890 resultados para War, Declaration of.


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The research investigates in what extent and how communication for meeting feelings is provided in Truth Commission work. It examines if and in what way feelings are addressed in the communication officially published by the Truth Commissions in East Timor, Ghana and Sri Lanka, occurring between 2002-2011. The research is also looking at the healing processes in a time perspective to find out if there is a communication for Societal healing to be continued in a longer term. My conclusion is that two cases of three in my research, the TRCs in Ghana and East Timor, have communication clearly directed to meet feelings caused by the war. One of the three cases (East Timor) has a communication with a clear ambition to heal over a longer period, to continue after the existence of the Truth Commission. The research suggests that communication with a clear ambition to reach out widely in the society, a communication directed to meet and process feelings over a longer period, can make Societal healing more effective. It also concludes that, in the future, Societal healing, as a field in conflict resolution, will be more based on representational media than today, provided through web communication.


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E-learning has become one of the primary ways of delivering education around the globe. In Somalia, which is a country torn within and from the global community by a prolonged civil war, University of Hargeisa has in collaboration with Dalarna University in Sweden adopted, for the first time, e-learning. This study explores barriers and facilitators to e-learning usage, experienced by students in Somalia’s higher education, using the University of Hargeisa as case study. Interviews were conducted with students to explore how University of Hargeisa’s novice users perceived elearning, and what factors positively and negatively affected their e-learning experiences. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was used as a framework for interpreting the results. The findings show that, in general, the students have a very positive attitude towards e-learning, and they perceived that e-learning enhanced their educational experience. The communication aspect was found to be especially important for Somali students, as it facilitated a feeling of belonging to the global community of students and scholars and alleviated the war-torn country’s isolation. However, some socio-cultural aspects of students’ communities negatively affected their e-learning experience. This study ends with recommendations based on the empirical findings to promote the use and enhance the experience of e-learning in post conflict Somali educational institutions


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The September 11th episode not only marked the end of the Cold War, but of the Balance of Powers Diplomacy, through which the nation-states defin e themselves as enemies, and solve their problems with war or war threat. Today the major countries do not have enemies among other nation-states. Slowly Globalization’s Politics replace the previous system, as long as globalization gets regulated, and the rule of law emerges at international level. In the global world we have three types of countries: the rich, the ones of intermediary development, and the poor. Globalization is inherently unjust to the latter. Unable to compete in a world where competition prevails everywhere, such countries are either just outside the system, or, frustrated, recur to terrorism. Interests, however, do not point out only in the direction of inequalities. Through politics, i.e., through debate and argument, it will be possible to create a less unjust international law system. And also though it, the hope in an international government ceases to be a mere utopia.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o fenômeno da Guerra Fiscal relativa ao ICMS em razão da concessão de benefícios fiscais sem amparo em Convênio. Ao longo dos últimos anos, os Estados têm concedido cada vez mais tais benefícios, o que levou a um grande número de ações judiciais no Supremo Tribunal Federal questionando sua constitucionalidade. Para pacificar o entendimento no sentido de que tais benefícios quando não aprovados pela unanimidade dos membros no CONFAZ seriam inconstitucionais, o STF editou a Proposta de Súmula Vinculante nº 69. São apresentados os efeitos que esta Súmula Vinculante causará caso venha a ser aprovada e se seria possível a modulação de seus efeitos como forma de garantir uma maior segurança jurídica. Em seguida, é feita uma abordagem acerca da Lei nº 3.394/2000 e do Decreto 26.273/2000 do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, normas que concederam remissão de juros e multa os débitos referentes aos benefícios acumulados pelas empresas durante a vigência da Lei nº 2.273/1994, que foi posteriormente declarada inconstitucional pelo STF. O presente trabalho trata também da legitimidade do Ministério Público para ajuizar ações civis públicas em face de TAREs concessivos de benefícios fiscais. Por fim, apresenta-se o Convênio ICMS 70/2014 na sua tentativa de minimizar os impactos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade dos benefícios sobre os contribuintes e os obstáculos que existem para o alcance deste objetivo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) was held in Bridgetown, Barbados, from the 25 April – 6 May 1994. This culminated in the Declaration of Barbados and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. Ten years later an International Meeting to Review Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States was held in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 10–14 January 2005. This international meeting, in turn, resulted in the Mauritius Declaration and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (MSI).


