955 resultados para Particle number distribution
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää mallit jäännöshiilen ja kalkkikiven reaktiokinetiikan sekä jäännöshiilen jauhautumisen ennustamiseksi kiertoleijukattilan tulipesässä. Kehitetyt mallit toimivat tulipesämallin osamalleina. Perustuen mallinnettuihin reaktionopeuksiin ja jauhautumiskäyttäytymiseen tulipesämalli ennustaa kalkkikivihiukkasten rikinsidonnan ja jäännöshiilen jakautumisen erikokoisiksi hiukkasiksi tulipesässä ja tuhkissa. Työssä kehitetyt mallit perustuvat olemassa oleviin kalkkikiven ja polttoaineen reaktiivisuustesteihin laboratorio-kokoluokan leijukerrosreaktorissa. Mallit huomioivat myös tulipesän olosuhteet. Menetelmät kelpoistettiin onnistuneesti kaupallisen kokoluokan kiertoleijukattiloista mitattujen ja tulipesämallilla laskettujen taseiden avulla. Mallien kehittämistä tullaan jatkamaan.
Polymeric nanoparticle systems such as nanocapsules and nanospheres present potential applications for the administration of therapeutic molecules. The physico-chemical characteristics of nanoparticle suspensions are important pre-requisites of the success of any dosage form development. The purpose of this review is to present the state of the art regarding the physico-chemical characterization of these drug carriers, in terms of the particle size distribution, the morphology, the polymer molecular weight, the surface charge, the drug content and the in vitro drug release profiles. Part of the review is devoted to the description of the techniques to improve the stability of colloidal systems.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia höyrykattiloiden leijukerrosten käytettävyysongelmia ja kirjallisuudesta löytyvien diagnostiikkamenetelmien toimivuutta leijukerroksen tilan ja käytettävyysongelmien tunnistamiseksi. Diagnostiikkamenetelmien toimivuutta testattiin VTT:n kiertoleijukoelaitteen prosessimittauksiin perustuen. Analysoinnissa käytettiin prosessimittauksia, jotka ovat yleisesti käytössä energiantuotannon leijukerroskattiloissa. Analysoitavina koeajotapauksina olivat kylmäkokeet partikkelikokojakaumaltaan vaihtelevalle leijutusmateriaalille, tuhkapartikkelien aiheuttama petimateriaalin karkeneminen ja agglomeroituminen, sekä vaihtelevien ajoarvojen vaikutus leijukerroksen hydrodynaamiseen käyttäytymiseen. Kokeellisesta osiosta saaduista tuloksista selvisi leijutusilman tilavuusvirran, petimassan ja partikkelikoon vaikutus analysoitavaan prosessimittaukseen. Tuloksista oli havaittavissa myös kiertävän petimateriaalin ja pohjapedin osuuksien vaikutus mitattuun painesignaaliin. Petipartikkelien agglomeroitumisen ja karkenemisen todettiin lisäävän kiertoleijukoelaitteistossa nousuputken pohjapedin määrää suhteessa kiertävään petimateriaaliin, mikä voitiin havaita painemittauksista.
This work proposes an analytical procedure for direct determination of calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in buffalo milk by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Samples were diluted with a solution containing 10% (v/v) of water-soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C) at pH 8. For comparison, buffalo milk samples were digested with HNO3 and H2O2. According to a paired t-test, the results obtained in the determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in digested samples and in 10% (v/v) CFA-C medium were in agreement at a 95% confidence level. The developed procedure is simple, rapid, decrease the possibility of contamination and can be applied for the routine determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in buffalo milk samples without any difficulty caused by matrix constituents, such as fat content, and particle size distribution in the milk emulsion.
