982 resultados para Stokes, Teorema de


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Dark matter is a fundamental ingredient of the modern Cosmology. It is necessary in order to explain the process of structures formation in the Universe, rotation curves of galaxies and the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. However, although many efforts, in both aspects, theoretical and experimental, have been made, the nature of dark matter is still unknown and the only convincing evidence for its existence is gravitational. This rises doubts about its existence and, in turn, opens the possibility that the Einstein’s gravity needs to be modified at some scale. We study, in this work, the possibility that the Eddington-Born-Infeld (EBI) modified gravity provides en alternative explanation for the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. For this purpose we derive the modified Einstein field equations and find their solutions to a spherical system of identical and collisionless point particles. Then, we took into account the collisionless relativistic Boltzmann equation and using some approximations and assumptions for weak gravitational field, we derived the generalized virial theorem in the framework of EBI gravity. In order to compare the predictions of EBI gravity with astrophysical observations we estimated the order of magnitude of the geometric mass, showing that it is compatible with present observations. Finally, considering a power law for the density of galaxies in the cluster, we derived expressions for the radial velocity dispersion of the galaxies, which can be used for testing some features of the EBI gravity.


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Dark matter is a fundamental ingredient of the modern Cosmology. It is necessary in order to explain the process of structures formation in the Universe, rotation curves of galaxies and the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. However, although many efforts, in both aspects, theoretical and experimental, have been made, the nature of dark matter is still unknown and the only convincing evidence for its existence is gravitational. This rises doubts about its existence and, in turn, opens the possibility that the Einstein’s gravity needs to be modified at some scale. We study, in this work, the possibility that the Eddington-Born-Infeld (EBI) modified gravity provides en alternative explanation for the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. For this purpose we derive the modified Einstein field equations and find their solutions to a spherical system of identical and collisionless point particles. Then, we took into account the collisionless relativistic Boltzmann equation and using some approximations and assumptions for weak gravitational field, we derived the generalized virial theorem in the framework of EBI gravity. In order to compare the predictions of EBI gravity with astrophysical observations we estimated the order of magnitude of the geometric mass, showing that it is compatible with present observations. Finally, considering a power law for the density of galaxies in the cluster, we derived expressions for the radial velocity dispersion of the galaxies, which can be used for testing some features of the EBI gravity.


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Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch originale a rme que pour tout morphisme propre f : Y ! X entre vari et es quasi-projectifs lisses sur un corps, et tout el ement a 2 K0(Y ) du groupe de Grothendieck des br es vectoriels on a ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Ici ch est le caract ere de Chern, Td(Tf ) est la classe de Todd du br e tangent relative et f et f! sont les images directes de l'anneau de Chow et K0 respectivement. Apr es, Baum, Fulton et MacPherson ont d emontr e en [BFM75] le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch pour des morphismes localement intersection compl ete entre des sch emas alg ebriques (sch emas s epar es et localement de type ni sur un corps) projectifs et singuli eres. En [FG83] Fulton et Gillet ont d emontr e le th eor eme sans hypoth eses projectifs. L'extension a la th eorie K sup erieure pour des sch emas r eguli eres sur une base fut d emontr e par Gillet en [Gil81]. Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch qu'il prouve est pour des morphismes projectifs entre des sch emas lisses et quasi-projectifs. Donc, dans le cas des sch emas sur un corps, le r esultat de Gillet n'inclus pas le th eor eme de [BFM75]. La plus grande g en eralisation du th eor eme de Riemann-Roch que je connais est [D eg14] et [HS15], o u D eglise et Holmstrom-Scholbach obtiennent ind ependamment le th eor eme de Riemann- Roch pour la K-th eorie sup erieure et les morphismes projectifs lic entre sch emas r eguli eres sur une base noetherienne de dimension nie... NOTA 520 8 El teorema de Riemann-Roch original de Grothendieck a rma que para todo mor smo propio f : Y ! X, entre variedades irreducibles quasiproyectivas lisas sobre un cuerpo, y todo elemento a 2 K0(Y ) del grupo de Grothendieck de brados vectoriales se satisface la relaci on ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Recu erdese que ch denota el car acter de Chern, Td(Tf ) la clase de Todd del brado tangente relativo y f y f! las im agenes directas en el anillo de Chow y K0 respectivamente. M as tarde Baum, Fulton MacPherson probaron en [BFM75] el teorema de Riemann-Roch para mor smos localmente intersecci on completa entre esquemas algebraicos (es decir, esquemas separados localmente de tipo nito sobre cuerpo) proyectivos singulares. En [FG83] Fulton y Gillet probaron el teorema sin hip otesis proyectivas. La notable extensi on a la teor a K superior para esquemas regulares sobre una base fue probada por Gillet en [Gil81]. El teorema de Riemann-Roch all probado es para mor smos proyectivos entre esquemas lisos quasiproyectivos. Sin embargo, obs ervese que en el caso de esquemas sobre cuerpo el resultado de Gillet no recupera el teorema de [BFM75]. La mayor generalizaci on del teorema de Riemann-Roch que yo conozco es [D eg14] y [HS15] donde D eglise y Holmstrom-Scholbach obtuvieron independientemente el teorema de Riemann-Roch para teor a K superior y mor smos proyectivos lic entre esquemas regulares sobre una base noetheriana nito dimensional...


