517 resultados para RENT
This paper uses a unique dataset of political corruption, constructed from municipal audit reports obtained from Brazil’s randomized anti-corruption program, to test whether reelection incentives affect the level of rent extraction of incumbent politicians. In order to identify reelection incentives, we use the existence of a term limit in Brazil’s municipal elections. We find that in municipalities where mayors are in their second and final term, there is significantly more corruption compared to similar municipalities where mayors are in their first-term. In particular, in municipalities with second-term mayors there is, on average, R$188,431 more diversion of resources and the incidence of irregularities is 23% higher. We also find more pronounced effects where the costs of rent-extraction are lower (municipalities without media and judicial presence), and the density of pivotal voters is higher (more political competition). Finally, we show that first-term mayors, while less corrupt, have a larger incidence of poor administration suggesting that there may exist a trade-off between corruption and quality in public good provision.
A abertura democrática no Brasil criou um otimismo com a possibilidade do resolver seus problemas crônicos como inflação e corrupção. Foi feita uma panaceia sobre democracia; da democracia surgiriam as soluções para todos os males. Entretanto, a história recente mostra que a democracia não coincide com a eliminação da corrupção e inflação crônicas. Ao contrário, a corrupção causou danos a algumas instituições fundamentais da democracia como o Presidente e o Confresso. Infelizmente, a corrupção é muito perigosa para a democracia. Como observou Tocqueville, com sua perspicácia natural, o povo até tolera a corrupção numa tirania, por ser um fato comum neste tipo de governo. Não obstante, em uma democracia, a corrupção é inaceitável porque pessoas comuns são eleitas para representar cidadãos, e não para trabalhar contra eles. Os últimos escândalos envolvendo corrupção no Brasil, como o caso Collor e principalmente o uso “inadequado” do orçamento nacional foram importantes porque mostraram a incapacidade da sociedade para controlar este fator de risco institucional.. É interessante notar que em outros grandes casos de corrupção na América Latina, como no Gráu, Cuba , Portillo, México ou mesmo na Venezuela, durante os eufóricos anos 70, a situação econômica e até mesmo política não eram ruins. Entretanto, no Brasil, aparentemente, a corrupção política cresceu num período de crises estruturais. Infelizmente este fato tem um resultado considerável: o crescente pessimismo do homem comum sobre o futuro. Entretanto a corrupção pode ser estudada cientificamente. Pode ser vista como uma escolha racional de comportamento compelido por instituições e esquemas de incentivos. Talvez alguns resultados interessantes possam emergir deste tipo de especulação histórica e teórica sobre o comportamento corrupto. Este é o maior objetivo deste estudo.
No Brasil, historicamente, as companhias sempre detiveram ativos imobiliários (sede social, plantas fabris, galpões, etc.), influenciadas pela instabilidade macroeconômica, o que acarretava a dificuldade em estimar o preço do dinheiro. Com o controle inflacionário, foi possível expandir formas de financiamento de longo prazo, permitindo que as empresas passassem a realizar a alocação de recursos financeiros com mais eficiência, direcionando-os para as suas atividades principais. Assim, a discussão sobre a propriedade imobiliária pelas empresas é recente. E, há menos tempo ainda é que foram elaboradas novas alternativas, como os fundos de investimento imobiliário que tornaram-se mais representativos nos últimos três anos. Este trabalho visa analisar sobre as razões que permitem aos fundos de investimento imobiliário serem propostos como uma opção para as empresas realizarem a gestão de seus ativos imobiliários, quando estas buscarem não imobilizar recursos, mas sim, a locação do imóvel. Para alcançar este objetivo, o trabalho fará uma abordagem qualitativa, apresentando as características operacionais e tributárias dos fundos imobiliários e dois estudos de casos de empresas que promoveram a desmobilização de ativos por meio de fundos imobiliários. O primeiro caso é a venda de um centro de distribuição do Magazine Luiza, uma das maiores redes varejistas no Brasil, para o fundo Kinea Renda Imobiliária. O segundo exemplo é o processo de desmobilização do Banco do Brasil e o desenvolvimento do fundo BB Progressivo II. Será verificado que os objetivos das empresas foram alcançados nos dois casos e que, de fato, os fundos imobiliários podem ser considerados como uma alternativa. Entretanto, não é possível a conclusão de que ele produza os melhores resultados e que exista alguma atividade empresarial que tenha maior propensão a sua utilização. A pesquisa aborda os fundos de investimento imobiliário com o foco no locatário e possibilita que sejam aprimorados estudos quantitativos, identificando reações do mercado brasileiro ao aumento na quantidade de operações, e outras pesquisas qualitativas que envolvam novas estruturas de financiamento.
