996 resultados para Pathogenicity genes
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
One hundred seventy nine Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains from clinical and different environmental sources isolated in Brazil from 1991 to 2000 were serogrouped and screened for the presence of four different virulence factors. The Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to evaluate the genetic relatedness among strains. Fifty-four different serogroups were identified and V. cholerae O26 was the most common (7.8%). PCR analysis for three genes (ctxA, zot, ace) located of the CTX genetic element and one gene (tcpA) located on the VPI pathogenicity island showed that 27 strains harbored one or more of these genes. Eight (4.5%) strains possessed the complete set of CTX element genes and all but one of these belonged to the O26 serogroup suggesting that V. cholerae O26 has the potential to be an epidemic strain. The RAPD profiles revealed a wide variability among strains and no genetic correlation was observed.
Two xenic isolates and cloned cultures of Entamoeba dispar were submitted to monoxenization using Crithidia fasciculata as the associated organism. Growth in monoxenic cultivation and ability of xenic and monoxenic trophozoites to destroy VERO cells and produce lesions in hamster livers were compared to those of a virulent E. histolytica. Parental and cloned E. dispar under monoxenic cultivation showed a remarkable lower growth than the monoxenic E. histolytica and were avirulent in both in vivo and in vitro tests. When xenically cultured, trophozoites of E. dispar showed a moderate lytic activity against VERO cells (1.5 to 41.8% of destruction) but caused severe hepatic lesions in hamsters as those caused by the virulent E. histolytica (29 to 100% in prevalence and 0.86 to 4.00 in lesion degree). Although E. dispar has not been associated with invasive disease in men, the ability of xenic trophozoites to produce prominent tissue damage in experimental conditions has indicated that some strains have a considerable pathogenic potential when in presence of bacteria.
Trypanosoma rangeli is non pathogenic for humans but of important medical and epidemiological interest because it shares vertebrate hosts, insect vectors, reservoirs and geographic areas with T. cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. Therefore, in this work, we set up two PCR reactions, TcH2AF/R and TrFR2, to distinguish T. cruzi from T. rangeli in mixed infections of vectors based on amplification of the histone H2A/SIRE and the small nucleolar RNA Cl1 genes, respectively. Both PCRs were able to appropriately detect all T. cruzi or T. rangeli experimentally infected-triatomines, as well as the S35/S36 PCR which amplifies the variable region of minicircle kDNA of T. cruzi. In mixed infections, whereas T. cruzi DNA was amplified in 100% of samples with TcH2AF/R and S35/S36 PCRs, T. rangeli was detected in 71% with TrF/R2 and in 6% with S35/S36. In a group of Rhodnius colombiensis collected from Coyaima (Colombia), T. cruzi was identified in 100% with both PCRs and T. rangeli in 14% with TrF/R2 and 10% with S35/S36 PCR. These results show that TcH2AF/R and TrF/R2 PCRs which are capable of recognizing all T. cruzi and T. rangeli strains and lineages could be useful for diagnosis as well as for epidemiological field studies of T. cruzi and T. rangeli vector infections.
This study was aimed to evaluate and compare the pathogenicity of rabies virus isolated from bats and dogs, and to verify the efficacy of a commercial rabies vaccine against these isolates. For evaluation of pathogenicity, mice were inoculated by the intramuscular route (IM) with 500MICLD50/0.03mL of the viruses. The cross-protection test was performed by vaccinating groups of mice by the subcutaneous route and challenged through the intracerebral (IC) route. Isolates were fully pathogenic when inoculated by the IC route. When inoculated intramuscularly, the pathogenicity observed showed different death rates: 60.0% for the Desmodus rotundus isolate; 50.0% for dog and Nyctinomops laticaudatus isolates; 40.0% for Artibeus lituratus isolate; 9.5% Molossus molossus isolate; and 5.2% for the Eptesicus furinalis isolate. Mice receiving two doses of the vaccine and challenged by the IC route with the isolates were fully protected. Mice receiving only one dose of vaccine were partially protected against the dog isolate. The isolates from bats were pathogenic by the IC route in mice. However, when inoculated through the intramuscular route, the same isolates were found with different degrees of pathogenicity. The results of this work suggest that a commercial vaccine protects mice from infection with bat rabies virus isolates, in addition to a canine rabies virus isolate.
