493 resultados para Nietzsche Minaj


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e de l´espace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasse l´expérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoque l´expréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O LMV ocorre em todo o mundo e é considerado um dos patógenos mais importantes para a cultura da alface. de acordo com a habilidade em contornar os genes de resistência mo1¹ e mo1² encontrados em alface, os isolados de LMV podem ser dividos em dois sub-grupos: LMV-Most, capazes de contornar a resistência propiciada por estes genes e de serem transmitidos pela semente nestas cutivares, e LMV-Common, que não são capazes de causar sintomas nestes cultivares, além de serem transmitidos pela semente somente em cultivares suscetíveis. Para avaliar a ocorrência destes dois tipos de isolados de LMV foram coletadas, durante 2002-2005, amostras de alface com sintomas de mosaico em áreas de produção de alface comercial das regiões de Campinas, Mogi das Cruzes e Bauru no estado de São Paulo. O RNA total foi utilizado para detecção por RT-PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos universais para LMV que amplificam a porção N-terminal variável da capa protéica, localizada no terminal 3´do genoma. As amostras positivas foram analisadas por um segundo primer que amplifica um fragmento da região central (CI-VPg) do genoma viral. Um total de 1362 amostras foram avaliadas, tendo sido detectado o LMV em 504 amostras (37,29%). O LMV-Common prevaleceu em variedades suscetíveis (77,3%). O LMV-Most foi encontrado frequentemente associado a variedades portadoras do gene de tolerância mo1¹. Apesar da existência dos LMV-Most capazes de contornar a resistência em alface, estes não predominam em nossa condições.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado, intitulada O ARBUSTO DOS ANJOS, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem, do CCHLA/UFRN, para obtenção do título de Mestra em Estudos da Linguagem, objetiva realizar uma leitura da obra anjosiana Eu (1912), de modo a identificar, no teor dialético de seus versos, uma atitude crítica do poeta frente à realidade instituída, assumindo, para tanto, dimensões utópicas que o fazem vislumbrar outras possibilidades de existência. Como fundamentação teórica, apóia-se em Nietzsche, em cujos textos de A Vontade de Poder (1884-1888) toma de empréstimo uma concepção de niilismo díspar do fatalismo e da resignação, porque voltada para uma negação das verdades instituídas; também baseia-se no pensamento de Benjamin, em suas Teses sobre o conceito de história (1940), de onde é possível enxergar, no desvio revolucionário pelo passado, uma oportunidade de construir um futuro diferente do agora. O estudo analisa alguns poemas de Augusto dos Anjos, tomando-os como realidade criadora que mantém pontos de contato com a realidade imediata do poeta. Apoiando-se no método de análise de Antonio Candido (2004), esta dissertação privilegia o estudo de cinco sonetos constituintes do Eu, a saber: O Lázaro da Pátria , Ricordanza della mia Gioventú , A Árvore da Serra , Debaixo do Tamarindo e Vozes da Morte . Identifica na sua abordagem lírica rasgadora de normas e aglutinadora de sonhos, o fundamento paradoxal que sustenta o niilismo utópico de Augusto dos Anjos, no qual protagoniza a voz dos oprimidos, digna de ser recordada no espaço sempre emblemático do texto literário


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El escritor de São Paulo Raduan Nassar, lanza en 1975, su primera novela intitulado Lavoura arcaica. En su narrativa de estreno, el escritor nos trae la historia de un adolescente, André, que intenta destruir la plantación de su padre, Iohána. A través de sus sermones, el patriarca predicaba la moderación, la disciplina y la obediencia a las leyes impuestas por él, construyendo así, un mundo de ilusiones, donde el amor era una máscara para la hipocresía. En esta tensa relación, padre e hijo, representaciones místicas de Apolo y Dionisio, emprenden una contienda discursiva sobre la negación y la afirmación de la existencia. De ese modo, considerando la relación de lucha e integridad entre el impulso apolíneo y dionisiaco existentes en el romanticismo nassariano, la propuesta de este trabajo es presentar una lectura de lo trágico en Lavoura arcaica a partir de la perspectiva nietzscheana sobre el género trágico. Para eso, recorrimos al concepto desarrollado por Nietzsche en su obra, desde su primer libro O nascimento da tragédia (2007a), A visão dionisíaca do mundo (2005 a) y Ecce homo (2008 b).


