865 resultados para Surgery, Aseptic and antiseptic.
Nel presente progetto di ricerca, da novembre 2011 a novembre 2013 , sono stati trattati chirurgicamente, con l’assistenza del navigatore , pazienti con tumori ossei primitivi degli arti, del bacino e del sacro, analizzando i risultati degli esami istologici dei margini di resezione del tumore e i risultati clinici e radiografici. Materiali e metodi : Abbiamo analizzato 16 pazienti 9 maschi e 7 femmine , con un'età media di 31 anni (range 12-55 ). Di tutti i pazienti valutati 8 avevano una localizzazione agli arti inferiori , 4 al bacino e 4 all'osso sacro . Solo quelli con osteosarcoma parostale , Cordoma e Condrosarcoma non sono stati sottoposti a terapia antiblastica . Solo un paziente è stato sottoposto a radioterapia postoperatoria per una recidiva locale . Tutti gli altri pazienti non sono stati trattati con la radioterapia per l’ adeguatezza dei margini di resezione . Non ci sono state complicanze intraoperatorie . Nel periodo postoperatorio abbiamo osservato una vescica neurologica , una paresi sciatica, due casi di infezione di cui una superficiale e una profonda, tutti e quattro i pazienti con sarcoma sacrale sviluppati hanno avuto ritardato della guarigione della ferita e di questi tre hanno avuto incontinenza sfinterica. In tutti i casi si è ottenuta una eccellente risultato clinico e radiografico , con soddisfazione del paziente , corretto contatto tra l'osteotomia e l'impianto che apparivano stabili ai primi controlli ambulatoriali ( FU 19 mesi). Risultati: La chirurgia assistita da calcolatore ha permesso di migliorare l’esecuzione delle resezioni ossee prevista dal navigatore. Questa tecnologia è valida e utile per la cure dei tumori dell’apparato scheletrico, soprattutto nelle sedi anatomiche più complesse da trattare come la pelvi, il sacro e nelle resezioni intercalari difficoltose nell’ottenere un margine di resezione ampio e quindi di salvare l’articolazione e l’arto stesso.
Osteoarticular allograft is one possible treatment in wide surgical resections with large defects. Performing best osteoarticular allograft selection is of great relevance for optimal exploitation of the bone databank, good surgery outcome and patient’s recovery. Current approaches are, however, very time consuming hindering these points in practice. We present a validation study of a software able to perform automatic bone measurements used to automatically assess the distal femur sizes across a databank. 170 distal femur surfaces were reconstructed from CT data and measured manually using a size measure protocol taking into account the transepicondyler distance (A), anterior-posterior distance in medial condyle (B) and anterior-posterior distance in lateral condyle (C). Intra- and inter-observer studies were conducted and regarded as ground truth measurements. Manual and automatic measures were compared. For the automatic measurements, the correlation coefficients between observer one and automatic method, were of 0.99 for A measure and 0.96 for B and C measures. The average time needed to perform the measurements was of 16 h for both manual measurements, and of 3 min for the automatic method. Results demonstrate the high reliability and, most importantly, high repeatability of the proposed approach, and considerable speed-up on the planning.
The suprascapular nerve (SSN) block is frequently performed for different shoulder pain conditions and for perioperative and postoperative pain control after shoulder surgery. Blind and image-guided techniques have been described, all of which target the nerve within the supraspinous fossa or at the suprascapular notch. This classic target point is not always ideal when ultrasound (US) is used because it is located deep under the muscles, and hence the nerve is not always visible. Blocking the nerve in the supraclavicular region, where it passes underneath the omohyoid muscle, could be an attractive alternative.
