352 resultados para Phytoremediation, Dittrichia viscosa, metalli pesanti


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The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.


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Series title also at head of t.-p. On cover: Biblioteca tecnica.


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Vols. 10-18 each contain both chronological and alphabetical indexes. Vol. 18 contains also a general index to the Correspondence, v. 10-18. Vol. 20 contains indexes to the complete work: Indice dei volumi: Indice dei facsimili Indice dei nomi e delle cose notabili--Indice biografico.


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"Digressione su la proporzione media fra i metalli monetati estratta dalla Dissertazione VI sulle monete": p. [229]-296.


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Among the Solar System’s bodies, Moon, Mercury and Mars are at present, or have been in the recent years, object of space missions aimed, among other topics, also at improving our knowledge about surface composition. Between the techniques to detect planet’s mineralogical composition, both from remote and close range platforms, visible and near-infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool, because crystal field absorption bands are related to particular transitional metals in well-defined crystal structures, e.g., Fe2+ in M1 and M2 sites of olivine or pyroxene (Burns, 1993). Thanks to the improvements in the spectrometers onboard the recent missions, a more detailed interpretation of the planetary surfaces can now be delineated. However, quantitative interpretation of planetary surface mineralogy could not always be a simple task. In fact, several factors such as the mineral chemistry, the presence of different minerals that absorb in a narrow spectral range, the regolith with a variable particle size range, the space weathering, the atmosphere composition etc., act in unpredictable ways on the reflectance spectra on a planetary surface (Serventi et al., 2014). One method for the interpretation of reflectance spectra of unknown materials involves the study of a number of spectra acquired in the laboratory under different conditions, such as different mineral abundances or different particle sizes, in order to derive empirical trends. This is the methodology that has been followed in this PhD thesis: the single factors previously listed have been analyzed, creating, in the laboratory, a set of terrestrial analogues with well-defined composition and size. The aim of this work is to provide new tools and criteria to improve the knowledge of the composition of planetary surfaces. In particular, mixtures composed with different content and chemistry of plagioclase and mafic minerals have been spectroscopically analyzed at different particle sizes and with different mineral relative percentages. The reflectance spectra of each mixture have been analyzed both qualitatively (using the software ORIGIN®) and quantitatively applying the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM, Sunshine et al., 1990) algorithm. In particular, the spectral parameter variations of each absorption band have been evaluated versus the volumetric FeO% content in the PL phase and versus the PL modal abundance. This delineated calibration curves of composition vs. spectral parameters and allow implementation of spectral libraries. Furthermore, the trends derived from terrestrial analogues here analyzed and from analogues in the literature have been applied for the interpretation of hyperspectral images of both plagioclase-rich (Moon) and plagioclase-poor (Mars) bodies.


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Pteris vittata, the first reported arsenic hyperaccumulating plant, is potentially used in phytoremediation of arsenic, as it can accumulate up to 2.3% of arsenic in its fronds. In this study, the mechanisms of arsenic tolerance, uptake and transformation were studied in the plant. Arsenic species were analyzed by HPLC-AFS. Results showed that arsenic was mainly accumulated in leaflets, and inorganic arsenate and arsenite were only species in P. vittata. Arsenite was the predominant species in leaflets, whereas arsenate was the predominant species in roots. Arsenic induced the synthesis of thiol containing compounds in P. vittata. As-induced thiol was purified by a novel method: covalent chromatography following preparative HPLC. The purified thiol was characterized as a phytochelatin with two units (PC2). ^ In P. vittata, enhanced tolerance likely results from unusual intracellular detoxification mechanisms. Although PC-dependent sequestration of arsenic into vacuoles is essential for nonhyperaccumulators, this sequestration is not the major arsenic tolerance mechanisms in this arsenic hyperaccumulator. PC-independent sequestration of arsenic is likely the major arsenic tolerance mechanism. PC-dependent arsenic detoxification is probably a supplement to this major mechanism. ^ Interactions between arsenic and phosphate were studied. Under hydroponic condition, arsenic supply decreased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. In soil, arsenic increased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. Arsenic concentrations in rachises and leaflets were not affected by arsenic supply in either hydroponic or soil system. Phosphate decreased arsenic accumulation in roots, rachises and leaflets in the hydroponic system. ^ The uptake kinetics of arsenate, arsenite, monomethyl arsinic acid (MMA), dimethyl arsonic acid, and phosphate were studied in P. vittata. Phosphate uptake systems in Pteris vittata cannot distinguish phosphate and As(V), resulting in As hyperaccumulation. Arsenic hyperaccumulation in this plant is an inevitable consequence during phosphate acquisition. Arsenate, arsenite and MMA are transported via the phosphate uptake systems. The co-transport of arsenite/phosphate and MMA/phosphate is reported for the first time in plants. These unique phenomena are useful for understanding arsenic hyperaccumulation and the evolution of this capacity in P. vittata. ^


