973 resultados para Span-by-span method
Esta investigación se realizó para determinar el crecimiento de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo” capturados en la caleta de Huanchaco, ubicado en el distrito de Huanchaco, Provincia de Trujillo, Departamento La Libertad, durante el 2015. El objetivo fue determinar el crecimiento de P. orbignyi, la muestra estuvo constituida por 1477 ejemplares procedentes de las capturas que realizan los pescadores artesanales empleando caballitos de totora y trampas denominadas nasas. Estos muestreos fueron mensuales durante el año 2015. La relación entre longitud cefalotorácica (mm) y ancho cefalotorácico (mm) presentó diferencia estadística entre las líneas de regresión de ambos sexos, la relación entre el ancho cefalotorácico (mm) y peso total (g) mostró alometría en el crecimiento de hembras y machos, estadísticamente no se encontró diferencia entre los sexos. Mediante el método de Bhattacharya (1967) modificado por Pauly y Caddy (1985) se establecieron siete estados de muda para las hembras y nueve estados de muda para los machos. Según el criterio de Kurata (1962) se estableció que el crecimiento en ambos sexos es de tipo geométrico retrogresivo. Los parámetros calculados se ajustaron a la ecuación de von Bertalanffy.
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence for the clinical relevance of mucosal healing (MH) as therapeutic treatment goal in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We aimed to investigate by which method gastroenterologists monitor IBD activity in daily practice. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to all board-certified gastroenterologists in Switzerland to specifically address their strategy to monitor IBD between May 2009 and April 2010. RESULTS: The response rate was 57% (153/270). Fifty-two percent of gastroenterologists worked in private practice and 48% worked in hospitals. Seventy-eight percent judged clinical activity to be the most relevant criterion for monitoring IBD activity, 15% chose endoscopic severity, and 7% chose biomarkers. Seventy percent of gastroenterologists based their therapeutic decisions on clinical activity, 24% on endoscopic severity, and 6% on biomarkers. The following biomarkers were used for IBD activity monitoring: CRP, 94%; differential blood count, 78%; fecal calprotectin (FC), 74%; iron status, 63%; blood sedimentation rate, 3%; protein electrophoresis, 0.7%; fecal neutrophils, 0.7%; and vitamin B12, 0.7%. Gastroenterologists in hospitals and those with ≤ 10 years of professional experience used FC more frequently compared with colleagues in private practice (P=0.035) and those with > 10 years of experience (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Clinical activity is judged to be more relevant for monitoring IBD activity and guiding therapeutic decisions than endoscopic severity and biomarkers. As such, the accumulating scientific evidence on the clinical impact of mucosal healing does not yet seem to influence the management of IBD in daily gastroenterologic practice.
Anticytokine auto-vaccination is a powerful tool for the study of cytokine functions in vivo but has remained rather esoteric as a result of numerous technical difficulties. We here describe a two-step procedure based on the use of OVA multimers purified by size exclusion chromatography after incubation with glutaraldehyde at pH 6. When such polymers are incubated with a target protein at pH 8.5 to deprotonate reactive amines, complexes are formed that confer immunogenicity to self-antigens. The chemokine GCP-2/CXCL6, the cytokines GM-CSF, IL-17F, IL-17E/IL-25, IL-27, and TGF-β1, and the MMP-9/gelatinase B are discussed as examples. mAb, derived from such immunized mice, have obvious advantages for in vivo studies of the target proteins. Using a mAb against GCP-2, obtained by the method described here, we provide the first demonstration of the major role played by this chemokine in rapid neutrophil mobilization after Leishmania major infection. Pre-activated OVA multimers reactive with amine residues thus provide an efficient carrier for auto-vaccination against 9-90 kDa autologous proteins.