BACKGROUND: A retrospective evaluation was undertaken of eyelid reconstruction with amniotic membrane or oral mucosal membrane transplantation in patients with lower lid cicatricial entropion after orbital surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seven patients (four women) were treated with a scar tissue dissection and an amniotic membrane or mucosal membrane transplantation between 2003 and 2006 (Five amniotic membrane grafts and two oral mucosal membrane grafts). In selected cases additional procedures like a lateral tarsal strip operation, a tarsal fracture, or the reinsertion of the lower lid retractors were performed. RESULTS: All patients showed a favourable postoperative result with a good anatomic correction of the entropion and a regression of the preoperative disturbances. All the grafts took well. Two patients had to be reoperated twice and one patient three times as a result of a relapse of the cicatricial entropion. However, as well in these patients the anatomical and functional result was favourable at the end. CONCLUSIONS: The difficult scar dissection with the subsequent amniotic membrane or oral mucosal membrane transplantation seems to be an appropriate procedure to reconstruct complicated cicatricial entropion after orbital surgery.
SWISSspine is a so-called pragmatic trial for assessment of safety and efficiency of total disc arthroplasty (TDA). It follows the new health technology assessment (HTA) principle of "coverage with evidence development". It is the first mandatory HTA registry of its kind in the history of Swiss orthopaedic surgery. Its goal is the generation of evidence for a decision by the Swiss federal office of health about reimbursement of the concerned technologies and treatments by the basic health insurance of Switzerland. During the time between March 2005 and 2008, 427 interventions with implantation of 497 lumbar total disc arthroplasties have been documented. Data was collected in a prospective, observational multicenter mode. The preliminary timeframe for the registry was 3 years and has already been extended. Data collection happens pre- and perioperatively, at the 3 months and 1-year follow-up and annually thereafter. Surgery, implant and follow-up case report forms are administered by spinal surgeons. Comorbidity questionnaires, NASS and EQ-5D forms are completed by the patients. Significant and clinically relevant reduction of low back pain VAS (70.3-29.4 points preop to 1-year postop, p < 0.0001) leg pain VAS (55.5-19.1 points preop to 1-year postop, p < 0.001), improvement of quality of life (EQ-5D, 0.32-0.73 points preop to 1-year postop, p < 0.001) and reduction of pain killer consumption was revealed at the 1-year follow-up. There were 14 (3.9%) complications and 7 (2.0%) revisions within the same hospitalization reported for monosegmental TDA; there were 6 (8.6%) complications and 8 (11.4%) revisions for bisegmental surgery. There were 35 patients (9.8%) with complications during followup in monosegmental and 9 (12.9%) in bisegmental surgery and 11 (3.1%) revisions with 1 [corrected] new hospitalization in monosegmental and 1 (1.4%) in bisegmental surgery. Regression analysis suggested a preoperative VAS "threshold value" of about 44 points for increased likelihood of a minimum clinically relevant back pain improvement. In a short-term perspective, lumbar TDA appears as a relatively safe and efficient procedure concerning pain reduction and improvement of quality of life. Nevertheless, no prediction about the long-term goals of TDA can be made yet. The SWISSspine registry proofs to be an excellent tool for collection of observational data in a nationwide framework whereby advantages and deficits of its design must be considered. It can act as a model for similar projects in other health-care domains.
BACKGROUND: Only responding patients benefit from preoperative therapy for locally advanced esophageal carcinoma. Early detection of non-responders may avoid futile treatment and delayed surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a multi-center phase ll trial, patients with resectable, locally advanced esophageal carcinoma were treated with 2 cycles of induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and surgery. Positron emission tomography with 2[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG-PET) was performed at baseline and after induction chemotherapy. The metabolic response was correlated with tumor regression grade (TRG). A decrease in FDG tumor uptake of less than 40% was prospectively hypothesized as a predictor for histopathological non-response (TRG > 2) after CRT. RESULTS: 45 patients were included. The median decrease in FDG tumor uptake after chemotherapy correlated well with TRG after completion of CRT (p = 0.021). For an individual patient, less than 40% decrease in FDG tumor uptake after induction chemotherapy predicted histopathological non-response after completion of CRT, with a sensitivity of 68% and a specificity of 52% (positive predictive value 58%, negative predictive value 63%). CONCLUSIONS: Metabolic response correlated with histopathology after preoperative therapy. However, FDG-PET did not predict non-response after induction chemotherapy with sufficient clinical accuracy to justify withdrawal of subsequent CRT and selection of patients to proceed directly to surgery.
