360 resultados para cantilever


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Polymer brushes have unique properties with a large variety of possible applications ranging from responsive coatings and drug delivery to lubrication and sensing. For further development a detailed understanding of the properties is needed. Established characterization methods, however, only supply information of the surface. Experimental data about the inner “bulk” structure of polymer brushes is still missing.rnScattering methods under grazing incidence supply structural information of surfaces as well as structures beneath it. Nanomechanical cantilevers supply stress data, which is giving information about the forces acting inside the polymer brush film. In this thesis these two techniques are further developed and used to deepen the understanding of polymer brushes. rnThe experimental work is divided into four chapters. Chapter 2 deals with the preparation of polymer brushes on top of nanomechanical cantilever sensors as well as large area sample by using a “grafting-to” technique. The further development of nanomechanical cantilever readout is subject of chapter 3. In order to simplify cantilever sensing, a method is investigated which allows one to perform multiple bending experiments on top of a single cantilever. To do so, a way to correlate different curvatures is introduced as well as a way to conveniently locate differently coated segments. In chapter 4 the change in structure upon solvent treatment of mixed polymer brushes is investigated by using scattering methods and nanomechanical cantilevers amongst others. This allows one to explain the domain memory effect, which is typically found in such systems. Chapter 5 describes the implementation of a phase shifting interferometer - used for readout of nanomechanical cantilevers - into the µ-focused scattering beamline BW4, allowing simultaneous measurements of stress and structure information. The last experimental chapter 6 deals with the roughness correlation in polymer brushes and its dependence on the chain tethered density.rnIn summary, the thesis deals with utilization of new experimental techniques for the investigation of polymer brushes and further development of the techniques themselves.rn


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Anwendung der Rasterkraftmikroskopie auf die Untersuchung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Mesostrukturierte Materialien setzen sich aus einzelnen mesoskopen Bausteinen zusammen. Diese Untereinheiten bestimmen im Wesentlichen ihr charakteristisches Verhalten auf äußere mechanische oder elektrische Reize, weshalb diesen Materialien eine besondere Rolle in der Natur sowie im täglichen Leben zukommt. Ein genaues Verständnis der Selbstorganisation dieser Materialien und der Wechselwirkung der einzelnen Bausteine untereinander ist daher von essentieller Bedeutung zur Entwicklung neuer Synthesestrategien sowie zur Optimierung ihrer Materialeigenschaften. Die Charakterisierung dieser mesostrukturierten Materialien erfolgt üblicherweise mittels makroskopischer Analysemethoden wie der dielektrischen Breitbandspektroskopie, Thermogravimetrie sowie in Biegungsexperimenten. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie sich diese Analysemethoden mit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie verbinden lassen, um mesostrukturierte Materialien zu untersuchen. Die Rasterkraftmikroskopie bietet die Möglichkeit, die Oberfläche eines Materials abzubilden und zusätzlich dazu seine quantitativen Eigenschaften, wie die mechanische Biegefestigkeit oder die dielektrische Relaxation, zu bestimmen. Die Übertragung makroskopischer Analyseverfahren auf den Nano- bzw. Mikrometermaßstab mittels der Rasterkraftmikroskopie erlaubt die Charakterisierung von räumlich sehr begrenzten Proben bzw. von Proben, die nur in einer sehr kleinen Menge (<10 mg) vorliegen. Darüberhinaus umfasst das Auflösungsvermögen eines Rasterkraftmikroskops, welche durch die Größe seines Federbalkens (50 µm) sowie seines Spitzenradius (5 nm) definiert ist, genau den Längenskalenbereich, der einzelne Atome mit der makroskopischen Welt verbindet, nämlich die Mesoskala. In dieser Arbeit werden Polymerfilme, kolloidale Nanofasern sowie Biomineralien ausführlicher untersucht.rnIm ersten Projekt werden mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie dielektrische Spektren von mischbaren Polymerfilmen aufgenommen und mit ihrer lokalen Oberflächenstruktur korreliert. Im zweiten Projekt wird die Rasterkraftmikroskopie eingesetzt, um Biegeexperimente an kolloidalen Nanofasern durchzuführen und so ihre Brucheigenschaften genauer zu untersuchen. Im letzten Projekt findet diese Methode Anwendung bei der Charakterisierung der Biegeeigenschaften von Biomineralien. Des Weiteren erfolgt eine Analyse der organischen Zusammensetzung dieser Biomineralien. Alle diese Projekte demonstrieren die vielseitige Einsetzbarkeit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie zur Charakterisierung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Die Korrelation ihrer mechanischen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften mit ihrer topographischen Beschaffenheit erlaubt ein tieferes Verständnis der mesoskopischen Materialien und ihres Verhaltens auf die Einwirkung äußerer Stimuli.rn


