928 resultados para Neoliberal Institutionalism


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Studies of the EU accession of the East and Central European Countries have stressed the importance of neo-liberal institutionalism as an explanation for Member State preferences. In this paper it is argued that Member States’ preferences over Turkish EU accession are better explained by power politics and neo-realism. It seems therefore that Turkey’s way to the EU follows another path than the East and Central Countries. Turkish accession raises the question of the EU’s role in a uni-polar world order – whether the EU should develop into an independent actor on the world stage or not. However, when it comes to the interaction among the Member States in order to decide on when to open accession negotiations with Turkey the constitutive values of the EU seriously modify the outcome that pure power politics would have let to.


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Las relaciones que América Latina pueda establecer con la Unión Europea tienen ,de hecho, carácter estratégico. Ello afecta tanto al acceso a los mercados y a la diversificación de los vínculos externos, políticos y económicos, como a los modelos y las visiones ideológicas que compiten en la economía política global. Hay que subrayar que en América Latina la Unión Europea sigue siendo una importante referencia como modelo social y político, en la medida que aún presente alguna diferencia respecto del “Consenso de Washington” de inspiración neoliberal que impregna el proyecto del ALCA,45 sus evidentes pretensiones hegemónicas, y el unilateralismo que en ocasiones preside la política estadounidense hacia la región, por ejemplo en lo referido al espinoso asunto de las drogas ilegales. En relación a este hecho, a título de ejemplo, cabe destacar las propuestas del Presidente de México, Vicente Fox, sobre la necesidad de ir más allá del ALCAN y constituir una “Comunidad de América del Norte” que aborde cuestiones como la libre circulación de trabajadores y una posible “política de cohesión”, y las referencias al “modelo europeo” presentes en las propuestas de Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva, presidente electo de Brasil para la revitalización de Mercosur con un parlamento, una moneda y una política exterior común. Esta cuestión puede tener importantes implicaciones para las relaciones entre ambas regiones. Ante las dificultades que plantea la agenda del libre comercio, a nivel multilateral y bilateral, las iniciativas para fortalecer los procesos de integración regional, y en especial Mercosur, podrían convertirse en uno de los asuntos centrales de la cooperación de la Unión Europea y América Latina.


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After decades of stability, Switzerland's unions entered a period of turbulence in the early 1990s: their status as junior partner in the corporatist growth pact was challenged by the economic crisis, business organizations' neoliberal turn and an abrupt decline in membership. These challenges put unions under pressure to initiate revitalization efforts. They first responded by investing more resources into political action, using direct democratic instruments to block neoliberal reforms. In parallel, they adopted new means of recruitment, affiliating white-collar unions, targeting private services and resorting more frequently to strikes. Finally, they rationalized their organizational structure through a series of union mergers.


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Since the mid 90's, international actors as well as governmental actors have raised their interest into the development of irrigation's potential that is still largely unexploited in Niger. It seems all the more interesting as it could answer the needs of a fast growing population (3.3% per year). However, if everyone agrees on the need to development this system, the current implementation triggers questions on the process itself and its side effects. National and international policies on this matter were build upon an historical process through colonial, post-colonial and then the late 1980's neoliberal structures, leading to a business model that reveals a discrepancy between the state logic and the farming one. This business model asks for a high capacity of mobilization of resources unachievable for many, especially when they want to address small-scale irrigation (area


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Este trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de las relaciones entre arte y política en el contexto del capitalismo neoliberal. Propone una lectura e interpretación de las tesis estético-políticas de Jacques Rancière incidiendo en dos ejes fundamentales de las mismas. De un lado, la elaboración de su concepto de política, planteado como un desacuerdo respecto a la hegemonía contemporánea del pensamiento neoliberal. Del otro, el modo en que su razonamiento se sostiene sobre una original reflexión estética, la cual desemboca en unaredefinición de las prácticas artísticas como medios eficaces de intervención política en la realidad. Es importante subrayar que esta investigación no se limita a una simple paráfrasis del pensamiento del filósofo francés. Así, sus ideas serán puestas en diálogo con lasaportaciones de otros autores y disciplinas y, sobre todo, se ensayará su pertinencia en el análisis de un caso concreto de estudio: el proyecto Megafone.net del artista catalán Antoni Abad, tomado como un ejemplo terminado del concepto de “arte político” elaborado por Rancière.