RESUMO: Introdução: A espondilite anquilosante (EA) é uma doença inflamatória crónica caracterizada pela inflamação das articulações sacroilíacas e da coluna. A anquilose progressiva motiva uma deterioração gradual da função física e da qualidade de vida. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces podem contribuir para um melhor prognóstico. Neste contexto, a identificação de biomarcadores, assume-se como sendo muito útil para a prática clínica e representa hoje um grande desafio para a comunidade científica. Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1 - caracterizar a EA em Portugal; 2 - investigar possíveis associações entre genes, MHC e não-MHC, com a suscetibilidade e as características fenotípicas da EA; 3 - identificar genes candidatos associados a EA através da tecnologia de microarray. Material e Métodos: Foram recrutados doentes com EA, de acordo com os critérios modificados de Nova Iorque, nas consultas de Reumatologia dos diferentes hospitais participantes. Colecionaram-se dados demográficos, clínicos e radiológicos e colhidas amostras de sangue periférico. Selecionaram-se de forma aleatória, doentes HLA-B27 positivos, os quais foram tipados em termos de HLA classe I e II por PCR-rSSOP. Os haplótipos HLA estendidos foram estimados pelo algoritmo Expectation Maximization com recurso ao software Arlequin v3.11. As variantes alélicas dos genes IL23R, ERAP1 e ANKH foram estudadas através de ensaios de discriminação alélica TaqMan. A análise de associação foi realizada utilizando testes da Cochrane-Armitage e de regressão linear, tal como implementado pelo PLINK, para variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, respetivamente. O estudo de expressão génica foi realizado por Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips. Os genes candidatos foram validados usando qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Resultados: Foram incluídos 369 doentes (62,3% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 45,4 ± 13,2 anos, duração média da doença de 11,4 ± 10,5 anos). No momento da avaliação, 49,9% tinham doença axial, 2,4% periférica, 40,9% mista e 7,1% entesopática. A uveíte anterior aguda (33,6%) foi a manifestação extra-articular mais comum. Foram positivos para o HLA-B27, 80,3% dos doentes. Os haplótipo A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 parece conferir suscetibilidade para a EA, e o A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 parece conferir proteção em termos de atividade, repercussão funcional e radiológica da doença. Três variantes (2 para IL23R e 1 para ERAP1) mostraram significativa associação com a doença, confirmando a associação destes genes com a EA na população Portuguesa. O mesmo não se verificou com as variantes estudadas do ANKH. Não se verificou associação entre as variantes génicas não-MHC e as manifestações clínicas da EA. Foi identificado um perfil de expressão génica para a EA, tendo sido validados catorze genes - alguns têm um papel bem documentado em termos de inflamação, outros no metabolismo da cartilagem e do osso. Conclusões: Foi estabelecido um perfil demográfico e clínico dos doentes com EA em Portugal. A identificação de variantes génicas e de um perfil de expressão contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da sua fisiopatologia e podem ser úteis para estabelecer modelos com relevância em termos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e orientação terapêutica dos doentes. -----------ABSTRACT: Background: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by inflammation in the spine and sacroiliac joints leading to progressive joint ankylosis and in progressive deterioration of physical function and quality of life. An early diagnosis and early therapy may contribute to a better prognosis. The identification of biomarkers would be helpful and represents a great challenge for the scientific community. Objectives: The present study had the following aims: 1- to characterize the pattern of AS in Portuguese patients; 2- to investigate MHC and non-MHC gene associations with susceptibility and phenotypic features of AS and; 3- to identify candidate genes associated with AS by means of whole-genome microarray. Material and Methods: AS was defined in accordance to the modified New York criteria and AS cases were recruited from hospital outcares patient clinics. Demographic and clinical data were recorded and blood samples collected. A random group of HLA-B27 positive patients and controls were selected and typed for HLA class I and II by PCR-rSSOP. The extended HLA haplotypes were estimated by Expectation Maximization Algorithm using Arlequin v3.11 software. Genotyping of IL23R, ERAP1 and ANKH allelic variants was carried out with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Association analysis was performed using the Cochrane-Armitage and linear regression tests as implemented in PLINK, for dichotomous and quantitative variables, respectively. Gene expression profile was carried out using Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips and candidate genes were validated using qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Results: A total of 369 patients (62.3% male; mean age 45.4±13.2 years; mean disease duration 11.4±10.5 years), were included. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment, 49.9% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopathic disease. Acute anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. 80.3% of AS patients were HLA-B27 positive. The haplotype A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 seems to confer susceptibility to AS, whereas A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 seems to provide protection in terms of disease activity, functional and radiological repercussion. Three markers (two for IL23R and one for ERAP1) showed significant single-locus disease associations. Association of these genes with AS in the Portuguese population was confirmed, whereas ANKH markers studied did not show an association with AS. No association was seen between non-MHC genes and clinical manifestations of AS. A gene expression signature for AS was established; among the fourteen validated genes, a number of them have a well-documented inflammatory role or in modulation of cartilage and bone metabolism. Conclusions: A demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal was established. Identification of genetic variants of target genes as well as gene expression signatures could provide a better understanding of AS pathophysiology and could be useful to establish models with relevance in terms of susceptibility, prognosis, and potential therapeutic guidance.