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un dispositivo indossabile, e minimamente invasivo, in grado di registrare in maniera continua segnali legati all’attività elettromeccanica del muscolo cardiaco, al fine di rilevare eventuali anomalie cardiache. In tal senso il sistema non si limita alla sola acquisizione di un segnale ECG, ma è in grado di rilevare anche i toni cardiaci, ovvero le vibrazioni generate dalla chiusura delle valvole cardiache, la cui ampiezza è espressione della forza contrattile (funzione meccanica) del cuore. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato sia la progettazione che la realizzazione di un prototipo di tale dispositivo ed è stato svolto presso il laboratorio di Bioingegneria del Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica Diagnostica e Sperimentale dell’Università di Bologna, sito presso l’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi. Il sistema finale consiste in un dispositivo applicabile al torace che, attraverso una serie di sensori, è in grado di rilevare dati legati alla meccanica del cuore (toni cardiaci), dati elettrici cardiaci (ECG) e dati accelerometrici di attività fisica. Nello specifico, il sensing dei toni cardiaci avviene attraverso un accelerometro in grado di misurare le vibrazioni trasmesse al torace. I tracciati, raccolti con l’ausilio di una piattaforma Arduino, vengono inviati, tramite tecnologia Bluetooth, ad un PC che, attraverso un applicativo software sviluppato in LabVIEW™, ne effettua l’analisi, il salvataggio e l’elaborazione in real-time, permettendo un monitoraggio wireless ed in tempo reale dello stato del paziente.


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Il progetto di tesi si pone come obiettivo la riqualificazione urbana del fronte mare della città di Rimini e la progettazione di un nuovo centro culturale polifunzionale. La costruzione di nuovi margini urbani, viene qui proposta secondo una reinterpretazione di un carattere tipicamente funzionale delle città di costa del litorale adriatico: la proiezione della funzione urbana oltre la linea di costa, con la costruzione di moli oltre l’edificato. “La città allunga la mano nell’acqua.” La tesi riprende questo aspetto di tipicità e propone una serie di “nuovi moli”, strutture polifunzionali destinate a incentivare quale risorsa fruitiva per il pubblico, stanziale o turistico, il rapporto col mare Adriatico. Anche in relazione a queste “proiezioni” oltre il litorale marino la tesi ha analizzato le forme dell’architettura di ultima generazione, cercando di recepirne i significati espressi attraverso la definizione formale; da qui parte il percorso della formulazione compositiva espressa nelle tavole grafiche, nelle quali si sottolinea il rapporto funzionale in relazione alla nova forma urbis e alla ricaduta sul nuovo assetto ambientale. E’, in sintesi, l’accettabilità di questo e dell’integrazione paesaggistica che la tesi vuole sostenere, attraverso il lungo percorso analitico e progettuale affrontato.


