963 resultados para Paper-cutting machines.


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Intervenção cardiovascular


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Consider scheduling of real-time tasks on a multiprocessor where migration is forbidden. Specifically, consider the problem of determining a task-to-processor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct types of processors. For this problem, we propose a new algorithm, LPC (task assignment based on solving a Linear Program with Cutting planes). The algorithm offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then LPC succeeds in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment as well but on a platform in which each processor is 1.5 × faster and has three additional processors. For systems with a large number of processors, LPC has a better approximation ratio than state-of-the-art algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that develops a provably good real-time task assignment algorithm using cutting planes.


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In order to correctly assess the biaxial fatigue material properties one must experimentally test different load conditions and stress levels. With the rise of new in-plane biaxial fatigue testing machines, using smaller and more efficient electrical motors, instead of the conventional hydraulic machines, it is necessary to reduce the specimen size and to ensure that the specimen geometry is appropriate for the load capacity installed. At the present time there are no standard specimen's geometries and the indications on literature how to design an efficient test specimen are insufficient. The main goal of this paper is to present the methodology on how to obtain an optimal cruciform specimen geometry, with thickness reduction in the gauge area, appropriate for fatigue crack initiation, as a function of the base material sheet thickness used to build the specimen. The geometry is optimized for maximum stress using several parameters, ensuring that in the gauge area the stress distributions on the loading directions are uniform and maximum with two limit phase shift loading conditions (delta = 0 degrees and (delta = 180 degrees). Therefore the fatigue damage will always initiate on the center of the specimen, avoiding failure outside this region. Using the Renard Series of preferred numbers for the base material sheet thickness as a reference, the reaming geometry parameters are optimized using a derivative-free methodology, called direct multi search (DMS) method. The final optimal geometry as a function of the base material sheet thickness is proposed, as a guide line for cruciform specimens design, and as a possible contribution for a future standard on in-plane biaxial fatigue tests


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Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica - Construções Mecânicas


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Ontologies have proliferated in the last years, essentially justified by the need of achieving a consensus in the multiple representations of reality inside computers, and therefore the accomplishment of interoperability between machines and systems. Ontologies provide an explicit conceptualization that describes the semantics of the data. Crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries are organizations that mediate the communication and relationship between companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom, taking advantage of web 2.0 tools. Various ontologies have emerged, but at the best of our knowledge, there isn’t any ontology that represents the entire process of intermediation of crowdsourcing innovation. In this paper we present an ontology roadmap for developing crowdsourcing innovation ontology of the intermediation process. Over the years, several authors have proposed some distinct methodologies, by different proposals of combining practices, activities, languages, according to the project they were involved in. We start making a literature review on ontology building, and analyse and compare ontologies that propose the development from scratch with the ones that propose reusing other ontologies. We also review enterprise and innovation ontologies known in literature. Finally, are presented the criteria for selecting the methodology and the roadmap for building crowdsourcing innovation intermediary ontology.


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Arguably, the most difficult task in text classification is to choose an appropriate set of features that allows machine learning algorithms to provide accurate classification. Most state-of-the-art techniques for this task involve careful feature engineering and a pre-processing stage, which may be too expensive in the emerging context of massive collections of electronic texts. In this paper, we propose efficient methods for text classification based on information-theoretic dissimilarity measures, which are used to define dissimilarity-based representations. These methods dispense with any feature design or engineering, by mapping texts into a feature space using universal dissimilarity measures; in this space, classical classifiers (e.g. nearest neighbor or support vector machines) can then be used. The reported experimental evaluation of the proposed methods, on sentiment polarity analysis and authorship attribution problems, reveals that it approximates, sometimes even outperforms previous state-of-the-art techniques, despite being much simpler, in the sense that they do not require any text pre-processing or feature engineering.


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We derived a framework in integer programming, based on the properties of a linear ordering of the vertices in interval graphs, that acts as an edge completion model for obtaining interval graphs. This model can be applied to problems of sequencing cutting patterns, namely the minimization of open stacks problem (MOSP). By making small modifications in the objective function and using only some of the inequalities, the MOSP model is applied to another pattern sequencing problem that aims to minimize, not only the number of stacks, but also the order spread (the minimization of the stack occupation problem), and the model is tested.


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The problem addressed here originates in the industry of flat glass cutting and wood panel sawing, where smaller items are cut from larger items accordingly to predefined cutting patterns. In this type of industry the smaller pieces that are cut from the patterns are piled around the machine in stacks according to the size of the pieces, which are moved to the warehouse only when all items of the same size have been cut. If the cutting machine can process only one pattern at a time, and the workspace is limited, it is desirable to set the sequence in which the cutting patterns are processed in a way to minimize the maximum number of open stacks around the machine. This problem is known in literature as the minimization of open stacks (MOSP). To find the best sequence of the cutting patterns, we propose an integer programming model, based on interval graphs, that searches for an appropriate edge completion of the given graph of the problem, while defining a suitable coloring of its vertices.