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.--I. Background.--II. The affected population.--III. Sectoral analysis of damage and loss.--IV. The macro socio economic effect of the event.--V. Conclusions and recommendations


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Il diritto a un minimo decente di assistenza sanitaria – spesso chiamato, più semplicemente, diritto alla salute – fa parte dei cosiddetti diritti di seconda generazione, cioè quelli che richiedono un impegno attivo da parte dello stato per assicurare ad ogni cittadino la possibilità di una vita dignitosa. Il diritto alla salute si trova enunciato nei più importanti documenti internazionali, a partire dalla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo (1948), e nella maggior parte delle costituzioni nazionali, compresa quella italiana. Tuttavia, nel Sud del mondo, la sua applicazione è ostacolata da un gran numero di fattori (povertà, guerre, corruzione politica, ecc.); cosicché la maggior parte degli esseri umani vive in società prive di un sistema sanitario nazionale, cadendo vittima di malattie facilmente curabili o prevenibili. Per affrontare questo problema, la cooperazione sanitaria internazionale ha sperimentato nel tempo due diverse forme di intervento: una incentrata sulla diffusione dell’assistenza sanitaria di base (come raccomandato dalla Conferenza di Alma-Ata del 1978), l’altra sui cosiddetti “programmi verticali”, i quali agiscono su singole malattie o branche della sanità. Nessuno dei due approcci però ha prodotto i risultati sperati. L’Ong italiana Emergency propone un modello di cooperazione sanitaria per molti aspetti innovativo: esso si fonda su progetti autogestiti e totalmente gratuiti (che vanno dalla pediatria alla chirurgia di guerra alla cardiochirurgia) ed è capace di incidere sul tessuto sociale nel quale si inserisce, fino ad influenzare le scelte politiche delle autorità locali. Solamente intervenendo in un modo simile sui determinanti sociali della salute, sembra possibile migliorare realmente lo stato di salute delle popolazioni più povere e garantire così la prima delle condizioni necessarie perché ogni persona abbia la possibilità di vivere una vita decente.


