449 resultados para N-glycosylation


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Tumorassoziierte Kohlenhydrat-Antigene werden von einer Vielzahl epithelialer Tumoren in erhöhtem Maße exprimiert und können sowohl als selektive Tumormarker, als auch als Zielstrukturen zur Entwicklung von synthetischen Krebsvakzinen dienen. Mucine, allen voran MUC1, sind hochgradig O-glycosylierte Zelloberflächenproteine, die im Fall maligner Zellen in deutlich überexprimierter Form mit charakteristisch veränderten Glycosylierungsmustern auftreten und somit vom Immunsystem erkannt werden können. Die relativ schwache Immunogenität und die geringe metabolische Stabilität dieser Glycopeptid-Epitope stehen jedoch der Entwicklung effizienter, auf Kohlenhydraten basierender Krebsvakzine entgegen.rnEin interessanter Ansatz, die Stabilität und Immunogenität der Vakzinbausteine zu erhöhen, ohne dabei deren Tumorspezifität nennenswert zu beeinträchtigen, stellt die Verwendung von modifizierten Glycopeptid-Konjugaten mit Kohlenhydratmimetika dar, z.B. basierend auf Fluor- und Carbazuckern. rnUm die Eignung solcher bislang unbekannter MUC1-Antigenanaloga als Vakzinbausteine zu untersuchen, konnten im Rahmen dieses Promotionsvorhabens Synthesen zu verschiedenen, modifizierten Antigen-Threonin-Konjugaten erarbeitet werden. Dabei konnte neben der erstmaligen Synthese eines in 6-Position fluorierten Carbazuckers auch ein 1→3 verknüpftes Carbadisaccharid synthetisiert werden. Zudem wurden mehrere Vertreter der in Position 6 bzw. 6‘ fluorierten TN, T und der beiden ST-Antigene dargestellt und über eine Festphasenpeptidsynthese in die aus 20 Aminosäuren bestehende tandem-repeat-Sequenz des MUC1 eingebaut. Eine anschließende Konjugation dieser Glycopeptide über einen nicht-immunogenen Spacer auf Triethylenglycol Basis an Carrierproteine wie BSA und das Tetanus Toxoid lieferte nicht nur potente Tumorvakzine, sondern auch die für die Durchführung von ELISA-Studien benötigten Glycopeptid-Konjugate. rnIn ersten ELISA und Neutralisationsexperimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass bereits erhaltene Antikörper gegen strukturell sehr ähnliche Vakzine in der Lage sind, die neuartigen fluorierten Glycopeptide zu erkennen und an ihnen zu binden. Zusätzlich konnte erstmals in Impfstudien gezeigt werden, dass mit diesen neuen fluorierten Glycopeptid-TTox-Konjugaten nicht nur eine stakt toleranzbrechende humorale Immunantwort induziert werden kann, sondern auch dass diese MUC1 spezifischen Antikörper zudem in der Lage sind Brustkrebszellen der Linie MCF-7 zu erkennen und zu binden. rnrn


