913 resultados para Yellowstone National Park
Also covers Morristown and surrounding areas.
Also covers Morristown and surrounding areas.
Also covers Morristown and surrounding areas.
Also covers town of Morristown and surrounding areas.
The paper describes the process in whcih a multi-disciplinary group of design students propose a redevelopment of individual and group camping facilities at Springbrook national Park. A romantic and fairyland atmosphere is developed to enhance the natural educational potential of the site and heighten the experience of the transient community, the campers.
Since 1999, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch of the Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA-BB) has been working with federal and territorial partners to characterize, monitor, and assess the status of the marine environment around northeastern St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. This effort is part of the broader NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program’s (CRCP) National Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Program (NCREMP). With support from CRCP’s NCREMP, CCMA conducts the “Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring project” (CREM) with goals to: (1) spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance, and size of marine fauna associated with shallow water coral reef seascapes (mosaics of coral reefs, seagrasses, sand and mangroves); (2) relate this information to in situ fine-scale habitat data and the spatial distribution and diversity of habitat types using benthic habitat maps; (3) use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting; (4) establish the efficacy of those management decisions; and (5) develop data collection and data management protocols. The monitoring effort in northeastern St. Croix was conducted through partnerships with the National Park Service (NPS) and the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources (VI-DPNR). The geographical focal point of the research is Buck Island Reef National Monument (BIRNM), a protected area originally established in 1961 and greatly expanded in 2001; however, the work also encompassed a large portion of the recently created St. Croix East End Marine Park (EEMP). Project funding is primarily provided by NOAA CRCP, CCMA and NPS. In recent decades, scientific and non-scientific observations have indicated that the structure and function of the coral reef ecosystem around northeastern St. Croix have been adversely impacted by a wide range of environmental stressors. The major stressors have included the mass Diadema die off in the early 1980s, a series of hurricanes beginning with Hurricane Hugo in 1989, overfishing, mass mortality of Acropora corals due to disease and several coral bleaching events, with the most severe mass bleaching episode in 2005. The area is also an important recreational resource supporting boating, snorkeling, diving and other water based activities. With so many potential threats to the marine ecosystem and a dramatic change in management strategy in 2003 when the park’s Interim Regulations (Presidential Proclamation No. 7392) established BIRNM as one of the first fully protected marine areas in NPS system, it became critical to identify existing marine fauna and their spatial distributions and temporal dynamics. This provides ecologically meaningful data to assess ecosystem condition, support decision making in spatial planning (including the evaluation of efficacy of current management strategies) and determine future information needs. The ultimate goal of the work is to better understand the coral reef ecosystems and to provide information toward protecting and enhancing coral reef ecosystems for the benefit of the system itself and to sustain the many goods and services that it offers society. This Technical Memorandum contains analysis of the first six years of fish survey data (2001-2006) and associated characterization of the benthos (1999-2006). The primary objectives were to quantify changes in fish species and assemblage diversity, abundance, biomass and size structure and to provide spatially explicit information on the distribution of key species or groups of species and to compare community structure inside (protected) versus outside (fished) areas of BIRNM. (PDF contains 100 pages).
[EN] Enforcement of rural policy measures within National Parks may have a particular importance as they may contribute to reach socioeconomic objectives devised for such areas. So this paper approaches as case study the application of a relevant rural development measure in the Northumberland National Park (NNP) –England, North East— over the period 2000-2008 in order to explore whether NNP makes any difference in terms of enforcing rural policy measures. The main research findings indicate that NNP may have some sort of positive impact on rural development, but support relying on tourism monoculture may be a background reason for undesired negative consequences.