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Objectives: To evaluate the biological and technical complication rates of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) with end abutments or cantilever extensions on teeth (FDP-tt/cFDP-tt) on implants (FDP-ii/cFDP-ii) and tooth-implant-supported (FDP-ti/cFDP-ti) in patients treated for chronic periodontitis. Material and methods: From a cohort of 392 patients treated between 1978 and 2002 by graduate students, 199 were re-examined in 2005. Of these, 84 patients had received ceramo-metal FDPs (six groups). Results: At the re-evaluation, the mean age of the patients was 62 years (36.2–83.4). One hundred and seventy-five FDPs were seated (82 FDP-tt, 9 FDP-ii, 20 FDP-ti, 39 cFDP-tt, 15 cFDP-ii, 10 cFDP-ti). The mean observation time was 11.3 years; 21 FDPs were lost, and 46 technical and 50 biological complications occurred. Chances for the survival of the three groups of FDPs with end abutments were very high (risk for failure 2.8%, 0%, 5.6%). The probability to remain without complications and/or failure was 70.3%, 88.9% and 74.7% in FDPs with end abutments, but 49.8–25% only in FDPs with extensions at 10 years. Conclusions: In patients treated for chronic periodontitis and provided with ceramo-metal FDPs, high survival rates, especially for FDPs with end abutments, can be expected. The incidence rates of any negative events were increased drastically in the three groups with extension cFDPs (tt, ii, ti). Strategic decisions in the choice of a particular FDP design and the choice of teeth/implants as abutments appear to influence the risks for complications to be expected with fixed reconstruction. If possible, extensions on tooth abutments should be avoided or used only after a cautious clinical evaluation of all options.


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This ex vivo pilot study tested the influence of defect extension and quartz-fiber post placement (QFP) on the ex vivo survival rate and fracture resistance of root-treated upper central incisors served as abutments for zirconia 2-unit cantilever fixed partial dentures (2U-FPDs) exposed to 10 years of simulated clinical function.


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AIM: To assess survival rates and complications of root-filled teeth restored with or without post-and-core systems over a mean observation period of >or=4 years. METHODOLOGY: A total of 325 single- and multirooted teeth in 183 subjects treated in a private practice were root filled and restored with either a cast post-and-core or with a prefabricated titanium post and composite core. Root-filled teeth without post-retained restorations served as controls. The restored teeth served as abutments for single unit metal-ceramic or composite crowns or fixed bridges. Teeth supporting cantilever bridges, overdentures or telescopic crowns were excluded. RESULTS: Seventeen teeth in 17 subjects were lost to follow-up (17/325: 5.2%). The mean observation period was 5.2 +/- 1.8 (SD) years for restorations with titanium posts, 6.2 +/- 2.0 (SD) years for cast post-and-cores and 4.4 +/- 1.7 (SD) years for teeth without posts. Overall, 54% of build-ups included the incorporation of a titanium post and 26.5% the cementation of a cast post-and-core. The remaining 19.5% of the teeth were restored without intraradicular retention. The adjusted 5-year tooth survival rate amounted to 92.5% for teeth restored with titanium posts, to 97.1% for teeth restored with cast post-and-cores and to 94.3% for teeth without post restorations, respectively. The most frequent complications included root fracture (6.2%), recurrent caries (1.9%), post-treatment periradicular disease (1.6%) and loss of retention (1.3%). CONCLUSION: Provided that high-quality root canal treatment and restorative protocols are implemented, high survival and low complication rates of single- and multirooted root-filled teeth used as abutments for fixed restorations can be expected after a mean observation period of >or=4 years.