The objective of this work was to use the high-pressure homogenizer (HPH) to prepare stable oil/water nanoemulsions presenting narrow particle size distribution. The dispersions were prepared using nonionic surfactants based on ethoxylated ether. The size and distribution of the droplets formed, along with their stability, were determined in a Zetasizer Nano ZS particle size analyzer. The stability and the droplet size distribution in these systems do not present the significant differences with the increase of the processing pressure in the HPH). The processing time can promote the biggest dispersion in the size of particles, thus reducing its stability.
This paper presents a study on the production of silica gel in hydrothermal process using residual rice husk ash. Measurements of the chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, particle size distribution, and pozzolanic activity were carried out in order to characterize the obtained material, and the optimal silica gel was selected for use as a mineral additive in cement pastes. The compressive strengths were determined for cement pastes containing silica gel (0.0, 2.5 or 5% by mass) in different times. The results indicate that the mixtures containing silica gel showed improved mechanical behavior over all time periods evaluated.
One of the difficulties reported for the suspension polymerization is control the size and granulometry of beads. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the use of cellulose nanowhiskers and mesoporous silica as stabilizers to reduce the size and the particle distribution. To monitor polymerization process was used FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. The morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The particle size distribution was characterised using a CILAS granulometer. Thermal stability was studied by thermogravimetric analysis. The results indicated that cellulose nanowhiskers may provide stabilization and increase the thermal stability of the beads in contrast to mesoporous silica.
This work reports on the investigation of nanosized CeO2-ZnO systems prepared by Pechini's method. The structural and morphological characterization of CeO2-ZnO systems as well as the characterization of CeO2 and ZnO separately, showed that the employed method result in powders with spheroidal particles whose size are in the range 30 - 200 nm, which is appropriate to provide homogeneous suspensions. The ZnO present in the prepared mixed oxides seems to increase particle size distribution and to influence the arrangement of the particles after powder dispersion.
In the theory part the membrane emulsification was studied. Emulsions are used in many industrial areas. Traditionally emulsions are prepared by using high shear in rotor-stator systems or in high pressure homogenizer systems. In membrane emulsification two immiscible liquids are mixed by pressuring one liquid through the membrane into the other liquid. With this technique energy could be saved, more homogeneous droplets could be formed and the amount of surfactant could be decreased. Ziegler-Natta and single-site catalysts are used in olefin polymerization processes. Nowadays, these catalysts are prepared according to traditional mixing emulsification. More homogeneous catalyst particles that have narrower particle size distribution might be prepared with membrane emulsification. The aim of the experimental part was to examine the possibility to prepare single site polypropylene catalyst using membrane emulsification technique. Different membrane materials and solidification techniques of the emulsion were examined. Also the toluene-PFC phase diagram was successfully measured during this thesis work. This phase diagram was used for process optimization. The polytetrafluoroethylene membranes had the largest contact angles with toluene and also the biggest difference between the contact angles measured with PFC and toluene. Despite of the contact angle measurement results no significant difference was noticed between particles prepared using PTFE membrane or metal sinter. The particle size distributions of catalyst prepared in these tests were quite wide. This would probably be fixed by using a membrane with a more homogeneous pore size distribution. It is also possible that the solidification rate has an effect on the particle sizes and particle morphology. When polymeric membranes are compared PTFE is probably still the best material for the process as it had the best chemical durability.
The deep bedding is a swine alternative production, especially in the finishing phase, whose byproduct can be recycled, reducing the environmental impact. The objectives of this study were to characterize the ash coming from the controlled burning of the swine deep bedding (SDBA) based on rice husk, and to evaluate their performance in composites as a partial substitute for Portland cement (PC). To measure the differences between SDBA and rice husk ash (RHA) as a reference, we have characterized: particle size distribution, real specific density, x-ray diffraction, electrical conductivity, scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis and loss on ignition. Samples were prepared for two experimental series: control, and another one with the partial replacement of 30% of SDBA in relation to the mass of the Portland cement. According to the results obtained for physical and mechanical characterization, the composites with SDBA can be used as a constructive element in the rural construction.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia nikkelin sulfidisaostuksessa syntyvien kiteiden morfologiaa ja siihen vaikuttavia parametreja. Syntyvien kiteiden kasvua ja morfologiaa tutkittiin kiteen muodostumisen ja kasvun teorioiden avulla. Saostuksen olosuhteet, kuten lämpötila, paine ja pH vaikuttavat muodostuvien kiteiden morfologiaan. Muilla parametreilla, kuten liuoksen ylikylläisyydellä, epäpuhtauksilla, lisäaineilla, sekoituksella ja reaktioajalla on myös suuri merkitys. Kokeiden avulla haluttiin liuoskoostumuksen, saostusolosuhteiden ja muiden komponenttien vaikutusta nikkelisulfidikiteiden morfologiaan. Kokeissa käytettiin kahta eri sulfidilähdettä: natriumvetysulfidia ja rikkivetyä. Puolipanoskokeissa nikkelipitoisuus oli 1,5 g/l, paine 101,3 kPa ja sekoitusnopeus 650 rpm. Saostuskokeet tehtiin natriumsulfaatti- 5 g/l ja ammoniumsulfaattiliuoksissa 300 g/l. Saostuskokeissa muuttujia olivat saostimen konsentraatio ja määrä, rauta- ja magne-siumepäpuhtaudet, lämpötila ja lisäaineet. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa morfologiaa tutkittiin suoraan valomikroskoopin ja pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopin (SEM) avulla. Morfologiaa tutkittiin myös epäsuorasti laskeutumisnopeuden, keskimääräisen partikkelikoon, ja ominaispinta-alamittausten avulla. Saostimen pitoisuuden vaikutukset partikkelimuotoon olivat pieniä, mutta vaikutukset ominaispinta-alaan ja partikkelikokoon olivat suuria. Natriumlauryylisul-faatti ja EDTA ohjasivat partikkelien rakennetta levymäisemmäksi, joka johti hitaaseen laskeutumisnopeuteen. Polyakryylihappo lisäaineena muuttaa partikkelien morfologiaa kuutiomaisemmaksi. Flokkulanttien ja raudan morfologiset vaikutukset olivat pieniä. Partikkelikoko ja omaispinta-ala pienenivät selvästi magnesiumpitoisuuden kasvaessa. Lämpötilan kasvattaminen lisäsi epäsäännöllisten kiteiden määrää ja muodostuneet kiteet olivat enemmän neulamaisia.
An axisymmetric supersonic flow of rarefied gas past a finite cylinder was calculated applying the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The drag force, the coefficients of pressure, of skin friction, and of heat transfer, the fields of density, of temperature, and of velocity were calculated as function of the Reynolds number for a fixed Mach number. The variation of the Reynolds number is related to the variation of the Knudsen number, which characterizes the gas rarefaction. The present results show that all quantities in the transition regime (Knudsen number is about the unity) are significantly different from those in the hydrodynamic regime, when the Knudsen number is small.
