881 resultados para Subjectivity and objectivity
“Significs” is provisionally defined by Welby (1911: vii) as the study of the nature of significance in all its forms and relationships, of its workings in all spheres of human life and knowledge. Considering “significs” as a movement highlighting significance, Welby explores the action of signs in life; and more than the Saussurean sign composed of signifier and signified, the sign as understood by Welby refers to meaning as generated through signs in motion. This notion of “significs” empowers the study of signs when it considers the sign not in terms of the Saussurean structural representation of the union of the concept and acoustic image, but as (responsive and responsible) sign action in the world, in life. This also means to take into account the “extra-linguistic referent” (translinguistic and transdiscursive character of significs), history (space-time), subjectivity, the architecture of values connected to language, their communicative function. We believe that a dialogue can be established between Welby’s vision of significs and the notion of ideological sign proposed by Vološinov in Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, expanding the notions of “meaning” and “sense.”
Deleuze states that Foucault would have created a new relationship between men and history, a relationship other than that established by the philosophers of history. In order to specify the steps Foucault took to accomplish this invention, I shall support, according to Deleuze, Foucault s Heraclitism as the basis for a genuine Foucaultian concept of history. After outlining the risks taken by Foucault s concept of history, I observe this concept at work through the three periods that perform his thought: Archeology, Genealogy and Aesthetics of Existence. The main characters that embody his concept of history through these periods are: a) the discontinuous profile of history; b) the denaturalization of would-be unhistorical objects; c) the historical dimension of body; d) the eddies of subjectivation in history. We shall focus our inspection on the turn made along Foucault s work when he takes into a new account the theme of subjectivity, mostly in the last two volumes of the History of Sexuality. Thus, our attention turns to the subjectivity defined as a process, in order to investigate individual identity as the result of history.
The question of the relationship between subject and object has been discussed and explored in several theoretical and methodological systems, showing resonances and disagreements about the possibilities of developing a science or a philosophical system to allow the construction of the knowledge about the world. Among these, the systems of two authors in particular are different, respectively, regarding the complexity and ontological taxonomic: Michel Foucault and Karl Marx. This work aims to discuss the objectivity and subjectivity in the work of these two thinkers, indicating some possible correlations. The discussions were about the concept of knowledge in Michel Foucault, difficulties experienced by its researchers to classify their work within a classical theoretical system and the difference of Marxist theory in relation to other research programs for not presenting the individual as the fundamental ontological entity. Foucault´s work influenced the process of restoration and redemption of Marxism by Marxists groups.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Karl Popper dealt with both problems Yurevich (Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 43(2), 2009, doi:10.1007/s12124-008-9082-7) deals: the crisis in Psychology and in the discourse about the nature of science. Although he failed to provide a complete response for both problems, his proposals can yet be fruitful to the reflection on these matters in the context of the present discussion. He offers some tentative answers to what could be considered a healthy epistemic activity, something Yurevich does not provide. More interestingly, some of the Popper proposals seem to fit, and in some extent correct, the quest for ""collaborative work"" proposed by Zittoun et al. (Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 43(2), 2009, doi:10.1007/s12124-008-9082-7) as a way of transforming crisis in development.
When a physical activity professional is teaching a motor skill, he evaluates the movement's learner and considers which interventions could be done at the moment. However, many times the instructor does not have such resources which could help him/her to evaluate the learner movement. The skill acquisition process could be facilitated if instructors could have an instrument that identifies errors, prioritizing information to be given to the learner. Considering that the specialized literature presents a lack of information about such tool, the purpose of this study was to develop, and to determine the objectivity and reliability of an instrument to assess the movement quality of the basketball free throw shooting. The checklist was developed and evaluated by basketball experts. Additionally, the checklist was used to assess 10 trials (edited video) from four individuals in different learning stages. Data were organized by the critical error and the error sum appointed by the experts in two different occasions (one week interval). Contrasting both evaluations, and also, contrasting different experts assessments, in sum and critical error, it was observed an average error of 16.9%. It was concluded that the checklist to assess the basketball free throw is reliable, and could help instructors to make a qualitative analysis. Moreover, the checklist may allow instructors to make assumptions on the motor learning process.
