656 resultados para Sipilä, Jorma: Valta yliopistoissa
Opintojenohjauksen tarve on kasvanut viime vuosien aikana suomalaisissa yliopistoissa. Kasvaneet valintamahdollisuudet ovat monimutkaistaneet tutkintorakenteita ja tätä kautta opiskelijoiden saaman henkilökohtaisen opintojensuunnittelun tarve on korostunut. Yliopistoilla on kuitenkin käytössään rajalliset resurssit opintojen ohjaukseen, joten ohjausta pyritään tehostamaan mutta samalla säilyttämään palvelun laatu. Tarkempi ja yksityiskohtaisempi ohjeistaminen ja opintosuunnitelmien mallipohjat ovat auttaneet opiskelijoiden tehtävää. Samalla opiskelijoilta on alettu vaatia henkilökohtaisen suunnitelman laatiminen jo opintojen alkuvaiheessa. Tässä diplomityössä on toteutettu tutkintorakenteeseen perustuva WWW-pohjainen opintojensuunnittelutyökalu. Järjestelmän toiminta perustuu relaatiotietokantaan mallinnettuun tutkintorakennetietoon ja sen hyödyntämiseen. Opiskelijat voivat käyttää tätä tietoa laatiessaan opintosuunnitelmiaan ja opintosuunnittelijat tarkastaessaan opiskelijoiden suunnitelmia. Järjestelmän avulla opintojensuunnittelua ja sen ohjaamista voidaan tehostaa ja samalla opiskelijoille voidaan tarjota keskitetty tietovarasto opintosuunnitelmansa säilyttämiseen ja ylläpitoon. Työn tuloksena toteutettu järjestelmä julkaistiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston tietotekniikan opiskelijoiden käyttöön keväällä 2005. Kerätyn saadun palautteen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että tämäntyyppiselle palvelulle osana yliopiston tarjoamaa opintojen ohjausta on olemassa oikea tarve.
On the variation in literary languages The article discusses the formation and development of several literary languages. The main objects of the study are the Finno-Ugric languages spoken in the Volga-Kama region (Russia), and Chuvash, but, for comparison, Norwegian, Arabic, Russian, Finnish and some other Finno-Ugric languages are treated, as well. A general classification of cases where linguistic variation tends to occur in standard languages is put forward. The author also discusses the question whether some kind of universal “normal” amount of variation can be defined for literary languages. The conclusion is that the degree of variation allowed in a literary norm is highly language-specific and depends on the characteristics of the linguistic situation and the history of the literary standard.
The goal of this research was to describe what are the stages to determining the job describtion of Category Adviser, what are the main tasks and compe¬tences of the Category Adviser and how the co-operation with his interest groups was build. The title of Category Adviser was greated in Rautakesko Ltd. in year 2001 and it is partly comparable with the work of a Sales Representa¬tive. The goal of a Category Adviser is to support retail sales and act between wholesales and retail sales. The theoretical portion of this thesis was done as a study of existing literature of ECR and Category Management, individual competencies, job description and the work of Sales Representatives. The theoretical framework of the thesis is named as "stages to determining the job description of Sales Representative who follows the practices of Category Management". The empirical approach was qualitative and the data was collected by theme interviews and the existing written documents from the company. The empirical findings supported mainly the theoretical framework and a model of "stages to determining the job description of Category Adviser" was build. It created new information because the job title is not being used in other compa¬nies and the environment where Category Adviser acts at the same time as member of retail chain and a supplier is quite unique in Finland. The stages to determining of job description are being governed by the changes in retail sector, Category Management and the retail chain business strategy. The goals of ECR-model and its demands for competence, tasks and organiza¬tional structure also affect the stages to job description. One should also follow the guidelines of job analysis and rules of defining the tasks in written job desciption. The most significant thing affecting the process was retail chain business strategy. It started the process and it affects the environment where Category Adviser works. The study also proved that the co-operation between the interest groups is vey importand but it must be defined in a better way. Through that the co-operation will be better and the work of Category Adviser will be more efficient.
Kommentti artikkeliin: Tutkijan taakka eli Rooman historian kirjoittamisen vaikeus / Joonas Sipilä & Kaius Tuori