999 resultados para Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA)
The last Crypto-Jews (Marranos) are the survivors of Spanish Jews who were persecuted in the late fifteenth century, escaped to Portugal and were forced to convert to save their lives. Isolated groups still exist in mountainous areas such as Belmonte in the Beira-Baixa province of Portugal. We report here the genetic study of a highly consanguineous endogamic population of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte affected with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). A genome-wide search for homozygosity allowed us to localize the disease gene to chromosome 15q22-q24 (Zmax=2.95 at θ=0 at the D15S131 locus). Interestingly, the photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR) gene, the expression of which is restricted to the outer nuclear layer of retinal photoreceptor cells, was found to map to the YAC contig encompassing the disease locus. A search for mutations allowed us to ascribe the RP of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte to a homozygous missense mutation in the PNR gene. Preliminary haplotype studies support the view that this mutation is relatively ancient but probably occurred after the population settled in Belmonte.
Introdução: Muitos dos instrumentos disponíveis para a avaliação do equilíbrio, risco de queda e medo de cair medem apenas actividades simples no domicílio e apresentam tendência para um “efeito de tecto” em idosos residentes na comunidade. A “Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale” foi concebida para avaliar o equilíbrio de forma abrangente, num conjunto de actividades de vida diária associadas a um largo espectro de dificuldade. Objectivos: Traduzir para português e adaptar culturalmente para Portugal a “Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABS) Scale” e avaliar a sua fiabilidade. População e Métodos: Tradução e adaptação cultural do instrumento e subsequente aplicação a uma população idosa portuguesa, para determinação da sua fiabilidade inter-observador, fiabilidade intra-observador e consistência interna. Resultados: Os resultados foram muito homogéneos na grande maioria das comparações realizadas, quer intra-observador, quer inter-observador. A avaliação da consistência interna revelou valores muito elevados. Estes níveis de fiabilidade mantiveram-se mesmo removendo qualquer uma das 16 questões que compõem o questionário, mantendo-se praticamente constantes os valores registados com o questionário completo. Conclusões: A versão portuguesa da escala ABC demonstrou boa fiabilidade intra-observador, fiabilidade inter-observador e consistência interna na avaliação da auto-percepção do equilíbrio para diversas actividades de vida diária numa população idosa portuguesa. Outros trabalhos serão necessários para avaliar a utilidade desta escala na avaliação do risco de queda e do efeito de intervenções terapêuticas nesta população.
We describe the full genetic characterization of an insect-specific flavivirus (ISF) from Culex theileri (Theobald) mosquitoes collected in Portugal. This represents the first isolation and full characterization of an ISF from Portuguese mosquitoes. The virus, designated CTFV, for Culex theileri flavivirus, was isolated in the C6/36 Stegomyia albopicta (=Aedes albopictus) cell line, and failed to replicate in vertebrate (Vero) cells in common with other ISFs. The CTFV genome encodes a single polyprotein with 3357 residues showing all the features expected for those of flaviviruses. Phylogenetic analyses based on all ISF sequences available to date, place CTFV among Culex-associated flaviviruses, grouping with recently published NS5 partial sequences documented from mosquitoes collected in the Iberian Peninsula, and with Quang Binh virus (isolated in Vietnam) as a close relative. No CTFV sequences were found integrated in their host’s genome using a range of specific PCR primers designed to the prM/E, NS3, and NS5 region.
SUMMARY Cerebral toxoplasmosis can be highly debilitating and occasionally fatal in persons with immune system deficiencies. In this study, we evaluated the Toxoplasma gondii-specific IgG subclass antibody response in 19 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis who had a positive IgG anti-T. gondii ELISA standardized with a cyst antigen preparation. There were no significant differences between the rates of positivity and the antibody concentrations (arithmetic means of the ELISA absorbances, MEA) for IgG1 and IgG2, but the rates of positivity and MEA values for these two IgG subclasses were significantly higher than those for IgG3 and IgG4. The marked IgG2 response in CSF from patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis merits further investigation.
