393 resultados para cartridge brass


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Die pneumatische Zerstäubung ist die häufigste Methode der Probenzuführung von Flüssigkeiten in der Plasmaspektrometrie. Trotz der bekannten Limitierungen dieser Systeme, wie die hohen Probenverluste, finden diese Zerstäuber aufgrund ihrer guten Robustheit eine breite Anwendung. Die flussratenabhängige Aerosolcharakteristik und pumpenbasierte Signalschwankungen limitieren bisher Weiterentwicklungen. Diese Probleme werden umso gravierender, je weiter die notwendige Miniaturisierung dieser Systeme fortschreitet. Der neuartige Ansatz dieser Arbeit basiert auf dem Einsatz modifizierter Inkjet-Druckerpatronen für die Dosierung von pL-Tropfen. Ein selbst entwickelter Mikrokontroller ermöglicht den Betrieb von matrixkodierten Patronen des Typs HP45 mit vollem Zugriff auf alle essentiellen Betriebsparameter. Durch die neuartige Aerosoltransportkammer gelang die effiziente Kopplung des Tropfenerzeugungssystems an ein ICP-MS. Das so aufgebaute drop-on-demand-System (DOD) zeigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen und miniaturisierten Zerstäubern eine deutlich gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit (8 - 18x, elementabhängig) bei leicht erhöhtem, aber im Grunde vergleichbarem Signalrauschen. Darüber hinaus ist die Flexibilität durch die große Zahl an Freiheitsgraden des Systems überragend. So ist die Flussrate über einen großen Bereich variabel (5 nL - 12,5 µL min-1), ohne dabei die primäre Aerosolcharakteristik zu beeinflussen, welche vom Nutzer durch Wahl der elektrischen Parameter bestimmt wird. Das entwickelte Probenzuführungssystem ist verglichen mit dem pneumatischen Referenzsystem weniger anfällig gegenüber Matrixeffekten beim Einsatz von realen Proben mit hohen Anteilen gelöster Substanzen. So gelingt die richtige Quantifizierung von fünf Metallen im Spurenkonzentrationsbereich (Li, Sr, Mo, Sb und Cs) in nur 12 µL Urin-Referenzmaterial mittels externer Kalibrierung ohne Matrixanpassung. Wohingegen beim pneumatischen Referenzsystem die aufwändigere Standardadditionsmethode sowie über 250 µL Probenvolumen für eine akkurate Bestimmung der Analyten nötig sind. Darüber hinaus wird basierend auf der Dosierfrequenz eines dualen DOD-Systems eine neuartige Kalibrierstrategie vorgestellt. Bei diesem Ansatz werden nur eine Standard- und eine Blindlösung anstelle einer Reihe unterschiedlich konzentrierter Standards benötigt, um eine lineare Kalibrierfunktion zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich wurde mittels selbst entwickelter, zeitlich aufgelöster ICP-MS umfangreiche Rauschspektren aufgenommen. Aus diesen gelang die Ermittlung der Ursache des erhöhten Signalrauschens des DOD, welches maßgeblich durch das zeitlich nicht äquidistante Eintreffen der Tropfen am Detektor verursacht wird. Diese Messtechnik erlaubt auch die Detektion einzeln zugeführter Tropfen, wodurch ein Vergleich der Volumenverteilung der mittels ICP-MS detektierten, gegenüber den generierten und auf optischem Wege charakterisierten Tropfen möglich wurde. Dieses Werkzeug ist für diagnostische Untersuchungen äußerst hilfreich. So konnte aus diesen Studien neben der Aufklärung von Aerosoltransportprozessen die Transporteffizienz des DOD ermittelt werden, welche bis zu 94 Vol.-% beträgt.