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Die chemische Synthese definierter Glycopeptidstrukturen bildet die Basis einiger vielversprechender Ansätze zur Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten. Die Entwicklung hochaffiner Selektininhibitoren könnte der Behandlung chronischer Entzündungen und zur Unterdrückung der Metastasierung von Tumoren dienen. Vollsynthetische Vakzine auf Basis glycosylierter MUC1-Partialstrukturen sollen das Immunsystem zur Bekämpfung von krankem Gewebe anregen und so perspektivisch eine Impfung gegen Krebs ermöglichen. Da die natürlich vorkommenden O-Glycoside in vivo eine begrenzte Stabilität besitzen, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, welche die modulare Herstellung von stabilen rnC-Glycosylaminosäuren als Mimetika der natürlichen Serin-, Threonin- und Tyrosin-Glycoside ermöglicht. Dazu wurden passend geschützte Kohlenhydrat-Lactone synthetisiert, die in einer mikrowellengestützten Petasis-Olefinierung unter Durchflussbedingungen in die entsprechenden exo-Glycale überführt wurden. Die Reaktionszeit konnte durch diese spezielle Reaktionsführung auf weniger als drei Minuten verringert werden, während konventionell mehrere Stunden benötigt werden. Die C-glycosidische Verknüpfung mit den entsprechenden Aminosäurebausteinen gelang durch eine Hydroborierungs-Suzuki-Kupplungs-Kaskade. Nach umfangreicher Optimierung der Reaktionsparameter ließ sich neben mehreren Monosacchariden auch ein exo-Glycal der Lactose erfolgreich in der Kupplung einsetzen. Nach verschiedenen Schutzgruppenmanipulationen wurden einige der synthetisierten Bausteine zur Synthese C-glycosylierter Partialstrukturen des Mucins MUC1 an der festen Phase herangezogen. In ELISA-Experimenten wurden die C-Glycosylpeptide von an Brustkrebsgewebe bindenden Antikörpern erkannt, die durch Vakzinierung mit ähnlichen Strukturen erhalten worden waren. Zur Synthese zweier Bausteine potenzieller Selektin-Inhibitoren wurde ein Mimetikum des in natürlichen Liganden vorkommenden Tetrasaccharides Sialyl-Lewisx synthetisiert. Bei diesem wurde die terminale Sialinsäure durch (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure ersetzt. Die bei der gewählten Syntheseroute notwendige regioselektive Öffnung eines Benzylidenacetals wurde in einem Mikroreaktor durchgeführt, wodurch eine einfache Reaktionsoptimierung mit geringen Substanzmengen möglich war. Die Reaktionszeit liegt mit unter 4 Minuten deutlich unter den üblichen Werten von einer bis mehreren Stunden. In einer Block-Glycosylierung konnte das Pseudotetrasaccharid sowohl an einen C-Lactosyl-Tyrosin-, als auch an einen C-Lactosyl-Serin-Akzeptor angefügt und somit die Synthese der Zielverbindungen abgeschlossen werden. Diese Bausteine können in Zukunft als Bestandteile synthetischer Glycopeptide zum Einsatz kommen, welche Mimetika der natürlichen Selektin-Liganden darstellen sollen.rn


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Verschiedene Krankheiten gehen mit einer fehlerhaften Vaskularisierung einher. Allerdings ist der Erfolg der derzeitig vorhandenen Therapieansätze, die sich z.B. auf VEGF fokussieren, beschränkt. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, neue Strategien zur Regulation der Angiogenese zu entwickeln. Hierbei stehen neue Signaltransduktions-wege im Fokus, die sich als vielversprechend erweisen, um Angiogenese zu fördern oder zu inhibieren. Die Blutgefäßneubildung ist ein hochregulierter Prozess, der mit einer hohen Proteinsyntheserate verknüpft ist. Die Angiogenese wurde bereits mit dem ER-Stress Signaltransduktionsweg, der Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), in Verbindung gebracht (Zeng et al., 2013; Bouvier et al., 2012). Eine im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie durchgeführte histologische Untersuchung konnte eine Fehlregulierung der Expression von UPR beteiligten Proteinen in vivo unter pathologischen Bedingungen gezeigt werden. Bemerkenswerter Weise war BiP, der Hauptsensor der UPR, in Endothelzellen von Angiosarkomen sehr stark exprimiert. In in vitro Experimenten wurde gezeigt, dass das Herunterregulieren von BiP mittels RNAi Einfluss auf die inflammatorische Antwort und die Bildung angiogener Strukturen in Endothelzellen nimmt. Das Herunterregulieren des Proteins BiP verstärkte die inflammatorische Antwort von HUVEC, was sich in einer gesteigerten Bildung von IL-8 und ICAM-1 äußerte und wurde auf die Aktivierung der UPR durch die verringerte Menge an BiP zurückgeführt. Der Phänotyp BiP-herunterregulierter Zellen entsprach dem untransfizierter Zellen, welcher durch das Cytoskelett und die Expression des endothelspezifischen Markers CD31 charakterisiert wurde. Im Gegensatz dazu änderte sich der Grad der Glykosylierung in transfizierten Zellen. Im Hinblick auf die Blutgefäßbildung, zeigten sich eine gehemmte Migration und eine inhibierte Bildung Gefäß-ähnlicher Strukturen in BiP-herunterregulierten Zellen. In diesen Zellen war die Expression von KDR auffallend stark inhibiert, wohingegen die Flt-1 Expression sich als gleichbleibend herausstellte, was ebenfalls auf die Aktivierung der UPR zurückgeführt werden konnte. Alternativ wäre der reduzierte Level des Proteins BiP im Hinblick auf die Funktion als Helferenzym in der Proteinfaltung eine mögliche Erklärung für die gehemmte Expression von KDR. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie deuten darauf hin, dass stabile Spiegel von BiP die Regulierung der Angiogenese durch die Kontrolle der UPR in physiologischen Prozessen unterstützen könnte. Eine Fehlregulierung von BiP durch Unterdrückung der UPR, wie z.B. in malignen Tumoren, könnte Tumorzellen und beteiligten Endothelzellen einen Vorteil verschaffen und zu einer gestörten Vaskularisierung führen. Somit stellt das Stresssensorprotein BiP und die UPR einen potentiellen Angriffspunkt für die Regulation der Angiogenese dar.