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) may induce serious side effects, potentially leading to myocardial failure. The Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase is a key component for myocardial function. Due to its developmental regulation, results from adult studies cannot be adopted to the situation in childhood. Right atrial myocardium from patients with left-to-right shunts at atrial level (VO, n=8) and those without (NO, n=8) was excised during heart surgery before and after CPB. Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase isoforms ATP1A1 (p=0.008) and ATP1A3 (p=0.038) decreased during CPB, which decrease was restricted to the VO group. This study highlights the importance of the underlying heart defect for susceptibility to the effects of CPB, showing a reduced Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase mRNA expression only in patients with left-to-right shunts on the atrial level. This seemed to be an early molecular event, as apart from one, none of the patients showed heart failure before or after surgery.
Nur wenige Vorsorgeuntersuchungen sind so umfassend in randomisiert-kon- trollierten Studien (RCTs) untersucht worden wie das Screening auf Brustkrebs mit Hilfe der Mammografie. Es liegen derzeit acht große randomisiert-kontrol- lierte Studien und mehrere Meta-Analysen vor. Letztere kommen mehrheitlich zum Schluss, dass sich die Brustkrebssterblichkeit durch Mammografie-Screening um etwa 20 % senken lässt. Dies bedeutet im Schweizer Kontext, dass etwa 1 von 1'000 Frauen weniger an Brustkrebs stirbt, wenn Frauen ab dem 50. Lebensjahr zehn Jahre lang gescreent werden. Andererseits führt das Screening auch zu Überdiagnosen und Übertherapien. So nimmt die Zahl der Brustkrebsdiagnosen um etwa 20 % zu, was zu einer entsprechenden Zunahme an chirurgischen Ein- griffen, Strahlen- und Chemotherapien führt. Über zehn Jahre gerechnet, erhal- ten etwa 4 von 1'000 Frauen eine Brustkrebsdiagnose, die sie ohne Screening nicht erhalten hätten. Etwa 200 von 1'000 Frauen sind im Verlaufe von zehn Jahren (fünf Screening-Runden) mit abklärungsbedürftigen Befunden konfron- tiert, wobei es sich dabei mehrheitlich um falsch positive Befunde handelt. Gleichzeitig werden auch mit einem Screening-Programm 20 bis 30 % der Brust- krebse nicht im Screening erfasst. Die Information der Bevölkerung bezüglich des Mammografie-Screenings ist derzeit noch mangelhaft. Dies führt dazu, dass der mögliche Nutzen von den betroffenen Frauen überschätzt und der Schaden unterschätzt wird. Die Aufklärung der Bevölkerung im Hinblick auf Nutzen und Risiken des Mammografie-Screenings muss daher verbessert werden, denn Frau- en haben einen Anspruch auf evidenzbasierte Informationen und eine „infor- mierte Entscheidung“.
OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to clinically and histologically evaluate the healing of human intrabony defects treated with open flap surgery (OFD) and application of a new, resorbable, fully synthetic, unsintered, nanocrystalline, phase-pure hydroxyapatite (nano-HA). MATERIALS AND METHODS Six patients, each of them displaying very advanced intrabony defects around teeth scheduled for extraction due to advanced chronic periodontitis and further prosthodontic considerations, were included in the study. Following local anaesthesia, mucoperiosteal flaps were reflected; the granulation tissue was removed, and the roots were meticulously debrided by hand and ultrasonic instruments. A notch was placed at the most apical extent of the calculus present on the root surface or at the most apical part of the defect (if no calculus was present) in order to serve as a reference for the histological evaluation. Following defect fill with nano-HA, the flaps were sutured by means of mattress sutures to allow primary intention healing. At 7 months after regenerative surgery, the teeth were extracted together with some of their surrounding soft and hard tissues and processed for histological analysis. RESULTS The postoperative healing was uneventful in all cases. At 7 months following surgery, mean PPD reduction and mean CAL gain measured 4.0 ± 0.8 and 2.5 ± 0.8 mm, respectively. The histological analysis revealed a healing predominantly characterized by epithelial downgrowth. Limited formation of new cementum with inserting connective tissue fibers and bone regeneration occurred in three out of the six biopsies (i.e. 0-0.86 and 0-1.33 mm, respectively). Complete resorption of the nano-HA was found in four out of the six biopsies. A few remnants of the graft particles (either surrounded by newly formed mineralized tissue or encapsulated in connective tissue) were found in two out of the six biopsies. CONCLUSION Within their limits, the present results indicate that nano-HA has limited potential to promote periodontal regeneration in human intrabony defects. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The clinical outcomes obtained following surgery with OFD + nano-HA may not reflect true periodontal regeneration.
