955 resultados para Wilson Harris


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Margaret Bush Wilson was a woman of highly exceptional stature. Bush accomplished much in her life; the most prominent being the first female on the N.A.A.C.P. national board of Directors. Much of her career consisted of civil rights and urban development. Before Mrs. Bush focused on her civil rights path, she was valedictorian of her graduating high school class. After completing her high school career, she began to study abroad, traveling to over six countries. These included: England, France, Ceylon, Japan, the Hawaiian Islands and her most extraordinary visit to India. Here Margaret met and spoke with Mahatma Gandhi which fueled her passion of the civil rights movement in the United States. Mrs. Bush pursued a law degree at Lincoln University Law School after completing her Bachelor’s at Talladega University. On top of her extraordinary accomplishments, Margaret Bush possessed the unique quality of appearing 10 years younger than her real age, reflecting her strong spirit and compassion towards humanity.


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Yvonne Wilson is a woman of achievement, accomplishment, and ambition. It all started when she enrolled in Lincoln University; the only public institution for higher education in Missouri that admitted African Americans. She later went on to become a teacher, principal and systems director in the Kansas City School District. Mrs. Wilson was involved in many civic/social activities including the Metropolitan Community Colleges and the Bruce Watkins Cultural Heritage Center. She had many accomplishments including her positions as the President of Lincoln University Board of Curators and the first African American President of the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals. Finally, one of her top accomplishments was being appointed to the Missouri House of Representatives.


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Drawing on the work of Wendell Berry, among others, allows us to see through claims that science has on limits (scientism). Berry shows what follies scientism generates and provides his own guidelines to what the limits of science are or ought to be.


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A presente pesquisa busca avaliar exegeticamente o texto que se encontra na Bíblia, especificamente no livro de Números capítulos 22-24 que relata sobre um personagem conhecido como Balaão. A pesquisa tem também como objeto o estudo sobre o panteão de divindades relatado no mesmo texto, assim como também o estudo dos textos descobertos em Deir Alla, na Jordânia, que apresentam um personagem designado como Balaão, possivelmente o mesmo personagem de Nm 22-24. A motivação que levou ao desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foi o fato de se ter deparado com os conceitos dos diversos nomes divinos exibidos no texto, além da questão do profetismo fora de Israel, assim como as possibilidades hermenêuticas que se abrem para a leitura desse texto bíblico. O conceito geral sempre foi o de que Israel era a única nação onde existiam “verdadeiros” profetas e uma adoração a um único Deus, o “monoteísmo”. O que despertou interesse foi perceber, especialmente por meio da leitura dos livros bíblicos, que o profetismo não se restringiu somente a Israel. Ele antecede à formação do antigo Israel e já existia no âmbito das terras do antigo Oriente Médio, e que Israel ainda demorou muito tempo para ser monoteísta. Quem é esse Balaão, filho de Beor? Estudaremos sobre sua pessoa e sua missão. Examinaremos os textos de Deir Alla sobre Balaão e sua natureza de personagem mediador entre o divino e o humano. Esse personagem é apresentado como um grande profeta e que era famoso como intérprete de presságios divinos. Analisaremos a importante questão sobre o panteão de deuses que são apresentados na narrativa de Balaão nomeados como: El, Elyon Elohim e Shaddai, além de Yahweh. Entendemos, a princípio, que o texto possui uma conexão com a sociedade na qual foi criado e usando da metodologia exegética, faremos uma análise da narrativa em questão, buscando compreender o sentido do texto, dentro de seu cenário histórico e social. Cenário este, que nos apresentou esse profeta, não israelita, que profere bênçãos dos deuses sobre Israel e que, além disso, pronuncia maldições sobre os inimigos desse mesmo Israel. Percebemos que, parte do texto pesquisado é apresentado sob a ótica de Israel sobre as outras nações. A pesquisa defende, portanto, que o texto de Nm 22-24, além de nos apresentar um profeta fora de Israel igual aos profetas da Bíblia, defende que, o panteão de divindades também era adorado por Israel e que tais nomes são epítetos de uma mesma divindade, no caso YHWH. Defende, também, um delineamento de um projeto de domínio político e militar de Israel sobre as nações circunvizinhas.


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A sexualidade de Lea e Raquel, o útero, as mandrágoras e o corpo de Jacó são fatores que definem o alicerce do nosso texto como espaços de diálogo, mediação e estrutura do cenário. O destaque principal está sob o capítulo 30.14-16 que retrata a memória das mandrágoras. Como plantas místicas elas dominam o campo religioso e como plantas medicinais elas são utilizadas para solucionar problemas biológicos. As instituições e sociedades detentoras de uma ideologia e de leis que regulamentam uma existência apresentam na narrativa, duas irmãs, mas também esposas de um mesmo homem que, manipuladas por essa instituição que minimiza e oprime a mulher, principalmente a estéril, confina-as como simples objeto de sexualidade e mantenedoras da descendência por meio da maternidade. A memória das mandrágoras é sinal de que a prática existente circundava uma religião não monoteísta. Ela existia sociologicamente por meio de sincretismos, força e poderes sócio-culturais e religiosos. Era constituída das memórias de mulheres que manipulavam e dominavam o poder sagrado para controle de suas necessidades. O discurso dessas mulheres, em nossa unidade, prova que o discurso dessa narrativa não se encontra somente no plano individual, mas também se estende a nível comunitário, espaço que as define e lhes concede importância por meio do casamento e dádivas da maternidade como continuidade da descendência. São mulheres que dominaram um espaço na história com suas lutas e vitórias, com atos de amor e de sofrimento, de crenças e poderes numa experiência religiosa dominada pelo masculino que vai além do nosso conhecimento atual. As lutas firmadas na fé e na ideologia dessas mulheres definiram e acentuaram seu papel de protagonistas nas narrativas 9 bíblicas que estudamos no Gênesis. A conservação dessas narrativas, e do espaço teológico da época, definiu espaços, vidas, gerações e tribos que determinaram as gerações prometidas e fecharam um ciclo: o da promessa de Iahweh quanto à descendência desde Abraão. Os mitos e as crenças foram extintos para dar espaço a uma fé monoteísta, mas a experiência religiosa


