991 resultados para Socio-territorial impacts
Background: Community participation has become an integral part of many areas of public policy over the last two decades. For a variety of reasons, ranging from concerns about social cohesion and unrest to perceived failings in public services, governments in the UK and elsewhere have turned to communities as both a site of intervention and a potential solution. In contemporary policy, the shift to community is exemplified by the UK Government’s Big Society/Localism agenda and the Scottish Government’s emphasis on Community Empowerment. Through such policies, communities have been increasingly encouraged to help themselves in various ways, to work with public agencies in reshaping services, and to become more engaged in the democratic process. These developments have led some theorists to argue that responsibilities are being shifted from the state onto communities, representing a new form of 'government through community' (Rose, 1996; Imrie and Raco, 2003). Despite this policy development, there is surprisingly little evidence which demonstrates the outcomes of the different forms of community participation. This study attempts to address this gap in two ways. Firstly, it explores the ways in which community participation policy in Scotland and England are playing out in practice. And secondly, it assesses the outcomes of different forms of community participation taking place within these broad policy contexts. Methodology: The study employs an innovative combination of the two main theory-based evaluation methodologies, Theories of Change (ToC) and Realist Evaluation (RE), building on ideas generated by earlier applications of each approach (Blamey and Mackenzie, 2007). ToC methodology is used to analyse the national policy frameworks and the general approach of community organisations in six case studies, three in Scotland and three in England. The local evidence from the community organisations’ theories of change is then used to analyse and critique the assumptions which underlie the Localism and Community Empowerment policies. Alongside this, across the six case studies, a RE approach is utilised to examine the specific mechanisms which operate to deliver outcomes from community participation processes, and to explore the contextual factors which influence their operation. Given the innovative methodological approach, the study also engages in some focused reflection on the practicality and usefulness of combining ToC and RE approaches. Findings: The case studies provide significant evidence of the outcomes that community organisations can deliver through directly providing services or facilities, and through influencing public services. Important contextual factors in both countries include particular strengths within communities and positive relationships with at least part of the local state, although this often exists in parallel with elements of conflict. Notably this evidence suggests that the idea of responsibilisation needs to be examined in a more nuanced fashion, incorporating issues of risk and power, as well the active agency of communities and the local state. Thus communities may sometimes willingly take on responsibility in return for power, although this may also engender significant risk, with the balance between these three elements being significantly mediated by local government. The evidence also highlights the impacts of austerity on community participation, with cuts to local government budgets in particular increasing the degree of risk and responsibility for communities and reducing opportunities for power. Furthermore, the case studies demonstrate the importance of inequalities within and between communities, operating through a socio-economic gradient in community capacity. This has the potential to make community participation policy regressive as more affluent communities are more able to take advantage of additional powers and local authorities have less resource to support the capacity of more disadvantaged communities. For Localism in particular, the findings suggest that some of the ‘new community rights’ may provide opportunities for communities to gain power and generate positive social outcomes. However, the English case studies also highlight the substantial risks involved and the extent to which such opportunities are being undermined by austerity. The case studies suggest that cuts to local government budgets have the potential to undermine some aspects of Localism almost entirely, and that the very limited interest in inequalities means that Localism may be both ‘empowering the powerful’ (Hastings and Matthews, 2014) and further disempowering the powerless. For Community Empowerment, the study demonstrates the ways in which community organisations can gain power and deliver positive social outcomes within the broad policy framework. However, whilst Community Empowerment is ostensibly less regressive, there are still significant challenges to be addressed. In particular, the case studies highlight significant constraints on the notion that communities can ‘choose their own level of empowerment’, and the assumption of partnership working between communities and the local state needs to take into account the evidence of very mixed relationships in practice. Most importantly, whilst austerity has had more limited impacts on local government in Scotland so far, the projected cuts in this area may leave Community Empowerment vulnerable to the dangers of regressive impact highlighted for Localism. Methodologically, the study shows that ToC and RE can be practically applied together and that there may be significant benefits of the combination. ToC offers a productive framework for policy analysis and combining this with data derived from local ToCs provides a powerful lens through which to examine and critique the aims and assumptions of national policy. ToC models also provide a useful framework within which to identify specific causal mechanisms, using RE methodology and, again, the data from local ToC work can enable significant learning about ‘what works for whom in what circumstances’ (Pawson and Tilley, 1997).
International audience
The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term
À Montréal, les Haïtiens forment le troisième groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilités et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences sur la redéfinition des concepts d’identité et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rétrécissement du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des médias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des Haïtiens montréalais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type récit de vie ont été menées auprès d’un échantillon représentant les différentes vagues d’immigration haïtienne et des tables rondes ont été organisées. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumière les trajectoires, les lieux et types d’ancrages ainsi que le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette communauté. Les résultats, non généralisables, mettent de l’avant le rôle important des médias dans l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la première vague a été facilité par la création de radios haïtiennes, ces dernières ayant aidé à cimenter la communauté d’alors. Pour les deuxièmes générations, les nouveaux médias permettent de s’identifier à la diaspora et de s’ancrer en Haïti, avec des projets de développement, comme à Montréal, à travers l’expérience du cosmopolitisme. Finalement, l’analyse des récits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les médias donnent la possibilité d’un ancrage inédit gardé à disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication.
