692 resultados para Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth
Secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)) exert proinflammatory actions through lipid mediators. These enzymes have been found to be elevated in many inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis, and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of harpalycin 2 (Har2), an isoflavone isolated from Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., in the enzymatic, edematogenic, and myotoxic activities of sPLA2 from Bothrops pirajai, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Apis mellifera, and Naja naja venoms. Har2 inhibits all sPLA(2) tested. PrTX-III (B. pirajai venom) was inhibited at about 58.7%, Cdt F15 (C. d. terrificus venom) at 78.8%, Apis (from bee venom) at 87.7%, and Naja (N. naja venom) at 88.1%. Edema induced by exogenous sPLA(2) administration performed in mice paws showed significant inhibition by Har2 at the initial step. In addition, Har2 also inhibited the myotoxic activity of these sPLA(2)s. In order to understand how Har2 interacts with these enzymes, docking calculations were made, indicating that the residues His48 and Asp49 in the active site of these enzymes interacted powerfully with Har2 through hydrogen bonds. These data pointed to a possible anti-inflammatory activity of Har2 through sPLA(2) inhibition.
La presente investigación tiene por objeto seleccionar líneas de mora sin espinas (Rubus glaucus Benth), para el fácil manejo del cultivo en la sierra sur del Ecuador.- El experimento se desarrollo en la Estación Experimental del Austro del Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias INIAP, en el cual se evaluaron 85 plantas segregantes, más la planta Testigo. De las 85 segregaron 7 plantas estériles, 21 plantas sin espinas y 57 plantas con espinas. Al realizar el análisis de conglomerados se obtuvo dos grandes grupos, el primero integrado por 79 plantas productivas y el segundo integrado por 7 plantas estériles. Dentro de las 79 moras productivas se pueden diferenciar Otros conglomerados que son los de mayor interés en el análisis. Los conglomerados 5 y 1 que suman un total de 23 líneas son los más importantes, to por conglomerar a plantas que presentan los mayores rendimientos experimentales y en las cuales constan las mejores líneas de moras sin espinas.- Las plantas de mora sin espinas 38 y 26 con 9,04 y 9,03 kg/planta/ciclo respectivamente, son las mejores después de las plantas de mora con espinas 54 y 50 con 9,54 y 9,37 kg/planta/ciclo respectivamente. Comparando los rendimientos de las plantas 38 y 26 con la testigo que presenta un rendimiento de 0,5 kg/planta/ciclo, las 2 plantas sin espinas rinden 18 veces más que el testigo, por lo que estas se perfilan como futuras variedades de mora sin espinas para facilitar el manejo del cultivo a los productores de la sierra sur del Ecuador.au
Purpose: To investigate the ethnomedicinal claims regarding the use of Acacia jacquemontii Benth. (Fabaceae) in fever, pain and inflammation. Methods: The methanol root bark extract (AJRBM) of the plant was used in the studies. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the extract was carried out according to established methods. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities were evaluated using acetic acid-induced writhing, carrageennan-induced rat paw edema and Brewer’s yeast-induced pyrexia models, respectively. The extract was administered at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg. Aspirin (300 mg/kg, p.o.) was used as a reference drug in all models. Normal saline (10 mL/kg p.o.) was used as negative control. Results: Phytochemical screening results indicate the presence of cardioactive glycosides, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. In the acetic acid-induced writhing model, the methanol extract exhibited significant (p < 0.05) analgesic effect with 58.98 % reduction in writhing response at a dose of 100 mg/kg, compared with untreated control group. The extract significantly (p < 0.05) reduced carrageenan-induced edema at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg to 36.84 and 47.36 %, respectively, after 1 h of extract administration. The extract exhibited predominantly dose-dependent antipyretic effect in Brewer’s yeast-induced pyrexia model. Maximum reduction in body temperature to 37.07 and 38.29 ºC at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg, respectively, was observed, compared with untreated group (38.90 ºC) after 1 h, but this was not significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The plant extract exerts inhibitory effect on peripheral pain stimuli, edema and dosedependent anti-pyrexia, and thus justifies the ethnomedicinal use of Acacia jacquemontii Benth. in the management of pain, fever and inflammation.