The species Salix x rubens is being grown on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina since the 1940s, but so far the soil fertility requirements of the crop have not been assessed. This study is the first to evaluate the production profile of willow plantations in this region, based on the modified method of Summer & Farina (1986), for the recommendation of fertility levels for willow. By this method, based on the law of Minimum and of Maximum for willow production for the conditions on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina, the following ranges could be recommended: pH: 5.0-6.5; P: 12-89 mg dm-3; Mg: 3.2-7.5 mg; Zn: 5.0-8.3 mg dm-3; Cu: 0.8-4.6 mg dm-3; and Mn; 20-164 mg dm-3. The Ca/Mg ratio should be between 1.2 and 2.9. For K and Ca only the lower (sufficiency level), but not the upper threshold (excess) was established, with respectively 114 mg dm-3 and 5.3 cmol c dm-3. It was also possible to determine the upper threshold for Al and the Al/Ca ratio, i.e., 1.7 cmol c dm-3 and 0.28, respectively. For maximum yields, the clay in the soil surface layer should be below 320 g dm-3.
The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) can improve interpretations of leaf analysis to determine the nutrient status. Diagnoses by this method require DRIS norms, which are however not known for oil content of soybean seeds. The aims of this study were to establish and test the DRIS method for oil content of soybean seed (maturity group II cultivars). Soybean leaves (207 samples) in the full flowering stage were analyzed for macro and micro-nutrients, and the DRIS was applied to assess the relationship between nutrient ratios and the seed oil content. Samples from experimental and farm field sites of the southernmost Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul (28° - 29° southern latitude; 52° -53° western longitude) were assessed in two growing seasons (2007/2008 and 2008/2009). The DRIS norms related to seed oil content differed between the studied years. A unique DRIS norm was established for seed oil content higher than 18.68 % based on data of the 2007/2008 growing season. Higher DRIS indices of B, Ca, Mg and S were associated with a higher oil content, while the opposite was found for K, N and P. The DRIS can be used to evaluate the leaf nutrient status of soybean to improve the seed oil content of the crop.
We present a numerical method for spectroscopic ellipsometry of thick transparent films. When an analytical expression for the dispersion of the refractive index (which contains several unknown coefficients) is assumed, the procedure is based on fitting the coefficients at a fixed thickness. Then the thickness is varied within a range (according to its approximate value). The final result given by our method is as follows: The sample thickness is considered to be the one that gives the best fitting. The refractive index is defined by the coefficients obtained for this thickness.
Longitudinal joint quality control/assurance is essential to the successful performance of asphalt pavements and it has received considerable amount of attention in recent years. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the level of compaction at the longitudinal joint and determine the effect of segregation on the longitudinal joint performance. Five paving projects with the use of traditional butt joint, infrared joint heater, edge restraint by milling and modified butt joint with the hot pinch longitudinal joint construction techniques were selected in this study. For each project, field density and permeability tests were made and cores from the pavement were obtained for in-lab permeability, air void and indirect tensile strength. Asphalt content and gradations were also obtained to determine the joint segregation. In general, this study finds that the minimum required joint density should be around 90.0% of the theoretical maximum density based on the AASHTO T166 method. The restrained-edge by milling and butt joint with the infrared heat treatment construction methods both create the joint density higher than this 90.0% limit. Traditional butt joint exhibits lower density and higher permeability than the criterion. In addition, all of the projects appear to have segregation at the longitudinal joint except for the edge-restraint by milling method.
Flood-plain and channel-aggradation rates were estimated at selected bridge sites in central and eastern Iowa using four aggradation-measurement methods. Aggradation rates were quantified at 10 bridge sites on the Iowa River upstream of Coralville Lake and at two bridge sites in the central part of Skunk River Basin. Measurement periods used to estimate average aggradation rates ranged in length from 1 to 98 years and varied among methods and sites. A direct comparison cannot be made between aggradation rates calculated using each of the four measurement methods because of differences in time periods and aggradational processes that were measured by each method.
Iowa has been using low slump concrete for repair and surfacing of deteriorated bridge decks on a routine basis since the mid 1960'2. More than 150 bridges have been resurfaced by this method with good results. A study was initiated in 1973 to evaluate 15 bridges resurfaced with low slump concrete, and one bridge resurfaced with latex modified concrete. The evaluation includes an assessment of concrete physical properties, chloride penetration rates, concrete consolidation, and riding qualities of the finished bridge deck. Results indicate that the overall properties of these two types of concrete are quite similar and have resulted in a contractor option concerning which system shall be used on bridge deck repair/resurfacing projects.
