H. axyridis the research work included a first phase of field sampling, during which I searched indigenous parasitoids which had adapted to this new host; the only species found was Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Laboratory tests were performed on the wasp rearing, biology and capacity to contain H. axyridis.


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With the United States‘ entry into the Second World War, the word ?censorship? was seen largely as antithetical to, rather than a necessary counterpart to, victory among Americans. People did not want to be censored in their writing, photographs or speech,but it proved to be necessary even before the war began, in order to protect government secrets and the people on the home-front from scenes that were too disturbing. Even before the war had officially begun, there were problems with censorship among journalists and newspapers. The initial response of outrage in reference to censorship in the United States was common among journalists, newspapers, magazines, and radio news; nevertheless, there was a necessity for censorship among Americans, on the home frontand the front lines, and it would be tolerated throughout the war to ensure that enemies of America did not gain access to information that would assist in a defeat of the United States in the Second World War. The research I have conducted has dealt with the censorship of combat photography during World War II, in conjunction with the ethics that were in play at the time that affected the censors. Through exploring the work of three combat photographers — Tony Vaccaro, James R. Stephens and Charles E. Sumners — I wasable to effectively construct an explanatory ethical history of these three men. Research on the censorship and effects it had on the United States brought me to three distinctareas of censorship and ethics that would be explored: (1) the restrictions and limitations enforced by the Office of Censorship, (2) a general overview of war and photography as it influenced the soldiers and their families on the home-front, (3) and the combat photographers and personal and military censorship that influenced their work. Although their work was censored both by the military and the government, these men saw the war in a different light that remained with them long after the battles and war had ceased.Using the narratives of Tony Vaccaro, Charles E. Sumners and James R. Stephens as means for more in depth research, this thesis strives to create lenses through which to view the history and ethics of censorship that shaped combat photography during the Second World War and the images to which we refer as representative of that war today.


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Despite its appeal to explain plant invasions, the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) remains largely unexplored for tropical forest trees. Even scarcer are ERH studies conducted on the same host species at both the community and biogeographical scale, irrespective of the system or plant life form. In Cabrits National Park, Dominica, we observed patterns consistent with enemy release of two introduced, congeneric mahogany species, Swietenia macrophylla and S. mahagoni, planted almost 50 years ago. Swietenia populations at Cabrits have reproduced, with S. macrophylla juveniles established in and out of plantation areas at densities much higher than observed in its native range. Swietenia macrophylla juveniles also experienced significantly lower leaf-level herbivory (~3.0%) than nine co-occurring species native to Dominica (8.4–21.8%), and far lower than conspecific herbivory observed in its native range (11%–43%, on average). These complimentary findings at multiple scales support ERH, and confirm that Swietenia has naturalized at Cabrits. However, Swietenia abundance was positively correlated with native plant diversity at the seedling stage, and only marginally negatively correlated with native plant abundance for stems ≥1-cm dbh. Taken together, these descriptive patterns point to relaxed enemy pressure from specialized enemies, specifically the defoliator Steniscadia poliophaea and the shoot-borer Hypsipyla grandella, as a leading explanation for the enhanced recruitment of Swietenia trees documented at Cabrits.


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Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust Rachel Century, University of London, United Kingdom: "Secretaries, Secrets and Genocide: Evidence from the Post-war Investigations of the Female Secretaries of the RSHA” Download paper (login required) Istvan Pal Adam, Bristol University, United Kingdom: "Bystanders to Genocide? The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust" Download paper (login required) Antonio Munoz, St. John's University: “Murderers in Field Grey: Crimes of the Wehrmacht in the Region of the Army Group South, 1941-1942” Download paper (login required) David Deutsch, Ben-Gurion University, Israel: "Goebbels Close Enemies: Intimacy as an Analytic Tool for the Understanding of Genocidal Rhetoric in Goebbels Diaries" Download paper (login required) Chair:Stefan Ionescu and Hannah Schmidt Hollaender, Clark University Comment: Thomas Kühne, Clark University