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Le regioni HII sono nubi di idrogeno ionizzato da stelle di recente formazione, massicce e calde. Tali stelle, spesso raggruppate in ammassi, emettono copiosamente fotoni di lunghezza d’onda λ ≤ 912 Å, capaci di ionizzare quasi totalmente il gas che le circonda, composto prevalentemente da idrogeno, ma in cui sono presenti anche elementi ionizzati più pesanti, come He, O, N, C e Ne. Le dimensioni tipiche di queste regioni vanno da 10 a 100 pc, con densità dell’ordine di 10 cm−3. Queste caratteristiche le collocano all’interno del WIM (Warm Ionized Medium), che, insieme con HIM (Hot Ionized Medium), WNM (Warm Neutral Medium) ed CNM (Cold Neutral Medium), costituisce la varietà di fasi in cui si presenta il mezzo interstellare (ISM, InterStellar Medium). Il tema che ci prestiamo ad affrontare è molto vasto e per comprendere a fondo i processi che determinano le caratteristiche delle regioni HII sarebbero necessarie molte altre pagine; lo scopo che questo testo si propone di raggiungere, senza alcuna pretesa di completezza, è dunque quello di presentare l’argomento, approfondendone ed evidenziandone alcuni particolari tratti. Prima di tutto descriveremo le regioni HII in generale, con brevi indicazioni in merito alla loro formazione e struttura. A seguire ci concentreremo sulla descrizione dei processi che determinano gli spettri osservati: inizialmente mostreremo quali siano i processi fisici che generano l’emissione nel continuo, concentrandoci poi su quello più importante, la Bremmstrahlung. Affronteremo poi una breve digressione riguardo al processo di ricombinazione ione-elettrone nei plasmi astrofisici ed alle regole di selezione nelle transizioni elettroniche, concetti necessari per comprendere ciò che segue, cioè la presenza di righe in emissione negli spettri delle regioni foto-ionizzate. Infine ci soffermeremo sulle regioni HII Ultra-Compatte (UC HII Region), oggetto di numerosi recenti studi.


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Sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts from site GIK16867 in the northern Angola Basin record the vegetation history of the West African forest during the last 700 ka in relation to changes in salinity and productivity of the eastern Gulf of Guinea. During most cool and cold periods, the Afromontane forest, rather than the open grass-rich dry forest, expanded to lower altitudes partly replacing the lowland rain forest of the borderlands east of the Gulf of Guinea. Except in Stage 3, when oceanic productivity was high during a period of decreased atmospheric circulation, high oceanic productivity is correlated to strong winds. The response of marine productivity in the course of a climatic cycle, however, is earlier than that of wind vigour and makes wind-stress-induced oceanic upwelling in the area less likely. Monsoon variation is well illustrated by the pollen record of increased lowland rain forest that is paired to the dinoflagellate cyst record of decreased salinity forced by increased precipitation and run-off.


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Fluxes of airborne freshwater diatoms (FD), phytoliths (PH), and pollen grains (PO) collected with sediment traps off Cape Blanc, northwest Africa, from 1988 till 1991 are presented. Both continental rainfall variations and wind mean strength and direction play a key role in the temporal fluctuations of the fluxes of eolian traces in the pelagic realm. Drier conditions in Northern Africa in 1987 could have preceded the high lithogenic input and moderate FD flux in 1988. The PH peak in summer 1988 was probably caused by increased wind velocity. Wetter rainy seasons of 1988/89 might have promoted a significant pollen production in summer 1989, and FD in late 1989 and early 1990, as well as contributed to the reduction of the lithogenic flux in 1989/90. Decreased fluxes of FD, PH and PO, and higher contribution of the 6-11 µm lithogenic fraction in 1991 would mainly reflect minor intensity and decreased amount of continental trade winds. Air-mass backward trajectories confirm that the Saharan Air Layer is predominantly involved in the spring/summer transport. Trade winds play a decisive role in the fall/winter months, but also contribute to the transport during late spring/summer. Origin of wind trajectories does not support a direct relationship between transporting wind-layers and material source areas in Northern Africa. High winter fluxes of eolian tracers and high amount of trade winds with continental origin in summer warn against a simplistic interpretation of the seasonal eolian signal preserved in the sediments off Cape Blanc, and the wind layer involved in its transport.


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Influx of aeolian pollen trapped in marine sediments off Namibia provides a wind variation record for the last 135 kyr. The influx of major pollen components is derived from the southwest African desert/semi-desert zone and shows six periods during which enhanced southeast trade winds contributed to strong upwelling and reduced sea surface temperatures. The most prominent of these occurred during 17-23 cal. kyr, 42-56 kyr and before 130 kyr B.P. Correspondence between the pollen influx record and the Vostok deuterium isotope record suggests that pronounced glacial Antarctic cooling was accompanied by intensification of the southeast trades throughout the Late Quaternary. However, during 42-23 kyr B.P. the combination of strong Antarctic glaciation with a decrease of wind zonality induced by low latitude precessional insolation changes caused strong alongshore winds and Ekman pumping that resulted in strong upwelling and reduced sea surface temperatures without pollen influx enhancement.


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A high resolution marine pollen record from site GeoB1023, west of the northern Namib desert provides data on vegetation and climate change for the last 21 ka at an average resolution of 185 y. Pollen and spores are mainly delivered to the site by the Cunene river and by surface and mid-tropospheric wind systems. The main pollen source areas are located between 13°S and 21°S, which includes the northern Namib desert and semi-desert, the Angola-northern Namibian highland, and the north-western Kalahari. The pollen spectra reflect environmental changes in the region. The last glacial maximum (LGM) was characterised by colder and more arid conditions than at present, when a vegetation with temperate elements such as Asteroideae, Ericaceae, and Restionaceae grew north of 21°S. At 17.5 ka cal. B.P., an amelioration both in temperature and humidity terminated the LGM but, in the northern Kalahari, mean annual rainfall in the interval 17.5-14.4 ka cal. B.P. was probably 100-150 mm lower than at present (400-500 mm/y). The Late-glacial to early Holocene transition includes two arid periods, i.e. 14.4-12.5 and 10.9-9.3 ka cal. B.P. The last part of the former period may be correlated with the Younger Dryas. The warmest and most humid period in the Holocene occurred between 6.3 and 4.8 ka cal. B.P. During the last 2000 years, human impact, as reflected by indications of deforestation, enhanced burning and overgrazing, progressively intensified.


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Palynological investigation of the marine core, GeoB1008-3, from near the mouth of the Congo river (6°35.6'S/10°19.1'E), provides information about the changes in vegetation and climate in West Equatorial Africa during the last 190 ka. The pollen diagram is divided into zones 1-6 which are considered to correspond in time with the marine isotope stages 1-6. Oscillations in temperature and moisture are indicated during the cold stage 6. During stage 5, two cooler periods (5d and 5b) can be shown with an expansion of Podocarpus forests to lower elevations on the expense of lowland rain forest. Extended mangrove swamps existed along the coast in times of high sea level (stages 5 and 1).