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Groundwater represents one of the most important resources of the world and it is essential to prevent its pollution and to consider remediation intervention in case of contamination. According to the scientific community the characterization and the management of the contaminated sites have to be performed in terms of contaminant fluxes and considering their spatial and temporal evolution. One of the most suitable approach to determine the spatial distribution of pollutant and to quantify contaminant fluxes in groundwater is using control panels. The determination of contaminant mass flux, requires measurement of contaminant concentration in the moving phase (water) and velocity/flux of the groundwater. In this Master Thesis a new solute flux mass measurement approach, based on an integrated control panel type methodology combined with the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method (FVPDM), for the monitoring of transient groundwater fluxes, is proposed. Moreover a new adsorption passive sampler, which allow to capture the variation of solute concentration with time, is designed. The present work contributes to the development of this approach on three key points. First, the ability of the FVPDM to monitor transient groundwater fluxes was verified during a step drawdown test at the experimental site of Hermalle Sous Argentau (Belgium). The results showed that this method can be used, with optimal results, to follow transient groundwater fluxes. Moreover, it resulted that performing FVPDM, in several piezometers, during a pumping test allows to determine the different flow rates and flow regimes that can occurs in the various parts of an aquifer. The second field test aiming to determine the representativity of a control panel for measuring mass flus in groundwater underlined that wrong evaluations of Darcy fluxes and discharge surfaces can determine an incorrect estimation of mass fluxes and that this technique has to be used with precaution. Thus, a detailed geological and hydrogeological characterization must be conducted, before applying this technique. Finally, the third outcome of this work concerned laboratory experiments. The test conducted on several type of adsorption material (Oasis HLB cartridge, TDS-ORGANOSORB 10 and TDS-ORGANOSORB 10-AA), in order to determine the optimum medium to dimension the passive sampler, highlighted the necessity to find a material with a reversible adsorption tendency to completely satisfy the request of the new passive sampling technique.


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A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) confirmatory method for the simultaneous determination of nine corticosteroids in liver, including the four MRL compounds listed in Council Regulation 37/2010, was developed. After an enzymatic deconjugation and a solvent extraction of the liver tissue, the resulting solution was cleaned up through an SPE Oasis HLB cartridge. The analytes were then detected by liquid chromatography-negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, using deuterium-labelled internal standards. The procedure was validated as a quantitative confirmatory method according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. The results showed that the method was suitable for statutory residue testing regarding the following performance characteristics: instrumental linearity, specificity, precision (repeatability and intra-laboratory reproducibility), recovery, decision limit (CCα), detection capability (CCβ) and ruggedness. All the corticosteroids can be detected at a concentration around 1 μg kg(-1); the recoveries were above 62% for all the analytes. Repeatability and reproducibility (within-laboratory reproducibility) for all the analytes were below 7.65% and 15.5%, respectively.


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Dialysate regeneration by sorbents is an alternative to conventional single-pass dialysis. Little is known about the capacity of sorbents to clear dialysate of “middle molecules” and protein-bound uremic toxins. We studied p-cresol sulfate (PCS) and β-2-microglobulin (β2M) removal from dialysate by a sorbent: 1. PCS (40 mg PCS dissolved in 4 L of fresh dialysate) was recirculated through a sorbent cartridge (SORB Technology, Inc.) for analysis of PCS removal. 2. Spent peritoneal dialysate was recirculated on the “blood” side of a high-flux dialyzer. On the “dialysate” side of the membrane, bicarbonate dialysate was recirculated through a sorbent cartridge. β2M was measured in both streams. Two results are of particular importance for the use of regenerated fluid in chronic dialysis: 1. PCS was virtually completely removed from the dialysate. On average, PCS concentration was reduced to 1.4% of the starting concentration after 60 minutes. PCS extraction across the sorbent was nearly complete at any time. 2. β2M was on average reduced to 14.3% of the starting concentration after 60 minutes. Postsorbent concentrations were consistently below the validated range of the test method. We conclude that PCS and β2M are efficiently removed from the dialysate by commercially available sorbent technology. Spent peritoneal dialysis fluid can be cleared of β2M when circulated against sorbent-regenerated dialysate using a high-flux membrane.


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Methane and nitrous oxide are important greenhouse gases which show a strong increase in atmospheric mixing ratios since pre-industrial time as well as large variations during past climate changes. The understanding of their biogeochemical cycles can be improved using stable isotope analysis. However, high-precision isotope measurements on air trapped in ice cores are challenging because of the high susceptibility to contamination and fractionation. Here, we present a dry extraction system for combined CH4 and N2O stable isotope analysis from ice core air, using an ice grating device. The system allows simultaneous analysis of δD(CH4) or δ13C(CH4), together with δ15N(N2O), δ18O(N2O) and δ15N(NO+ fragment) on a single ice core sample, using two isotope mass spectrometry systems. The optimum quantity of ice for analysis is about 600 g with typical "Holocene" mixing ratios for CH4 and N2O. In this case, the reproducibility (1σ ) is 2.1‰ for δD(CH4), 0.18‰ for δ13C(CH4), 0.51‰ for δ15N(N2O), 0.69‰ for δ18O(N2O) and 1.12‰ for δ15N(NO+ fragment). For smaller amounts of ice the standard deviation increases, particularly for N2O isotopologues. For both gases, small-scale intercalibrations using air and/or ice samples have been carried out in collaboration with other institutes that are currently involved in isotope measurements of ice core air. Significant differences are shown between the calibration scales, but those offsets are consistent and can therefore be corrected for.


