777 resultados para Physical education and training


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Background Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common but under-recognised disease process, which carries a high risk of mortality or chronic complications, such as chronic kidney disease and other organ dysfunction. Management of AKI, however, is suboptimal, both in developed settings and in Malawi. This is partly because of deficiencies in AKI education and training. Aim To establish current levels of AKI education in a range of healthcare workers in Malawi. Methods An AKI symposium was held in Blantyre in March 2015. Delegates were asked to complete a survey at the start of the symposium to assess their clinical experience and education in the management of AKI. Results From 100 delegates, 89 nurses, clinical officers, and physicians, originating from 11 different districts, responded to the survey. Twenty-two percent of healthcare workers (including 28% of district workers of the various cadres and 31% of nurses) had never received teaching on any aspect of renal disease, and 50% (including 63% of district workers and 61% of nurses) had never received teaching specifically on AKI. Forty-four percent did not feel confident managing AKI, and 98% wanted more support managing patients with renal disease. Thirty-four percent (including 55% of district workers) were unaware that haemodialysis was available at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) for the treatment of AKI and 53% (74% of district workers) were unaware that peritoneal dialysis was available for the treatment of AKI in children. Only 33% had ever referred a patient with AKI to QECH. Conclusions There are deficiencies in education about, and clinical experience in, the management of AKI among Malawian healthcare workers, in addition to limited awareness of the renal service available at QECH. Urgent action is required to address these issues in order to prevent morbidity and mortality from AKI in Malawi.


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This pamphlet is a reprint (with extensive rev1s10n and added material) of a pamphlet prepared under the auspices of this department by interested workers in the area of physical education, and printed and distributed by the Iowa State Teachers Association.Mr. Louis E. Hutto, then Supervisor of Physical Education in the Des Moines school system, served as chairman of the original committee of three. Miss Monica R. Wild, Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women in Iowa State Teachers College, and Miss Doris E. White, of her staff, were the other members. These latter two, recently appointed as a Committee on Revision, have rewritten and enlarged the pamphlet, while retaining the plan of the earlier edition. Teachers of physical education in Iowa, this department, and all interested in the subject feel a debt of gratitude for the painstaking and efficient service rendered by these devoted workers. This debt I am most happy to acknowledge.


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Optimal challenge occurs when an individual perceives the challenge of the task to be equaled or matched by his or her own skill level (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). The purpose of this study was to test the impact of the OPTIMAL model on physical education students' motivation and perceptions of optimal challenge across four games categories (i. e. target, batting/fielding, net/wall, invasion). Enjoyment, competence, student goal orientation and activity level were examined in relation to the OPTIMAL model. A total of 22 (17 M; 5 F) students and their parents provided informed consent to take part in the study and were taught four OPTIMAL lessons and four non-OPTIMAL lessons ranging across the four different games categories by their own teacher. All students completed the Task and Ego in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duda & Whitehead, 1998), the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI; McAuley, Duncan, & Tanmien, 1987) and the Children's Perception of Optimal Challenge Instrument (CPOCI; Mandigo, 2001). Sixteen students (two each lesson) were observed by using the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time tool (SOFTT; McKenzie, 2002). As well, they participated in a structured interview which took place after each lesson was completed. Quantitative results concluded that no overall significant difference was found in motivational outcomes when comparing OPTIMAL and non-OPTIMAL lessons. However, when the lessons were broken down into games categories, significant differences emerged. Levels of perceived competence were found to be higher in non-OPTIMAL batting/fielding lessons compared to OPTIMAL lessons, whereas levels of enjoyment and perceived competence were found to be higher in OPTIMAL invasion lessons in comparison to non-OPTIMAL invasion lessons. Qualitative results revealed significance in feehngs of skill/challenge balance, enjoyment and competence in the OPTIMAL lessons. Moreover, a significance of practically twice the active movement time percentage was found in OPTIMAL lessons in comparison to non-OPTIMAL lessons.


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The purpose of this study was to determine if Ontario's health and physical education curriculum contributes sufficiently to ensure the health of our children and young adults. To determine the curriculum effect, the health risk profile of Niagara Region's grade 9 students was compared to Canada's adolescent population. All subjects completed a "Heart Health Lifestyle" survey and were measured for height, weight, percent body fat, blood pressure, and total cholesterol and performed the 20-metre shuttle run test as part of their physical and health education classes. The Niagara Region grade 9 population had a healthy risk profile. Aerobic power was inversely related, and cholesterol levels were positively associated to body mass index and percent body fat in the whole group analysis. These results indicate that physical education can offer unique and essential aspects allowing individuals a means to learn and control body movements and keep physically fit while providing protection against modern disease. Ontario's health and physical education curriculum does contribute to the health of our children and adolescents; however, there is a need to implement a stronger mandate for daily vigorous physical activity.


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This cross-case study explored the extent to which two fitness facilities were accommodating diversity with respect to age, ethnicity, gender, social class, sex-role socialization, and persons with a disability among both members and staflf. The sites were purposely chosen in a large city and a smaller city in order to provide as representative an example as possible of health clubs within a small sample population. The interview participants were selected by a combination of stratified, typical case, and snowball sampling strategies. . , .. , The intent of the exploration was a two-fold examination of diversity issues within both the membership and the staff of the organization. Data were collected and analysis was done using a triangulation method involving personal interviews, observations, and facility documentation. The results ofthe study showed that the members and staff at each facility were rather homogeneous in ethnicity, age, social class, physical ability, and physical appearance. From a membership standpoint, the environment of the sites presented the impression of being affordable only to the middle- and upper-middle classes, unwelcoming to the older, less fit, or overweight participant, economically exclusive for youth, and nonaccommodating for people with a disability. With respect to staff, the findings indicated that the fitness facilities purported to be team-oriented in theory, but were hierarchical in practice, with the major decision making being made by the male executives. The paper concludes with the recommendation that students must be given a practical toolkit for dealing with these issues in their postsecondary courses.


