996 resultados para Part songs, Sacred.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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A lattice formahsm using "spin variables" is employed to analyse multi-state models for the adsorption of neutral dipoles.In particular, a spin-1/2 (two-state) model incorporating permanent and reduced dipole moments of the solvent and the organic adsorbate,substrate interactions, and &screteness of charge effects is analysed The resulting Generalized Islng Hamaltonian is solved under mean field approximation (MFA) in order to derive the adsorption isotherm for organic molecules A few spin-1 (three-state) models are also analysed under MFA to describe the competitive adsorption of multi-state solvent and organic dipoles, and the appropriate equilibrium relations are derived The unification and isomorphism existing at the Hamlltonlan level for several diverse realizations, such as adsorption of ions and solvent/orgamc molecules, is indicated The possibility of analysing phase transitions using this generalized approach is briefly indicated.


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Subsampling is a common method for estimating the abundance of species in trawl catches. However, the accuracy of subsampling in representing the total catch has not been assessed. To estimate one possible source of bias due to subsampling, we tested whether the position on trawler sorting trays from which subsamples were taken affected their ability to represent species in catches. This was done by sorting catches into 10 kg subsamples and comparing subsamples taken from different positions on the sorting tray. Comparisons were made after species were grouped into three categories of abundance, either 'rare', 'common' or 'abundant'. A generalised linear model analysis showed that taking subsamples from different positions on the sorting tray had no major effect on estimating the total numbers or weights of fish or invertebrates, or the total number of fish or invertebrate taxa, recorded in each position. Some individual taxa showed differences between positions on the sorting tray (11.5% of taxa ina three-position design; 25% in a five-position design). But consistent and meaningful patterns in the position of these taxa on the sorting tray could only be seen for the pony fish Leiognathus moretoniensis and the saucer scallop Amusium pleuronectes. Because most bycatch laxa are well mixed throughout the catch, subsamples can be taken from any position on trawler sorting trays without introducing bias.


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The cr~¢stal structure of [potassium(benzo-15-crown-5)](picrate) shows that in the complex the metal is sandwiched between two crowns andhas no interaction with plcrate.


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A direct and simple approach, utilizing Watson's lemma, is presented for obtaining an approximate solution of a three-part Wiener-Hopf problem associated with the problem of diffraction of a plane wave by a soft strip.


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The methoxycyclophosphazenes [NP(OMe),], (n = 3-6) rearrange on heating to give oxocyclophosphazanes, [N(Me)PO(OMe)],. Isomeric products are formed when n = 4-6. The lH, ,lP, and 13C n.m.r. data for the starting materials and the products are presented. The ethoxy- and n-propoxy-derivatives N,P,( OR)* do not undergo the above rearrangement. The geminal derivatives N,P,R,(OMe), (R = Ph or NHBut) on heating yield both fully and partially rearranged products, namely dioxophosphaz-1 -enes and oxophosphazadienes, as shown by 270- MHz lH n.m.r. spectroscopy. The non-geminal derivative N,P,( NMe,),(OMe), gives only the fully rearranged product N,Me,P,(NMe,),O,(OMe), whose structure has been established from its lH and 31P n.m.r. spectra.


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Several channels provided by many-body couplings — both fermion-fermion and fermion-boson — for the evolution of the chemisorption system are discussed. This provides an opportunity of a systematic study of the effects of correlations reflected through the intricate pole structure of the absorbate Green functions. The results of Newns, Anda and others in the context of chemisorption are generalized.


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Several boson subsystems may be involved in electrosorption phenomena. To accommodate this possibility, the one-boson formalism described in Parts I–III is extended to this case. The hierarchy in the superoperator scheme, the evaluation of operator averages for closure and several special cases are indicated. As an illustration, some calculations are presented to indicate the trends of many-body corrections in chemisorption.


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With many innovations in process technology, forging is establishing itself as a precision manufacturing process: as forging is used to produce complex shapes in difficult materials, it requires dies of complex configuration of high strength and of wear-resistant materials. Extensive research and development work is being undertaken, internationally, to analyse the stresses in forging dies and the flow of material in forged components. Identification of the location, size and shape of dead-metal zones is required for component design. Further, knowledge of the strain distribution in the flowing metal indicates the degree to which the component is being work hardened. Such information is helpful in the selection of process parameters such as dimensional allowances and interface lubrication, as well as in the determination of post-forging operations such as heat treatment and machining. In the presently reported work the effect of aperture width and initial specimen height on the strain distribution in the plane-strain extrusion forging of machined lead billets is observed: the distortion of grids inscribed on the face of the specimen gives the strain distribution. The stress-equilibrium approach is used to optimise a model of flow in extrusion forging, which model is found to be effective in estimating the size of the dead-metal zone. The work carried out so far indicates that the methodology of using the stress-equilibrium approach to develop models of flow in closed-die forging can be a useful tool in component, process and die design.


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In an effort to develop a fully computerized approach for structural synthesis of kinematic chains the steps involved in the method of structural synthesis based on transformation of binary chains [38] have been recast in a format suitable for implementation on a digital computer. The methodology thus evolved has been combined with the algebraic procedures for structural analysis [44] to develop a unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple jointed kinematic chains with a degree of freedom 0. Applications of this program are presented in the succeeding parts of the paper.


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The reliability of the computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple-jointed kinematic chains developed in Part 1 has been established by applying it to several cases for whuch solutions are either fully or partially available in the literature, such as 7-link, zero-freedom chains; 8- and 10-link, single-freedom chains; 12-link, single-freedom binary chains; and 9-link, two-freedom chains. In the process some discrepancies in the results reported in previous literature have been brought to light.


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The unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis developed in Part 1 has been employed to derive the new and complete collection of 97 10-link, three-freedom simple-jointed kinematic chains. The program shows that of these chains, 3 have total freedom, 70 have partial freedom and the remaining 24 have fractionated freedom and that the 97 chains yield a total of 676 distinct mechanisms.


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A unified approach to the problem of electrochemical fluctuations is presented. On the basis of the Langevin procedure, primary noise sources are introduced in the basic phenomenological equations and a discussion of the secondary noise sources arising in the expressions for the power spectra of currents is given.


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A discussion of the modelling of the primary and secondary noise sources introduced in the formalism of fluctuation phenomena in a previous report is presented. It is illustrated that the generalisation of the modelling of noise sources in mass transport as given by Tyagai is limited in its applicability. A general procedure for the same is discussed in detail.