Objective: Perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas (PMAVF) are exceptional spinal vascular malformations and their best therapeutic management remains controversial. Here the authors present their experience with PMAVF to characterize the clinical, neuroimaging and treatment data of patients operated on PMAVF and to analyse both incidence of complications and resurgery in the microsurgical therapy of PMAVF. Method: Fifteen patients (13 men, 2 women, mean age 51 years) with PMAVF identified by selective spinal angiography were microsurgically treated at our institution between 1992 and 2006. The presenting symptoms (duration 3 months to 5 years) were consistent with progressive myelopathy (13) or included isolated pain syndrome (2). Lumbar PMAVF location (6) was predominant followed by the sacral (5) and thoracic (4) site including 6 PMAVF of the filum terminale and 2 PMAVF associated with a glomerular AVM and dural arteriovenous fistula, respectively. Microsurgical PMAVF obliteration and postoperative angiography were routinely performed. All patients were available for follow-up evaluation within 6 months postoperatively. Results: Surgery with complete (12) or almost complete (3) PMAVF occlusion resulted in neurological improvement (10) or stabilization (1), 4 patients deteriorated postoperatively. Whereas no complications occured, a second operation because of residual or recanalized PMAVF was indicated in one case each. Two associated dual spinal vascular malformations could be observed and subsequently obliterated. Conclusions: Microsurgical occlusion of PMAVF appears to be a secure and adequate therapeutic option that prevents progressive neurological deterioration and results in good outcome in the majority of patients. Complications associated with surgery, recurrences and reoperations are infrequent. Therefore, in the authors experience microsurgery is the preferred therapy to treat PMAVF. Despite the rarity of PMAVF the possibility of the coincidence of associated second vascular malformations should be considered.
OBJECTIVE To investigate if plasma DNA is elevated in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and to determine whether there is a correlation with other biomarkers of DVT. BACKGROUND Leukocytes release DNA to form extracellular traps (ETs), which have recently been linked to experimental DVT. In baboons and mice, extracellular DNA co-localized with von Willebrand factor (VWF) in the thrombus and DNA appeared in circulation at the time of thrombus formation. ETs have not been associated with clinical DVT. SETTING From December 2008 to August 2010, patients were screened through the University of Michigan Diagnostic Vascular Unit and were divided into three distinct groups: 1) the DVT positive group, consisting of patients who were symptomatic for DVT, which was confirmed by compression duplex ultrasound (n=47); 2) the DVT negative group, consisting of patients that present with swelling and leg pain but had a negative compression duplex ultrasound, (n=28); and 3) a control group of healthy non-pregnant volunteers without signs or symptoms of active or previous DVT (n=19). Patients were excluded if they were less than 18 years of age, unwillingness to consent, pregnant, on an anticoagulant therapy, or diagnosed with isolated calf vein thrombosis. METHODS Blood was collected for circulating DNA, CRP, D-dimer, VWF activity, myeloperoxidase (MPO), ADAMTS13 and VWF. The Wells score for a patient's risk of DVT was assessed. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was generated to determine the strength of the relationship between circulating DNA levels and the presence of DVT. A Spearman correlation was performed to determine the relationship between the DNA levels and the biomarkers and the Wells score. Additionally the ratio of ADAMTS13/VWF was assessed. RESULTS Our results showed that circulating DNA (a surrogate marker for NETs) was significantly elevated in DVT patients, compared to both DVT negative patients (57.7±6.3 vs. 17.9±3.5ng/mL, P<.01) and controls (57.7±6.3 vs. 23.9±2.1ng/mL, P<.01). There was a strong positive correlation with CRP (P<.01), D-dimer (P<.01), VWF (P<.01), Wells score (P<.01) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) (P<.01), along with a strong negative correlation with ADAMTS13 (P<.01) and the ADAMTS13/VWF ratio. The logistic regression model showed a strong association between plasma DNA and the presence of DVT (ROC curve was determined to be 0.814). CONCLUSIONS Plasma DNA is elevated in patients with deep vein thrombosis and correlates with biomarkers of DVT. A strong correlation between circulating DNA and MPO suggests that neutrophils may be a source of plasma DNA in patients with DVT.