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1 .In their colonized ranges, exotic plants may be released from some of the herbivores or pathogens of their home ranges but these can be replaced by novel enemies. It is of basic and practical interest to understand which characteristics of invaded communities control accumulation of the new pests. Key questions are whether enemy load on exotic species is smaller than on native competitors as suggested by the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) and whether this difference is most pronounced in resource-rich habitats as predicted by the resource–enemy release hypothesis (R-ERH). 2. In 72 populations of 12 exotic invasive species, we scored all visible above-ground damage morphotypes caused by herbivores and fungal pathogens. In addition, we quantified levels of leaf herbivory and fruit damage. We then assessed whether variation in damage diversity and levels was explained by habitat fertility, by relatedness between exotic species and the native community or rather by native species diversity. 3. In a second part of the study, we also tested the ERH and the R-ERH by comparing damage of plants in 28 pairs of co-occurring native and exotic populations, representing nine congeneric pairs of native and exotic species. 4. In the first part of the study, diversity of damage morphotypes and damage levels of exotic populations were greater in resource-rich habitats. Co-occurrence of closely related, native species in the community significantly increased the probability of fruit damage. Herbivory on exotics was less likely in communities with high phylogenetic diversity. 5. In the second part of the study, exotic and native congeneric populations incurred similar damage diversity and levels, irrespective of whether they co-occurred in nutrient-poor or nutrient-rich habitats. 9. Synthesis. We identified habitat productivity as a major community factor affecting accumulation of enemy damage by exotic populations. Similar damage levels in exotic and native congeneric populations, even in species pairs from fertile habitats, suggest that the enemy release hypothesis or the R-ERH cannot always explain the invasiveness of introduced species.


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Enemy release is frequently posed as a main driver of invasiveness of alien species. However, an experimental multi-species test examining performance and herbivory of invasive alien, non-invasive alien and native plant species in the presence and absence of natural enemies is lacking. In a common garden experiment in Switzerland, we manipulated exposure of seven alien invasive, eight alien non-invasive and fourteen native species from six taxonomic groups to natural enemies (invertebrate herbivores), by applying a pesticide treatment under two different nutrient levels. We assessed biomass production, herbivore damage and the major herbivore taxa on plants. Across all species, plants gained significantly greater biomass under pesticide treatment. However, invasive, non-invasive and native species did not differ in their biomass response to pesticide treatment at either nutrient level. The proportion of leaves damaged on invasive species was significantly lower compared to native species, but not when compared to non-invasive species. However, the difference was lost when plant size was accounted for. There were no differences between invasive, non-invasive and native species in herbivore abundance. Our study offers little support for invertebrate herbivore release as a driver of plant invasiveness, but suggests that future enemy release studies should account for differences in plant size among species.


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The major cities of the Neo-Assyrian Empire were not only home to impressive palaces and temples, but they were also equipped with strong fortifications. The city walls were not only meant to keep out potential enemies, but by demonstrating Assyria’s power to any approaching person, they served an ideological purpose, as well. However, military efficiency was just as crucial, since, over its entire history, the empire repeatedly faced internal and external threats and could not have afforded to lose any of its urban centers which were essential to maintaining control over the various provinces or geographic regions associated with them. The study of Neo-Assyrian fortifications relies on evidence provided by archaeological excavations, the study of Assyrian reliefs and information from cuneiform texts. Even though these sources help us reconstruct the appearance of the town defenses, the question of why the individual fortification systems were built in a specific way cannot be addressed by these means alone. Remote sensing offers an opportunity to view the course and placement of the city walls within their topographical context. Furthermore, geographical information systems (GIS) offer a tool to illustrate the distribution of the strongly fortified Assyrian towns, thereby allowing us to recognize patterns and functions of regional fortification systems during the Neo-Assyrian period.


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The defense of plants against herbivores and pathogens involves the participation of an enormous range of different metabolites, some of which act directly as defensive weapons against enemies (toxins or deterrents) and some of which act as components of the complex internal signaling network that insures that defense is timed to enemy attack. Recent work reveals a surprising trend: The same compounds may act as both weapons and signals of defense. For example, two groups of well-studied defensive weapons, glucosinolates and benzoxazinoids, trigger the accumulation of the protective polysaccharide callose as a barrier against aphids and pathogens. In the other direction, several hormones acting in defense signaling (and their precursors and products) exhibit activity as weapons against pathogens. Knowing which compounds are defensive weapons, which are defensive signals and which are both is vital for understanding the functioning of plant defense systems.