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The objective of this report is to summarize the results on survival and complication rates of different designs of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) published in a series of systematic reviews. Moreover, the various parameters for survival and risk assessment are to be used in attempt to perform treatment planning on the basis of scientific evidence. Three electronic searches complemented by manual searching were conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on FDP and implant-supported single crowns (SC) with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Patients had to have been examined clinically at the follow-up visit. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5- and 10-year survival proportions. Meta-analysis of the studies included indicated an estimated 5-year survival of conventional tooth-supported FDP of 93.8%, cantilever FDP of 91.4%, solely implant-supported FDP of 95.2%, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP of 95.5% and implant-supported SC of 94.5% as well as resin-bonded bridges 87.7%. Moreover, after 10 years of function the estimated survival decreased to 89.2% for conventional FDP, to 80.3% for cantilever FDP, to 86.7% for implant-supported FDP, to 77.8% for combined tooth-implant-supported FDP, to 89.4% for implant-supported SC and to 65% for resin-bonded bridges. When planning prosthetic rehabilitations, conventional end-abutment tooth-supported FDP, solely implant-supported FDP or implant-supported SC should be the first treatment option. Only as a second option, because of reasons such as financial aspects patient-centered preferences or anatomical structures cantilever tooth-supported FDP, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP or resin-bonded bridges should be chosen.


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Testing a new method of nanoindentation using the atomic force microscope (AFM) was the purpose of this research. Nanoindentation is a useful technique to study the properties of materials on the sub-micron scale. The AFM has been used as a nanoindenter previously; however several parameters needed to obtain accurate results, including tip radius and cantilever sensitivity, can be difficult to determine. To solve this problem, a new method to determine the elastic modulus of a material using the atomic force microscope (AFM) has been proposed by Tang et al. This method models the cantilever and the sample as two springs in a series. The ratio of the cantilever spring constant (k) to diameter of the tip (2a) is treated in the model as one parameter (α=k/2a). The value of a, along with the cantilever sensitivity, are determined on two reference samples with known mechanical properties and then used to find the elastic modulus of an unknown sample. To determine the reliability and accuracy of this technique, it was tested on several polymers. Traditional depth-sensing nanoindentation was preformed for comparison. The elastic modulus values from the AFM were shown to be statistically similar to the nanoindenter results for three of the five samples tested.


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Gas sensors have been used widely in different important area including industrial control, environmental monitoring, counter-terrorism and chemical production. Micro-fabrication offers a promising way to achieve sensitive and inexpensive gas sensors. Over the years, various MEMS gas sensors have been investigated and fabricated. One significant type of MEMS gas sensors is based on mass change detection and the integration with specific polymer. This dissertation aims to make contributions to the design and fabrication of MEMS resonant mass sensors with capacitance actuation and sensing that lead to improved sensitivity. To accomplish this goal, the research has several objectives: (1) Define an effective measure for evaluating the sensitivity of resonant mass devices; (2) Model the effects of air damping on microcantilevers and validate models using laser measurement system (3) Develop design guidelines for improving sensitivity in the presence of air damping; (4) Characterize the degree of uncertainty in performance arising from fabrication variation for one or more process sequences, and establish design guidelines for improved robustness. Work has been completed toward these objectives. An evaluation measure has been developed and compared to an RMS based measure. Analytic models of air damping for parallel plate that include holes are compared with a COMSOL model. The models have been used to identify cantilever design parameters that maximize sensitivity. Additional designs have been modeled with COMSOL and the development of an analytical model for Fixed-free cantilever geometries with holes has been developed. Two process flows have been implemented and compared. A number of cantilever designs have been fabricated and the uncertainty in process has been investigated. Variability from processing have been evaluated and characterized.


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PURPOSE: To systematically appraise the impact of mechanical/technical risk factors on implant-supported reconstructions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A MEDLINE (PubMed) database search from 1966 to April 2008 was conducted. The search strategy was a combination of MeSH terms and the key words: design, dental implant(s), risk, prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics, fixed partial denture(s), fixed dental prosthesis (FDP), fixed reconstruction(s), oral rehabilitation, bridge(s), removable partial denture(s), overdenture(s). Randomized controlled trials, controlled trials, and prospective and retrospective cohort studies with a mean follow-up of at least 4 years were included. The material evaluated in each study had to include cases with/without exposure to the risk factor. RESULTS: From 3,568 articles, 111 were selected for full text analysis. Of the 111 articles, 33 were included for data extraction after grouping the outcomes into 10 risk factors: type of retentive elements supporting overdentures, presence of cantilever extension(s), cemented versus screw-retained FDPs, angled/angulated abutments, bruxism, crown/implant ratio, length of the suprastructure, prosthetic materials, number of implants supporting an FDP, and history of mechanical/technical complications. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of a metal framework in overdentures, the presence of cantilever extension(s) > 15 mm and of bruxism, the length of the reconstruction, and a history of repeated complications were associated with increased mechanical/technical complications. The type of retention, the presence of angled abutments, the crown-implant ratio, and the number of implants supporting an FDP were not associated with increased mechanical/technical complications. None of the mechanical/technical risk factors had an impact on implant survival and success rates.


