915 resultados para Translation of poetry
Since the transfer of a message between two cultures very frequently takes place through the medium of a written text qua communicative event, it would seem useful to attempt to ascertain whether there is any kind of pattern in the use of strategies for the effective interlingual transfer of this message. Awareness of potentially successful strategies, within the constraints of context, text type, intended TL function and TL reader profile will enhance quality and cost-effectiveness (time, effort, financial costs) in the production of the target text. Through contrastive analysis of pairs of advertising texts, SL and TL, French and English, this study will attempt to identify the nature of some recurring choices made by different translators in the attempt to recreate ST information in the TL in such a manner as to reproduce as closely as possible the informative, persuasive and affective functions of the text as advertising material. Whilst recurrence may be seen to be significant in terms of illustrating tendencies with regard to the solution of problems of translation, this would not necessarily be taken as confirmation of the existence of pre-determined or prescriptive rules. These tendencies could, however, be taken as a guide to potential solutions to certain kinds of context-bound and text-type specific problem. Analysis of translated text-pairs taken from the field of advertising should produce examples of constraints posed by the need to select the content, tone and form of the Target Text, in order to ensure maximum efficacy of persuasive effect and to ensure the desired outcome, as determined by the Source Text function. When evaluating the success of a translated advertising text, constraints could be defined in terms of the culture-specific references or assumptions on which a Source Text may build in order to achieve its intended communicative function within the target community.
Much has been written about the marketing aspects of promotional material in general, and several scholars (particularly in linguistics) have addressed questions relating to the structure and function of advertisements, focusing on images, rhetorical structure, semiotic functions, discourse features and audio-visual media, amongst other aspects of the genre. Not much, on the other hand, has been written within translation studies about the complexities involved in the transfer of an advertising message. Contributors to this volume explore various interdependent aspects of the interlingual and intercultural transfer of an advertising message. They emphasize features of culture specificity, of multi-medial semiotic interaction, of values and stereotypes, and most importantly, they recommend strategies and approaches to assist translators. Topics covered include a critique of the Western-based approach to advertising in the context of the Far East; different perceptions of the concept of cleanliness in advertising texts in Italy, Russia and the UK; the Walls Cornetto strategy of internationalization of product appeal, followed by localization; the role of the translator in recreating appeal in different lingua-cultural contexts; what constitutes 'Italianness' in advertisements for British consumers; and strategies for repackaging France as a tourist destination.
Cell-based therapies have the potential to make a large contribution toward currently unmet patient need and thus effective manufacture of these products is essential. Many challenges must be overcome before this can become a reality and a better definition of the manufacturing requirements for cell-based products must be obtained. The aim of this study is to inform industry and academia of current cell-based therapy clinical development and to identify gaps in their manufacturing requirements. A total of 1342 active cell-based therapy clinical trials have been identified and characterized based on cell type, target indication and trial phase. Multiple technologies have been assessed for the manufacture of these cell types in order to facilitate product translation and future process development.
Development-engineers use in their work languages intended for software or hardware systems design, and test engineers utilize languages effective in verification, analysis of the systems properties and testing. Automatic interfaces between languages of these kinds are necessary in order to avoid ambiguous understanding of specification of models of the systems and inconsistencies in the initial requirements for the systems development. Algorithm of automatic translation of MSC (Message Sequence Chart) diagrams compliant with MSC’2000 standard into Petri Nets is suggested in this paper. Each input MSC diagram is translated into Petri Net (PN), obtained PNs are sequentially composed in order to synthesize a whole system in one final combined PN. The principle of such composition is defined through the basic element of MSC language — conditions. While translating reference table is developed for maintenance of consistent coordination between the input system’s descriptions in MSC language and in PN format. This table is necessary to present the results of analysis and verification on PN in suitable for the development-engineer format of MSC diagrams. The proof of algorithm correctness is based on the use of process algebra ACP. The most significant feature of the given algorithm is the way of handling of conditions. The direction for future work is the development of integral, partially or completely automated technological process, which will allow designing system, testing and verifying its various properties in the one frame.