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A discussão sobre a criação de um salário mínimo em Cabo Verde deixou de ser um assunto de conversas informais, como acontecia na década de 90 e passou a fazer parte de um conjunto de assuntos prioritários da ordem do dia dos sindicatos. Os trabalhadores de baixa renda clamam por isso constantemente exigindo uma tomada de posição urgente por parte do Conselho de Concertação Social (CCS) que é o órgão competente em matéria de decisões que dizem respeito às questões laborais. Órgão tripartido, presidido pelo governo, o CCS tem já, em mãos, um dossier sobre as diversas propostas dos parceiros sociais relativamente ao tema. As negociações chegaram a um ponto crucial e os trabalhadores perguntam: “cria-se ou não se cria o salário mínimo em Cabo Verde?”. Essa dissertação faz um percurso da evolução desse diálogo social, tomando como ponto de partida o ano do fim do regime de partido único, 1990, um ano após o Consenso de Washington que muitos autores consideram como o início formal da era neoliberal, porque ficaram estabelecidos, num documento oficial, internacionalmente aceite, os termos das políticas a serem implementadas pelos países signatários e demais seguidores desta nova ideologia. Essa discussão, tida em ambiente de capitalismo mundial, tem suscitado reações adversas, por um lado, dos mais cépticos em relação à implementação do SM em Cabo Verde e, animadoras, por outro, quando se trata de partidários dessa idéia.


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Partindo das realidades empíricas de Cabo Verde e diásporas, este texto explora, até certo ponto, as limitações heurísticas de certas noções sugeridas pela mainstream do modelo neoliberal da economia sobre o «informal» em África. O texto debruça-se sobre diferentes dimensões, espaços e protagonistas de práticas de economia informal em rede. As repercussões identitárias das dinâmicas destas redes entre os cabo-verdianos, apreendidas através da observação de certas formas de sociabilidade dos actores sociais considerados, são igualmente exploradas.


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É propósito desse ensaio fazer, em primeiro lugar, uma retrospectiva crítica, de como o “trauma” e/ ou “herança” da colonização tem sido, por um lado, explorado para aumentar o fosso entre o “Norte” e “Sul”, servindo, actualmente, os interesses da globalização de cariz neoliberal e dos países que o lideram, e, por outro lado, de como a “exportação” da ciência moderna para o Sul tem funcionado como suporte legitimador dessa exploração. Em simultâneo procura-se fazer um exercício desmistificador do discurso dominante da ciência e da democracia apresentando uma visão crítica da sua associação à presente globalização de cariz neoliberal. Depois, centrando-se no caso de Cabo Verde, tendo como base o actual processo de construção e consolidação do ensino superior universitário, pretende-se perspectivar como é que uma das suas componentes fundamentais, a “investigação”, pode figurar como uma das alavancas de combate ao perpetuar do domínio dos cânones modernos da ciência e da democracia e, por outro lado, poder contribuir para o descerramento e visibilidade de outras ciências, e conhecimentos imbuídos de grande potencial emancipatório. Na sequência, por fim, este pequeno estudo mira, também, englobar, de forma breve, o lançar de pistas ou de prospectivas para uma (s) ciência (s)/ saber (es)/ conhecimento (s) de alta intensidade em Cabo Verde e no hemisfério Sul em geral.


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Rural Cape Verdeans employ a number of mutual-help practices to mitigate the uncertainties surrounding activities fundamental to their subsistence. One of these practices is djunta mon (‘to work together’), a loosely planned, non-monetized system of allocating labor at peak intervals during the growing season. By means of djunta mon, neighbors or family members work in each other’s fields until the tasks of every landowning participant are complete. Alongside djunta mon in rural Cape Verde exist a number of other non-remunerated mutual-help practices, such as djuda mutua (‘mutual help’) and laja kaza (‘to add concrete to one’s house’). While less visible than djunta mon, they are nonetheless important in completing tasks essential to rural life in the islands. In this thesis, I will attempt to show how Cape Verdean immigrants in Lisbon have adapted the mutual-help practices of rural Cape Verde to a new, transnational context. The iterations of these practices in Lisbon differ from their rural counterparts in that they involve fewer people, occur on a year-round basis, and are concerned primarily with domestic work. They also help people find employment, access childcare, secure interest-free credit, and construct or repair houses. I will argue that extensive mutual-help ties ensure Cape Verdean migrants in Lisbon a sufficient pool of family and friends upon which they can rely for support and assistance. An additional element I will explore is the perception among Cape Verdean immigrants that these mutual-help practices seem to be occurring with less frequency. While this shift is in part due to the availability of other means of support, I will contend that the changing attitude of Cape Verdeans towards mutual help is also due to their encountering neoliberal notions of ‘self-accountability.’ Thus, Cape Verdeans perceive that their mutual-help practices are in decline, while simultaneously needing the material support that they provide.