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Das generative Fertigungsverfahren Selective Laser Melting (SLM) wird zur direkten Herstellung von metallischen Funktionsbauteilen verwendet. Während des Bauprozesses entstehen durch den schichtweisen Aufbau und die lokale Energieeinbringung mittels eines fokussierten Laserstrahls thermisch induzierte Eigenspannungen, die zu Verzug des Bauteils oder von Bauteilbereichen führen können. Üblicherweise werden die Verzüge durch Stützstrukturen zwischen Bauteil und Substratplatte verhindert. Jedoch ist es nicht immer möglich alle Bereiche eines Bauteils, je nach Komplexität der Geometrie oder Zugänglichkeit, mit Stützstrukturen zu versehen bzw. diese wieder zu entfernen. Durch eine Vorwärmung der Substratplatte während des Bauprozesses können die Verzüge reduziert oder ganz vermieden werden. Jedoch ist bisher keine systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses der Vorwärmung auf Verzüge von Aluminium Bauteilen durchgeführt worden. Ziel dieser Arbeiten ist daher die systematische Untersuchung der Auswirkung einer Vorwärmung beim SLM von Aluminiumbauteilen und die Ermittlung der geeigneten Vorwärmtemperatur, bei der nahezu keine Verzüge mehr entstehen. Eine signifikante Verzugsreduzierung im Vergleich zu den Verzügen ohne Vorwärmung zeigt sich ab einer Vorwärmtemperatur von 150°C. Bei einer Vorwärmtemperatur von 250°C sind im Rahmen der Messgenauigkeit unabhängig von der untersuchten Twincantilever Testgeometrie keine Verzüge mehr feststellbar. Neben der Reduzierung der Verzüge verhindert die Vorwärmung außerdem spannungsbedingte Risse im Bauteil, die ohne Vorwärmung zum Abreißen von Teilen der Testgeometrie führen können. Mit 90 HV 0,1 bei 250°C Vorwärmtemperatur ist die Härte größer als die geforderte Mindesthärte nach DIN EN 1706 von Druckgussbauteilen aus dem Werkstoff AlSi10Mg. Aus diesem Ergebnis kann abgeleitet werden, dass eine Vorwärmtemperatur von 250°C geeignet ist, Bauteile aus dem Werkstoff AlSi10Mg mit SLM defektfrei und prozesssicher herzustellen und Verzüge vollständig zu vermeiden.