Seventy patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis were treated with oxamniquine. The patients lived iti an endemic area and were evaluated 6, 18 and 24 months after treatment, during which time transmission in the area was interrupted. After treatment, clinical improvement occurred in 49 (70%) of the patients, as seen by reduction in visceromegaly and reversion of liver nodules. Reversion of hepatosplenic disease occurred in 28 (40%) patients and in liver nodularity in 26 (47.3%)patients after 24 months. Reversion of hepatosplenic disease was seen in 12 (21%) patients and liver nodules disappeared in 4 (8.5%) as early as 6 months after treatment. In general, hepatosplenomegaly reverses earlier than liver nodularity. Itis notable that reversion of hepatosplenic disease occurred in many individuals with a history ofprevious treatment and also in some with advanced age. In four cases this clinical form of the disease had existed for 20 years. Therefore, there must exist factors other than age and duration of the condition which determine the reversibility of this clinical form. Ourresults reinforce the concept that, in patients with hepatosplenic disease without esophageal hemorrhages, specific treatment shouldpreceed surgical intervention even in those with a history of previous treatment. At least 18 months should be allowed for the ejfects of treatment to be manifest.
It has been recognized that Schistosoma mansoni infection causes depression of T-cell responsiveness. In this study we have evaluated whether immunodepression associated to schistosomiasis could be reverted by specific treatment. T-cell immune response was assessed by means of intradermal tests using recall antigens in a group of 22 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, one year after treatment with oxamniquine and compared with a group of untreated hepatosplenic patients. Only 27% of treated patients presented complete anergy to all tested antigens, in marked contrast to 80% unresponsiveness showed by hepatosplenic patients without treatment. Although most of the treated individuals showed some response to the tested antigens, in some individuals this unresponsiveness still persisted after treatment. Anergy was not found in any normal individual of the control group. It was concluded that Schistosoma mansoni infected patients may recover their normal immune responsiveness after the elimination of the worm by treatment
To investigate the influence of chemotherapy on the biochemical beha vior of Trypanosoma cruzi strains, three groups of mice were infected with one of three strains of T. cruzi of different biological and isoenzymic patterns (Peruvian, 21 SF and Colombian strains). Each group was subdivided into subgroups: 1 - treated with nifurtimox; 2 - treated with benznidazole and 3 - untreated infected controls. At the end of treatment, that lasted for 90 days, xenodiagnosis, sub inoculation of blood into new born mice and haemoculture were performed as tests of cure. From the positive tests, 22 samples of T. cruzi were isolated from all subgroups. Electrophoretic analysis of the isoenzymes PGM, GP1, ALAT and AS AT failed to show any difference between parasite strains isolated from treated and untreated mice, which indicates that no detectable clonal selection or parasite genetic markers alterations concerning the isoenzymes analysed have been determined by treatment with drugs of recognized antiparasitic effect, suggesting stability of the phenotypic characteristics of the three biological types of T. cruzi strains.
A direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIFMA) test using a Leishmania genus- specific monoclonal antibody was evaluated in the routine diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ecuador. This test was compared with the standard diagnostic techniques of scrapings, culture and histology. Diagnostic samples were taken from a total of 90 active dermal ulcers from patients from areas of Ecuador known to be endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. DIFMA was positive in all lesions. It was shown to be significantly superior to standard diagnostic methods either alone or in combination. The sensitivity of DIFMA did not diminish with chronicity of lesions. This test proved to be extremely useful in the routine diagnosis of CL because it is highly sensitive, is easy to use and produces rapid results.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering
This study was designed to investigate whether saliva could be a feasible alternative to serum for the diagnosis of recent rubella infection in a clinic setting. Forty-five paired blood and saliva samples collected 1 to 29 days after onset of illness were tested for specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M by antibody-capture radioimmunoassay (MACRIA). Rubella IgM was detected in all serum samples and in 38 (84.4%) saliva specimens. Forty-six serum and saliva samples from other patients with rash diseases were tested by MACRIA for control purposes and two saliva specimens were reactive. The saliva test had specificity of 96%. These results indicate that salivary IgM detection may be a convenient non-invasive alternative to serum for investigation of recent rubella cases, especially for disease surveillance and control programmes.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