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Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practice, p. 426-432


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Wind speed forecasting has been becoming an important field of research to support the electricity industry mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources. This type of electricity generation is highly dependent on the weather conditions variability, particularly the variability of the wind speed. Therefore, accurate wind power forecasting models are required to the operation and planning of wind plants and power systems. A Support Vector Machines (SVM) model for short-term wind speed is proposed and its performance is evaluated and compared with several artificial neural network (ANN) based approaches. A case study based on a real database regarding 3 years for predicting wind speed at 5 minutes intervals is presented.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da doutora Clara Sarmento Esta versão não contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri


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A indústria de transformação de material plástico contribui de forma relevante para o desenvolvimento da economia mundial. Com o objetivo de desenvolvimento dessa indústria, a empresa Pentaplast S. A., situada em Água Longa, Santo Tirso, desenvolve a conceção de novos produtos para novas aplicações. Esta empresa para continuar na posição de destaque que possui, tem que conduzir a sua existência na melhoria contínua e atualização fase ao mercado. Na indústria termoformadora existe uma procura constante de novos materiais, visto ser um mercado muito competitivo. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um filme plástico com o aspeto de papel para a indústria termoformadora, criando desta forma um impacto no consumidor para a preocupação ambiental. De forma a encontrar soluções para o problema mencionado, conduziu-se ao estudo e desenvolvimento de um novo produto – Paper Like, sendo este, um produto reciclável e adotado às necessidades da termoformação. Para isso, desenvolveu-se o projeto utilizando o processo de termolaminação, com a adição de um aditivo na camada externa, permitindo incorporar ao filme plástico, o aspeto e textura de papel. Foram testados, separadamente, dois aditivos, X e Y, base PET e PE, respetivamente, com diferentes percentagens de incorporação. O aditivo X foi desenvolvido especialmente para este projeto, tendo como base politereftalato de etileno, no entanto com a sua incorporação não se obteve os resultados esperados, somente dava um aspeto mate ao filme extrudidos. O aditivo Y, já existe no mercado mas nunca utilizado em extrusão plana, tem como base polietileno e a sua incorporação permitiu obter um filme com aspeto de papel, comprovando-se a sua compatibilidade com pigmentos, os quais dão diversas cores aos filmes, permitindo assim competir com os filmes tradicionais. Infelizmente a termolaminação do filme com o aditivo Y não foi possível, o que inviabiliza a selagem da embalagem.


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Guilhotinas são máquinas robustas, de corte rectilíneo, normalmente associadas a equipamentos de baixo custo, devido à pequena quantidade de dispositivos tecnológicos incorporados. No entanto, esta situação pode ser alterada através da criatividade dos projetistas deste tipo de equipamento. Analisando algumas operações específicas, pode-se observar que algumas ferramentas, quando associadas ao equipamento, podem aumentar substancialmente a produtividade do processo de corte e a qualidade do produto final. Em relação ao processo de corte de chapas finas de metal, pode-se observar que na fase final de corte, o peso do material a cortar é suspenso por uma pequena porção de material que ainda não foi sujeita ao corte. Este facto leva a uma deformação plástica nesta última zona, causando problemas de qualidade no produto final, que não ficará completamente plano. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em torno deste problema, estudando a melhor solução para desenvolver uma nova ferramenta, capaz de evitar a falta de nivelamento da placa, após corte. Um novo equipamento foi concebido, capaz de ser facilmente incorporado na guilhotina, permitindo o acompanhamento da inclinação da lâmina durante a operação de corte. O sistema é totalmente automatizado, sendo operado por uma única instrução de corte dada pelo operador da máquina. Este sistema permite à empresa fabricante aumentar o valor agregado de cada máquina, oferecendo aos clientes soluções avançadas, contribuindo desta forma para a sustentabilidade do negócio da empresa.


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The authors studied 70 leprosy patients and 20 normal individuals, comparing the traditional sera collection method and the finger prick blood with the conservation on filter paper for specific antibodies against the native phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) from Mycobacterium leprae. The finger prick blood dried on filter paper was eluated in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) containing 0.5% gelatin. The classical method for native PGL-I was performed for these eluates, and compared with the antibody determination for sera. It was observed that there is a straight correlation comparing these two methods; although the titles found for the eluates were lower than those obtained for serology. This blood collection method could be useful for investigation of new leprosy cases in field, specially in contacts individuals.