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OBJECTIVE: To test the null hypothesis that there is no difference between premolar position visualized on panoramic radiographs (PRs) and lateral headfilms (LHs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The prevalence of differences in the direction of crown angulation between PR and LH was assessed. Furthermore, brass wire markers with different sagittal and transverse angulations were placed in a dry skull. With the markers in place, LHs and PRs were taken. RESULTS: A difference in the direction of crown angulation of unerupted second premolars between PR and LH occurred in 19.5% of patients. The reason for the angulation differences is a buccolingual orientation of the tooth, which appears as a mesiodistal angulation on the PR. CONCLUSION: The null hypothesis was rejected since in one-fifth of the patients premolar projection differs between the panoramic radiograph and the lateral headfilm.


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The dissipation of high heat flux from integrated circuit chips and the maintenance of acceptable junction temperatures in high powered electronics require advanced cooling technologies. One such technology is two-phase cooling in microchannels under confined flow boiling conditions. In macroscale flow boiling bubbles will nucleate on the channel walls, grow, and depart from the surface. In microscale flow boiling bubbles can fill the channel diameter before the liquid drag force has a chance to sweep them off the channel wall. As a confined bubble elongates in a microchannel, it traps thin liquid films between the heated wall and the vapor core that are subject to large temperature gradients. The thin films evaporate rapidly, sometimes faster than the incoming mass flux can replenish bulk fluid in the microchannel. When the local vapor pressure spike exceeds the inlet pressure, it forces the upstream interface to travel back into the inlet plenum and create flow boiling instabilities. Flow boiling instabilities reduce the temperature at which critical heat flux occurs and create channel dryout. Dryout causes high surface temperatures that can destroy the electronic circuits that use two-phase micro heat exchangers for cooling. Flow boiling instability is characterized by periodic oscillation of flow regimes which induce oscillations in fluid temperature, wall temperatures, pressure drop, and mass flux. When nanofluids are used in flow boiling, the nanoparticles become deposited on the heated surface and change its thermal conductivity, roughness, capillarity, wettability, and nucleation site density. It also affects heat transfer by changing bubble departure diameter, bubble departure frequency, and the evaporation of the micro and macrolayer beneath the growing bubbles. Flow boiling was investigated in this study using degassed, deionized water, and 0.001 vol% aluminum oxide nanofluids in a single rectangular brass microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 229 µm for one inlet fluid temperature of 63°C and two constant flow rates of 0.41 ml/min and 0.82 ml/min. The power input was adjusted for two average surface temperatures of 103°C and 119°C at each flow rate. High speed images were taken periodically for water and nanofluid flow boiling after durations of 25, 75, and 125 minutes from the start of flow. The change in regime timing revealed the effect of nanoparticle suspension and deposition on the Onset of Nucelate Boiling (ONB) and the Onset of Bubble Elongation (OBE). Cycle duration and bubble frequencies are reported for different nanofluid flow boiling durations. The addition of nanoparticles was found to stabilize bubble nucleation and growth and limit the recession rate of the upstream and downstream interfaces, mitigating the spreading of dry spots and elongating the thin film regions to increase thin film evaporation.


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There are many elements which are detrimental to the current efficiency in the electrolysis of zinc sulphate solution. Fortunately the majority of these elements are easily removed in the purification process and cause no further trouble. The elements that are likely to cause trouble in ordinary plant operations are antimony, arsenic, cobalt, nickel, manganese and germanium. The following tests were made to determine the mutual effect on the current efficiency when several of the impurities were present in the electrolyte.


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Reclaimed metals, or secondary metals, are becoming of great im­portance in the metal industries of the world. Secondary metals are an important factor in production. The increase in the secondary production of copper is due to many factors. One of these may be its permenance, that is, the metal does not corrode very readily. Another reason for increase in production is the high price paid for it.


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In the past few years a great deal of atten­tion has been given to the electrodeposition of alloys. For the main part, this investigation has been of scien­tific interest only; but in a few instances, such work has attained commercial importance.