In 2009, the Brazilian Comprehensive Healthcare Policy for Men (PNAISH) was launched in Brazil, seeking to reduce morbidity and mortality in this population group. This article strives to analyze the conceptions that health professionals have about the specific demands and behaviors of the male population served by the healthcare services. The data analyzed are part of a larger research project, the objective of which was to evaluate the initial actions of the implementation of PNAISH. Ethnographic observations in 11 health services and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 health professionals. From the perspective of health professionals, the presence of men in the healthcare services is still limited. According to them, it is comprised of two types of clients: workers and the elderly. The male behavior characteristics - haste, objectivity, fear and resistance - and the difficulty faced by health services in receiving this population are the main factors that drive men away from health services. Although the concept of gender is central to PNAISH, it is only triggered by healthcare professionals in order to justify the social standards expected in terms of men's behavior. The attribution of men's behavior to cultural factors ultimately obscures the relations of power that underlie gender relations.
Hymenoptera exhibit an incredible diversity of phenotypes, the result of similar to 240 million years of evolution and the primary subject of more than 250 years of research. Here we describe the history, development, and utility of the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO) and its associated applications. These resources are designed to facilitate accessible and extensible research on hymenopteran phenotypes. Outreach with the hymenopterist community is of utmost importance to the HAO project, and this paper is a direct response to questions that arose from project workshops. In a concerted attempt to surmount barriers of understanding, especially regarding the format, utility, and development of the HAO, we discuss the roles of homology, "preferred terms", and "structural equivalency". We also outline the use of Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) and posit that they are a key element necessary for increasing the objectivity and repeatability of science that references hymenopteran anatomy. Pragmatically, we detail a mechanism (the "URI table") by which authors can use URIs to link their published text to the HAO, and we describe an associated tool (the "Analyzer") to derive these tables. These tools, and others, are available through the HAO Portal website (http://portal.hymao.org). We conclude by discussing the future of the HAO with respect to digital publication, cross-taxon ontology alignment, the advent of semantic phenotypes, and community-based curation.
„Ich bin, weil du bist“ – so lautet eines der Schlüsselzitate in What I Loved, dem 2003 erschienenen dritten Roman der zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Autorin Siri Hustvedt. Die Bedeutung von Beziehung und Interaktion für die Identitätsbildung spielt eine zentrale Rolle nicht nur in diesem Roman, sondern auch in ihrem Gesamtwerk, das vier Romane, ein memoir, drei Essay-Sammlungen und einen Lyrikband umfasst. Hustvedt erforscht die Identität als ein vielschichtiges Produkt bewusster und unbewusster Verknüpfungen innerhalb der sozialen und biologischen Umwelt. Das Bewusstsein wird als eine dialogisch geprägte Entität gezeigt, dessen Identität erst durch die Beziehung auf ein Anderes geformt werden kann. Um dem Mysterium der menschlichen Identitätsfindung nachzuspüren, bedient sich Hustvedt sowohl philosophischer, psychoanalytischer, biologischer als auch kunsttheoretischer Diskurse. In ihren Romanen stellt sich die Frage nach der Erklärung von Identität als komplexe Problematik dar: Ist die Beziehung zu anderen Menschen vor allem durch unsere Entwicklung als Kind und die Nähe zu Bezugspersonen geprägt? In welchem Ausmaß ist das Empfinden von Subjektivität beeinflusst von körperlichen und unbewussten Mechanismen? Inwiefern ist die Wahrnehmung visueller Kunst eine Kooperation zwischen Betrachter und Künstler? rnDiesen und anderen Fragen geht diese Dissertation nach, indem sie Hustvedts Werk als Anlass für eine Analyse intersubjektiver Strukturen der Identität nimmt. Die Intersubjektivitätsphiloso¬phien von Hegel, Buber, Bakhtin, Husserl, und Merleau-Ponty dienen hierbei als Ausgangspunkt für die Interpretation von relationaler Identität in Hustvedts Werken. Die Dissertation konzentriert sich auf Hustvedts Darstellung der Beziehung zwischen Selbst und Anderem in der Photographie und in der Malerei, der Überschreitung von Körpergrenzen in Hysterie und Anorexie sowie der Auswirkung des Verlustes von Bezugspersonen auf die persönliche Identität. Entscheidend für den Hustvedtschen Kunstbegriff ist das Zusammenspiel von Kunstobjekt, Künstler und Betrachter. Die Grenzen zwischen Innerem und Äußeren werden aufgelöst: mal wird der Rezipient Teil des Kunstwerks, mal verschmilzt der Künstler förmlich mit seinem Objekt. Auch hier wird wiederum deutlich, dass Identität nur in Wechselbeziehung und als zwischenmenschliche Kooperation entsteht. Hustvedt betritt durch ihre einzigartige Auseinandersetzung mit den Wechselbeziehungen und fragilen Grenzen zwischen Ich und Umwelt Neuland auf dem Gebiet der literarischen Identitätsforschung, da sie ihr Prinzip des „mixing,“ des unausweichlichen Eindringens fremder Substanz in die eigene Identität, aus dem Blickwinkel dieser verschiedenen Erklärungsansätze beleuchtet. rn
In this article, we refine a politics of thinking from the margins by exploring a pedagogical model that advances transformative notions of service learning as social justice teaching. Drawing on a recent course we taught involving both incarcerated women and traditional college students, we contend that when communication among differentiated and stratified parties occurs, one possible result is not just a view of the other but also a transformation of the self and other. More specifically, we suggest that an engaged feminist praxis of teaching incarcerated women together with college students helps illuminate the porous nature of fixed markers that purport to reveal our identities (e.g., race and gender), to emplace our bodies (e.g., within institutions, prison gates, and walls), and to specify our locations (e.g., cultural, geographic, socialeconomic). One crucial theoretical insight our work makes clear is that the model of social justice teaching to which we aspired necessitates re-conceptualizing ourselves as students and professors whose subjectivities are necessarily relational and emergent.