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Palynological data of the marine core M 16415-2 show latitudinal shifts of the northern fringe of the tropical rain forest in north-west Africa during the last 700 ka. Savanna and dry open forest expanded southwards and tropical rain forest expanded northwards during dry and humid periods, respectively. Until 220 ka B.P., the tropical rain forest probably kept its zonal character in West Africa during glacials and interglacials. It is only during the last two glacial periods that the rain forest possibly fragmented into refugia. Throughout the Brunhes chron, pollen and spore transport was mainly by trade winds.


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Da sempre l'uomo ha osservato le stelle e il primo a intuire che lo studio degli spettri avrebbe permesso la comprensione della fisica e della chimica delle stelle fu il padre gesuita Secchi. Uno spettro contiene informazioni sui vari processi atmosferici stellari, dove la profondità e la forma di una riga permettono di raccogliere dati sulle condizioni fisiche del gas nelle regioni in cui essa si è formata. La classificazione spettrale è iniziata con il padre gesuita Secchi, che divise le stelle in quattro categorie. In seguito fu sostituita dalla classificazione di Harvard, composta da sette classi, O, B, A, F, G, K, M, caratterizzate da diversi range di temperature. Per risolvere il problema delle diverse luminosità all'interno della stessa classe, Yerkes creó u a nuova classificazione, data da un sistema bidimensionale che oltre a considerare la temperatura tiene conto della luminosità, che influisce molto nella struttura dello spettro. Si sono presi in considerazione anche gli spettri peculiari, cioè che presentano delle anomalie, come un'insolita abbondanza di metalli. Nell'ultimo capitolo viene trattato il diagramma H-R come applicazione delle classificazioni spettrali, accennando come il punto di turn-off del diagramma permetta di calcolare l'età di un ammasso stellare.


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La tesi "Analisi del ciclo di lavorazione e dei costi di trattamenti termici" è stata svolta in collaborazione con l'azienda PASELLO TRATTAMENTI TERMICI s.r.l. che si occupa di trattamenti termici dei metalli per conto terzi. L’obiettivo è svolgere l’analisi del ciclo di lavorazione e dei costi di due prodotti ricevuti in conto lavoro dall’azienda, confrontando i trattamenti termici di cementazione in atmosfera e a bassa pressione. Nel capitolo 1 sono descritti i tratti generali dell’azienda, le risorse produttive di cui dispone e come vengono gestite l’identificazione e la tracciabilità dei prodotti durante il processo produttivo. Nel capitolo 2 viene analizzato il ciclo di lavorazione in atmosfera di un prodotto del cliente Sarbo Spa, sottoposto al trattamento termico di cementazione in atmosfera. Dunque vengono descritti il trattamento termico e le caratteristiche principali dei pezzi. Allo stesso modo, nel capitolo 3, viene analizzato il ciclo di lavorazione in bassa pressione di un prodotto del cliente Seven Diesel Spa, sottoposto al trattamento termico di cementazione a bassa pressione. Nel capitolo 4 viene svolta l’analisi dei costi, secondo la logica “full costing”, tenendo distinti i due ordini e determinando il costo industriale. Vengono analizzati gli investimenti nelle due linee, i costi di ammortamento, i costi dei materiali di consumo, i costi di manodopera e i costi dei gas di processo, fino a determinare il costo totale di fornata per la cementazione in atmosfera e per la cementazione a bassa pressione, e quindi l’euro al chilo e al pezzo dei due ordini. Inoltre è quantificata l’incidenza dei costi in percentuale sul costo totale di fornata. Nella conclusione viene sottolineato il fatto che, nonostante l’investimento in una linea innovativa come quella a bassa pressione sia superiore rispetto a quello per la linea in atmosfera, se si considera l’intero processo produttivo, risulta più conveniente la cementazione in bassa pressione.