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The present dissertation analyses the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the short story written by João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga (1946) seeking to point out the possibility of the philosophic application of some Nietzschean ideas to enlarge the aesthetic value of the short story. It has been especially aimed at applying the concept of the noble superior being described by Nietzsche, the ubermensch, to the hero s ontological nature, Augusto Matraga. Nietzsche s postulates of the will to power, the elements suggested of the trial between Dionysus and Apollo and the ascetic ideal, will be especially relevant to this work, which intends to establish until what point the hero can be conceived as a good ascetic person, in so far as his noble ontological nature trespass the Christian morality, bringing him closer to the man who, according to Nietzsche, is beyond good and evil. Some Heideggerian concepts will also be relevant in order to reinforce the idea that the judgment created about Matraga is just an appearance that does not contemplate his essential Being, contributing to veil his real tragic-ontological valour, what implies that the aesthetic power of the short has been under valued


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Considering articles written for Fernando Pessoa in 1912 about The new Portuguese poetry , where he already proclaimed the appearance of the Super-Camões, poet that would be able to revolutionize Portuguese literature e, concomitantly, to make resurging from rubble the Portuguese nation; we understand that, decades before the writing of Message, the poet was already armed with a Will of Power , expression of Friedrich Nietzsche that incorporate the idea of resurgence to the man like creator of news values. Fernando Pessoa believed to make his poetical word, the epic, restoring word of the ideas of Messianism and Fifth Empire as the pushing force of the new Portuguese largeness. However, we look for to investigate the conditions of Malaise that surround the universe of the poem and that restrict its capacity of action on the reality in its return, a time that the space destined in modernity to the poet and to his poetry hindered him of a devoted and positive action, We select therefore theorist like Sigmund Freud e Walter Benjamin


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Diese These besteht aus der Analyse der Enteignungsverhältnisse und der Misselung, welche in den Texten der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes und die Hymnen Hölderlins vorkommen. Germanien und der Rhein sind in den 30en-Jahren letzten Jahrhunderts von Martin Heidegger verfasst worden. Ab anwendung der kritischen Methodologia von Harold Bloom und der starken Texgestaltung von Richard Rorty wird es deutlich, dass die Heideggers Lesungen der Hölderlins Poesia als ei Ersatzversuch der von Hegel entwickelte Kulturgeschichte ab deutescher Überlieferung klassicher Studien, die das tragische Erlebnis der alten Griechen als grundlegender Punkt des Westen Daseins vorbringen, verstanden werden können. So verlegt Heidegger die Aufbauachse der Entstehungserzälung des Abendlandes in Richtung Dichtkunst, indem er in seiner Wendung zum Dichterischen gleichzeitig auf der Suche nach einer abweichenden Feststellung der vorherrschaftlichen These ist, in welcher die Tragödie das grosse Antrittsereignis der westlichen Zivilisation darstellt, und darüber hinaus noch der Herstellung einer innigen Verbindung zwischen der Poesie von Hölderlin und Hesiudus, um die Enge der dichterischen Überinstimmung zu zeigen, welche die alten Griechen und die zeitegemässigen Deutschen verbrände. Dieser geistige Aufbau Heideggers hat man somit als ein überholungsversuch Hegels Einfluss und Denkungsart zur Vollendung der von Nietzsche begonnenen Überwindungsaufgabe des Hegelianismus´zu verstehen


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This work has the purpose to analyze the female images unrolled at the Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930) poetry of her three books published, Livro de Mágoas (1919), Livro de Sóror Saudade (1923) e Charneca em Flor (1931, posthumous), showing how the female mythic constituents Eve and Lilith advance among the books, delineating the female image which culminates to the female poet image, free of moral conventions and social principles in the beginning of 20th century. For this exam, we will apply the Imaginary criticism, and realize a short explanation about mythic archetypes theories from C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, E. Meletínki and Gilbert Durand, theories that will lead us to make the connection between the mythic constituents and Nietzsche tragic constituents, from which we will explain how these female mythic images associated to reason and unreason mythic constituents, unrolled at the Florbela poetry, also reveal the tragic esthetic at her work


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The fundamental question developed in this research is to consider the possible meanings of biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault. In the first chapter of this study seeks to examine the rationality of biopower. It is able to show the rationality of acting as a social machinery for the manufacture of the subjectivity of individuals, biopolitics as a producer of bodies and subjectivity. The theme of biopolitics appears as inspiration of Nietzsche's metaphor of war. The idea that history is the war for dominance of the bodies. In the second chapter, the (bio) political will and political thought of resistance, fighting criticism as an attitude of revolt of the subject before his condition subjugated. The biopolitical here is intended as a conceptual tool for reading the thought / Foucault's work. A resistance that can be thought of as a biopolitical as a "refractoriness reflected". The third chapter will seek to show how the Foucault argues that power was already present the ethics of self-care. If the subject is a product, is captured by the discourse of biopower that manufactures its subjectivity, self care, it's time to think about the inner contents. Self care is something that offers resistance, as a possibility to think that these contents are constructed historically, and that therefore it is possible to reestablish the self-care is a policy of fighting these sedimented content that promotes colonization of the subjects. You can move from ruler to ruled itself, although this pursuit of liberty is always unfinished, always be a tension, a desire for freedom that can be undertaken not as a state, but at least the minimum and temporarily in other forms of existence, and other ways of relating, other ways of sociability, friendship, sexuality


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Ce travail consiste en présenter la façon tel comme l'image du philosophe apparaît dans le penseé de Nietzsche sur sa série Considérations Intempestives où il esquisse un type d'homme proprement philosophique, ainsi comme il présent en détails ce qu'il pense sur la philosophie et son rôle par rapport à son temps, en articulant ces idées de façon intrinsèque avec un sens renouvelé sur la culture, qui joue un rôle important dans l'enseemble de son oeuvre. Sur cette base, nous nous proposons de penser comme une philosophie intempestive se rapporte à l'histoire, en remplaçant au premier plan ce que concerne au philosophe considéré le médicin de la culture. L'objectif ici est alors de penser quel est l'office du philosophe en temps de chaos


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Pour formuler une discussion sur le nihilisme, l'enquête sur le premier chapitre examine les preuves historiques et philosophiques de montrer que la réflexion sur le nihilisme comme un problème philosophique, suite à l'analyse et la critique du philosophe Friedrich Nietzsche à partir des principaux concepts au sein de son travail: décrépitude, la mort de Dieu, la dévaluation des valeurs, transvaluation des valeurs, volonté de puissance et éternel retour, ils sont quelques-uns des concepts et servir de cadre au point critique de la métaphysique. Le deuxième chapitre est une analyse des idées qui ont émergé de la lecture de Nietzsche qui sont développées entre le philosophe Martin Heidegger et Ernst Jünger. Un dialogue qui limite le nihilisme et ses ramifications pour l'ère de la technique, et finalement vaincre leur pensée ou dépassement.


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Through a careful examination of the relationship between Zoroastrianism and the Western tradition, and a detailed and critical reading of the writings of Nietzsche, this work aims at showing to what extent the character Zarathustra , his discourses and poetical-philosophical thoughts, and related passages from many distinct Nietzschean works, directly or undirectly reflect a philosophy that harvests contributions from the Zoroastrian tradition or its headways (in the Judeo-Greco-Christian tradition, and furthermore in the whole Western philosophical tradition). Supplied with this provisions, and with the interpretation cast upon them, Nietzschean philosophy questions the entire Western tradition of thought, and proposes its replacement by a new attitude towards life. This work also intends to show the way the Nietzschean Zarathustra was built up, in the writings of the German philosopher, together with the idea of making, out of the namesake character of the ancient Iranian prophet (Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism), the herald of that important text that intended to bring the German language to its highest perfection , clumping together, and leading to a prophetic-poetic climax consonant with the meaning of the Earth , Nietzsche s key ideas about the rectification of the most fatal of errors and about the death of God . An elaborate investigation has been pursued after the reasons and manners of the building up of Nietzsche s Zarathustra mirroring its Iranian namesake (sections 1.1 to 1.6), and a survey of the works of Nietzsche has suggested unquestionable relations with the Zoroastrian tradition, mostly through the Jewish, Greek or Christian repercussions of this tradition. These relations have been put in context, in many framings (sections 2.1 to 2.3.2), in the ambit of the most fatal of errors - the - creation of morals in the very occasion of its transposition to metaphysics (Ecce Homo, Why I am a destiny , 3). Through an evaluation of the possible circumstances and repercussions of the death of God , the relations between Nietzsche s writings and Zoroastrian tradition have been investigated (sections 3.1 to 3.7), allowing the understanding of this event as an essential component, and tragic outcome, of the rectification of the most fatal of errors


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Em A gaia ciência Nietzsche irá abordar a ciência, especificamente a sua finalidade, sob uma perspectiva crítica, apontando a necessidade de um conhecimento científico mais humano e menos mecanicista, uma ciência mais próxima à arte, que ao invés de descobrir verdades, se ocupe em criar novos valores, visões e perspectivas. Ao longo da obra fica evidente a intenção do filósofo em não apenas criticar a ciência, mas também, conceber um novo método, uma nova ciência, uma gaya scienza, em alusão à arte dos trovadores medievais. Objetiva-se, com isso, unir vida e conhecimento como partes constituintes de um mesmo processo, fazendo da busca pelo conhecimento, não apenas um ócio ou profissão, mas, sobretudo, um meio de vida. Nietzsche anseia por uma ciência que não se enquadra nas categorias de verdadeiro ou falso, pois o seu valor é diferente do valor da verdade, seu valor maior é a máxima potencialidade da vida em todos os seus aspectos


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Há uma filosofia da história implícita na obra de Thomas Mann. Este artigo pretende fornecer elementos para compreender esta filosofia que tem raízes em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, mas que também deve muito às descobertas da psicanálise e ao aprofundado conhecimento de mitologia do escritor alemão.