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This thesis has been produced to meet the requirements of Brock University's Masters of Education program. It is the result of many peoples' reflections on and beliefs about the act of teaching in today's world. This manuscript is intended to provide the reader with an engaged interpretation of the dynamic field of teaching. In recognizing the ever-changing demands of the profession, this paper serves to provide the reader with a gathering of strategies or paradigm of action which an educator may employ to respond to the demands of his/her complex vocation. This gathering of strategies represents the phenomenon I have examined throughout this study: responsivity. What is it? Is it important for a practitioner to develop? If so, how can it be developed? In no way is this an "answer book" for teachers to adhere to. It is a collection of thoughts and ideas from an array of "insiders" who have experienced the phenomenon of responsivity. It will not provide the reader with immediate answers. What it will offer the reader is a deeper understanding of the related issues and concerns surrounding responsivity.


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L'esport és un fenomen social i cultural molt present a la vida diària. El vessant educatiu de l'esport i l'educació física són els grans àmbits als quals es dedica la CEEF i els seus objectius són fonamentalment la formació permanent i la transferència de coneixement


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En el ámbito de la Educación Física y deportiva actual, el papel del juego como medio educativo ha obtenido un papel preponderante con las nuevas teorías constructivistas, por la significatividad de su aprendizaje. Poco a poco, ha ido elevándose al nivel de otros contenidos de uso tradicional – los deportes convencionales o el trabajo de las cualidades físicas - que de forma generalizada, han ocupado la totalidad de los espacios de planificaciones y unidades didácticas de los proyectos curriculares. De ahí su importancia actual en el área, no sólo como recurso o herramienta de trabajo, sino como contenido con un corpus conceptual amplio y con unas potencialidades psicopedagógicas profundamente demostradas. Así lo corroboran multitud de investigaciones sobre el juego infantil que ponen de manifiesto su vital importancia en el desarrollo global de los niños y de las niñas: intelectualmente, desarrollando pensamiento y capacidad creativa; sicomotrizmente, a través de un desarrollo perceptivo y coordinativo; socialmente, a través de interacciones comunicativas y cooperativas; emocionalmente, a través del cultivo del autoconcepto, el equilibrio y el control psico-afectivo (Garaigordobil, 2007)


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A partir de los resultados de una investigación anterior realizada sobre estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de magisterio de Educación Física en el que se aplicó el cuestionario Honey & Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje (CHAEA) propuesto por Alonso (1992) se observó que no se encontraban plenamente identificados con ninguno de los estilos de aprendizaje propuestos por los autores, si bien existía una inclinación o tendencia moderada-baja en cada uno de ellos; aunque mayoritariamente los grupos estudiados se encontraban más identificados con el estilo reflexivo. Conocer la forma en que cada estudiante tiene de hacer suyo el conocimiento, o lo que es lo mismo, su “estilo de aprendizaje” (Gallego, Alonso y Honey, 1999), ayudará y determinará el estilo de enseñanza del profesor


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L’éducation physique (EP) est considérée comme une discipline fortement caractérisée par le «faire». Ce sont des mouvements, des gestes, des techniques ou des tactiques en situation et leurs résultats qui sont évalués. C’est aussi à travers le «faire moteur» que majoritairement est pensé le processus d’apprentissage des élèves. Toutefois, si les actions motrices se trouvent au centre des préoccupations disciplinaires, les leçons d’éducation physique comportent toujours une part, parfois assez importante, des «moments à dominance verbale» (MàDV). Ces derniers renvoient aux phases de la séance durant lesquelles l’enseignant et/ou les élèves communiquent verbalement (des gestes ou des démonstrations peuvent accompagner la parole). Le temps dédié aux consignes initiales, le temps des régulations après une situation de jeu ou le temps des feed-back sont des exemples typiques


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Dans cet article, nous étudierons les interactions entre un MEF (maîtresses en formation) et des élèves à propos d’un objet d’enseignement/apprentissage lorsque ce dernier désire construire et mettre en scène des contenus d’enseignement innovants en JSC (jeux sportifs collectifs). Nous serons donc amenés à nous intéresser à son action en ce qui concerne le choix des contenus d’enseignement et des tâches qu’il propose aux élèves par rapport aux orientations innovantes de l’enseignement des JSC et l’étude des processus de régulation lors des interactions didactiques qu’il met en oeuvre dans la gestion des situations d’enseignement/apprentissage


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La nostra investigació planteja els següents objectius generals: - Dissenyar un qüestionari que faciliti informació sobre la percepció que tenen els docents d’EF al voltant de l’EpS. - Conèixer la percepció que tenen els docents d’EF sobre l’EpS. - Extreure’n unes conclusions que ens permetin dissenyar un programa d’aplicació


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Los objetivos del presente estudio son: Revisar las aportaciones teóricas desarrolladas desde la perspectiva de la “acción situada” sobre las relaciones entre las fases preinteractiva e interactiva, en la actividad docente en E.F.; Analizar cuestiones epistemológicas y metodológicas y su incidencia en el desarrollo de la didáctica de la E.F. como campo disciplinar; Reflexionar sobre cuestiones didácticas en el modelo actual de formación del profesorado