Waste has been incinerated for energy utilization for more than a hundred years, but the harmful emissions emitted from the incineration plants did not begin to cause concern until the 1980s. Many plants were shutdown and the waste incineration plant in Kyläsaari Helsinki was one of them. In later years, new landfill regulations have increased the interest in waste incineration. During the last year, four new plants were taken into operation in Finland, Westenergy in Vaasa among them. The presence of dust has been observed indoors at Westenergy waste incineration plant. Dust is defined as particles with a diameter above 10 μm, while fine particles have a diameter smaller than 2.5 μm, ultrafine under 0.1 μm and nanoparticles under 0.05 μm. In recent years, the focus of particle health research has been changed to investigate smaller particles. Ultrafine particles have been found to be more detrimental to health than larger particles. Limit values regulating the concentrations of ultrafine particles have not been determined yet. The objective of this thesis was to investigate dust and particles present inside the Westenergy waste incineration facility. The task was to investigate the potential pollutant sources and to give recommendations of how to minimize the presence of dust and particles in the power plant. The total particle number concentrations and size distributions where measured at 15 points inside the plant with an Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) Spectrometer. The measured particles were mainly in the ultrafine size range. Dust was only visually investigated, since the main purpose was to follow the dust accumulation. The measurement points inside the incineration plant were chosen according to investigate exposure to visitors and workers. At some points probable leakage of emissions were investigated. The measurements were carried out during approximately one month in March–April 2013. The results of the measurements showed that elevated levels of dust and particles are present in the indoor air at the waste incineration plant. The cleanest air was found in the control room, warehouse and office. The most polluted air was near the sources that were investigated due to possible leakage and in the bottom ash hall. However, the concentrations were near measured background concentrations in European cities and no leakage could be detected. The high concentrations were assumed to be a result of a lot of dust and particles present on surfaces that had not been cleaned in a while. The main source of the dust and particles present inside the waste incineration plant was thought to be particles and dust from the outside air. Other activities in the area around the waste incineration facility are ground work activities, stone crushing and traffic, which probably are sources of particle formation. Filtration of the outside air prior entering the facility would probably save personnel and visitors from nuisance and save in cleaning and maintenance costs.
Työn teoriaosassa tutkittiin materiaalin hienontamista jauhatuksen näkökulmasta. Jauhatuksessa keskityttiin ultrahienojauhatukseen ja siinä käytettäviin myllyihin, jois-ta lähimmin tarkasteltiin helmimyllyä ja sen toimintaparametrien vaikutusta jauhau-tuvuuteen. Lisäksi teoriaosassa tutkittiin jauhatuksen energiankulutusta, joka on yksi jauhatuksen suurimmista ominaisuuksista. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kalkkikiven jauhautuvuutta ja jauhatuksen omi-naisenergiankulutusta käyttäen kolmea erilaista sekoitinelintä. Kokeissa myllynä käy-tettiin helmimyllyä ja jauhinkappaleina 2 mm:n lasihelmiä. Jauhautuvuutta tutkittiin analysoimalla tuotteiden partikkelikokojakaumat Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 partik-kelikokoanalysaattoria. Energiankulutukset määritettiin lietteen lämpötilan muutok-sen perusteella ensimmäisen viidentoista minuutin aikana. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko uusi lapamainen sekoitinelin tehokas jauhatta-vuuden kannalta mutta samalla myös energiatehokas. Tämän työn perusteella uusi lapamainen sekoitinelin on tehokas jauhautuvuuden kannalta suuremmilla pyörimis-nopeuksilla. Ominaisenergiankulutus on puolestaan samaa luokkaa suuremmilla pyö-rimisnopeuksilla verrattaessa eri sekoitinelimiä.
Depletion of high grade mineral resources, tightening of environmental regulations and the environmental impact of acid mine drainage caused by sulfidic minerals continuously increase the interest in processing tailings and other mine waste. Treating waste requires additional capital and operational input, but the decrease in size and need of tailings ponds and permits decrease the overall costs. Treatment and utilization of the tailings could also bring added revenue by the recovery of valuables. Leaching of metal sulfides is very demanding and time consuming and hence process conditions need to be carefully optimized. The leaching of sulfides is affected by for example the choice of leaching agent, its concentration and temperature, pH, the redox potential, pressure, pulp density and particle size distribution. With reference to the mine case study the leaching of nickel and copper sulfides, especially the primary minerals pentlandite and chalcopyrite were investigated. Leaching behavior and recoveries for nickel, copper and iron were found out by sulfuric and citric acid leaching experiments using tailings samples of high and low sulfur content. Moderate recoveries were obtained and citric acid seemed more attractive. Increase in temperature and decrease in pulp density had positive effect on the recovery and pH was also proven to have a significant effect on the recovery of valuables. The rate determining step was determined through kinetic modeling in case of all valuables separately. Leaching was controlled by diffusion. The investigated multimetal tailing showed moderate potential in recovering of metal valuables from low grade tailing deposits. The process conditions should however be further optimized.