Amphibian declines and extinctions have been documented around the world, often in protected natural areas. Concern for this trend has prompted the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service to document all species of amphibians that occur within U.S. National Parks and to search for any signs that amphibians may be declining. This study, an inventory of amphibian species in Big Cypress National Preserve, was conducted from 2002 to 2003. The goals of the project were to create a georeferenced inventory of amphibian species, use new analytical techniques to estimate proportion of sites occupied by each species, look for any signs of amphibian decline (missing species, disease, die-offs, and so forth.), and to establish a protocol that could be used for future monitoring efforts. Several sampling methods were used to accomplish these goals. Visual encounter surveys and anuran vocalization surveys were conducted in all habitats throughout the park to estimate the proportion of sites or proportion of area occupied (PAO) by each amphibian species in each habitat. Opportunistic collections, as well as limited drift fence data, were used to augment the visual encounter methods for highly aquatic or cryptic species. A total of 545 visits to 104 sites were conducted for standard sampling alone, and 2,358 individual amphibians and 374 reptiles were encountered. Data analysis was conducted in program PRESENCE to provide PAO estimates for each of the anuran species. All of the amphibian species historically found in Big Cypress National Preserve were detected during this project. At least one individual of each of the four salamander species was captured during sampling. Each of the anuran species in the preserve was adequately sampled using standard herpetological sampling methods, and PAO estimates were produced for each species of anuran by habitat. This information serves as an indicator of habitat associations of the species and relative abundance of sites occupied, but it will also be useful as a comparative baseline for future monitoring efforts. In addition to sampling for amphibians, all encounters with reptiles were documented. The sampling methods used for detecting amphibians are also appropriate for many reptile species. These reptile locations are included in this report, but the number of reptile observations was not sufficient to estimate PAO for reptile species. We encountered 35 of the 46 species of reptiles believed to be present in Big Cypress National Preserve during this study, and evidence exists of the presence of four other reptile species in the Preserve. This study found no evidence of amphibian decline in Big Cypress National Preserve. Although no evidence of decline was observed, several threats to amphibians were identified. Introduced species, especially the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), are predators and competitors with several native frog species. The recreational use of off-road vehicles has the potential to affect some amphibian populations, and a study on those potential impacts is currently underway. Also, interference by humans with the natural hydrologic cycle of south Florida has the potential to alter the amphibian community. Continued monitoring of the amphibian species in Big Cypress National Preserve is recommended. The methods used in this study were adequate to produce reliable estimates of the proportion of sites occupied by most anuran species, and are a cost-effective means of determining the status of their populations.
The Meteorological Section at the scientific camp 2009–2010 conducted a series of meteorological measurements in the region of Biała Góra. The exploration area is located about 2 km east of Międzyzdroje, at the research station of the AMU Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences. Members of the section made measurements in the six selected points. The location of points had to reflect the specifics of the area (from the beach to the car park at the research station). The section focused on three basic measurements: air temperature (2009–2010), relative humidity (2009–2010) and atmospheric pressure (2009). This article aims to analyse a topoclimate section of cliff coast in the Wolin National Park. The compilation recognised the impact of various land surfaces, sea and altitude on the variability of air temperature and relative humidity. It notes the varied course of the daily meteorological elements analysed, which is directly related to the value of radiation balance dependent upon the intensity of direct solar radiation. In this article, particular emphasis is applied to the analysis of temperature amplitudes and humidity at different measuring points.
The introduction of national parks to Scotland represents a significant shift in the evolution of protected area management within the UK. Although the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 adopts the established national park aims of conservation and recreation, provisions are also made for advancing notions of sustainable development. This paper provides an assessment of the degree to which the Scottish national park model is likely to enable the realisation of multiple national park objectives. Five key areas are considered for analysis. These relate to management aims, institutional arrangements, implementation, democratic accountability and funding. The evaluation reveals that whilst management provisions have been established in accordance with international sustainable development guidelines, a number of concerns relating to operational processes remain.
This paper provides a contemporary examination of policy making and participatory practice in the context of devolving governance in the UK. The paper takes Northern Ireland as its focus and is particularly timely considering the context of devolved governance, the ongoing transition from conflict to relative peace and the potential for rejuvenating democracy through participatory
governance. The paper concentrates on one particular policy process, namely the attempted designation of a national park in the Mournes Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A thematic analysis of qualitative data is drawn upon to analyse the structural factors that framed the policymaking process, in particular the role of power in determining how consultation processes were 2 initiated, designed and undertaken. Using Lukes’ model) as an analytical framework, power is shown to manifest at multiple levels within the policy-making process to influence policy outcomes. The paper reveals how the persistence of a top-down approach to policy development combined with a highly parochial political outlook undermined attempts to designate a Mourne National Park. The paper concludes that, given the immaturity of recently devolved government in
Northern Ireland, in this instance, the democratising intentions of devolved governance have not been met. This has implications for Northern Ireland’s recent reform of public administration which devolves certain planning powers to local authority level and the management of the internationally significant Mournes landscape.
Les thiols et le sélénium peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la méthylation du mercure des environnements aquatiques. Pour démontrer la présence des thiols et du sélénium et leur relation avec le mercure dans certains écosystèmes d'eau douce québécois, une campagne d’échantillonnage fut réalisée durant l’été 2010, dans le parc national du Mont-Tremblant (Laurentides, Québec). Il existe une corrélation significative entre le sélénium et le mercure total dans l’eau des lacs du parc. Cependant, les concentrations de sélénium sont très faibles dans les lacs, les étangs de castor et les ruisseaux. Par ailleurs, les lacs du parc national du Mont-Tremblant ont des concentrations relativement élevées de méthylmercure avec une moyenne de 0,33 ng L-1 et des maximums allant jusqu’à 3,29 ng L-1. Les étangs de castor peuvent aussi être considérés comme des lieux de contamination au méthylmercure, avec une concentration moyenne de 0,95 ng L-1. Toutefois, la présence d’une colonie de castors sur le bassin versant d’un lac ne semble pas influencer les concentrations de mercure que l’on y retrouve. Deux thiols sont détectables dans l’eau de surface des Laurentides, soit le glutathion et l’acide thioglycolique. La concentration de ce dernier thiol est corrélée significativement avec celle du mercure total et du méthylmercure. Les thiols peuvent jouer un rôle important dans les processus de méthylation en favorisant le transport du mercure inorganique à l’intérieur des bactéries sulfato-réductrices. Afin de mieux comprendre l’action antagoniste entre le sélénium et le mercure, des études devraient être réalisées au niveau des tissus des organismes vivants dans ces zones pauvres en sélénium.