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Pentraxins are a superfamily of conserved proteins involved in the acute-phase response and innate immunity. Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), a prototypical member of the long pentraxin subfamily, is a key component of the humoral arm of innate immunity that is essential for resistance to certain pathogens. A regulatory role for pentraxins in inflammation has long been recognized, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here we report that PTX3 bound P-selectin and attenuated neutrophil recruitment at sites of inflammation. PTX3 released from activated leukocytes functioned locally to dampen neutrophil recruitment and regulate inflammation. Antibodies have glycosylation-dependent regulatory effect on inflammation. Therefore, PTX3, which is an essential component of humoral innate immunity, and immunoglobulins share functional outputs, including complement activation, opsonization and, as shown here, glycosylation-dependent regulation of inflammation.


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Glycosylation represents an important modification that regulates biological processes in tissues relevant for disease pathogenesis in systemic sclerosis (SSc), including the endothelium and extracellular matrix. Whether patients with SSc develop antibodies to carbohydrates is not known.


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Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a condition in which the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential, resulting in low birth weight. IUGR is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, thus contributing substantially to medically indicated preterm birth in order to prevent fetal death. We subjected umbilical cord blood serum samples either belonging to the IUGR group (n = 15) or to the control group (n = 15) to fractionation by affinity chromatography using a bead system with hydrophobic interaction capabilities. So prepared protein mixtures were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric profiling. The six best differentiating ion signals at m/z 8205, m/z 8766, m/z 13 945, m/z 15 129, m/z 15 308, and m/z 16 001 were collectively assigned as IUGR proteome signature. Separation confidence of our IUGR proteome signature reached a sensitivity of 0.87 and a specificity of 0.93. Assignment of ion signals in the mass spectra to specific proteins was substantiated by SDS-PAGE in conjunction with peptide mass fingerprint analysis of cord blood serum proteins. One constituent of this proteome signature, apolipoprotein C-III(0) , a derivative lacking glycosylation, has been found more abundant in the IUGR cord blood serum samples, irrespective of gestational age. Hence, we suggest apolipoprotein C-III(0) as potential key-marker of the here proposed IUGR proteome signature, as it is a very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) member and as such involved in triglyceride metabolism that itself is discussed as being of importance in IUGR pathogenesis. Our results indicate that subtle alterations in protein glycosylation need to be considered for improving our understanding of the pathomechanisms in IUGR.


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Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with a dynamic double coating based on the new CEofix reagents is shown to provide high-resolution separations of serum transferrin (Tf) isoforms, a prerequisite for the monitoring of unusual and complex Tf patterns, including those seen with genetic variants and disorders of glycosylation. A 50 microm I.D. fused-silica capillary of 60 cm total length, an applied voltage of 20 kV and a capillary temperature of 30 degrees C results in 15 min CZE runs of high assay precision and thus provides a robust approach for the determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT, sum of asialo-Tf and disialo-Tf in relation to total Tf) in human serum. Except for selected samples of patients with severe liver diseases and sera with high levels of paraproteins, interference-free Tf patterns are detected. Compared with the use of the previous CEofix reagents for CDT under the same instrumental conditions, the resolution between disialo-Tf and trisialo-Tf is significantly higher (1.7 versus 1.4). The CDT levels of reference and patient sera are comparable, suggesting that the new assay can be applied for screening and confirmation analyses. The high-resolution CZE assay represents an attractive alternative to HPLC and can be regarded as a candidate of a reference method for CDT.


