867 resultados para Prevention Accident


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These standards will apply to all organisations providing mental & emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention services which are funded by the PHA.


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INTRODUCTION: Anaemia during chemotherapy is often left untreated. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents are frequently used to treat overt anaemia. Their prophylactic use, however, remains controversial and raises concerns about cost-effectiveness. Therefore, we assessed the efficacy of a dose-reduction schedule in anaemia prophylaxis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included patients with untreated solid tumours about to receive platinum-based chemotherapy and had haemoglobin (Hb) levels ≥11 g/dL. Epoetin-α was administered at a dose level of 3 × 10,000 U weekly as soon as Hb descended to < 13 g/dL. Dose reductions to 3 × 4,000 U and 3 × 2,000 U weekly were planned in 4-week intervals if Hb stabilised in the range of 11-13 g/dL. Upon ascending to ≥13 g/dL, epoetin was discontinued. Iron supplements of 100 mg intravenous doses were given weekly. Of 37 patients who enrolled, 33 could be evaluated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Their median Hb level was 13.7 (10.9-16.2) g/dL at baseline and descended to 11.0 (7.4-13.8) g/dL by the end of chemotherapy. Anaemia (Hb < 10 g/dL) was prevented in 24 patients (73%). The mean dose requirement for epoetin-α was 3 × 5,866 U per week per patient, representing a dose reduction of 41%. Treatment failed in nine patients (27%), in part due to epoetin-α resistance in four (12%) and blood transfusion in three (9%) patients. CONCLUSION: Dose reduction was as effective as fixed doses in anaemia prophylaxis but reduced the amount of prescribed epoetin substantially.


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The prevalence of unhealthy drinking at all levels in Irish society poses serious issues in terms of the consequence to individuals concerned, as well as to society as a whole. The workplace offers a useful setting for early identification and intervention with new employees who may have pre-existing alcohol use disorder issues. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness within the workplace of a brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) intervention in reducing participants binge and risky drinking behaviours. Twenty-six Irish Naval recruits volunteered to participate in this randomised controlled trial. The intervention was conducted over four consecutive one and a half hour weekly sessions. Participants completed four principle outcome measures at intake, termination of the intervention and at the two-month follow-up assessment. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Babor, Higginis-Biddle, Saunders & Monterio, 2001) was used to measures participants’ consumption levels and frequency of binge or risky drinking. A Readiness Ruler (Miller, Zweben, Diclemente, & Rychtarik, 1992) was used to measure participants’ readiness to change drinking, while the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (Young & Oei, 1996) was used to measure participants’ beliefs pertaining to alcohol, and their ability to refuse alcohol in high-risk social surroundings. There were preliminary data in support of the intervention. There were interaction effects that approached statistical significance for both a reduction in participants’ binge drinking (p =. 064) and an increase in participants’ ability to refuse alcohol in high-risk social settings (p = .059). There was also a significant interaction effect (pThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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To investigate the range and utilisation of community based drug prevention services using the Belfast Youth Development Study data, along with in depth interviews and documentary analysis. It is hoped the research will inform local policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report presents a brief outline of the Substance Misuse Prevention Project at the end of its first year. The report outlines developments under the following headings: Education and training; Community development; Raising awareness and developing resources; Building local contacts; Multi-agency activities; Advice and referral; and, Research and monitoring.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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In 2008 a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland was published. The plan aimed to contribute to a reduction in new infections of HIV and AIDS through education and prevention measures. It also aimed to guide and inform the development of policy and services in the statutory and non-statutory sectors with responsibility in this regard. This report is produced as a response to a letter from the Secretariat of the National AIDS Strategy Committee (NASC). The letter requested “feedback from the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee on prevention activities currently in place and on progress to date on the Education and Prevention Action Plan (2008-2012).” In addition, action 2 under Action Area 5: Monitoring and evaluation states that “a mid-term review of the implementation of this action plan should be published”. We note from the HPSC data that there has been a slight decrease in the overall number of new HIV infections however; there has been a huge concern over the large increase in new diagnoses in men who have sex with men (MSM). Although we cannot provide the evidence for the reason for this increase, it is stipulated that there has been a huge increase in the education and prevention programmes targeted at MSM and the report will show the evidence of that increase (Action Area 3: Preventing new infections: population group MSM). There is a presumption that because of increased awareness, access and confidence of MSM and improved treatment that there are more MSM being tested and more diagnoses. This report presents an update on the progress of the implementation of the actions in the HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Plan 2008-2012.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The goal of this Report is to review all the relevant research in order to generate a comprehensive series of recommendations on food, nutrition, and physical activity, designed to reduce the risk of cancer and suitable for all societies. This process is also the basis for a continuous review of the evidence.