The article presents an algorithm for translation the system, described by MSC document into Petri Net modulo strong bisimulation. Obtained net can be later used for determining various systems' properties. Example of correction error in original system with using if described algorithm presented.
The socioeconomic context in the renaissance era in Oman has resulted in the development of new forms of discursive prastises and thus, in the introduction of new genres. One of these new genres is the business annual report, which in Oman exists in English and Arabic. This thesis examines the role of translation in the production of annual reports. This research makes a contribution to the field of Translation Studies by examining institutional translation in order to gain insights into translation agents, processes, practises and underlying policies with reference to national business institutions in their sociopolitical and historical and institutional contexts .Business reports are still largely under-researched as a genre in Translation Studies. The thesis starts with an overview of relevant aspects of Translation Studies to arrive at a theoretical framework which informs the analysis. The empirical analysis is based on sixty seven reports produced by different Oman-based companies which vary in size and organisational patterns. Annual reports are characterised as a genre in terms of function and structure at the macro-level as well as the micro-level. They have an informative and a persuasive function, as they are produced by different companies in their attempt to promote and fulfil their respective business interests and objectives.The thesis presents the sociocultural and political contexts of the production of the English and Arabic versions of the annual reports, focusing on the underlying functions and principles of institutions and agents. The next chapter illustrates the textual profiles of the English and the Arabic versions, identifying typical translation strategies. The discussion here operates within the framework of product-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies (Lambert and van Gorp 1985). It is argued that the two language versions reflect aspects of ideology, political affiliation and power relations at both the macro and micro- structural levels. These ideological aspects can be seen in particular in the addition, omission and change of specific expressions which refer to religious or interpersonal aspects. These strategies signal the aim to appeal to wider Arab readers and to fulfil the agendas of different agents (government, companies, chairpersons, directors, etc.). The description of the texts is followed by an account of these aspects in terms of sociopolitical and institutional conditions in the production of the translations. For this explanation, reference is made to sociological approaches to translation, mainly building on the work of Bourdieu (1991). This thesis emphasises that the translation of annual reports is a collective effort which takes place in a particular institutional context. Consequently, the translation strategies are regulated by the objectives of the institution within which translators and other agents operate. The translations are prepared in order to meet the expectations and needs of the intended Arabic language addressees; in addition, the generic features of the reports reveal a progression of transmission and development over the course of time in the spheres of business and economy in Oman. This thesis demonstrates that business companies too can be seen as institutions which contribute significantly to disseminating business terms and concepts and promoting investment opportunities domestically and internationally through translation work.
Optical imaging is an emerging technology towards non-invasive breast cancer diagnostics. In recent years, portable and patient comfortable hand-held optical imagers are developed towards two-dimensional (2D) tumor detections. However, these imagers are not capable of three-dimensional (3D) tomography because they cannot register the positional information of the hand-held probe onto the imaged tissue. A hand-held optical imager has been developed in our Optical Imaging Laboratory with 3D tomography capabilities, as demonstrated from tissue phantom studies. The overall goal of my dissertation is towards the translation of our imager to the clinical setting for 3D tomographic imaging in human breast tissues. A systematic experimental approach was designed and executed as follows: (i) fast 2D imaging, (ii) coregistered imaging, and (iii) 3D tomographic imaging studies. (i) Fast 2D imaging was initially demonstrated in tissue phantoms (1% Liposyn solution) and in vitro (minced chicken breast and 1% Liposyn). A 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target at 1:0 contrast ratio was detectable up to 2.5 cm deep. Fast 2D imaging experiments performed in vivo with healthy female subjects also detected a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target superficially placed ∼2.5 cm under the breast tissue. (ii) Coregistered imaging was automated and validated in phantoms with ∼0.19 cm error in the probe’s positional information. Coregistration also improved the target depth detection to 3.5 cm, from multi-location imaging approach. Coregistered imaging was further validated in-vivo , although the error in probe’s positional information increased to ∼0.9 cm (subject to soft tissue deformation and movement). (iii) Three-dimensional tomography studies were successfully demonstrated in vitro using 0.45 cm3 fluorescence targets. The feasibility of 3D tomography was demonstrated for the first time in breast tissues using the hand-held optical imager, wherein a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target (superficially placed) was recovered along with artifacts. Diffuse optical imaging studies were performed in two breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. The images showed greater absorption at the tumor cites (as observed from x-ray mammography, ultrasound, and/or MRI). In summary, my dissertation demonstrated the potential of a hand-held optical imager towards 2D breast tumor detection and 3D breast tomography, holding a promise for extensive clinical translational efforts.
El siguiente trabajo de fin de Master tiene como objetivo la realización de una traducción audiovisual al español de la serie americana de crimen Wicked City, en concreto de los dos primeros episodios de esta. El creciente desarrollo tecnológico sufrido en los últimos años así como el aumento en el número de producciones audiovisuales, ha colocado a la rama de la traducción audiovisual en una de las más demandadas hoy en día. Aun habiendo una gran cantidad de productos audiovisuales, sobre todo series y películas, que son importadas y exportadas y por lo tanto traducidas y adaptadas a la cultura receptora, siendo las más traducidas las estadounidenses, hay aun algunas que todavía no han sido objeto de este proceso. Y este es el caso de, por ejemplo, la serie elegida en este trabajo, Wicked City, que no ha sido oficialmente traducida al español. Por lo tanto, este trabajo propone una traducción para los dos primeros capítulos de esta serie, y dicha traducción es acompañada de un análisis de las prioridades y restricciones que se han seguido para llevarla a cabo, así como de una ejemplificación de las características específicas pertenecientes al género del crimen en esta serie concreta y de algunas de las técnicas de traducción usadas en el proyecto. La disertación se estructura en cinco partes aparte de la introductoria. La primera es un marco teórico sobre la traducción audiovisual y el género del crimen. En la segunda, se presenta la metodología usada para el proyecto. La tercera se centra en la traducción de la serie en sí. La cuarta es un análisis y discusión sobre la traducción. La quinta y última, está destinada a las conclusiones y sugerencias para investigación futura. En el marco teórico se define la traducción audiovisual como una traducción de cualquier producto audiovisual, ya sea de cine, televisión, teatro, radio, o de aplicaciones informáticas, siendo esta una disciplina relativamente nueva. Así mismo, también se da una vista general de todos los modos de traducción audiovisual, así como de las prioridades técnicas y lingüísticas de esta y la situación de la disciplina en el ámbito universitario español. También se comentan los aspectos más básicos del crimen ficticio así como las características de este género en las series televisivas. En la sección de metodología se explica que con el fin de llevar desarrollar el objetivo del trabajo, el primer paso a seguir fue, tras la visualización de la serie, el transcribir los diálogos de los dos episodios a un documento aparte, creando así lo que podríamos llamar el “script original”. Una vez hecho esto, se tradujeron ambos episodios al español. Seguidamente, se imprimó tal script para poder señalar todos los aspectos a discutir, es decir, las restricciones, las características del crimen de televisión y las técnicas de traducción. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo un análisis cualitativo de todos los aspectos mencionados previamente. Así bien, en la sección de análisis, se destaca que se llevó como prioridad el intentar conservar un lenguaje natural y no forzado. Para tal prioridad hay que tener en cuenta las restricciones que nos presenta la traducción: los referentes culturales, los nombres propios, la intertextualidad, las unidades fraseológicas, las rimas, los calcos, las normas ortotipográficas, los diferentes acentos y las interjecciones. Además, esta serie presenta una serie de características pertenecientes al género del crimen que son las preguntas, la terminología específica, los marcadores pragmáticos y los “suavizadores” . Por último, para llevar a cabo la traducción se siguieron diversas técnicas, así como préstamo, traducción palabra por palabra, traducción literal, omisión, reducción, particularización, generalización, transposición, amplificación, variación, substitución y adaptación. Todos estos aspectos son ejemplificados con ejemplos extraídos de la traducción. Como conclusión, se resalta que una traducción audiovisual contiene mayormente dos tipos de restricciones: las técnicas y las lingüísticas. Las primeras van a estar especialmente ligadas a la modalidad de traducción audiovisual. Aunque en este trabajo la traducción no ha sido realizada con el fin de adaptarla a una modalidad específica, y por tanto las restricciones técnicas no suponen tantos problemas, es importante tener en cuenta la coherencia visual y auditiva, que de cierta manera van a condicionar la traducción. Así, a la hora de familiarizar, extranjerizar y naturalizar un término cultural, es importante mantener dichas coherencias. Por lo tanto, va a ser más fácil usar estas técnicas con un término que no aparece en pantalla. En cuanto a las restricciones lingüísticas, nos encontramos con los referentes culturales, los nombres