L’augmentation des interactions entre humains et animaux sauvages en lisière des habitats naturels pourrait faciliter la transmission d’agents pathogènes entre les humains et les différentes espèces animales d’un écosystème et ainsi favoriser l’émergence de maladies. Nous avons effectué une étude transversale portant sur l’infection par Giardia et Cryptosporidium chez les humains, les animaux domestiques, les rongeurs et les lémuriens au sein de l’écosystème de Ranomafana, Madagascar. Des échantillons de fèces ont étés collectés de manière non invasive chez des personnes volontaires, des mammifères domestiques et des rongeurs introduits habitant trois villages situés en lisière du Parc National de Ranomafana (PNR) ainsi que quatre espèces de lémuriens (Propithecus edwardsii, Prolemur simus, Eulemur rubriventer et Microcebus rufus) du PNR. Des analyses coproscopiques par la technique d’immunofluorescence directe ont été réalisées afin de détecter la présence de Cryptosporidium et Giardia. Leur prévalence a été estimée et certaines variables reliées à l’infection par les parasites ont été identifiées. Cryptosporidium et Giardia ont été détectés avec une prévalence estimée à 22,9 % et 13,6 % respectivement chez les humains. La prévalence de ces deux parasites variait de 0 % à 60 % chez les animaux domestiques et les rongeurs au sein des villages. L’espèce hôte, l’âge ainsi que la co-infection par un autre protozoaire sont les seules variables associées à l’infection par Cryptosporidium et Giardia dans cet écosystème tandis qu’aucune association avec une coinfection par un ordre de nématode n’a été détecté. De plus, Cryptosporidium a été détecté chez 10,5 % des lémuriens du PNR. Cette étude documente pour la première fois la présence de Cryptosporidium chez deux espèces de lémuriens du PNR. Par contre, Giardia n’a pas été détecté dans les échantillons issus de lémuriens du PNR.
La faune et la flore de l’île de La Réunion atteignent un niveau d’endémisme très élevé avec le tiers de sa surface encore recouverte par des forêts naturelles. Ces conditions exceptionnelles ont favorisé, en 2007, la création du Parc National de La Réunion qui couvre 40 % du territoire. Parmi les différentes atteintes à l’environnement dans les aires du Parc national, le braconnage est devenu, au cours des deux dernières décennies, un phénomène très préoccupant pour les différents acteurs locaux et régionaux qui s’occupent de la gestion de ce problème. Plusieurs espèces braconnées sont actuellement menacées et les dégâts occasionnés par les braconniers sont visibles dans le paysage réunionnais. Ce projet de recherche vise à répondre à la question de recherche suivante : De quelle façon se manifeste le braconnage (les motivations, la fréquence, les techniques, les lieux) dans le Parc national de La Réunion et comment les différents acteurs réagissent-ils face à la pratique du braconnage? La méthodologie de cette recherche repose sur une démarche combinant l’approche exploratoire et l’étude de cas. Les données qualitatives et quantitatives que nous avons utilisées pour cette étude ont été collectées par une recherche bibliographique, une collection de données statistiques, et par des entrevues (exploratoires, semi-dirigées, individuelles non-structurées) réalisées sur le terrain. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de constater que le braconnage à La Réunion est un phénomène ancré dans la culture locale et une conséquence directe du contexte économique actuel. Notre recherche a relevé deux catégories de braconniers : les braconniers occasionnels (touristes et braconniers du dimanche) et les braconniers professionnels. Le braconnage de type occasionnel est très largement répandu dans la population, car il s’inscrit dans une continuité des traditions. Le braconnage de type professionnel où le braconnier prélève de façon systématique dans la nature à des fins monétaires, est pratiqué par peu de gens, mais il occasionne de lourdes pertes contrairement au braconnage de type occasionnel. Les différentes méthodes mises en place par les divers acteurs impliqués dans la gestion du braconnage ont été répertoriées et examinées. Tandis que le poinçonnage des plants de vanille et le marquage des tangues sont efficaces, la délation des braconniers et les visites éducatives restent des pistes à explorer, et les conférences rééducatives des braconniers ainsi que la vente de permis de chasse au tangue ont démontré une faible efficacité. Des recommandations pour améliorer la dynamique entre les acteurs impliqués dans la gestion du braconnage ont été données par plusieurs de ces acteurs interrogés au cours de cette recherche.