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ABSTRACT ONTOLOGIES AND METHODS FOR INTEROPERABILITY OF ENGINEERING ANALYSIS MODELS (EAMS) IN AN E-DESIGN ENVIRONMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 NEELIMA KANURI, B.S., BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES PILANI INDIA M.S., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor Ian Grosse Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange and reuse information efficiently. This thesis presents new techniques for interoperating engineering tools using ontologies as the basis for representing, visualizing, reasoning about, and securely exchanging abstract engineering knowledge between software systems. The specific engineering domain that is the primary focus of this report is the modeling knowledge associated with the development of engineering analysis models (EAMs). This abstract modeling knowledge has been used to support integration of analysis and optimization tools in iSIGHT FD , a commercial engineering environment. ANSYS , a commercial FEA tool, has been wrapped as an analysis service available inside of iSIGHT-FD. Engineering analysis modeling (EAM) ontology has been developed and instantiated to form a knowledge base for representing analysis modeling knowledge. The instances of the knowledge base are the analysis models of real world applications. To illustrate how abstract modeling knowledge can be exploited for useful purposes, a cantilever I-Beam design optimization problem has been used as a test bed proof-of-concept application. Two distinct finite element models of the I-beam are available to analyze a given beam design- a beam-element finite element model with potentially lower accuracy but significantly reduced computational costs and a high fidelity, high cost, shell-element finite element model. The goal is to obtain an optimized I-beam design at minimum computational expense. An intelligent KB tool was developed and implemented in FiPER . This tool reasons about the modeling knowledge to intelligently shift between the beam and the shell element models during an optimization process to select the best analysis model for a given optimization design state. In addition to improved interoperability and design optimization, methods are developed and presented that demonstrate the ability to operate on ontological knowledge bases to perform important engineering tasks. One such method is the automatic technical report generation method which converts the modeling knowledge associated with an analysis model to a flat technical report. The second method is a secure knowledge sharing method which allocates permissions to portions of knowledge to control knowledge access and sharing. Both the methods acting together enable recipient specific fine grain controlled knowledge viewing and sharing in an engineering workflow integration environment, such as iSIGHT-FD. These methods together play a very efficient role in reducing the large scale inefficiencies existing in current product design and development cycles due to poor knowledge sharing and reuse between people and software engineering tools. This work is a significant advance in both understanding and application of integration of knowledge in a distributed engineering design framework.


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OBJECTIVES The aim was to study the impact of the defect size of endodontically treated incisors compared to dental implants as abutments on the survival of zirconia two-unit anterior cantilever-fixed partial dentures (2U-FPDs) during 10-year simulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Human maxillary central incisors were endodontically treated and divided into three groups (n = 24): I, access cavities rebuilt with composite core; II, teeth decoronated and restored with composite; and III as II supported by fiber posts. In group IV, implants with individual zirconia abutments were used. Specimens were restored with zirconia 2U-FPDs and exposed to two sequences of thermal cycling and mechanical loading. Statistics: Kaplan-Meier; log-rank tests. RESULTS During TCML in group I two tooth fractures and two debondings with chipping were found. Solely chippings occurred in groups II (2×), IV (2×), and III (1×). No significant different survival was found for the different abutments (p = 0.085) or FPDs (p = 0.526). Load capability differed significantly between groups I (176 N) and III (670 N), and III and IV (324 N) (p < 0.024). CONCLUSION Within the limitations of an in vitro study, it can be concluded that zirconia-framework 2U-FPDs on decoronated teeth with/without post showed comparable in vitro reliability as restorations on implants. The results indicated that restorations on teeth with only access cavity perform worse in survival and linear loading. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Even severe defects do not justify per se a replacement of this particular tooth by a dental implant from load capability point of view.


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The geometric characterization of low-voltage dielectric electro-active polymer (EAP) structures, comprised of nanometer thickness but areas of square centimeters, for applications such as artificial sphincters requires methods with nanometer precision. Direct optical detection is usually restricted to sub-micrometer resolution because of the wavelength of the light applied. Therefore, we propose to take advantage of the cantilever bending system with optical readout revealing a sub-micrometer resolution at the deflection of the free end. It is demonstrated that this approach allows us to detect bending of rather conventional planar asymmetric, dielectric EAP-structures applying voltages well below 10 V. For this purpose, we built 100 μm-thin silicone films between 50 nm-thin silver layers on a 25 μm-thin polyetheretherketone (PEEK) substrate. The increase of the applied voltage in steps of 50 V until 1 kV resulted in a cantilever bending that exhibits only in restricted ranges the expected square dependence. The mean laser beam displacement on the detector corresponded to 6 nm per volt. The apparatus will therefore become a powerful mean to analyze and thereby improve low-voltage dielectric EAP-structures to realize nanometer-thin layers for stack actuators to be incorporated into artificial sphincter systems for treating severe urinary and fecal incontinence.