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Music by Highland Symphony Brass


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The radiological determination of foreign objects in corpses can be difficult if they are fragmented or deformed. With multislice computed tomography, radiodensities--referred to as Hounsfield units (HU)--can be measured. We examined the possibility of differentiating 21 frequently occurring foreign bodies, such as metals, rocks, and different manmade materials by virtue of their HU values. Gold, steel, and brass showed mean HU values of 30671-30710 (upper measurable limit), mean HU values for steel, silver, copper, and limestone were 20346, 16949, 14033, and 2765, respectively. The group consisting of objects, such as aluminum, tarmac, car front-window glass, and other rocks, displayed mean HU values of 2329-2131 HU. The mean HU value of bottle glass and car side-window glass was 2088, whereas windowpane glass was 493. HU value determination may therefore help in preautopsy differentiation between case-relevant and irrelevant foreign bodies and thus be useful for autopsy planning and extraction of the objects in question.


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Catheter type, access technique, and the catheter position should be selected considering to the anticipated duration of PN aiming at the lowest complication risks (infectious and non-infectious). Long-term (>7-10 days) parenteral nutrition (PN) requires central venous access whereas for PN <3 weeks percutaneously inserted catheters and for PN >3 weeks subcutaneous tunnelled catheters or port systems are appropriate. CVC (central venous catheter) should be flushed with isotonic NaCl solution before and after PN application and during CVC occlusions. Strict indications are required for central venous access placement and the catheter should be removed as soon as possible if not required any more. Blood samples should not to be taken from the CVC. If catheter infection is suspected, peripheral blood-culture samples and culture samples from each catheter lumen should be taken simultaneously. Removal of the CVC should be carried out immediately if there are pronounced signs of local infection at the insertion site and/or clinical suspicion of catheter-induced sepsis. In case PN is indicated for a short period (max. 7-10 days), a peripheral venous access can be used if no hyperosmolar solutions (>800 mosm/L) or solutions with a high titration acidity or alkalinity are used. A peripheral venous catheter (PVC) can remain in situ for as long as it is clinically required unless there are signs of inflammation at the insertion site.


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In modern medico-legal literature, only a small number of publications deal with fatal injuries from black powder guns. Most of them focus on the morphological features such as intense soot soiling, blast tattooing and burn effects in close-range shots or describe the wound ballistics of spherical lead bullets. Another kind of "unusual" and potentially lethal weapons are handguns destined for firing only blank cartridges such as starter and alarm pistols. The dangerousness of these guns is restricted to very close and contact range shots and results from the gas jet produced by the deflagration of the propellant. The present paper reports on a suicide committed with a muzzle-loading percussion pistol cal. 45. An unusually large stellate entrance wound was located in the precordial region, accompanied by an imprint mark from the ramrod and a faint greenish discoloration (apparently due to the formation of sulfhemoglobin). Autopsy revealed an oversized powder cavity, multiple fractures of the anterior thoracic wall as well as ruptures of the heart, the aorta, the left hepatic lobe and the diaphragm. In total, the zone of mechanical destruction had a diameter of approx. 15 cm. As there was no exit wound and no bullet lodged in the body, the injury was caused exclusively by the inrushing combustion gases of the propellant (black powder) comparable with the gas jet of a blank cartridge gun. In contact shots to ballistic gelatine using the suicide's pistol loaded with black powder but no projectile, the formation of a nearly spherical cavity could be demonstrated by means of a high-speed camera. The extent of the temporary cavity after firing with 5 g of black powder roughly corresponded to the zone of destruction found in the suicide's body.


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OBJECTIVE Fractured endodontic instruments inhibit optimal cleaning and filling of dental root canals, which may result in a less favorable prognosis for the tooth. Several techniques are available to remove fractured instruments; however, healthy tooth substance often must be destroyed in the process. This study was intended to evaluate Nd:YAG laser treatment as a method to remove fractured stainless steel instruments without destroying healthy tooth substance. METHOD AND MATERIALS Stainless steel endodontic instruments were fractured in 33 unprocessed root canals of mandibular central and lateral incisors and premolars in vitro. A brass tube charged with solder was placed at the coronal end of the fractured instrument and laser energy was used to melt the solder, connecting the fractured instrument with the brass tube. The success rates of connecting and removal of fractured instruments from the root channel were recorded for each case. RESULTS Connecting was achieved in every case in which more than 1.5 mm of the fractured instrument was tangible (22 out of 22). In cases where less than 1.5 mm was tangible, the rate for successful connection decreased to 4 out of 11 (36.4%). Fractured endodontic instruments were removed successfully in 17 out of 22 cases (77.3%) in which more than 1.5 mm was tangible. If less than 1.5 mm was tangible, the removal success rate decreased to 3 out of 11 cases (27.3%). CONCLUSION Our data support Nd:YAG laser-mediated connecting of a brass tube to a fractured endodontic instrument as a feasible and tissue conserving removal approach when more than 1.5 mm of the instrument is tangible.