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The majority of human patients with pemphigus foliaceus (PF) have circulating IgG autoantibodies that target conformational epitopes on the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein-1 (dsg1). Limited studies using immunoblot techniques suggested that the principal autoantigen in dogs with PF might also be dsg1. It was the objective of this study to test this hypothesis. A comprehensive survey of canine PF sera was conducted using a novel screening strategy that detects conformational epitopes. This method consists of the ectopic expression of canine dsg1 at the surface of human 293T epithelial kidney cells and their live screening, i.e. prior to fixation. Out of seven control human PF sera that bound to canine epidermis, three (57%) contained IgG autoantibodies that recognized ectopically expressed canine dsg1 with a membrane and punctate pattern. Out of 83 canine PF sera only five (6%) contained IgG that recognized canine dsg1. Consistent with findings for human PF sera obtained in this study, autoantibody binding was conformation- and glycosylation-dependent as demonstrated by calcium chelation with EDTA and tunicamycin or wheat germ agglutinin treatment, respectively. In conclusion, these studies establish canine dsg1 as a minor autoantigen for canine PF. Antigenic epitopes appear to be conformation- and glycosylation-dependent.


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Stejnulxin, a novel snake C-type lectin-like protein with potent platelet activating activity, was purified and characterized from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom. Under non-reducing conditions, it migrated on a SDS-polyacrylamide gel with an apparent molecular mass of 120 kDa. On reduction, it separated into three polypeptide subunits with apparent molecular masses of 16 kDa (alpha), 20 kDa (beta1) and 22 kDa (beta2), respectively. The complete amino acid sequences of its subunits were deduced from cloned cDNAs. The N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning indicated that beta1 and beta2 subunits of stejnulxin have identical amino acid sequences and each contains two N-glycosylation sites. Accordingly, the molecular mass difference between beta1 and beta2 is caused by glycosylation heterogenity. The subunit amino acid sequences of stejnulxin are similar to those of convulxin, with sequence identities of 52.6% and 66.4% for the alpha and beta, respectively. Stejnulxin induced human platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Antibodies against alphaIIbbeta3 inhibited the aggregation response to stejnulxin, indicating that activation of alphaIIbbeta3 and binding of fibrinogen are involved in stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIbalpha or alpha2beta1 as well as echicetin or rhodocetin had no significant effect on stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. However, platelet activation induced by stejnulxin was blocked by anti-GPVI antibodies. In addition, stejnulxin induced a tyrosine phosphorylation profile in platelets that resembled that produced by convulxin. Biotinylated stejnulxin bound specifically to platelet membrane GPVI.


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Alboluxin, a potent platelet activator, was purified from Trimeresurus albolabris venom with a mass of 120 kDa non-reduced and, after reduction, subunits of 17 and 24 kDa. Alboluxin induced a tyrosine phosphorylation profile in platelets that resembles those produced by collagen and convulxin, involving the time dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma chain (Fc gamma), phospholipase Cgamma2 (PLCgamma2), LAT and p72SYK. Antibodies against both GPIb and GPVI inhibited platelet aggregation induced by alboluxin, whereas antibodies against alpha2beta1 had no effect. Inhibition of alphaIIb beta3 reduced the aggregation response to alboluxin, as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins, showing that activation of alphaIIb beta3 and binding of fibrinogen are involved in alboluxin-induced platelet aggregation and it is not simply agglutination. N-terminal sequence data from the beta-subunit of alboluxin indicates that it belongs to the snake C-type lectin family. The C-type lectin subunits are larger than usual possibly due to post-translational modifications such as glycosylation. Alboluxin is a hexameric (alphabeta)3 snake C-type lectin which activates platelets via both GPIb and GPVI.


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Although Henoch-Schönlein syndrome can occur at any age, it is overwhelmingly a disease of childhood. Indeed, Henoch-Schönlein syndrome is the most common vasculitis that affects children. The clinical features of this vasculitis are well documented, and the diagnosis is generally not difficult. This article briefly reviews both common and uncommon clinical aspects of the condition and information concerning therapy. A further focus of this review is recent information concerning abnormalities of immunoglobulin IgA1 glycosylation and the role of aberrantly glycosylated immunoglobulins in the development of Henoch-Schönlein syndrome. The final focus of the article is acute hemorrhagic edema, a benign vasculitis limited to the skin, which is characterized by circinate, medallion-like purpura, and ecchymoses and occurs in children younger than 4 years of age. The nosologic position of acute hemorrhagic edema, which has also been called Finkelstein-Seidlmayer syndrome, as a variant of Henoch-Schönlein syndrome is the subject of considerable debate, but most authors agree that there are sufficient clinical and prognostic differences to consider it a separate entity.