Com o fenômeno da globalização, verificou-se o aumento do volume de transações comerciais entre os países, bem como da concentração de poder econômico das organizações empresariais. Esse aumento das operações comerciais e, consequentemente, do montante de dinheiro nelas envolvido, criou ambiente mais favorável à corrupção. Pelo fato de a corrupção trazer prejuízos à ordem econômica mundial e ao sistema democrático, a comunidade mundial passou a demandar um regime de intervenção estatal maior no seu combate, principalmente a partir dos anos 90. O combate à corrupção se deu por meio dos compromissos assumidos pelos países, que assinaram Convenções nesse sentindo. O presente estudo abordou os reflexos negativos da corrupção na economia e sociedade brasileiras, e os instrumentos internacionais que foram adotados pelo país numa tentativa de diminuí-la. Tratou-se, ainda, do sistema legislativo brasileiro de combate à corrupção e dos aspectos da Lei nº 12.846/13, chamada de lei anticorrupção. Ponto importante do estudo foi a análise da possibilidade de redução das sanções trazida pela referida Lei nº 12.846/13, pela existência dos "mecanismos e procedimentos internos de integridade, auditoria e incentivo à denuncia de irregularidades e a aplicação efetiva de códigos de ética e de conduta", ou seja, os "programas de Compliance". Procurou-se analisar as implicações jurídicas da adoção de programas de Compliance anticorrupção, quais os elementos daquilo que pode ser considerado um programa efetivo com base nos parâmetros internacionais, se esses elementos podem ser eficientes e em que medida no combate à corrupção. Por fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa na companhia Localiza Rent a Car S/A, empresa locadora de veículos, a fim de verificar quais elementos constam do seu programa e se possuem os elementos tidos como mínimos e essenciais extraídos das referências internacionais e nacionais.
Neste trabalho, propomos uma análise sobre as estratégias de rearticulação identitária do Brasil na primeira década do século XXI, tendo em vista a projeção internacional do país via Diplomacia Cultural. Para tanto, definimos como objeto de nossa análise as relações entre o Brasil e a França, a partir de dois eventos principais: (i) O ano do Brasil na França e (ii) o Ano da França no Brasil. A partir das contribuições teórico-metodológicas originárias da vertente francesa sobre a História Cultural, bem como da Escola Inglesa de Relações Internacionais e do campo da Historiografia das Relações Culturais Internacionais, buscamos verificar como a Diplomacia Cultural, no caso brasileiro, deve ser compreendida enquanto uma política de governo, favorecida pelo ethos articulado e disponibilizado do país e de seus representantes em alguns momentos de sua história – em nosso caso, durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). Nesse sentido, buscamos perceber como a discursividade sobre múltiplas identidades brasileiras se insere nesse contexto enquanto mecanismo de projeção do Brasil no cenário internacional.
We use a unique dataset of c. 2200 commercial towers located in the city of Sao Paulo from 2005:Q3 to 2014:Q3 to study the relationship between asset quality and potential income in different niches of the office market. Our evidence suggests a rent premium in the market for larger office space (corporate) and that building quality is more relevant in this segment. We hypothesize such difference is due to larger competition and commoditization in the market for smaller office space (office) as income in this segment tends to be insensible to different levels of asset quality when we control for spatial variation. We also find that rent premiums associated with building class are monotonically increasing, but not strictly positive across certain quality thresholds. Thus, landlords and developers should take into consideration the market niche and acceptable target building class levels when designing their investment plans in order to maximize income .
We study the desirability of limits on the public debt and of political competition in an economy where political parties alternate in office. Due to rent-seeking motives, incumbents have an incentive to set public expenditures above the socially optimal level. Parties cannot commit to future policies, but they can forge a political compromise where each party curbs excessive spending when in office if it expects future governments to do the same. In contrast to the received literature, we find that strict limits on government borrowing can exacerbate political-economy distortions by rendering a political compromise unsustainable. This tends to happen when political competition is limited. Conversely, a tight limit on the public debt fosters a compromise that yields the efficient outcome when political competition is vigorous, saving the economy from immiseration. Our analysis thus suggests a legislative tradeoff between restricting political competition and constraining the ability of governments to issue debt.
Starting from the perspective of heterodox Keynesian-Minskyian-Kindlebergian financial economics, this paper begins by highlighting a number of mechanisms that contributed to the current financial crisis. These include excess liquidity, income polarisation, conflicts between financial and productive capital, lack of intelligent regulation, asymmetric information, principal-agent dilemmas and bounded rationalities. However, the paper then proceeds to argue that perhaps more than ever the ‘macroeconomics’ that led to this crisis only makes analytical sense if examined within the framework of the political settlements and distributional outcomes in which it had operated. Taking the perspective of critical social theories the paper concludes that, ultimately, the current financial crisis is the outcome of something much more systemic, namely an attempt to use neo-liberalism (or, in US terms, neo-conservatism) as a new technology of power to help transform capitalism into a rentiers’ delight. And in particular, into a system without much ‘compulsion’ on big business; i.e., one that imposes only minimal pressures on big agents to engage in competitive struggles in the real economy (while inflicting exactly the opposite fate on workers and small firms). A key component in the effectiveness of this new technology of power was its ability to transform the state into a major facilitator of the ever-increasing rent-seeking practices of oligopolistic capital. The architects of this experiment include some capitalist groups (in particular rentiers from the financial sector as well as capitalists from the ‘mature’ and most polluting industries of the preceding techno-economic paradigm), some political groups, as well as intellectual networks with their allies – including most economists and the ‘new’ left. Although rentiers did succeed in their attempt to get rid of practically all fetters on their greed, in the end the crisis materialised when ‘markets’ took their inevitable revenge on the rentiers by calling their (blatant) bluff.
Latin America’s economic performance since the beginning of neo-liberal reforms has been poor; this not only contrasts with its own performance pre-1980, but also with what has happened in Asia since 1980. I shall argue that the weakness of the region’s new paradigm is rooted as much in its intrinsic flaws as in the particular way it has been implemented. Latin America’s economic reforms were undertaken primarily as a result of the perceived economic weaknesses of the region — i.e., there was an attitude of ‘throwing in the towel’ vis-à-vis the previous state-led import substituting industrialisation strategy, because most politicians and economists interpreted the 1982 debt crisis as conclusive evidence that it had led the region into a cul-de-sac. As Hirschman has argued, policymaking has a strong component of ‘path-dependency’; as a result, people often stick with policies after they have achieved their aims, and those policies have become counterproductive. This leads to such frustration and disappointment with existing policies and institutions that is not uncommon to experience a ‘rebound effect’. An extreme example of this phenomenon is post-1982 Latin America, where the core of the discourse of the economic reforms that followed ended up simply emphasising the need to reverse as many aspects of the previous development (and political) strategies as possible. This helps to explain the peculiar set of priorities, the rigidity and the messianic attitude with which the reforms were implemented in Latin America, as well as their poor outcome. Something very different happened in Asia, where economic reforms were often intended (rightly or wrongly) as a more targeted and pragmatic mechanism to overcome specific economic and financial constraints. Instead of implementing reforms as a mechanism to reverse existing industrialisation strategies, in Asia they were put into practice in order to continue and strengthen ambitious processes of industrialisation.
In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This dissertation analyses the Brazilian housing policy of today s, focusing on the programmes in the socalled Social Interest Housing Subsystem in order to discuss to what extent the government has been able to grant housing constitutional rights in the country. The discussion is about housing policy and the principles in the country s Constitution regarding the role of housing as a social right, a right that must be granted by the state. This refers to land rent theory to understand the relationship between capital and property and the reasons why, under capitalism, housing becomes a commodity in the market. Then, it discusses the national housing policy, which emphasizes land ownership through financing, that is, via market, a process that excludes all low income population. In the conclusion, it is clear that, although government programmes cover extensively at least potentially the national territory as well as social group, subsidized housing programmes cannot be implemented in the city due to land prices because subsidy is too low. In this way, the law that grants housing rights to all Brazilian citizens is violated