This paper provides an analysis of the key term aidagara (“betweenness”) in the philosophical ethics of Watsuji Tetsurō (1889-1960), in response to and in light of the recent movement in Japanese Buddhist studies known as “Critical Buddhism.” The Critical Buddhist call for a turn away from “topical” or intuitionist thinking and towards (properly Buddhist) “critical” thinking, while problematic in its bipolarity, raises the important issue of the place of “reason” versus “intuition” in Japanese Buddhist ethics. In this paper, a comparison of Watsuji’s “ontological quest” with that of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), Watsuji’s primary Western source and foil, is followed by an evaluation of a corresponding search for an “ontology of social existence” undertaken by Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962). Ultimately, the philosophico-religious writings of Watsuji Tetsurō allow for the “return” of aesthesis as a modality of social being that is truly dimensionalized, and thus falls prey neither to the verticality of topicalism nor the limiting objectivity of criticalism.
While a great deal is known about the demographic and historical trends that shape the built environment of American cities, much less is known about the politics of everyday life among residents who continue to live in postindustrial neighborhoods. This study seeks to compensate for the current gaps in academic research by conducting spatially informed ethnography in a North Philadelphia community. Specifically, the study will explore the issue of urban "blight" from a cultural geography perspective, primarily by looking at the ways in which "blighted" spaces shape everyday life, and everyday life in turn shapes and produces the spatial environment. In response to these concerns, my study poses the questions: What would it mean to focus on the ways in which human agency, imagination, and subjectivity are shaped by "blighted" geographical locations? What would it mean to pay ethnographic attention to how subjects in given historical conditions are shaped by "blighted" spaces, as well as how they respond to these spaces in culturally specific ways? By incorporating critical interdisciplinary approaches, this study offers a new way of looking at the various practices of daily life - including flexible, informal economic activities and post-welfare related "lifestyles" of resistance. Through the lens of spatial ethnography, the study seeks to elucidate the ways in which postindustrial space interacts with culture, poverty and addiction; as well as the ways in which users continue to appropriate postindustrial spaces in culturally meaningful ways under the aegis of the semi-welfare state.
If we postulate a need for the transformation of society towards sustainable development, we also need to transform science and overcome the fact/value split that makes it impossible for science to be accountable to society. The orientation of this paradigm transformation in science has been under debate for four decades, generating important theoretical concepts, but they have had limited impact until now. This is due to a contradictory normative science policy framing that science has difficulties dealing with, not least of all because the dominant framing creates a lock-in. We postulate that in addition to introducing transdisciplinarity, science needs to strive for integration of the normative aspect of sustainable development at the meta-level. This requires a strategically managed niche within which scholars and practitioners from many different disciplines can engage in a long-term common learning process, in order to become a “thought collective” (Fleck) capable of initiating the paradigm transformation. Arguing with Piaget that “decentration” is essential to achieve normative orientation and coherence in a learning collective, we introduce a learning approach—Cohn's “Theme-Centred Interaction”—which provides a methodology for explicitly working with the objectivity and subjectivity of statements and positions in a “real-world” context, and for consciously integrating concerns of individuals in their interdependence with the world. This should enable a thought collective to address the epistemological and ethical barriers to science for sustainable development.