RESUMO: Contexto: O funcionamento tem sido reconhecido como um dos principais indicadores de resultados para avaliar se as pessoas beneficiam das intervenções destinadas a melhorar a sua saúde mental. O funcionamento refere-se à forma como um indivíduo consegue responder às suas tarefas e solicitações, dos seus familiares e da sua comunidade, de acordo com os requisitos do local e a cultura em que vive (eg, tarefa de cozinhar e limpar para as mulheres em algumas culturas ). O funcionamento é altamente dependente da cultura - por isso, tem sido recomendado o desenvolvimento de medidas de funcionamento específicas de cada cultura. Desenvolver localmente os instrumentos de medida evita problemas de adequação, associados com a adaptação de instrumentos ocidentais. Embora os instrumentos criados desta forma sejam específicos de um meio cultural, eles são simultaneamente "transculturais", no sentido em que cada um se refere às tarefas mais importantes para a população local . Esta abordagem mostrou-se útil para investigadores e agências de ajuda (eg, ONGs) que trabalham em países não-ocidentais . Este estudo descreve o trabalho da agência International Medical Corps (IMC) na criação e validação de um questionário de funcionamento específico nas dimensões cultura e gênero, no Líbano, destinado a avaliar eventuais melhorias em pessoas que receberam intervenções de para problemas de saúde mental, a nível dos cuidados primários de saúde. Método: O instrumento foi desenvolvido usando um método que é uma alternativa à abordagem existente de adaptação de instrumentos ocidentais a outras culturas e situações; esta abordagem é rápida e exequível, tendo já demonstrado ser útil no desenvolvimento de instrumentos válidos e fidedignos. Inicialmente, foi solicitado que as pessoas identificassem, de uma lista livre, as tarefas mais importantes para cuidar de si próprias, da sua família e da sua comunidade; as tarefas identificadas foram posteriormente usadas como base para um instrumento de avaliação de funcionamento culturalmente válido. A partir daqui, foram desenvolvidos questionários específicos da comunidade em questão, posteriormente testados no terreno nas vertentes da validade (de conteúdo, facial e de constructo) e da fiabilidade (teste-reste e inter-entrevistadores). Resultados. O estudo resultou na criação e validação de um questionário de funcionamento específico de cultura e gênero capaz de medir efectivamente a capacidade de execução de tarefas importantes do quotidiano,como parte da avaliação de resultados levada a cabo por profissionais da CSP previamente treinados na identificação, suporte e encaminhamento de pessoas com problemas de saúde mental no Líbano. Conclusão. Neste trabalho descreve-se o desenvolvimento de um questionário de funcionamento específico de cultura e gênero, orientado para a avaliação de resultados, num contexto mais lato de um sistema abrangente de avaliação e monitorização de um serviço comunitário. --------------ABSTRACT: Background. Functioning has been recognized as one of the most important key outcomes to assess whether people benefit from interventions aimed to improve their mental health. Functioning refers to how well na individual can complete the tasks and demands for themselves, their family, and their community which are required by them depending on the setting and the culture they live in (e.g. task of cooking and cleaning for women in some cultures). Functioning is highly dependent on culture. Therefore, it has been recommended to develop culture-specific measures of function. Developing instruments locally avoids the problems of limited local relevance and appropriateness associate with adapting western instruments. Although each instrument created in this way is culturally bound, they are “cross cultural” in the sense that each refers to the tasks most important to local people. This approach proves useful for both researchers and aid agencies working in non-western countries. This study describes International Medical Corps’ (IMC) work in Lebanon to create and validate a culture and gender specific functioning questionnaire to assess improvements in people who received treatment interventions for mental health problems at the primary health care (PHC) level. Method. The measure was developed using a method that is an alternative to the existing approach of adapting western function instruments to other cultures and situations; an approach which has been demonstrated as rapid, feasible and which can yield valid and reliable instruments. Function was assessed by first asking local people what tasks are important to care for themselves, their family and their community using free listing, then using these tasks as the basis for a culturally valid function assessment instrument. Community specific function questionnaires based on these tasks were then created, and field-tested for validity using content, face and construct validity methods, and also field tested for reliability using inter-rater and test retest reliability methods. Results. The study resulted in the creation and validation of a culture and gender specific functioning questionnaire that would effectively measure the ability to do tasks important to daily existence, as part of assessing client level outcomes where PHC providers were trained in the identification, management and referral of people with mental health problems in Lebanon. Conclusion. The paper describes a successful pilot for developing culture and gender specific functioning questionnaires that evaluate client level outcomes as part of a more comprehensive system for monitoring and evaluation of community based case management supports and services.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas