963 resultados para Pocket money


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A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Missoulian, March 6, 2015 Ravalli Republic, March 7 2015 Montana Standard, March 9, 2015 Billings Gazette, March 19, 2015


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the bleeding on probing (BOP) tendency and periodontal probe penetration when applying various probing forces at implant sites in patients with a high standard of oral hygiene with well-maintained peri-implant tissues. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventeen healthy patients with excellent oral hygiene in a maintenance program after having been treated for periodontitis or gingivitis were recruited. Missing teeth had been replaced using oral implants. The BOP and probing depth (PPD) were assessed at the mid-buccal, mid-oral, mesial and distal aspects of the buccal surfaces of each implant. Moreover, contralateral teeth were designated and assessed for BOP and PPD in the same locations and at the same observation visits. At each visit, implants and contralateral teeth were randomly assigned to one of the standardized probing forces (0.15 or 0.25 N). The second probing force was applied at the repetition of the examination 7 days later. RESULTS: Increasing the probing pressure by 0.1 N from 0.15 N resulted in an increase of BOP percentage by 13.7% and 6.6% for implants and contralateral teeth, respectively. There appeared to be a significant difference of the mean BOP percentage at implant and tooth sites when a probing pressure of 0.25 N was applied. A significantly deeper mean PPD at implant sites compared with tooth sites was found irrespective of the probing pressure applied. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study demonstrated that 0.15 N might represent the threshold pressure to be applied to avoid false positive BOP readings around oral implants. Hence, probing around implants demonstrated a higher sensitivity compared with probing around teeth.


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GABA(A) receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Some of them are targets of benzodiazepines that are widely used in clinical practice for their sedative/hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects. In order to rationally separate these different drug actions, we need to understand the interaction of such compounds with the benzodiazepine-binding pocket. With this aim, we mutated residues located in the benzodiazepine-binding site individually to cysteine. These mutated receptors were combined with benzodiazepine site ligands carrying a cysteine reactive group in a defined position. Proximal apposition of reaction partners will lead to a covalent reaction. We describe here such proximity-accelerated chemical coupling reactions of alpha(1)S205C and alpha(1)T206C with a diazepam derivative modified at the C-3 position with a reactive isothiocyanate group (-NCS). We also provide new data that identify alpha(1)H101C and alpha(1)N102C as exclusive sites of the reaction of a diazepam derivative where the -Cl atom is replaced by a -NCS group. Based on these observations we propose a relative positioning of diazepam within the benzodiazepine-binding site of alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2) receptors.


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At the 111th German Medical Assembly in May 2008 in Ulm, Germany, a public debate on rationing of health care performances was started. Since the money in the German health care system is not enough to provide every diagnostic or therapy for every patient as a coverage of the compulsory medical insurances, a lot of specific health care performances have been rationed during the last years not to be covered by the regular medical insurance any more, such as, e. g., PSA measurements in urology or IOP measurements in ophthalmology. In contrast to the health care system in Scandinavia, where rationing of health care performances is publicly documented by the government, no similar public statements exist in Germany. Due to this, it is left to physicians to explain to their patients the "hidden" rationing of public health care performances, which also leads to an increase in individual health care performances (IGeL in Germany) to be paid for privately by the patient. It is undoubtedly true that not all medically possible performances need to be paid for by the health insurance; however, an official determination of these "out of pocket" health care performances is necessary. Therefore, it was the aim herein to work out possible "stop" criteria--according to the Scandinavian system--for common eye diseases and consecutive therapies, which need not be paid for or only be paid after a delay by the health insurances.


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Der Beitrag fokussiert die Entwicklung, den Einsatz und die Nutzung von innovativen Technologien zur Unterstützung von Bildungsszenarien in Schule, Hochschule und Weiterbildung. Ausgehend von den verschiedenen Phasen des Corporate Learning, Social Learning, Mobile Learning und Intelligent Learning wird in einem ersten Abschnitt das Nutzungsverhalten von Technologien durch Kinder, Jugendliche und (junge) Erwachsene in Schule, Studium und Lehre betrachtet. Es folgt die Darstellung technologischer Entwicklungen auf Basis des Technology Life Cycle und die Konsequenzen von unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszuständen und Reifegraden von Technologien wie Content Learning Management, sozialen Netzwerken, mobilen Endgeräten, multidimensionalen und -modalen Räumen bis hin zu Anwendungen augmentierter Realität und des Internets der Dinge, Dienste und Daten für den Einsatz und die Nutzung in Bildungsszenarien. Nach der Darstellung von Anforderungen an digitale Technologien hinsichtlich Inhalte, Didaktik und Methodik wie etwa hinsichtlich der Erstellung von Inhalten, deren Wiederverwendung, Digitalisierung und Auffindbarkeit sowie Standards werden methodische Hinweise zur Nutzung digitaler Technologien zur Interaktion von Lernenden, von Lehrenden, sozialer Interaktion, kollaborativem Autorieren, Kommentierung, Evaluation und Begutachtung gegeben. Abschließend werden - differenziert für Schule und Hochschule - Erkenntnisse zu Rahmenbedingungen, Einflussgrößen, hemmenden und fördernden Faktoren sowie Herausförderungen bei der Einführung und nachhaltigen Implementation digitaler Technologien im schulischen Unterricht, in Lehre, Studium und Weiterbildung im Überblick zusammengefasst.


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While equal political representation of all citizens is a fundamental democratic goal, it is hampered empirically in a multitude of ways. This study examines how the societal level of economic inequality affects the representation of relatively poor citizens by parties and governments. Using CSES survey data for citizens’ policy preferences and expert placements of political parties, empirical evidence is found that in economically more unequal societies, the party system represents the preferences of relatively poor citizens worse than in more equal societies. This moderating effect of economic equality is also found for policy congruence between citizens and governments, albeit slightly less clear-cut.


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