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Nach einer hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation spielt die Zuordnung hämatopoetischer Zellen zum Spender oder Empfänger für viele transplantationsbezogene Fragestellungen eine wichtige Rolle. Unter anderem ist das Persistieren von dendritischen Zellen des Empfängers, welche allogene T-Zellen des Spenders stimulieren, ein wichtiger Schritt bei der Entstehung der akuten GVHD. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit die Weiterentwicklung einer Methode angestrebt, die es uns erlaubt, die Zugehörigkeit isolierter hämatopoetischer Zellen dem Spender oder dem Empfänger zuzuordnen (Chimärismusbestimmung) und gleichzeitig Aussagen über das Ursprungsgewebe und den Aktivierungszustand der Zellen machen zu können. Hierfür nutzten wir Einzelbasenpolymorphismen (SNPs). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen Pool von cDNA-kodierten SNPs zu definieren, mit dem auch HLA-identische Geschwister eindeutig unteschieden werden können. rnHierfür wurden zunächst aus publizierten Datenbanken solche SNPs ausgewählt, die in kodierenden Genabschnitten konstitutiv und gewebeunabhängig auf expremierten Genen lagen und zugleich eine hohe Heterozygotenfrequenz in der europäischen Population aufwiesen. Anhand dieser Kriterien wurden mittels der NCBI-Datenbank insgesamt eine Anzahl von 208 Polymorphismen auf 150 Genen identifiziert. Anschließend erfolgte die Gestaltung von Primerpaaren zur Amplifikation der SNP-kodierenden cDNA-Abschnitte. Diese mussten mindestens eine Intron/Exon-Grenze überspannen, um genomische DNA in der PCR ausschließen zu können. Mit Hilfe der etablierten PCR-Reaktion wurden die Gene in unterschiedlichen Geweben auf ihre Expression hin überprüft. Für 45 Gene ließ sich sowohl eine entsprechende PCR etablieren als auch deren konstitutive Expression in verschiedenen hämatopoetischen Zellen nachweisen. Zur Detektion der einzelnen SNPs in der Minisequenzierung wurden Minisequenzierungs-Sonden generiert und geprüft. Im Folgenden wurden für PCR und Minisequezierung Multiplex-Reaktionen aus vier bis sechs Reaktionen zusammengestellt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die jeweiligen Primerinteraktionen und die unterschiedlichen Basenlängen des PCR-Produktes berücksichtigt.rnVon den 45 etablierten Einzelreaktionen waren 30 für den Multiplexansatz geeignet. Unter Anwendung dieser Multiplex-Reaktionen wurden 24 HLA-identische Geschwisterpaare (Spender und Empfänger) getestet. Zur Kontrolle erfolgte zusätzlich eine konventionelle Sequenzierung der SNP-kodierenden Bereiche auf der cDNA der jeweiligen Proben. Mit Hilfe der SNP-Kombinationen und der etablierten Methodik waren wir in der Lage alle 24 untersuchten Geschwisterpaare in zwischen sechs und 18 SNP-Systemen zu unterscheiden. rnDie Möglichkeiten, die die Analysen des Chimärismus mittels SNPs auf kodierenden Bereichen der DNA mit sich bringen, liegen nicht nur in der gleichzeitigen Bestimmung der Gewebszugehörigkeit und der Detektion des bestehenden Chimärismus sowie dessen Quantifizierung unter Anwendung einer Real-time-PCR. Vielmehr ermöglicht sie auch eine Aussage über die Genexpression der untersuchten Zelle zu machen. Dies ist insbesondere dann von Interesse, wenn geringe Zellzahlen von aus Gewebe isolierten Zellen zur Verfügung stehen. Die in dieser Arbeit etablierten Ansätze werden derzeit für eine Quantifizierung mittels real-time RCR weiterentwickelt und sollen mittelfristig insbesondere für Untersuchungen des Chimärismus von dermalen und epidermalen dendritischen Zellen der Haut und anderer Zielgewebe der GvHD verwendet werden.rn


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Many media reports suggest an increase in alcohol intoxication, particularly among young people. Indeed, several surveys on young people have confirmed this fact. These were based on self-declaration of alcohol consumption. However, there are few clinical data that show an increase in alcohol intoxication in hospitals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the number of alcohol intoxications in relation to the total number of patients and to look for a statistical trend.


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Background Sedation prior to performance of diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDE) is widespread and increases patient comfort. But 98% of all serious adverse events during EGDEs are ascribed to sedation. The S3 guideline for sedation procedures in gastrointestinal endoscopy published in 2008 in Germany increases patient safety by standardization. These new regulations increase costs because of the need for more personnel and a prolonged discharge procedure after examinations with sedation. Many patients have difficulties to meet the discharge criteria regulated by the S3 guideline, e.g. the call for a second person to escort them home, to resign from driving and working for the rest of the day, resulting in a refusal of sedation. Therefore, we would like to examine if an acupuncture during elective, diagnostic EGDEs could increase the comfort of patients refusing systemic sedation. Methods/Design A single-center, double blinded, placebo controlled superiority trial to compare the success rates of elective, diagnostic EGDEs with real and placebo acupuncture. All patients aged 18 years or older scheduled for elective, diagnostic EGDE who refuse a systemic sedation are eligible. 354 patients will be randomized. The primary endpoint is the rate of successful EGDEs with the randomized technique. Intervention: Real or placebo acupuncture before and during EGDE. Duration of study: Approximately 24 months. Discussion Organisation/Responsibility The ACUPEND - Trial will be conducted in accordance with the protocol and in compliance with the moral, ethical, and scientific principles governing clinical research as set out in the Declaration of Helsinki (1989) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). The Interdisciplinary Endoscopy Center (IEZ) of the University Hospital Heidelberg is responsible for design and conduct of the trial, including randomization and documentation of patients' data. Data management and statistical analysis will be performed by the independent Institute for Medical Biometry and Informatics (IMBI) and the Center of Clinical Trials (KSC) at the Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Heidelberg.