AIM Information regarding the selection procedure for selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this study was to summarize the selection criteria for SDR in children with spastic CP. METHOD A systematic review was carried out using the following databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PEDro, and the Cochrane Library. Additional studies were identified in the reference lists. Search terms included 'selective dorsal rhizotomy', 'functional posterior rhizotomy', 'selective posterior rhizotomy', and 'cerebral palsy'. Studies were selected if they studied mainly children (<18y of age) with spastic CP, if they had an intervention of SDR, if they had a detailed description of the selection criteria, and if they were in English. The levels of evidence, conduct of studies, and selection criteria for SDR were scored. RESULTS Fifty-two studies were included. Selection criteria were reported in 16 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model domains including 'body structure and function' (details concerning spasticity [94%], other movement abnormalities [62%], and strength [54%]), 'activity' (gross motor function [27%]), and 'personal and environmental factors' (age [44%], diagnosis [50%], motivation [31%], previous surgery [21%], and follow-up therapy [31%]). Most selection criteria were not based on standardized measurements. INTERPRETATION Selection criteria for SDR vary considerably. Future studies should describe clearly the selection procedure. International meetings of experts should develop more uniform consensus guidelines, which could form the basis for selecting candidates for SDR.
A patient diagnosed with a glioma, generally, has an average of 14 months year to live after implementation of conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Glioblastomas are highly lethal because of their aggressive nature and resistance to conventional therapies and apoptosis. Thus other avenues of cell death urgently need to be explored. Autophagy, which is also known as programmed cell death type II, has recently been identified as an alternative mechanism to kill apoptosis- resistant cancer cells. Traditionally, researchers have studied how cells undergo autophagy during viral infection as an immune response mechanism, but recently researchers have discovered how viruses have evolved to manipulate autophagy for their benefit. Extensive studies of viral-induced autophagy provide a rationale to investigate other viruses, such as the adenovirus, which may be developed as part of a therapy against cancers resistant to apoptosis. Despite the present and relatively poor understanding of the mechanisms behind adenoviral-induced autophagy, adenovirus is a promising candidate, because of its ability to efficiently eradicate tumors. A better understanding of how the adenovirus induces autophagy will allow for the development of viruses with increased oncolytic potency. We hypothesized that adenovirus induces autophagy in order to aid in lysis. We found that replication, not infection, was required for adenovirus-mediated autophagy. Loss of function analysis of early genes revealed that, of the early genes tested, no single gene was sufficient to induce autophagy alone. Examination of cellular pathways for their role in autophagy during adenovirus infection revealed a function for the eIF2α pathway and more specifically the GCN2 kinase. Cells lacking GCN2 are more resistant to adenovirus-mediated autophagy in vitro; in vivo we also found these cells fail to undergo autophagy, but display more cell death. We believe that autophagy is a protective mechanism the cell employs during adenoviral infection, and in the in vivo environment, cells cannot recover from virus infection and are more susceptible to death. Congruently, infected cells deficient for autophagy through deletion of ATG5 are not able undergo productive cell lysis, providing evidence that the destruction of the cytoplasm and cell membrane through autophagy is crucial to the viral life cycle. This project is the first to describe a gene, other than a named autophagy gene, to be required for adenovirus- mediated autophagy. It is also the first to examine autophagic cell death as a means to aid in viral-induced cell lysis.