Rather often we have to confront with the pessimistic views on the future of the family business. Contrary to these prognosis, the FB is not only present but also improving its position in the global economy and playing a key role in the European economy too. They represent 60 % of employment and more than 60 million jobs in the private sector. Among many internal challenges of FB in the five years’ time, the importance of the ‘company succession’ is increasing together with the renewing technology and ‘attracting the right sills/ talents’ (Global Family Survey, 2015). This article is focusing on the transfer of socio-economic wealth (SEW) as a key intangible asset within the intergenerational changes in the FB. The paper outlines the various concepts (narrow vs. broad) of the SEW and special attention is paid to the risk prone [taken] and risk adverse entrepreneurial attitudes. In this relation, the authors made distinction between the ‘opportunity’ and ‘necessity entrepreneurs’. Using empirical experiences based on multi-site company case studies in the three INSIST project countries, the various sub-sections are focusing on the transfer of the following key components of the SEW to the next generation: trust-based social-system, generic human values (i.e. openness, mutual respect, correctness, reliability, responsibility etc.) and ‘practice based – embedded collective knowledge’. Key lesson of this analysis is the following: transferring physical assets in the succession process seems to us less important than the transfer of the intangible one embedded in the company’s culture community. Further systematic national and international investigations – combining quantitative and qualitative research tools – are necessary to acquire more accurate picture on the impacts of transferring both intangible and tangible assets in the succession process in the FB.
À Montréal, les Haïtiens forment le troisième groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilités et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences sur la redéfinition des concepts d’identité et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rétrécissement du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des médias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des Haïtiens montréalais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type récit de vie ont été menées auprès d’un échantillon représentant les différentes vagues d’immigration haïtienne et des tables rondes ont été organisées. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumière les trajectoires, les lieux et types d’ancrages ainsi que le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette communauté. Les résultats, non généralisables, mettent de l’avant le rôle important des médias dans l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la première vague a été facilité par la création de radios haïtiennes, ces dernières ayant aidé à cimenter la communauté d’alors. Pour les deuxièmes générations, les nouveaux médias permettent de s’identifier à la diaspora et de s’ancrer en Haïti, avec des projets de développement, comme à Montréal, à travers l’expérience du cosmopolitisme. Finalement, l’analyse des récits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les médias donnent la possibilité d’un ancrage inédit gardé à disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication.
El Estado colombiano tiene una capacidad de sanción que ha sido diseñada para ser ejercida por el presidente de la república. En algunas ocasiones gracias a la figura de la delegación se les entregan estas facultades de sanción a los gobernadores, los alcaldes de los distritos y los alcaldes de los municipios, quienes actúan como representantes legales de estas entidades territoriales que hasta la fecha son las únicas que existen en Colombia. El presente trabajo evaluará esa capacidad de sanción en un tema especifico como es el procedimiento sancionatorio de alimentos, procedimiento que es similar en su estructura legal en todas las entidades territoriales, pero que en su aplicación presenta características diferentes, estas diferencias permiten demostrar la hipótesis planteada que los procedimientos sancionatorios en alimentos en las entidades territoriales son débiles, no obstante contar con toda la facultad sancionadora delegada para ejercer esta actividad.
The success of regional development policies depends on the homogeneity of the territorial units. This paper aims to propose a framework for obtaining homogenous territorial clusters based on a Pareto frontier considering multiple criteria related to territories’ endogenous resources, economic profile and socio-cultural features. This framework is developed in two phases. First, the criteria correlated with development at the territorial unit level are determined through statistical and econometric methods. Then, a multi-criteria approach is developed to allocate each territorial unit (parishes) to a territorial agglomerate, according to the Pareto frontier established.
A strategic planning process has been implemented at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency (Embrapa) to introduce sustainable development objectives in all steps of agricultural Research and Development. An essential component of the institutional mission statement hence devised has called for the systematic assessment of social and environmental impacts (in addition to the traditionally studied economic ones) of all technology innovations resulting from R&D. The proposed approach emphasizes the interest of promoting close interaction between R&D teams and technology-adopting producers, under actual field contexts, in order to improve both the technology development and the demand probing processes. Given the multiplicity of technological applications ensuing from Embrapa?s very broad research encompassment, and the variety of environmental and productive contexts involved, a customized impact assessment system has been proposed. Directed at the appraisal of agricultural technology development research projects (ex-ante) as well as their ensuing innovations (ex-post), the Ambitec-Agro System comprises a set of integrated socio-environmental indicators, constructed in modules suited to Agricultural, Animal husbandry, and Agro-industrial activities, besides a specific module for Social Impact Assessment. The system has been routinely applied in technology appraisal in all of Embrapa?s Units, as a basis for their institutional performance evaluations, and toward the formulation of the annual Social Balance Report. Following the inception of this institutional technology appraisal initiative, several methodological innovations have been proposed within Embrapa, including technical improvements and applicability adaptations of the Ambitec-Agro system, and approaches to further-reaching objectives, such as the sustainable development of rural communities, and the environmental management of agricultural activities.
Esta presentación tiene como objetivo sintetizar la experiencia de la participación de la ECG en las propuestas de ordenamiento territorial y la planificación urbana.Se trata es de evaluar la experiencia vista en su conjunto, es decir, nos interesa mas que las cuestiones técnicas, especificas, exponer cómo se ha desarrollado nuestra práctica frente a un objeto general que llamaremos “ordenamiento del territorio” desde la perspectiva de una geografía aplicada que opera en una formación socio política particular, es decir, en Costa Rica.Palabras Claves: Ordenamiento territorial. Planes reguladores. Urbanismo. Gobierno local. Interdisciplinariedad. Metodología positivista.AbstractThis presentation has as its objective to synthesize the experience of the ECG in participating in territorial organizational proposals and urban planning. It attempts to evaluate the experience viewed in its entirety, that is to say, the technical questions interest us less than showing how our practice has developed set against a general objective that we will call «territorial organization « from the perspective of applied geography that functions in a particular sociopolitical formation, that is to say, in Costa Rica.Key Words: Territorial Organization, Regulatory Plans, Urbanization, Local Government, Interdisciplinary, Positivist Methodology.
A partir de un trabajo mayor, denominado “Servicios públicos, políticas sociales y despoblamiento en poblaciones menores a 2000 habitantes del Sudeste Bonaerense”, se desarrolló un área de estudio inicial en dos pequeñas localidades que comprende entre 500 y 1100 habitantes. Las mismas son: San Agustín y Mechongué. El tema es desdoblado en el marco del Doctorado en Geografía de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Argentina). Para realizar el trabajo se han realizado encuestas, entrevistas e indagado diferentes organismos de acción relacionados con la construcción del territorio. El Estado, agrupa una diversidad importante de entes, organizaciones, instituciones políticas y normas que inciden en la transformación territorial. En el presente trabajo se analizan normas, planes y políticas de Estado comprendidas entre 1960 y la actualidad, relacionadas con el despoblamiento rural y cambios socio-económicos locales.Palabras Claves:Territorio. Estado. Políticas Públicas. Transformaciones territoriales. Resumo: A partir de um trabalho maior, denominado “Serviços públicos, políticas sociais e despovoamento em populações menores a 2000 habitantes do Sudeste Bonaerense”, desenvolveu-se uma área de estudo inicial em duas pequenas localidades que compreende entre 500 e 1,100 habitantes. As mesmas são: San Agustín e Mechongué. O tema é desdobrado no marco do Doutorado em Geografa da Universidade Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Argentina). Para realizar o trabalho se realizaram enquetes, entrevistas e indagados diferentes organismos de ação relacionados com a construção do território. O Estado concentra uma diversidade importante de entes, organizações, instituições políticas e normas que incidem na transformação territorial. No presente trabalho se analisam normas, planos e políticas de Estado compreendidas entre o ano 1960 e a atualidade, relacionadas com o despovoamento rural e mudanças socioeconômicos locais. Palavras finques: Território. Estado. Políticas Públicas. Transformações territoriais.
Frailty is a syndrome that leads to practical harm in the lives of elders, since it is related to increased risk of dependency, falls, hospitalization, institutionalization, and death. The objective of this systematic review was to identify the socio-demographic, psycho-behavioral, health-related, nutritional, and lifestyle factors associated with frailty in the elderly. A total of 4,183 studies published from 2001 to 2013 were detected in the databases, and 182 complete articles were selected. After a comprehensive reading and application of selection criteria, 35 eligible articles remained for analysis. The main factors associated with frailty were: age, female gender, black race/color, schooling, income, cardiovascular diseases, number of comorbidities/diseases, functional incapacity, poor self-rated health, depressive symptoms, cognitive function, body mass index, smoking, and alcohol use. Knowledge of the complexity of determinants of frailty can assist the formulation of measures for prevention and early intervention, thereby contributing to better quality of life for the elderly.
This study sought to evaluate the association between the impact of oral disorders in terms of physical/psychosocial dimensions and quality of life among the elderly. It involved a cross-sectional study conducted among the elderly (65-74 years) in 2008/2009. The social impact was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14) and the quality of life using the SF 12 Short-Form Health Survey. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis was conducted with correction for the design effect, using SPSS(r)18.0 software. Of the 800 individuals approached, 736 elderly individuals participated (TR = 92%), with a mean age of 67.77 years, the majority of whom showed no impact based on the measurement of the prevalence of OHIP. The functional limitation dimension of the OHIP was associated with the physical domain of the SF12, irrespective of the other variables investigated. However, the seriousness of OHIP and its psychological discomfort and disability dimensions was associated with the mental domain of the SF12. The conclusion reached is that some impacts of oral disorders were associated with unsatisfactory quality of life in the physical and mental domains.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física