This work aimed to assess pathogenic potential and clonal relatedness of Aeromonas sp. and Vibrio cholerae isolates recovered during a diarrhea outbreak in Brazil. Clinical and environmental isolates were investigated for the presence of known pathogenic genes and clonal relatedness was assessed by intergenic spacer region (ISR) 16S-23S amplification. Four Aeromonas genes (lip, exu, gcat, flaA/B) were found at high overall frequency in both clinical and environmental isolates although the lip gene was specifically absent from selected species. A fifth gene, aerA, was rarely found in A. caviae, the most abundant species. The ISR profile revealed high heterogeneity among the Aeromonas isolates and no correlation with species identification. In contrast, in all the V. cholerae isolates the four genes investigated (ctxA, tcpA, zot and ace) were amplified and revealed homogeneous ISR and RAPD profiles. Although Aeromonas isolates were the major enteric pathogen recovered, their ISR profiles are not compatible with a unique cause for the diarrhea events, while the clonal relationship clearly implicates V. cholerae in those cases from which it was isolated. These results reinforce the need for a better definition of the role of aeromonads in diarrhea and whether they benefit from co-infection with V. cholerae.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
The pathogenic potential of Blastocystis sp. in experimental models requires further investigation. In this work, the pathogenicity of this parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of male Swiss mice was evaluated according to the inoculum size and period of infection. Animals were infected intragastrically, with 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Blastocystis sp. vacuolar forms obtained from a mixture of eight human isolates cultured axenically in Jones' medium. After seven, 14, 21, 28 and 60 days of infection, the animals were sacrificed and fragments of the small intestine (duodenum), large intestine, and cecum were subjected to histopathological analysis. Blastocystis sp. triggered an inflammatory response in the different tissues analyzed, with a predominance of mononuclear cells. The parasite was found in the muscular layer of the cecum, showing its invasive character. Larger inocula triggered inflammatory processes earlier (seven days) than smaller ones (from 21 days). We conclude that, in the proposed model, the pathogenicity of Blastocystis sp. isolates that were studied is related to inoculum size and period of infection.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
The enzymatic modification of aminoglycosides by aminoglycoside-acetyltransferases (AAC), aminoglycoside-adenyltransferases (AAD), and aminoglycoside-phosphotransferases (APH), is the most common resistance mechanism in P. aeruginosa and these enzymes can be coded on mobile genetic elements that contribute to their dispersion. One hundred and thirty seven P. aeruginosa isolates from the University Hospital, Cumana, Venezuela (HUAPA) were evaluated. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the disk diffusion method and theaac, aadB and aph genes were detected by PCR. Most of the P. aeruginosa isolates (33/137) were identified from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), mainly from discharges (96/137). The frequency of resistant P. aeruginosaisolates was found to be higher for the aminoglycosides tobramycin and amikacin (30.7 and 29.9%, respectively). Phenotype VI, resistant to these antibiotics, was the most frequent (14/49), followed by phenotype I, resistant to all the aminoglycosides tested (12/49). The aac(6´)-Ib,aphA1 and aadB genes were the most frequently detected, and the simultaneous presence of several resistance genes in the same isolate was demonstrated. Aminoglycoside resistance in isolates ofP. aeruginosa at the HUAPA is partly due to the presence of the aac(6´)-Ib, aphA1 andaadB genes, but the high rates of antimicrobial resistance suggest the existence of several mechanisms acting together. This is the first report of aminoglycoside resistance genes in Venezuela and one of the few in Latin America.
In visceral leishmaniasis, the detection of the agent is of paramount importance to identify reservoirs of infection. Here, we evaluated the diagnostic attributes of PCRs based on primers directed to cytochrome-B (cytB), cytochrome-oxidase-subunit II (coxII), cytochrome-C (cytC), and the minicircle-kDNA. Although PCRs directed to cytB, coxII, cytC were able to detect different species of Leishmania, and the nucleotide sequence of their amplicons allowed the unequivocal differentiation of species, the analytical and diagnostic sensitivity of these PCRs were much lower than the analytical and diagnostic sensitivity of the kDNA-PCR. Among the 73 seropositive animals, the asymptomatic dogs had spleen and bone marrow samples collected and tested; only two animals were positive by PCRs based on cytB, coxII, and cytC, whereas 18 were positive by the kDNA-PCR. Considering the kDNA-PCR results, six dogs had positive spleen and bone marrow samples, eight dogs had positive bone marrow results but negative results in spleen samples and, in four dogs, the reverse situation occurred. We concluded that PCRs based on cytB, coxII, and cytC can be useful tools to identify Leishmania species when used in combination with automated sequencing. The discordance between the results of the kDNA-PCR in bone marrow and spleen samples may indicate that conventional PCR lacks sensitivity for the detection of infected dogs. Thus, primers based on the kDNA should be preferred for the screening of infected dogs.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina