988 resultados para PI(3)K
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Oxidation state and coordination of transition metal cations seems to be hard to assess when considering multiple cations, each one with different possible oxidation states. In fact, this is the case of the spineltype double oxides family. High resolution K beta X-ray fluorescence spectra were measured in Mn(2-x)V(1+4)O4 (x=0 and 1/3) spinels-type double oxides in order to determine the oxidation state and coordination of V and Mn cations. The relative intensity of radiative Auger effect KM2,3M4,5 to the total intensity and the integral absolute difference value were used as reference parameters for the characterization of Mn oxidation states. The coordination of Mn ions was inferred by the intensity of the K beta(5) line. In the case of V compounds, it was used as the intensity of the line K beta' relative to the total area of K beta region. The obtained results were further compared with X-ray absorption spectra analysis, showing good agreements regarding the oxidation state characterization. However, there were found some discrepancies in coordination, due to customary oversimplifications in the K beta(5) line origin. The obtained results might represent valuable and useful data for chemical scopes of characterizing spineltype oxides family. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examine hemolymph ion regulation and the kinetic properties of a gill microsomal (Na+, K+)-ATPase from the intertidal hermit crab, Clibanarius vittatus, acclimated to 45 parts per thousand salinity for 10 days. Hemolymph osmolality is hypo-regulated (1102.5 +/- 22.1 mOsm kg(-1) H2O) at 45 parts per thousand but elevated compared to fresh-caught crabs (801.0 +/- 40.1 mOsm kg(-1) H2O). Hemolymph [Na+ (323.0 +/- 2.5 mmol L-1) and [Me2+) (34.6 +/- 1.0 mmol L-1) are hypo-regulated while [Ca2+] (22.5 +/- 0.7 mmol L-1) is hyper-regulated; [K+] is hyper-regulated in fresh-caught crabs (17.4 +/- 0.5 mmol L-1) but hypo-regulated (6.2 +/- 0.7 mmol L-1) at 45 parts per thousand. Protein expression patterns are altered in the 45 parts per thousand-acclimated crabs, although Western blot analyses reveal just a single immunoreactive band, suggesting a single (Na+, K+)-ATPase alpha-subunit isoform, distributed in different density membrane fractions. A high-affinity (Vm = 46.5 +/- 3.5 U mg(-1); K-0.5 = 7.07 +/- 0.01 mu mol L-1) and a low-affinity ATP binding site (Vm = 108.1 +/- 2.5 U mg(-1); K-0.5 = 0.11 +/- 0.3 mmol L-1), both obeying cooperative kinetics, were disclosed. Modulation of (Na+, K+)-ATPase activity by Mg2+, K+ and NH4+ also exhibits site-site interactions, but modulation by Na+ shows Michaelis-Menten kinetics. (Na+, K+)-ATPase activity is synergistically stimulated up to 45% by NH4+ plus K+. Enzyme catalytic efficiency for variable [K+] and fixed [NH4+] is 10-fold greater than for variable [NH4+] and fixed [K+]. Ouabain inhibited approximate to 80% of total ATPase activity (K-I=464.7 +/- 23.2 mu mol L-1), suggesting that ATPases other than (Na+, K+)-ATPase are present. While (Na+, K+)-ATPase activities are similar in fresh-caught (around 142 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1)) and 45 parts per thousand-acclimated crabs (around 154 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1)), ATP affinity decreases 110-fold and Na+ and K+ affinities increase 2-3-fold in 45 parts per thousand-acclimated crabs. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Schistosoma mansoni synthesizes glycoconjugates which interact with galectin-3, eliciting an intense humoral immune response. Moreover, it was demonstrated that galectin-3 regulates B cell differentiation into plasma cells. Splenomegaly is a hallmark event characterized by polyclonal B cell activation and enhancement of antibody production. Here, we investigated whether galectin-3 interferes with spleen organization and B cell compartment during chronic schistosomiasis, using wild type (WT) and galectin-3(-/-) mice. In chronically-infected galectin-3(-/-) mice the histological architecture of the spleen, including white and red pulps, was disturbed with heterogeneous lymphoid follicles, an increased number of plasma cells (CD19(-)B220(-/low)CD138(+)) and a reduced number of macrophages (CD19(-)B220(-)Mac-1(+)CD138(-)) and B lymphocytes (CD19(+)B220(+/high)CD138(-)), compared with the WT infected mice. In the absence of galectin-3 there was an increase of annexin-V+PI- cells and a major presence of apoptotic cells in spleen compared with WT infected mice. In spleen of WT infected mice galectin-3 was largely expressed in lymphoid follicles and extrafollicular sites. Thus, we propose that galectin-3 plays a role in splenic architecture, controlling distinct events such as apoptosis, macrophage activity, B cell differentiation and plasmacytogenesis in the course of S. mansoni infection.
The production of K*(892)(0) and phi(1020) in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV was measured by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The yields and the transverse momentum spectra d(2)N/dydp(T) at midrapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5 in the range 0 < p(T) < 6 GeV/c for K*(892)(0) and 0.4 < p(T) < 6 GeV/c for phi(1020) are reported and compared to model predictions. Using the yield of pions, kaons, and Omega baryons measured previously by ALICE at root s = 7 TeV, the ratios K*/K-, phi/K*, phi/ K-, phi/pi(-), and (Omega + <(Omega)over bar>)/phi are presented. The values of the K*/K-, phi/K* and phi/K- ratios are similar to those found at lower centre-of-mass energies. In contrast, the phi/pi(-) ratio, which has been observed to increase with energy, seems to saturate above 200 GeV. The (Omega + (Omega) over bar)/phi ratio in the p(T) range 1-5 GeV/ c is found to be in good agreement with the prediction of the HIJING/B (B) over bar v2.0model with a strong colour field.
Measurements of the differential cross section and the transverse single-spin asymmetry, A(N), vs x(F) for pi(0) and eta mesons are reported for 0.4 < x(F) < 0.75 at an average pseudorapidity of 3.68. A data sample of approximately 6.3 pb(-1) was analyzed, which was recorded during p(up arrow) + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The average transverse beam polarization was 56%. The cross section for pi(0), including the previously unmeasured region of x(F) > 0.55, is consistent with a perturbative QCD prediction, and the eta/pi(0) cross-section ratio agrees with existing midrapidity measurements. For 0.55 < x(F) < 0.75, the average A(N) for eta is 0.210 +/- 0.056, and that for pi(0) is 0.081 +/- 0.016. The probability that these two asymmetries are equal is similar to 3%.
alpha-KTx toxin Tc32, from the Amazonian scorpion Tityus cambridgei, lacks the dyad motif; including Lys27, characteristic of the family and generally associated with channel blockage. The toxin has been cloned and expressed for the first time. Electrophysiological experiments, by showing that the recombinant form blocks Kv1.3 channels of olfactory bulb periglomerular cells like the natural Tc32 toxin, when tested on the Kv1.3 channel of human T lymphocytes, confirmed it is in an active fold. The nuclear magnetic resonance-derived structure revealed it exhibits an alpha/beta scaffold typical of the members of the alpha-KTx family. TdK2 and TdK3, all belonging to the same alpha-KTx 18 subfamily, share significant sequence identity with Tc32 but diverse selectivity and affinity for Kv1.3 and Kv1.1 channels. To gain insight into the structural features that may justify those differences, we used the recombinant Tc32 nuclear magnetic resonance-derived structure to model the other two toxins, for which no experimental structure is available. Their interaction with Kv1.3 and Kv1.1 has been investigated by means of docking simulations. The results suggest that differences in the electrostatic features of the toxins and channels, in their contact surfaces, and in their total dipole moment orientations govern the affinity and selectivity of toxins. In addition, we found that, regardless of whether the dyad motif is present, it is always a Lys side chain that physically blocks the channels, irrespective of its position in the toxin sequence.
Das Standardmodell (SM) der Teilchenphysik beschreibt sehr präzise die fundamentalen Bausteine und deren Wechselwirkungen (WW). Trotz des Erfolges gibt es noch offene Fragen, die vom SM nicht beantwortet werden können. Ein noch noch nicht abgeschlossener Test besteht aus der Messung der Stärke der schwachen Kopplung zwischen Quarks. Neutrale B- bzw. $bar{B}$-Mesonen können sich innerhalb ihrer Lebensdauer über einen Prozeß der schwachen WW in ihr Antiteilchen transformieren. Durch die Messung der Bs-Oszillation kann die Kopplung Vtd zwischen den Quarksorten Top (t) und Down (d) bestimmt werden. Alle bis Ende 2005 durchgeführten Experimente lieferten lediglich eine untere Grenze für die Oszillationsfrequenz von ms>14,4ps-1. Die vorliegenden Arbeit beschreibt die Messung der Bs-Oszillationsfrequenz ms mit dem semileptonischen Kanal BsD(-)+. Die verwendeten Daten stammen aus Proton-Antiproton-Kollisionen, die im Zeitraum von April 2002 bis März 2006 mit dem DØ-Detektor am Tevatron-Beschleuniger des Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $sqrt{s}$=1,96TeV aufgezeichnet wurden. Die verwendeten Datensätze entsprechen einer integrierten Luminosität von 1,3fb-1 (620 millionen Ereignisse). Für diese Oszillationsmessung wurde der Quarkinhalt des Bs-Mesons zur Zeit der Produktion sowie des Zerfalls bestimmt und die Zerfallszeit wurde gemessen. Nach der Rekonstruktion und Selektion der Signalereignisse legt die Ladung des Myons den Quarkinhalt des Bs-Mesons zur Zeit des Zerfalls fest. Zusätzlich wurde der Quarkinhalt des Bs-Mesons zur Zeit der Produktion markiert. b-Quarks werden in $pbar{p}$-Kollisionen paarweise produziert. Die Zerfallsprodukte des zweiten b-Hadrons legen den Quarkinhalt des Bs-Mesons zur Zeit der Produktion fest. Bei einer Sensitivität von msenss=14,5ps-1 wurde eine untere Grenze für die Oszillationsfrequenz ms>15,5ps-1 bestimmt. Die Maximum-Likelihood-Methode lieferte eine Oszillationsfrequenz ms>(20+2,5-3,0(stat+syst)0,8(syst,k))ps-1 bei einem Vertrauensniveau von 90%. Der nicht nachgewiesene Neutrinoimpuls führt zu dem systematischen Fehler (sys,k). Dieses Resultat ergibt zusammen mit der entsprechenden Oszillation des Bd-Mesons eine signifikante Messung der Kopplung Vtd, in Übereinstimmung mit weiteren Experimenten über die schwachen Quarkkopplungen.
Bis heute ist die Frage nicht geklärt, warum bei der Entstehung des Universums Materie gegenüber der Antimaterie bevorzugt war und das heutige Materieuniversum entstanden ist. Eine Voraussetzung für die Entstehung dieser Materie-Antimaterie-Asymmetrie ist die Verletzung der Kombination von Ladungs- (C) und Punktsymmetrie (P), die CP-Verletzung. CP-Verletzung kann sich unter anderem in den Zerfällen K+- -> pi+- pi0 pi0 zeigen. Die NA48/2"=Kollaboration zeichnete während den Jahren 2003 und 2004 über 200~TB Daten von Zerfällen geladener Kaonen auf. In dieser Arbeit wurde die CP"=verletzende Asymmetrie der Zerfälle K+- -> pi+- pi0 pi0 mit über 90~Millionen ausgewählten Ereignissen aus diesem Datensatz gemessen. Vorhersagen im Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik sagen hier eine CP"=verletzende Asymmetrie in der Größenordnung zwischen $10^{-6}$ und $10^{-5}$ voraus. In Modellen außerhalb des Standardmodells kann es aber auch größere Asymmetrien geben. Das NA48/2"=Experiment war darauf ausgelegt, mögliche systematische Unsicherheiten zu begrenzen. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden positive und negative Kaonen simultan an einem Target erzeugt und ihr Impuls durch ein Strahlsystem mit zwei Strahlengängen auf ca. $60~GeV/c$ begrenzt. Die Strahlen wurden auf wenige Millimeter genau überlagert in die Zerfallsregion geleitet. Die Strahlengänge von positiven und negativen Kaonen sowie die Polarität des Magneten des Impulsspektrometers wurden regelmäßig gewechselt. Dies erlaubte eine Symmetrisierung von Strahlführung und Detektor für positive und negative Kaonen während der Analyse. Durch ein Vierfachverhältnis der vier Datensätze mit den unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen konnte sichergestellt werden, dass alle durch Strahlführung oder Detektor erzeugten Asymmetrien sich in erster Ordnung aufheben. Um die unterschiedlichen Produktionsspektren von positiven und negativen Kaonen auszugleichen wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Ereignisgewichtung durchgeführt. Die Analyse wurde auf mögliche systematische Unsicherheiten untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die systematischen Unsicherheiten in der Analyse deutlich kleiner als der statistischer Fehler sind. Das Ergebnis der Messung des die CP-verletzende Asymmetrie beschreibenden Parameters $A_g$ ist: begin{equation} A_g= (1,2 pm 1,7_{mathrm{(stat)}} pm 0,7_{mathrm{(sys)}}) cdot 10^{-4}. end{equation} Diese Messung ist fast zehnmal genauer als bisherige Messungen und stimmt innerhalb ihrer Unsicherheit mit dem Standardmodell überein. Modelle, die eine größere CP-Verletzung in diesem Zerfall vorhersagen, können ausgeschlossen werden.
The goal of this thesis was an experimental test of an effective theory of strong interactions at low energy, called Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). Weak decays of kaon mesons provide such a test. In particular, K± → π±γγ decays are interesting because there is no tree-level O(p2) contribution in ChPT, and the leading contributions start at O(p4). At this order, these decays include one undetermined coupling constant, ĉ. Both the branching ratio and the spectrum shape of K± → π±γγ decays are sensitive to this parameter. O(p6) contributions to K± → π±γγ ChPT predict a 30-40% increase in the branching ratio. From the measurement of the branching ratio and spectrum shape of K± → π±γγ decays, it is possible to determine a model dependent value of ĉ and also to examine whether the O(p6) corrections are necessary and enough to explain the rate.About 40% of the data collected in the year 2003 by the NA48/2 experiment have been analyzed and 908 K± → π±γγ candidates with about 8% background contamination have been selected in the region with z = mγγ2/mK2 ≥ 0.2. Using 5,750,121 selected K± → π±π0 decays as normalization channel, a model independent differential branching ratio of K± → π±γγ has been measured to be:BR(K± → π±γγ, z ≥ 0.2) = (1.018 ± 0.038stat ± 0.039syst ± 0.004ext) ∙10-6. From the fit to the O(p6) ChPT prediction of the measured branching ratio and the shape of the z-spectrum, a value of ĉ = 1.54 ± 0.15stat ± 0.18syst has been extracted. Using the measured ĉ value and the O(p6) ChPT prediction, the branching ratio for z =mγγ2/mK2 <0.2 was computed and added to the measured result. The value obtained for the total branching ratio is:BR(K± → π±γγ) = (1.055 ± 0.038stat ± 0.039syst ± 0.004ext + 0.003ĉ -0.002ĉ) ∙10-6, where the last error reflects the uncertainty on ĉ.The branching ratio result presented here agrees with previous experimental results, improving the precision of the measurement by at least a factor of five. The precision on the ĉ measurement has been improved by approximately a factor of three. A slight disagreement with the O(p6) ChPT branching ratio prediction as a function of ĉ has been observed. This mightrnbe due to the possible existence of non-negligible terms not yet included in the theory. Within the scope of this thesis, η-η' mixing effects in O(p4) ChPT have also been measured.
In questo lavoro di tesi è stato studiato lo spettro di massa invariante del sistema J/psi pi+ pi-, m(J/psi pi+ pi-), in collisioni protone-protone a LHC, con energia nel centro di massa sqrt(s)) pari a 8 TeV, alla ricerca di nuovi stati adronici. Lo studio è stato effettuato su un campione di dati raccolti da CMS in tutto il 2012, corrispondente ad una luminosità integrata di 18.6 fb-1. Lo spettro di massa invariante m(J/psi pi+ pi-), è stato ricostruito selezionando gli eventi J/psi->mu+ mu- associati a due tracce cariche di segno opposto, assunte essere pioni, provenienti da uno stesso vertice di interazione. Nonostante l'alta statistica a disposizione e l'ampia regione di massa invariante tra 3.6 e 6.0 GeV/c^2 osservata, sono state individuate solo risonanze già note: la risonanza psi(2S) del charmonio, lo stato X(3872) ed una struttura più complessa nella regione attorno a 5 GeV/c^2, che è caratteristica della massa dei mesoni contenenti il quark beauty (mesoni B). Al fine di identificare la natura di tale struttura, è stato necessario ottenere un campione di eventi arricchito in adroni B. È stata effettuata una selezione basata sull'elevata lunghezza di decadimento, che riflette la caratteristica degli adroni B di avere una vita media relativamente lunga (ordine dei picosecondi) rispetto ad altri adroni. Dal campione così ripulito, è stato possibile distinguere tre sottostrutture nello spettro di massa invariante in esame: una a 5.36 GeV/c^2, identificata come i decadimenti B^0_s-> J/psi pi+ pi-, un'altra a 5.28 GeV/c^2 come i candidati B^0-> J/psi pi+ pi- e un'ultima allargata tra 5.1 e 5.2 GeV/c^2 data da effetti di riflessione degli scambi tra pioni e kaoni. Quest'ultima struttura è stata identificata come totalmente costituita di una combinazione di eventi B^0-> J/psi K+ pi- e B^0_s-> J/psi K+ K-.
The LHCb experiment at the LHC, by exploiting the high production cross section for $c\overline{c}$ quark pairs, offers the possibility to investigate $\mathcal{CP}$ violation in the charm sector with a very high precision.\\ In this thesis a measurement of time-integrated \(\mathcal{CP}\) violation using $D^0\rightarrow~K^+K^-$ and $D^0\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-$ decays at LHCb is presented. The measured quantity is the difference ($\Delta$) of \(\mathcal{CP}\) asymmetry ($\mathcal{A}_{\mathcal{CP}}$) between the decay rates of $D^0$ and $\overline{D}^0$ mesons into $K^+K^–$ and $\pi^+\pi^-$ pairs.\\ The analysis is performed on 2011 data, collected at \(\sqrt{s}=7\) TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb\(^{-1}\), and 2012 data, collected at \(\sqrt{s}=8\) TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb\(^{-1}\).\\ A complete study of systematic uncertainties is beyond the aim of this thesis. However the most important systematic of the previous analysis has been studied. We find that this systematic uncertainty was due to a statistical fluctuation and then we demonstrate that it is no longer necessary to take into account.\\ By combining the 2011 and 2012 results, the final statistical precision is 0.08\%. When this analysis will be completed and published, this will be the most precise single measurement in the search for $\mathcal{CP}$ violation in the charm sector.