In 1975, Kossuth County had 492 miles of asphalt pavements, sixty percent of which were between l5 and 20 years old. Many of these roadways were in need of rehabilitation. Normally, asphaltic resurfacing would be the procedure for correcting the pavement deterioration. There are areas within the state of Iowa which do not have Class I aggregate readily available for asphalt cement concrete paving. Kossuth County is one of those areas. The problem is typified by this project. Limestone aggregate to be incorporated into the asphalt resurfacing had to be hauled 53 miles from the quarry to the plant site. The cost of hauling good quality aggregate coupled with the increasing cost of asphalt cement encouraged Kossuth County to investigate the possibility of asphaltic pavement recycling. Another problem, possibly unique to Kossuth County, was the way the original roadways had been constructed. A good clay soil was present under 3 to 4 feet of poorer soil. In order to obtain this good clay soil for subbase construction, the roadway ditches were excavated 1 to 3 feet into the clay soil layer. The resultant roadway tops were several feet above the surrounding farm land and generally less than 26 feet wide. To bring the existing roadway up to current minimum design width, there were two choices: One was to widen the roadway by truck hauling soil and constructing new 4 to 6 foot shoulders. The cost of widening by this method averaged $36,000 per mile in 1975. The other choice was to remove the old pavement and widen the roadway by lowering the grade line. The desire to provide wider paved roadways gave Kossuth County the additional incentive needed to proceed with a pavement recycling project.
Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) is one of the mostimportant quality sparkling wines in Europe. It is produced by thetraditional method in which a base wine is re-fermented and agedin the same bottle that reaches the consumer. The special ageing incontact with lees gives the cava a particular bouquet with toasty,sweet or lactic notes. These nuances could be related with thechemical composition of aroma. The methods required to analyzethe flavor of cava are revised. Three approaches are necessary toobtain a wider profile: chemical, olfactometric and sensory.
The objective of this work was to estimate the coefficient of parentage and to understand the genetic structure of 90 elite soybean cultivars, which are adapted to different Brazilian environments. A total of 4,005 coefficients of parentage (f) were obtained and used to group the cultivars by UPGMA method. The constructed dendrogram showed several related cultivar groups which shared similar ancestors and clearly showed the genetic structure of the main Brazilian cultivars. Effective population sizes (Ne) were also estimated for cultivars in different generations. The average f = 0.2124 value, obtained from cultivars classified into four decades according to the release year, suggested effective soybean population sizes of 11 and 13 calculated using arithmetic and weighted means, respectively. The relatively small Ne and the high parentage coefficient support the conclusion that there is a high similarity degree among the main soybean cultivars in Brazil.
Skin water loss of preterm infants, nursed naked in incubators under thermoneutral conditions, was assessed by a method based on the measurement of water vapor pressure gradient close to the skin surface. The corresponding skin evaporative heat loss was calculated using an energy equivalent of 0.58 kcal/g water vaporised. During the first 5 weeks of life, 128 sets of measurements were made on 56 infants whose gestational age ranged from 28 to 37 weeks. In the first week of life, infants of less than 30 weeks of gestation had substantially higher transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin evaporative heat loss (skin EHL) (41.5 +/- 11.5 g/kg X day TEWL; 24.1 +/- 6.5 kcal/kg X day skin EHL) than infants of 34 weeks and greater (11.1 +/- 4.1 g/kg X day; 6.4 +/- 2.4 kcal/kg X day). Infants of 30-33 weeks of gestation had intermediate values (22.4 +/- 7.6 g/kg X day; 13 +/- 4.4 kcal/kg X day). From the third week of life on, TEWL was similar for all preterm infants, i.e. 14.2 +/- 2.6 to 12.7 +/- 1.9 g/kg X day and corresponds to skin EHL of 8.2 +/- 1.5 to 7.4 +/- 1.1 kcal/kg X day. There was a significant inverse relationship between gestational age and TEWL and also between postnatal age and TEWL. In an additional group of 7 preterm infants (30-34 weeks of gestation, mean postnatal age of 21 +/- 9 days) transepidermal water loss and energy expenditure were measured simultaneously. The skin evaporative heat loss (8.8 +/- 2.5 kcal/kg X day) accounted for 17 +/- 5% of energy expenditure (53.3 +/- 4.1 kcal/kg X day). This study emphasizes that in infants of less than 30 weeks of gestation, the transepidermal water loss is of great importance and makes a major contribution to water and heat balances.