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The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.


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El treball d'Andrej Holm, sociòleg urbà alemany, està centrat en els processos de reestructuració urbana esdevinguts a les ciutats alemanyes, particularment als barris cèntrics de Berlín. La seva postura crítica davant la imposició d'un règim urbà neoliberal a partir de la caiguda del Mur està en consonància amb el seu paper actiu dins els moviments socials. En aquesta entrevista, Andrej Holm explica les conseqüències derivades d'aquesta militància: després d'uns mesos en què va estar sotmès a vigilància secreta, l'estiu de 2007 va ser detingut, acusat de pertànyer a un grup terrorista. Els conceptes recurrents als seus textos acadèmics, com ara el de "gentrificació", així com el seu accés a recursos bibliogràfics, van ser utilitzats com a arguments contra ell. A partir d'aquests fets, esdevinguts en un moment en què els Estats fan servir la política antiterrorista com a forma de control de les dissidències i en què l'autonomia acadèmica és objecte de restriccions, Andrej Holm reflexiona sobre la possibilitat d'unes ciències socials crítiques.


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A política educacional recente, de caráter neoliberal, está cobrando a participação dos pais na gestão da escola pública e no dever de casa, tanto nos Estados Unidos quanto no Brasil. Tal política tem implicações de classe e gênero: quando a escola conta com a família, pressupõe um modelo de família com capital econômico e simbólico e com uma mãe disponível e prioritariamente dedicada à educação dos filhos. Os formuladores dessas políticas não consideram a relação entre modelos de organização curricular e instrucional e organização familiar, nem a assimetria de gênero que faz recair a responsabilidade pela educação infantil sobre as mulheres, tampouco as mudanças e variações na organização familiar. Ao desviar o foco da melhoria educacional da escola e da sala de aula para a família e o lar, este tipo de política pode produzir dois efeitos perversos: penalizar as famílias (sobretudo as mães) e converter diferenças de capital econômico, cultural e social em resultados educacionais desiguais.


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Este artigo examina a visão do Banco Mundial sobre a primeira infância como exemplo da globalização da infância. Argumenta que a globalização é caracterizada por um ponto de vista econômico neoliberal que exacerba a desigualdade entre nações ricas e pobres e entre ricos e pobres, dentro de cada país, bem como por um otimismo tecnológico-científico que enfatiza os benefícios das intervenções tecnológicas. O artigo mostra como esses dois aspectos da globalização influenciaram as políticas para crianças pequenas que o Banco Mundial vem promovendo ativamente. Recorre aos indícios apresentados pelo Banco Mundial para exemplificar as contradições inerentes a essa abordagem.


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Considerando el escenario educativo chileno de los años 90, se analiza la política de financiamiento de la educación pública del sector de educación básica y media y su relación con los principales procesos de gestión implementados en ese período. Se sostiene que el enfoque neoliberal, que se implantó sin tregua desde el año 1981, se mantiene en su inspiración, sus principios operativos y en la aplicación de los instrumentos empleados para ello. Paralelamente, el neoliberalismo validó la idea de que los resultados educacionales no están directamente asociados con el capital social, económico y cultural de las familias, sino básicamente con los procesos de gestión de los establecimientos escolares, poniendo especial atención al tipo de propiedad de la institución escolar. Esta situación se conjuga, además, con la existencia en la macro gestión del sistema educacional chileno de un modelo matricial en que el Ministerio de Educación no ejecuta las políticas, sino son los municipios y los agentes privados quienes lo hacen, entes que no están obligados a rendir cuentas de su gestión al Ministerio en muchas áreas clave, lo que complejiza la gestión y por lo mismo, los resultados del sistema educativo público chileno.