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As was the case in 2010 when the National Institutes of Health issued a consensus statement on the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there remains a lack of firm evidence for dementia prevention. Because of the difficulties in studying this phenomenon, no modifiable risk factors for dementia have been definitively established, and no pharmaceutical or nutritional supplements been proven to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline. However, longitudinal observational studies have identified several factors associated with dementia. A recent review article summarizes the current epidemiological evidence about Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and presents three ongoing large scale randomized control trials (RCTs) that focus on preventing dementia. The review argues that there is substantial evidence for many factors that, in combination, might reduce the risk of, or delay the onset of, dementia. Although no specific cure for dementia exists, and no specific pathway between risk factor and disease onset has been identified, several cardiovascular, stress, toxicity, and psychosocial variables have been repeatedly associated with dementia. Protective factors, such as high education, physical exercise, and not smoking cigarettes, have been identified as well. Intervention studies that account for these multiple factors may well identify strategies for preventing or delaying dementia. However, the protective effects and risk factors suggested by observational data have yet to be assessed in RCT research. The role of such factors in reducing or increasing the risk for dementia needs to be more specifically defined. Three ongoing RCT studies in Europe show promise in this area, as they target multiple risk and protective factors by promoting healthy lifestyle changes and medical treatment of vascular diseases. These are: FINGER, a Finnish trial involving 1,200 older adults at risk for dementia. This intervention features nutritional guidance, physical activity, cognitive and social engagement, and medical management of risk factors. Participants were involved in previous, intensive observational studies of vascular health and health behavior, so FINGER will provide a level of relevant information about its research subjects that is normally impossible for clinical RCTs to attain;MAPT, a multicenter study of 1,680 frail older adults in France. This study will compare the efficacy of omega-3 dietary supplementation with a multidomain training intervention that involves physical and cognitive training. The study will include follow-up assessments after five years;PreDIVA, a Dutch study of 3,534 community dwelling participants between 70 and 78 years old, recruited from primary care clinics. This study will compare standard medical care with a multicomponent vascular health intervention. The study will last for six years and measure both dementia and disability outcomes. These studies are an important step in dementia research, using earlier observational studies as the basis for rigorously assessed interventions. Although a cure for dementia has not been identified, this new research may identify preventive strategies against dementia. �� Source: Mangialasche F, Kivipelto M, et al. (2012). Dementia prevention: current epidemiological evidence and future perspective. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy 4:6.


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The prevalence of lymphedema is clearly underestimated. Too few patients receive treatment. It requires several specifically trained participants and must be conceived in the long term given the chronic nature and the incurability of this pathology. Prevention is therefore of major importance. Successfully applied to operated women for breast cancer, other models of coverage deserve to be developed to reduce the incidence of lymphedema and its complications, particularly after oncologic, orthopedic and vascular surgery and for patients affected by venous insufficiency.


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The aim of this pilot study was to develop, deliver and monitor a programme aimed at the prevention of obesity in primary school children. Objectives1. To develop a school-based / family-orientated intervention programme to prevent obesity in children under 10 years of age. 2. To implement an intervention programme that is acceptable and appropriate for primary school-aged children. 3. To monitor and evaluate the programme and determine if there is an appropriateintervention(s) to prevent obesity in primary school-aged children. 4. If a successful programme(s) is identified, disseminate this at a national level.


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This guidance has been partially updated byCG189 Obesity (update), PH53 Managing overweight and obesity in adults – lifestyle weight management services and NG7 Maintaining a healthy weight and preventing excess weight gain among adults and children. Go straight to the recommendations Evidence used to create this guideline (full guideline) Section 1.1.1 of this guideline has been replaced by Maintaining a healthy weight and preventing excess weight gain among adults and children(2015) NICE guideline NG7. Section 1.2 of this guideline has been replaced by Obesity: identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in children, young people and adults NICE guideline CG189. Section 1.1.7 of this guideline has been replaced by Managing overweight and obesity in adults – lifestyle weight management services (2014) NICE guideline PH53.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Domestic accidents are an important problem in paediatric medicine. This study was designed to gain a better understanding of burn mechanisms and target prevention. METHODS: Children treated for burn lesions in the Department of Paediatric Surgery between August 2004 and August 2005 were included in this prospective study. The burn mechanisms, the children's ages and the circumstances in which children were burned as well as their home environment variables were analyzed. RESULTS: The current study included eighty-nine patients, aged between 2 months and 15 years. Seventy-eight percent were less than 5 years old. More than half were boys. Hot liquid scalding was the most frequent mechanism. There does not seem to be an increased risk in the immigrant population or in low economic status families. In most cases, an adult person was present at time of injury. CONCLUSIONS: If we were to describe the highest "at risk" candidate for a burn in our region, it would be a boy aged 15 months to 5 years who is burned by a cup of hot liquid on his hand, at home, around mealtime, in the presence of one or both parents. Reduced attention in the safe domestic setting is probably responsible.


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This booklet provides nurseries and childcare settings with comprehensive infection prevention and control advice.It includes simple, practical and easily understood guidance on the day-to-day implementation of good infection prevention and control practices, as well as specific actions to take in the event of outbreaks of infection.Areas covered include suitable childcare premises, hand hygiene, immunisation, decontamination, toys, personal items, toilets, nappy changing, laundry, food hygiene and pets.The booklet includes illustrations, diagrams, a glossary and key points to remember in each section to ensure the advice is easy for all staff to understand and pass on to others.It also provides contact details for each of the Health and Social Care early years teams in Northern Ireland.