Sähkömoottorin jatkuva-aikainen kunnonvalvonta vaatii tiedonsiirtoa moottorilta ylemmälle tietojärjestelmätasolle, kuten taajuusmuuttajalle. Uusien kaapeleiden asennus on työlästä ja kallista. Moottorin ja taajuusmuuttajan välillä on kuitenkin aina kaapeli, jota käytetään moottorin tehonsyöttöön. Tätä kaapelia on mahdollista käyttää myös tiedonsiirtokanavana. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään ja tutkitaan sähköverkkotiedonsiirtomenetelmää, jonka avulla voidaan muodostaa Ethernet-yhteys moottorilta taajuusmuuttajalle tai toisinpäin. Työssä kehitetään simulointimalli tiedonsiirtokanavan taajuusriippuvan vaimennuksen simuloimiseen. Lisäksi kehitetään kytkentärajapinta, joka mahdollistaa tiedonsiirron kolmivaiheisessa taajuusmuuttajan syöttämässä moottorikaapelissa. Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan tiedonsiirtoa varten pilot-laitteisto, jolla tehdään laboratoriotestit. Laboratoriotesteillä varmistetaan menetelmän soveltuvuus. Laboratoriotestien avulla etsitään myös reunaehdot tiedonsiirron toiminnalle ja tiedonsiirtonopeuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä taajuusmuuttajakäytössä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan menetelmän aiheuttamaa viivettä, joka on tärkeäsäätösovellusten kannalta. Lopuksi arvioidaan menetelmän soveltuvuus käytännön sovelluksiin.
Jätteenpoltossa syntyvät tuhkat sisältävät paljon haitta-aineita, joiden vuoksi niitä ei yleensä voida suoraan sijoittaa kaatopaikoille. Käsittelyllä pyritään parantamaan tuhkien ominaisuuksia ja vähentämään haitta-aineiden liukoisuutta. Samalla kuitenkin käsittely kuluttaa raaka-aineita ja energiaa sekä aiheuttaa päästöjä. Tuhkien käsittelyn kokonaishyötyjä ja -haittoja ympäristön kannalta arvioitaessa tulisikin ottaa huomioon sekä käsiteltävän tuhkan parantuneet ominaisuudet että käsittelystä aiheutuneet ympäristökuormitukset. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oliselvittää jätteenpolton tuhkien käsittelystä aiheutuvia ympäristövaikutuksia tarkastelemalla esimerkinomaisesti neljää erilaista käsittelytekniikkaa (pesua, sementtikiinteytystä, Ferrox-prosessia ja vitrifiointia) sekä kahta muuta loppusijoitusvaihtoehtoa (mahdollisuutta sijoittaa tuhkat kaatopaikalle ilman käsittelyä ja kuljettamista Norjassa sijaitsevalle käsittely- ja loppusijoituslaitokselle). Tarkastelussa keskityttiin jätteenpolton ongelmallisimpiin tuhkajakeisiin, lentotuhkaan ja savukaasujen puhdistusjätteisiin eli APC-jätteisiin. Tavoitteena oli selvittää käsittelyvaihtoehdoista syntyvät ympäristökuormitukset ns. koko niiden elinkaaren ajalta, eli huomioiden käsittelyyn tarvittavien lisäaineiden valmistuksesta, itse käsittelyprosessista sekä loppusijoituksesta aiheutuvat kuormitukset. Tarkastelun perusteella eri käsittelyvaihtoehdot aiheuttavat hyvin erilaisia ja erisuuruisia ympäristökuormituksia. Lisäksi käsitellyn materiaalin ominaisuudet vaihtelevat huomattavasti käsittelytavasta riippuen. Tarkastelluista käsittelyvaihtoehdoista suurimmat ympäristökuormitukset ilmapäästöjen osalta aiheutuivat tyypillisesti joko käsittelyyn tarvittavien raaka-aineiden valmistuksesta tai itse käsittelyprosessin energiankulutuksesta. Loppusijoituksesta sen sijaan aiheutui ympäristöhaittoja kaatopaikkarakenteiden muodostamisesta sekä maaperään vapautuvista haitta-aineista, joiden määrä riippuu tuhkan käsittelyn tehokkuudesta.