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Peer reviewed


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The delivery of copper to specific sites within the cell is mediated by distinct intracellular carrier proteins termed copper chaperones. Previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggested that the human copper chaperone HAH1 may play a role in copper trafficking to the secretory pathway of the cell. In this current study, HAH1 was detected in lysates from multiple human cell lines and tissues as a single-chain protein distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus. Studies with a glutathione S-transferase-HAH1 fusion protein demonstrated direct protein–protein interaction between HAH1 and the Wilson disease protein, which required the cysteine copper ligands in the amino terminus of HAH1. Consistent with these in vitro observations, coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that HAH1 interacts with both the Wilson and Menkes proteins in vivo and that this interaction depends on available copper. When these studies were repeated utilizing three disease-associated mutations in the amino terminus of the Wilson protein, a marked diminution in HAH1 interaction was observed, suggesting that impaired copper delivery by HAH1 constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring these mutations. Taken together, these data provide a mechanism for the function of HAH1 as a copper chaperone in mammalian cells and demonstrate that this protein is essential for copper homeostasis.


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The leukocyte integrin, lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) (CD11a/CD18), mediates cell adhesion and signaling in inflammatory and immune responses. To support these functions, LFA-1 must convert from a resting to an activated state that avidly binds its ligands such as intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). Biochemical and x-ray studies of the Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) I domain suggest that integrin activation could involve a conformational change of the C-terminal α-helix. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to identify CD11a I domain residues whose resonances are affected by binding to ICAM-1. We observed two distinct sites in the CD11a I domain that were affected. As expected from previous mutagenesis studies, a cluster of residues localized around the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) was severely perturbed on ICAM-1 binding. A second cluster of residues distal to the MIDAS that included the C-terminal α-helix of the CD11a I domain was also affected. Substitution of residues in the core of this second I domain site resulted in constitutively active LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1. Binding data indicates that none of the 20 substitution mutants we tested at this second site form an essential ICAM-1 binding interface. We also demonstrate that residues in the I domain linker sequences can regulate LFA-1 binding. These results indicate that LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1 is regulated by an I domain allosteric site (IDAS) and that this site is structurally linked to the MIDAS.


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Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of hepatic copper metabolism caused by mutations in a gene encoding a copper-transporting P-type ATPase. To elucidate the function of the Wilson protein, wild-type and mutant Wilson cDNAs were expressed in a Menkes copper transporter-deficient mottled fibroblast cell line defective in copper export. Expression of the wild-type cDNA demonstrated trans-Golgi network localization and copper-dependent trafficking of the Wilson protein identical to previous observations for the endogenously expressed protein in hepatocytes. Furthermore, expression of the Wilson cDNA rescued the mottled phenotype as evidenced by a reduction in copper accumulation and restoration of cell viability. In contrast, expression of an H1069Q mutant Wilson cDNA did not rescue the mottled phenotype, and immunofluorescence studies showed that this mutant Wilson protein was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Consistent with these findings, pulse–chase analysis demonstrated a 5-fold decrease in the half-life of the H1069Q mutant as compared with the wild-type protein. Maintenance of these transfected cell lines at 28°C resulted in localization of the H1069Q protein in the trans-Golgi network, suggesting that a temperature-sensitive defect in protein folding followed by degradation constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring the H1069Q mutation. Taken together, these studies describe a tractable expression system for elucidating the function and localization of the copper-transporting ATPases in mammalian cells and provide compelling evidence that the Wilson protein can functionally substitute for the Menkes protein, supporting the concept that these proteins use common biochemical mechanisms to effect cellular copper homeostasis.


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Ceruloplasmin is an abundant alpha 2-serum glycoprotein that contains 95% of the copper found in the plasma of vertebrate species. We report here on the identification of a genetic defect in the ceruloplasmin gene in a patient previously noted to have a total absence of circulating serum ceruloplasmin in association with late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration. In this patient T2 (transverse relaxation time)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed basal ganglia densities consistent with iron deposition, and liver biopsy confirmed the presence of excess iron. Although Southern blot analysis of the patient's DNA was normal, PCR amplification of 18 of the 19 exons composing the human ceruloplasmin gene revealed a distinct size difference in exon 7. DNA sequence analysis of this exon revealed a 5-bp insertion at amino acid 410, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a truncated open reading frame. The validity of this mutation was confirmed by analysis of DNA from the patient's daughter, which revealed heterozygosity for this same 5-bp insertion. The presence of this mutation in conjunction with the clinical and pathologic findings demonstrates an essential role for ceruloplasmin in human biology and identifies aceruloplasminemia as an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. These findings support previous studies that identified ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase and are remarkably consistent with recent studies on the essential role of a homologous copper oxidase in iron metabolism in yeast. The clinical and laboratory findings suggest that additional patients with movement disorders and nonclassical Wilson disease should be examined for ceruloplasmin gene mutations.