propios, la intertextualidad, las unidades fraseológicas, las rimas, los calcos, las normas ortotipográficas, los diferentes acentos y las interjecciones, aspectos que el traductor tiene que cuidar especialmente. Finalmente, ya que ha sido muy poca la investigación realizada en el género del crimen desde un punto de vista traductológico, algunas líneas de estudio futuras podrían ser: estudiar en mayor profundidad las características que son específicas al genero del crimen, especialmente en las series de televisión; comparar estas características con las características de otro tipo de textos como por ejemplo la novela; estudiar si estas características especificas a un género condicionan de alguna manera la traducción, y si es así, hasta qué punto; y por último, determinar cómo una traducción puede ser diferente dependiendo del género, es decir, por ejemplo, si es de tipo romántico, de crimen, o de comedia.
The correspondence in the Spanish-English translation is analyzed of three different fields of technical metaphors based upon blindness, fatigue, and the spiritual world. Some terms have been left aside that under the appearance of metaphors were mere samples of no-deviated language or cases of homonymy. The study reveals a higher presence of the metaphor in the Spanish language in the three fields of study, although the English language also shows a high index of metaphors. In between metaphors and non-metaphors, we find a lack of metaphorical equilibrium between Spanish and English in certain cases, which is a sign of the different perception of the reality. Finally, the conclusions shed light on the meaning of these words: blind, annoyance, fatigue, antifading, core, angels, espectrum, phantom, ghost, magic, postmortem, dead, etc.
Wordplay and the translation of wordplay is a complex subject that has been addressed by various studies. The combination of a single form and multiple meanings created by wordplay makes it challenging to translate. Translating wordplay has even been considered impossible. This thesis explores wordplay and the translation of wordplay through an analysis of wordplay found in an English novel and its Finnish translation. The purpose is to shed light on the problems and solutions found in the data. The study consists of a quantitative analysis and a subsequent discussion on the findings. The findings from the study indicate that cultural aspects such as idioms and allusions are especially problematic when it comes to translating wordplay. Also, the communicative functions of wordplay were found to be central for a successful translation. It is concluded that these aspects require further study.
Introduction: Reporting guidelines (e. g. CONSORT) have been developed as tools to improve quality and reduce bias in reporting research findings. Trial registration has been recommended for countering selective publication. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) encourages the implementation of reporting guidelines and trial registration as uniform requirements (URM). For the last two decades, however, biased reporting and insufficient registration of clinical trials has been identified in several literature reviews and other investigations. No study has so far investigated the extent to which author instructions in psychiatry journals encourage following reporting guidelines and trial registration. Method: Psychiatry Journals were identified from the 2011 Journal Citation Report. Information given in the author instructions and during the submission procedure of all journals was assessed on whether major reporting guidelines, trial registration and the ICMJE's URM in general were mentioned and adherence recommended. Results: We included 123 psychiatry journals (English and German language) in our analysis. A minority recommend or require 1) following the URM (21%), 2) adherence to reporting guidelines such as CONSORT, PRISMA, STROBE (23%, 7%, 4%), or 3) registration of clinical trials (34%). The subsample of the top-10 psychiatry journals (ranked by impact factor) provided much better but still improvable rates. For example, 70% of the top-10 psychiatry journals do not ask for the specific trial registration number. Discussion: Under the assumption that better reported and better registered clinical research that does not lack substantial information will improve the understanding, credibility, and unbiased translation of clinical research findings, several stakeholders including readers (physicians, patients), authors, reviewers, and editors might benefit from improved author instructions in psychiatry journals. A first step of improvement would consist in requiring adherence to the broadly accepted reporting guidelines and to trial registration.