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BACKGROUND Herbivore-damaged plants release a blend of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that differs from undamaged plants. These induced changes are known to attract the natural enemies of the herbivores and therefore are expected to be important determinants of the effectiveness of biological control in agriculture. One way of boosting this phenomenon is the application of plant strengtheners, which has been shown to enhance parasitoid attraction in maize. It is unclear whether this is also the case for other important crops. RESULTS The plant strengtheners BTH [benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester] and laminarin were applied to cotton plants, and the effects on volatile releases and the attraction of three hymenopteran parasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris, Campoletis sonorensis and Microplitis rufiventris, were studied. After treated and untreated plants were induced by real or simulated caterpillar feeding, it was found that BTH treatment increased the attraction of the parasitoids, whereas laminarin had no significant effect. BTH treatment selectively increased the release of two homoterpenes and reduced the emission of indole, the latter of which had been shown to interfere with parasitoid attraction in earlier studies. Canonical variate analyses of the data show that the parasitoid responses were dependent on the quality rather than the quantity of volatile emission in this tritrophic interaction. CONCLUSION Overall, these results strengthen the emerging paradigm that induction of plant defences with chemical elicitors such as BTH could provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly strategy for biological control of pests by enhancing the attractiveness of cultivated plants to natural enemies of insect herbivores. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by soil microorganisms influence plant growth and pathogen resistance. Yet, very little is known about their influence on herbivores and higher trophic levels. We studied the origin and role of a major bacterial VOC, 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD), on plant growth, pathogen and herbivore resistance, and the attraction of natural enemies in maize. One of the major contributors to 2,3-BD in the headspace of soil-grown maize seedlings was identified as Enterobacter aerogenes, an endophytic bacterium that colonizes the plants. The production of 2,3-BD by E. aerogenes rendered maize plants more resistant against the Northern corn leaf blight fungus Setosphaeria turcica. On the contrary, E. aerogenes-inoculated plants were less resistant against the caterpillar Spodoptera littoralis. The effect of 2,3-BD on the attraction of the parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris was more variable: 2,3-BD application to the headspace of the plants had no effect on the parasitoids, but application to the soil increased parasitoid attraction. Furthermore, inoculation of seeds with E. aerogenes decreased plant attractiveness, whereas inoculation of soil with a total extract of soil microbes increased parasitoid attraction, suggesting that the effect of 2,3-BD on the parasitoid is indirect and depends on the composition of the microbial community.


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Root herbivores are important ecosystem drivers and agricultural pests, and, possibly as a consequence, plants protect their roots using a variety of defensive strategies. One aspect that distinguishes belowground from aboveground plant–insect interactions is that roots are constantly exposed to a set of soil-specific abiotic factors. These factors can profoundly influence root resistance, and, consequently, the outcome of the interaction with belowground feeders. In this review, we synthesize the current literature on the impact of soil moisture, nutrients, and texture on root–herbivore interactions. We show that soil abiotic factors influence the interaction by modulating herbivore abundance and behaviour, root growth and resistance, beneficial microorganisms, as well as natural enemies of the herbivores. We suggest that abiotic heterogeneity may explain the high variability that is often encountered in root–herbivore systems. We also propose that under abiotic stress, the relative fitness value of the roots and the potential negative impact of herbivory increases, which may lead to a higher defensive investment and an increased recruitment of beneficial microorganisms by the plant. At the same time, both root-feeding herbivores and natural enemies are likely to decrease in abundance under extreme environmental conditions, leading to a context- and species-specific impact on plant fitness. Only by using tightly controlled experiments that include soil abiotic heterogeneity will it be possible to understand the impact of root feeders on an ecosystem scale and to develop predictive models for pest occurrence and impact.