543 resultados para Nehari Manifold


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Quando a área a ser irrigada apresenta um elevado gradiente de declive na direção das linhas de derivação, uma opção de dimensionamento é o uso de tubulações com vários diâmetros para economizar no custo e também para manter a variação de pressão dentro dos limites desejados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo de programação linear para dimensionar sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão com linhas de derivação com mais de um diâmetro e operando em declive, visando a minimização do custo anualizado da rede hidráulica e do custo anual com energia elétrica, além de assegurar que a máxima variação de carga hidráulica na linha será respeitada. Os dados de entrada são: configuração da rede hidráulica do sistema de irrigação, custo de todos os componentes da rede hidráulica e custo da energia. Os dados de saída são: custo anual total, diâmetro da tubulação em cada linha do sistema, carga hidráulica em cada ponto de derivação e altura manométrica total. Para ilustrar a potencialidade do modelo desenvolvido, ele foi aplicado em um pomar de citros no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O modelo demonstrou ser eficiente no dimensionamento do sistema de irrigação quanto à obtenção da uniformidade de emissão desejada. O custo anual com bombeamento deve ser considerado no dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão porque ele gera menores valores de custo anual total quando comparado com a mesma alternativa que não considera aquele custo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The chemical control of the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS) has been highlighted for the excessive required number of sprayings, considerably increasing citrus production costs. Improvements in the spray efficiency and reductions in the quantity of phytosanitary products have already been searched, but the results of that practice are not consistent yet for its use at commercial scale. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the interference of reduced spray volumes in black spot control in citrus fruits. The experiment was carried out in commercial citrus orchard with 16-year-old plants of 'Valencia' variety, during 2007 agricultural season. Treatments consisted of three spray volumes: 3.5; 4.5 and 8.5 liters.plant-1, applied with Arbus 2000/Export airblast sprayer with special manifold of hydraulic nozzles, using fungicides and periods recommended for the disease control, totaling four sprayings plus a control treatment (without spray). The disease incidence and severity were evaluated by visual diagrammatic scale of notes in two different periods (preharvest and harvest), at three plant heights (low, middle and top) and three horizontal sections (entrance, frontal and exit) in two sides of the plant. The fallen fruits were counted every fifteen days, for previously selected plants, from the beginning of maturation to harvest, and the production was quantified (kg.plant-1). The disease incidence and severity were significantly lower when sprayings were done with 8.5 liters.plant-1 in the first evaluation period (pre-harvest), but in the harvest period there were not differences between the same parameters when 4.5 or 8.5 liters.plant-1 were sprayed. None of those treatments reduced the disease on the top section of plants, compared to control. The plant sections with fruits more exposed to sun rays, top and right side of the plant, demonstrated higher disease incidence and severity. The volume reduction from 8.5 to 4.5 liters.plant-1 can be adopted for citrus orchards without damaging the CBS control level.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Let M2n+1 be a C(CPn) -singular manifold. We study functions and vector fields with isolated singularities on M2n+1. A C(CPn) -singular manifold is obtained from a smooth manifold M2n+1 with boundary in the form of a disjoint union of complex projective spaces CPn boolean OR CPn boolean OR ... boolean OR CPn with subsequent capture of a cone over each component of the boundary. Let M2n+1 be a compact C(CPn) -singular manifold with k singular points. The Euler characteristic of M2n+1 is equal to chi(M2n+1) = k(1 - n)/2. Let M2n+1 be a C(CPn)-singular manifold with singular points m(1), ..., m(k). Suppose that, on M2n+1, there exists an almost smooth vector field V (x) with finite number of zeros m(1), ..., m(k), x(1), ..., x(1). Then chi(M2n+1) = Sigma(l)(i=1) ind(x(i)) + Sigma(k)(i=1) ind(m(i)).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the United States, composites accounted for nearly 70% of the 173.2 million composite and amalgam restorations placed in 2006 (Kingman et al., 2012), and it is likely that the use of composite will continue to increase as dentists phase out dental amalgam. This trend is not, however, without consequences. The failure rate of composite restorations is double that of amalgam (Ferracane, 2013). Composite restorations accumulate more biofilm, experience more secondary decay, and require more frequent replacement. In vivo biodegradation of the adhesive bond at the composite-tooth interface is a major contributor to the cascade of events leading to restoration failure. Binding by proteins, particularly gp340, from the salivary pellicle leads to biofilm attachment, which accelerates degradation of the interfacial bond and demineralization of the tooth by recruiting the pioneer bacterium Streptococcus mutans to the surface. Bacterial production of lactic acid lowers the pH of the oral microenvironment, erodes hydroxyapatite in enamel and dentin, and promotes hydrolysis of the adhesive. Secreted esterases further hydrolyze the adhesive polymer, exposing the soft underlying collagenous dentinal matrix and allowing further infiltration by the pathogenic biofilm. Manifold approaches are being pursued to increase the longevity of composite dental restorations based on the major contributing factors responsible for degradation. The key material and biological components and the interactions involved in the destructive processes, including recent advances in understanding the structural and molecular basis of biofilm recruitment, are described in this review. Innovative strategies to mitigate these pathogenic effects and slow deterioration are discussed.


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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Let T : M → M be a smooth involution on a closed smooth manifold and F = n j=0 F j the fixed point set of T, where F j denotes the union of those components of F having dimension j and thus n is the dimension of the component of F of largest dimension. In this paper we prove the following result, which characterizes a small codimension phenomenon: suppose that n ≥ 4 is even and F has one of the following forms: 1) F = F n ∪ F 3 ∪ F 2 ∪ {point}; 2) F = F n ∪ F 3 ∪ F 2 ; 3) F = F n ∪ F 3 ∪ {point}; or 4) F = F n ∪ F 3 . Also, suppose that the normal bundles of F n, F 3 and F 2 in M do not bound. If k denote the codimension of F n, then k ≤ 4. Further, we construct involutions showing that this bound is best possible in the cases 2) and 4), and in the cases 1) and 3) when n is of the form n = 4t, with t ≥ 1.