Com o objetivo de reproduzir sintomas de malformação de raízes, observados em campo, foram estuda dos os efeitos do trifluralin sobre Arachis hypogaea L., cultivar Tatu, em condições de vaso, em Jaboticabal, SP. Quatro formulações de trifluralin foram aplicadas em solo Latossol Roxo - série Jaboticabal, barro argiloso, com 2,7% de matéria orgânica, em dosagem correspondentes a 1,5; 3,0 e 6,0 litros da formulação comercial por ha. Cada vaso contendo 2,5 1 -de solo, recebeu duas sementes pré -germinada s e foi mantido sob condições de casa-de-vegetação durante 29 dias. Foi adotado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com treze tratamentos e quatro repetições, perfazendo total de 52 parcelas. Aos 29 dias as plantas, foram retiradas e determinadas as seguintes características: peso da matéria seca das raízes, dos caules, dos pecíolos e dos folíolos; número de folíolos; área foliar e comprimento da haste principal. Alterações morfológicas externas e internas foram observadas. Os resultados mostraram que as partes subter rân eas das plantas foram afetadas, com uma correlação linear negativa e significativa entre o aumento da dose dos herbicidas e peso da matéria. As folhas se mostraram pouco sensíveis, sendo que nenhuma das formulações diminuiu o número de foliolos da planta. A área foliar e o peso da matéria seca dos folíolos somente foram afetados pelo aumento da dose de T. Fecotrigo com va lores de F iguais a 9,62* e 7,61*, respectivamente. de modo geral,po de-se concluir que o maior efeito ocorre devido ao incremento nas doses e não devido a possiveis diferenças entre os tipos de formula ções testadas. Quanto a alterações morfológicas observou-se que nas doses mais elevadas houve grande diminuição na quantidade de raízes, com raízes secundárias curtas e grossas. O hipocótilo emitiu raízes até a altura do nó cotiledonar. Na dose de 3,0 1/ha já foram notadas raízes secundárias um pouco mais espessas que na dose de 1,5 1/ha. As lâminas histológicas de amostras da re gião do hipocótilo mostraram parên quima cortical bastante espesso, de vido ao maior numero de camadas de células, porém não se notou anormalidade na forma das células, nem nos demais tecidos da região estudada.
The text, to be held in different linguistic spheres, in many aspects absorbs the changing processes through which language passes as a result of socio-historical changes. In this sense, this research proposes a study on gender sorted, motivated by the desire of understanding how the text incorporates traces of change and how to keep its constituents over time, in order to point out what are its characteristic traits. Our analysis is centered on the newspaper s section called classificados of Tribuna do Norte, state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the XX and XXI centuries. From the survey data a descriptive and analytical analysis was performed with a corpus of 250 listings, divided between the years 1951-2010. Based on a diachronic analysis, we also seek to investigate the macro-structural aspects of gender and microstructural compositional elements from the opportunities section that originated the Caderno de Classificados . For this reason, this approach has focused on particular Roman German Philology, especially in the works of Coseriu (1980) and Kabatek (2006). The analysis revealed that since its inception in Brazil, the classificados have fixed constituent elements, such as the use of "sell" and "rent" in the title or introduction, but also shows traces of change in the closure of the text, and especially with regard to the division of classificados by area of interest, that in the newspaper called Tribuna do Norte started in the Opportunities section
For a complete comprehension of the effect of tooth loss is necessary to listen to the patients that have it. This study, of qualitative approach, investigate, in the dental history of users of SUS, listening to his/her experiences with the services of dental care, the reason that lead his/her to dental lost and the repercussion of this in his/her life. The collect of data was made by narrative interview, obeying to a pre-defined schema. The subjects interviewed were six (three of urban zone and three of rural zone), all of them were users of Family Health Units. The criterions of inclusion were the followings: the presence of tooth lost (total lost in both dental arch or in one of them, or partial lost in at least six elements in one of the arches); age between 25 and 59; male or female; to live in municipal district of São Tomé/RN or Natal/RN. Based on previous interviews was elaborated the odontological history of each patient. Such narratives, systemized in odontological history, were analyzed taking as base the studies of Souza71 and the proposal of Schutze, suggested for Jovchelovitch, Bauer34. The results show that toothache was the main reason for the search of odontological care. The patients confront the ache with home-made medicaments, allopathic ones, and searching for dental care. The searching for exodontics was stimulated for geographic access difficulties or for repressed demand, which as a result produced the aggravation of the lesions and the discredit in restoration s treatment. The self-care practice of tooth-brush with juá or toothpaste and the controlled ingestion of sugar was not sufficient to avoid dental lost. Guilty sentiments were identified in relation with lack of care with teeth. The acceptance of dental lost as a natural factor is an important motivation in lack of pain and in the belief that it was a simple part of life in old age. Life with dental prosthesis makes clear the difference between which was natural and which was unnatural, and difficulties with the prosthesis appeared. The limitation of the prosthesis in its functional aspect can be compensated by esthetic restitution, making possible smiling expression. Starting with this study and considering the high number of dental lost, mainly in low-rent population, which live with toothless limitations or bad-quality prosthesis which do not rehabilitate adequately, we suggested the realization of qualitative researches which include, also, another actors in heath care services such as professionals and administrators