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Secondary metabolites play an important role in plant protection against biotic and abiotic stress. In Populus, phenolic glycosides (PGs) and condensed tannins (CTs) are two such groups of compounds derived from the common phenylpropanoid pathway. The basal levels and the inducibility of PGs and CTs depend on genetic as well as environmental factors, such as soil nitrogen (N) level. Carbohydrate allocation, transport and sink strength also affect PG and CT levels. A negative correlation between the levels of PGs and CTs was observed in several studies. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such relation is not known. We used a cell culture system to understand negative correlation of PGs and CTs. Under normal culture conditions, neither salicin nor higher-order PGs accumulated in cell cultures. Several factors, such as hormones, light, organelles and precursors were discussed in the context of aspen suspension cells’ inability to synthesize PGs. Salicin and its isomer, isosalicin, were detected in cell cultures fed with salicyl alcohol, salicylaldehyde and helicin. At higher levels (5 mM) of salicyl alcohol feeding, accumulation of salicins led to reduced CT production in the cells. Based on metabolic and gene expression data, the CT reduction in salicin-accumulating cells is partly a result of regulatory changes at the transcriptional level affecting carbon partitioning between growth processes, and phenylpropanoid CT biosynthesis. Based on molecular studies, the glycosyltransferases, GT1-2 and GT1-246, may function in glycosylation of simple phenolics, such as salicyl alcohol in cell cultures. The uptake of such glycosides into vacuole may be mediated to some extent by tonoplast localized multidrug-resistance associated protein transporters, PtMRP1 and PtMRP6. In Populus, sucrose is the common transported carbohydrate and its transport is possibly regulated by sucrose transporters (SUTs). SUTs are also capable of transporting simple PGs, such as salicin. Therefore, we characterized the SUT gene family in Populus and investigated, by transgenic analysis, the possible role of the most abundantly expressed member, PtSUT4, in PG-CT homeostasis using plants grown under varying nitrogen regimes. PtSUT4 transgenic plants were phenotypically similar to the wildtype plants except that the leaf area-to-stem volume ratio was higher for transgenic plants. In SUT4 transgenics, levels of non-structural carbohydrates, such as sucrose and starch, were altered in mature leaves. The levels of PGs and CTs were lower in green tissues of transgenic plants under N-replete, but were higher under N-depleted conditions, compared to the levels in wildtype plants. Based on our results, SUT4 partly regulates N-level dependent PG-CT homeostasis by differential carbohydrate allocation.


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A pentasaccharide as its methyl glycoside has been synthesized efficiently using a modified glycosylation strategy. This pentasaccharide is a repeating unit of the exopolysaccharides produced by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 291


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Synthesis of a branched trisaccharide and a tetrasaccharide repeating units corresponding to the polysaccharides of Lactobacillus spp. G-77 and Thermus thermophilus Samu-SA1 as their methyl glycosides has been achieved in excellent yield. Most of the glycosyl linkages are 1,2-cis in these oligosaccharide fragments


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BACKGROUND: The broad enforcement of active surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in 2000 led to the discovery of previously unnoticed, atypical BSE phenotypes in aged cattle that differed from classical BSE (C-type) in biochemical properties of the pathological prion protein. Depending on the molecular mass and the degree of glycosylation of its proteinase K resistant core fragment (PrPres), mainly determined in samples derived from the medulla oblongata, these atypical cases are currently classified into low (L)-type or high (H)-type BSE. In the present study we address the question to what extent such atypical BSE cases are part of the BSE epidemic in Switzerland. RESULTS: To this end we analyzed the biochemical PrPres type by Western blot in a total of 33 BSE cases in cattle with a minimum age of eight years, targeting up to ten different brain regions. Our work confirmed H-type BSE in a zebu but classified all other cases as C-type BSE; indicating a very low incidence of H- and L-type BSE in Switzerland. It was documented for the first time that the biochemical PrPres type was consistent across different brain regions of aging animals with C-type and H-type BSE, i.e. independent of the neuroanatomical structure investigated. CONCLUSION: Taken together this study provides further characteristics of the BSE epidemic in Switzerland and generates new baseline data for the definition of C- and H-type BSE phenotypes, thereby underpinning the notion that they indeed represent distinct prion disease entities.