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The team examined 147 amputated war veterans in the former Yugoslavia between February and December 1998. The official end of the war, substitution of lost body parts and adjustment to the new state of physical disability added extra tasks to these people's efforts to rejoin "normal life". The resocialisation process of amputated persons, i.e. the process of their return into the social environment with the related readjustment and establishment, was observed through its objective and subjective indicators. In addition to obtaining information about socio-demographic characteristics and current working status, the group focused on the psychological dimension, i.e. the individual reality of the disabled persons. In this sense they began with research into the personal, social and professional identity (how they see themselves under these altered circumstances and how they determine their place in the world). To do so they used the model of basic personality supports and observed the resocialisation according to the psychological support systems. They therefore focused on the following topics: body, social identity and belonging, personal identity, working status and engagement, individual responsibility and expectations from the social environment, and orientation towards the future. These were considered with respect to certain significant socio-demographic characteristics of the interviewees. The data were gathered through standardised interviews. Bearing in mind the unpopularity of this subject among experts in the country and the lack of material in specialist literature, the group chose to use descriptive research logic in order to "record" the situation in this field and to establish a framework for future studies which may be methodologically and statistically more complex and thematically more focused.


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Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust Rachel Century, University of London, United Kingdom: "Secretaries, Secrets and Genocide: Evidence from the Post-war Investigations of the Female Secretaries of the RSHA” Download paper (login required) Istvan Pal Adam, Bristol University, United Kingdom: "Bystanders to Genocide? The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust" Download paper (login required) Antonio Munoz, St. John's University: “Murderers in Field Grey: Crimes of the Wehrmacht in the Region of the Army Group South, 1941-1942” Download paper (login required) David Deutsch, Ben-Gurion University, Israel: "Goebbels Close Enemies: Intimacy as an Analytic Tool for the Understanding of Genocidal Rhetoric in Goebbels Diaries" Download paper (login required) Chair:Stefan Ionescu and Hannah Schmidt Hollaender, Clark University Comment: Thomas Kühne, Clark University