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We generalize to higher spatial dimensions the Stokes-Einstein relation (SER) as well as the leading correction to diffusivity in finite systems with periodic boundary conditions, and validate these results with numerical simulations. We then investigate the evolution of the high-density SER violation with dimension in simple hard sphere glass formers. The analysis suggests that this SER violation disappears around dimension du = 8, above which it is not observed. The critical exponent associated with the violation appears to evolve linearly in 8 - d, below d = 8, as predicted by Biroli and Bouchaud [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 205101 (2007)], but the linear coefficient is not consistent with the prediction. The SER violation with d establishes a new benchmark for theory, and its complete description remains an open problem. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In questa tesi si presenta il concetto di politopo convesso e se ne forniscono alcuni esempi, poi si introducono alcuni metodi di base e risultati significativi della teoria dei politopi. In particolare si dimostra l'equivalenza tra le due definizioni di H-politopo e di V-politopo, sfruttando il metodo di eliminazione di Fourier-Motzkin per coni. Tutto ciò ha permesso di descrivere, grazie al lemma di Farkas, alcune importanti costruzioni come il cono di recessione e l'omogeneizzazione di un insieme convesso.


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In this article we consider the development of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. For the discretization of the leading order terms, we propose employing the generalization of the symmetric version of the interior penalty method, originally developed for the numerical approximation of linear self-adjoint second-order elliptic partial differential equations. In order to solve the resulting system of nonlinear equations, we exploit a (damped) Newton-GMRES algorithm. Numerical experiments demonstrating the practical performance of the proposed discontinuous Galerkin method with higher-order polynomials are presented.


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In this article we consider the application of the generalization of the symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method to the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier--Stokes equations. In particular, we consider the a posteriori error analysis and adaptive mesh design for the underlying discretization method. Indeed, by employing a duality argument (weighted) Type I a posteriori bounds are derived for the estimation of the error measured in terms of general target functionals of the solution; these error estimates involve the product of the finite element residuals with local weighting terms involving the solution of a certain dual problem that must be numerically approximated. This general approach leads to the design of economical finite element meshes specifically tailored to the computation of the target functional of interest, as well as providing efficient error estimation. Numerical experiments demonstrating the performance of the proposed approach will be presented.


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El ?nfasis que se hace en el Teorema Fundamental de la Aritm?tica en la educaci?n b?sica no es muy amplio pese a la importancia y los conocimientos que puede movilizar su ense?anza en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, es por ello que el presente trabajo de grado se caracteriza por la identificaci?n de las concepciones de los profesores de matem?ticas sobre el Teorema Fundamental de la Aritm?tica, desde una perspectiva Hist?rico-Epistemol?gica, a partir de la cual se indaga sobre los obst?culos epistemol?gicos que se presentaron en la construcci?n del tema central. Se considera que es necesario analizar las concepciones de los profesores, debido a que ?stas caracterizan no solo el conocimiento del profesor sino que tambi?n permean la forma en que se desarrollan los conocimientos en el aula de clase.


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This dissertation concerns the well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system. The system models a mixture of fluid and particles in the so-called bubbling regime. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations governing the evolution of the fluid are coupled to the Smoluchowski equation for the particle density at a continuum level. First, working on fixed domains, the existence of weak solutions is established using a three-level approximation scheme and based largely on the Lions-Feireisl theory of compressible fluids. The system is then posed over a moving domain. By utilizing a Brinkman-type penalization as well as penalization of the viscosity, the existence of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system is proved over moving domains. As a corollary the convergence of the Brinkman penalization is proved. Finally, a suitable relative entropy is defined. This relative entropy is used to establish a weak-strong uniqueness result for the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system over moving domains, ensuring that strong solutions are unique in the class of weak solutions.


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In this article we propose a new symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Here, particular emphasis is devoted to the construction of an optimal numerical method for the evaluation of certain target functionals of practical interest, such as the lift and drag coefficients of a body immersed in a viscous fluid. With this in mind, the key ingredients in the construction of the method include: (i) An adjoint consistent imposition of the boundary conditions; (ii) An adjoint consistent reformulation of the underlying target functional of practical interest; (iii) Design of appropriate interior-penalty stabilization terms. Numerical experiments presented within this article clearly indicate the optimality of the proposed method when the error is measured in terms of both the L_2-norm, as well as for certain target functionals. Computational comparisons with other discontinuous Galerkin schemes proposed in the literature, including the second scheme of Bassi & Rebay, cf. [11], the standard SIPG method outlined in [25], and an NIPG variant of the new scheme will be undertaken.


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Investigación orientada al Análisis Complejo, presentando la similitud entre la serie de Laurent y la serie de Taylor (excepto cuando la función no es holomorfa) estableciendo la relación que existe entre el residuo y la serie de Laurent. El Teorema del Residuo, es aplicado solamente cuando el número de puntos singulares es finito. Asimismo, se aplicó el cálculo de residuos para evaluar integrales de funciones cuyas trayectorias encierran varias singularidades independientes de cualquier tipo de singularidad (polo, removibles o esenciales). En conclusión, se encontró que es imposible aplicar el teorema de Cauchy para caminos cerrados que encierran puntos singulares, por consiguiente, el teorema del residuo da solución a ese tipo de problemas. Finalmente se aplicó el Teorema del Residuo para sumar series que relacionan el número de polos con el número de enteros en el interior de un camino cerrado.