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La monnaie a été étudiée par des économistes hétérodoxes, des sociologues et des historiens qui ont souligné ses rapports à l'ordre collectif, mais elle n'est que rarement analysée sous l'angle de la citoyenneté. Notre thèse propose une réflexion théorique sur quatre types de fonctions (politique, symbolique, socioéconomique et psychoaffective) qui permettent à la monnaie de jouer un rôle de médiation de la citoyenneté. A partir d'une perspective qui combine les apports de l'économie politique internationale et de l'école de la régulation, nous montrons que cette médiation ne mobilise pas seulement des mécanismes sociopolitiques nationaux, mais aussi des mécanismes internationaux qui rétroagissent sur la sphère domestique des États et affectent leur capacité à définir leur régime de citoyenneté. Cette relation est analysée dans le contexte de l'institutionnalisation du système monétaire international de Bretton Woods (1944) et du développement de la globalisation financière depuis les années 1970. Si la monnaie a été mise au service d'un principe de protection des droits sociaux des citoyens contre les pressions financières extérieures après la Seconde guerre mondiale, elle contribue aujourd'hui à l'ouverture de la sphère domestique des Etats aux flux de capitaux transnationaux et à la création d'un ordre politique et juridique favorable aux droits des investisseurs. Cette dynamique est impulsée par l'essor de nouveaux intermédiaires financiers (notamment les agences de notation et les investisseurs institutionnels) et l'émergence concomitante d'une nouvelle forme d'Etat légitimée à partir d'un discours politique néolibéral insistant sur la quête de compétitivité, la réduction de la protection sociale et la responsabilisation individuelle. Elle se traduit par la privatisation des régimes de retraite et le développement des politiques d'éducation financière qui incitent les citoyens à se comporter en « preneurs de risques » actifs et responsables, assurant eux-mêmes leur sécurité économique à travers le placement de leur épargne retraite sur les marchés financiers. Nous soulignons toutefois les difficultés institutionnelles, cognitives et socioéconomiques qui rendent cette transformation de la citoyenneté contradictoire et problématique. Money has been studied by heterodox economists, sociologists and historians who stressed its relationship to collective order. However, it has hardly been analysed from the viewpoint of its relationship to citizenship. We propose a theoretical account of four types of functions (political, symbolic, socioeconomic and psychoaffective) enabling money to operate as a mediation of citizenship. From a perspective that combines the contributions of international political economy and the regulation school, we show that this mediation mobilises not only national sociopolitical mechanisms, but also international mechanisms which feed back on the domestic sphere of states and affect their capacity to define their regime of citizenship. This relationship is analysed in the context of the institutionalisation of the international monetary system of Bretton Woods (1944) and the development of financial globalization since the 1970s. If money has served to protect the social rights of citizens against external financial pressures after the Second World War, today it contributes to the opening of the domestic sphere of states to transnational capital flows and to the creation of a political and legal order favorable to the rights of investors. This dynamic is driven by the rise of new financial intermediaries (in particular rating agencies and institutional investisors) and the simultaneous emergence of a new form of state legitimized from a neoliberal political discourse emphasizing the quest for competitiveness, reduced social protection and individual responsibilization. It results in the privatization of pension systems and the development of policies of financial education that encourage citizens to behave as active and responsible « risk takers », ensuring their own economic security through the investment of their savings retirement on financial markets. However, we emphasize the institutional, cognitive and socioeconomic difficulties that make this transformation of citizenship contradictory and problematic. - Money has been studied by heterodox economists, sociologists and historians who stressed its relationship to collective order. However, it has hardly been analysed from the viewpoint of its relationship to citizenship. We propose a theoretical account of four types of functions (political, symbolic, socioeconomic and psychoaffective) enabling money to operate as a mediation of citizenship. From a perspective that combines the contributions of international political economy and the regulation school, we show that this mediation mobilises not only national sociopolitical mechanisms, but also international mechanisms which feed back on the domestic sphere of states and affect their capacity to define their regime of citizenship. This relationship is analysed in the context of the institutionalisation of the international monetary system of Bretton Woods (1944) and the development of financial globalization since the 1970s. If money has served to protect the social rights of citizens against external financial pressures after the Second World War, today it contributes to the opening of the domestic sphere of states to transnational capital flows and to the creation of a political and legal order favorable to the rights of investors. This dynamic is driven by the rise of new financial intermediaries (in particular rating agencies and institutional investisors) and the simultaneous emergence of a new form of state legitimized from a neoliberal political discourse emphasizing the quest for competitiveness, reduced social protection and individual responsibilization. It results in the privatization of pension systems and the development of policies of financial education that encourage citizens to behave as active and responsible « risk takers », ensuring their own economic security through the investment of their savings retirement on financial markets. However, we emphasize the institutional, cognitive and socioeconomic difficulties that make this transformation of citizenship problematic.