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Chapter 1 gives an overview about Streptococcus pneumoniae, its role as a human pathogen and its virulence factors. Additionally, biofilm development and its relevance in clinics are introduced, and the innate immune response to pneumococcus as well as bacterial-viral interactions in the upper respiratory tract are also discussed. Chapter 2 emphasizes the three main topics of this thesis: the role of capsule and pneumolysin in the immune response in the respiratory tract, biofilm formation of S. pneumoniae serotypes and commensal streptococci in vitro, and host innate immune responses to RSV and S. pneumoniae during in vitro co-infections. Aims and hypotheses are provided here. Chapter 3 is divided into two parts: First, the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines CXCL8 and IL-6 from the human pharyngeal epithelial cell line Detroit 562 and from human bronchial epithelial cells (iHBEC) is described in response to S. pneumoniae. Capsule was shown to suppress the release of both cytokines in both cell lines tested, but release was much less from iHBEC cells. During intranasal colonization of mice, suppression of CXCL8 release by the capsule was also observed in vivo, but the effect was only measured in the absence of pneumolysin. Long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage in a mouse model resulted in the dissemination of nonencapsulated pneumococci into the lungs, whereas encapsulated strains remained in the nasopharynx. The S. pneumoniae capsule thus plays a role in modulation of the pro-inflammatory immune response in the respiratory tract. Second, results on immunological cells and immune regulation in a long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage mouse model are presented. Mice were infected with encapsulated or nonencapsulated pneumococcal strains, and after 1, 3, 8 and 15 days, were sacrificed to evaluate the numbers of CD45+ cells, neutrophils, macrophages, FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and CD3+ T-cells in the nasal mucosa as well as the amount of secreted IL-10 in the nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonization which is effectively silent resulted in the stimulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and IL-10 release associated with immune homeostasis, whereas lung infiltration was required to increase the number of neutrophils and macrophages resulting in a stronger innate immune response in the nasal mucosa. Chapter 4 contains results of mono- and co-stimulation using RSV and pneumococci or pneumococcal virulence factors on the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B. An increase in CXCL8 and IL-6 levels was measured for mixed stimulations of RSV and pneumococcus when encapsulated bacteria were used. Increasing pneumolysin concentrations resulted in enhanced CXCL8 levels. Priming of bronchial epithelial cells with RSV opens the door for more severe pneumococcal infections. Chapter 5 is composed of two parts: The first part describes initial biofilm formation of serotypes 6B and 7F in a static model in vitro. Biofilms of both serotypes contained SCVs, but only serotype 6B increased in SCV formation between 16 and 65h of incubation. SCV stability was tested by passaging clones in complex medium, where SCV production is not associated with advantages in growth. Serotype 6B lost the SCV phenotype indicating a fast adaptation to a changing nutritional environment. Limitations of our in vitro model are discussed. The second part is about initial biofilm formation of mixed culture growth of S. pneumoniae with commensal streptococci. Competition dominates this process. S. oralis and pneumococcus compete for nutrients, whereas mixed species growth of S. mitis or S. pseudopneumoniae with S. pneumoniae is mainly influenced by other factors. In Chapter 6 the findings of chapters 3, 4 and 5 are discussed and an outlook for further studies is provided. Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 contain the references, the acknowledgements, the curriculum vitae, the appendix and the declaration of originality.


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BACKGROUND Current reporting guidelines do not call for standardised declaration of follow-up completeness, although study validity depends on the representativeness of measured outcomes. The Follow-Up Index (FUI) describes follow-up completeness at a given study end date as ratio between the investigated and the potential follow-up period. The association between FUI and the accuracy of survival-estimates was investigated. METHODS FUI and Kaplan-Meier estimates were calculated twice for 1207 consecutive patients undergoing aortic repair during an 11-year period: in a scenario A the population's clinical routine follow-up data (available from a prospective registry) was analysed conventionally. For the control scenario B, an independent survey was completed at the predefined study end. To determine the relation between FUI and the accuracy of study findings, discrepancies between scenarios regarding FUI, follow-up duration and cumulative survival-estimates were evaluated using multivariate analyses. RESULTS Scenario A noted 89 deaths (7.4%) during a mean considered follow-up of 30±28months. Scenario B, although analysing the same study period, detected 304 deaths (25.2%, P<0.001) as it scrutinized the complete follow-up period (49±32months). FUI (0.57±0.35 versus 1.00±0, P<0.001) and cumulative survival estimates (78.7% versus 50.7%, P<0.001) differed significantly between scenarios, suggesting that incomplete follow-up information led to underestimation of mortality. Degree of follow-up completeness (i.e. FUI-quartiles and FUI-intervals) correlated directly with accuracy of study findings: underestimation of long-term mortality increased almost linearly by 30% with every 0.1 drop in FUI (adjusted HR 1.30; 95%-CI 1.24;1.36, P<0.001). CONCLUSION Follow-up completeness is a pre-requisite for reliable outcome assessment and should be declared systematically. FUI represents a simple measure suited as reporting standard. Evidence lacking such information must be challenged as potentially flawed by selection bias.