Actually in the oil industry biotechnological approaches represent a challenge. In that, attention to metal structures affected by electrochemical corrosive processes, as well as by the interference of microorganisms (biocorrosion) which affect the kinetics of the environment / metal interface. Regarding to economical and environmental impacts reduction let to the use of natural products as an alternative to toxic synthetic inhibitors. This study aims the employment of green chemistry by evaluating the stem bark extracts (EHC, hydroalcoholic extract) and leaves (ECF, chloroform extract) of plant species Croton cajucara Benth as a corrosion inhibitor. In addition the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of bioactive trans-clerodane dehydrocrotonin (DCTN) isolated from the stem bark of this Croton was also evaluated. For this purpose, carbon steel AISI 1020 was immersed in saline media (3,5 % NaCl) in the presence and absence of a microorganism recovered from a pipeline oil sample. Corrosion inhibition efficiency and its mechanisms were investigated by linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance. Culture-dependent and molecular biology techniques were used to characterize and identify bacterial species present in oil samples. The tested natural products EHC, ECF and DCTN (DMSO as solvent) in abiotic environment presented respectively, corrosion inhibition efficiencies of 57.6% (500 ppm), 86.1% (500 ppm) and 54.5% (62.5 ppm). Adsorption phenomena showed that EHC best fit Frumkin isotherm and ECF to Temkin isotherm. EHC extract (250 ppm) dissolved in a polar microemulsion system (MES-EHC) showed significant maximum inhibition efficiency (93.8%) fitting Langmuir isotherm. In the presence of the isolated Pseudomonas sp, EHC and ECF were able to form eco-compatible organic films with anti-corrosive properties
Leguminosae com cerca de 650 gêneros e 19.000 espécies compreende a terceira maior família de angiospermas, superada apenas por Orchidaceae (20.000 spp.) e Asteraceae (24.000 spp.). Para o Brasil, são citados 222 gêneros e 2.803 espécies distribuídas nos diversos domínios fitogeográficos, e para região Nordeste estão registradas 1.085 espécies em 168 gêneros. No Ceará, são reportadas 340 espécies em 105 gêneros, dos quais Mimosa L. (26 spp.) é o mais diversificado. No bioma Caatinga, é a principal família de fanerógamas com 83 gêneros e 354 espécies, muitas das quais com diversas potencialidades de uso. Em virtude da importância deste táxon no contexto do semiárido, objetivou-se com este trabalho catalogar as Leguminosae ocorrentes em uma área de Caatinga no distrito de Taperuaba, Sobral, Ceará. O estudo foi realizado na Unidade de Conservação Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Pedra da Andorinha, localizada a 70 km da sede municipal e possuindo aproximadamente 600 ha. A área é composta por Caatinga em duas fitofisionomias: uma terrícola e outra rupícola. As expedições de coletas foram realizadas entre março/2015 e março/2016. Os espécimes foram identificados com o auxílio de literatura e sites especializados. O material encontra-se depositado no acervo do Herbário Prof. Francisco José de Abreu Matos (HUVA). Foram catalogadas 15 espécies em oito gêneros: Mimosa (4 spp.), Chamaecrista Moench (3 spp.), Poincianella Britton & Rose (2 spp.). Bauhinia L., Centrosema (DC.) Benth., Desmodium Desv., Senna Mill., Stylosanthes Sw. e Zornia J.F. Gmel. apresentaram uma espécie cada. Dentre as espécies coletadas, duas apresentam propriedades medicinais: B. forficata (Vogel) Fortunato & Wunderlin e M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. Centrosema pascuorum Mart. ex Benth, Mimosa pudica (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) DC., Stylosathes humilis Kunth e Zornia cearensis Huber são tratadas como invasoras de cultivos. Entre as espécies com alto potencial forrageiro, estão Chamaecrista linearis (H.S. Irwin & Barneby) Afr. Fern. & E.P. Nunes e Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. Por outro lado, Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, é tóxica aos bovinos. Alguns estudos ainda sugerem que os extratos das raízes de Poincianella bracteosa (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz possuem atividade biológica sobre larvas de Aedes aegypti. Diante dos resultados, verificou-se que Leguminosae é a família mais representativa da área de estudo e que 11 espécies apresentaram algum uso ou potencialidade econômica.
Neste trabalho, analisaram-se os efeitos das temperaturas constantes (20; 25; 30; 35 e 40 °C) e alternadas (20-40; 25-40; 20-35 e 25-35 °C), da luz (0; 6; 12; 18 e 24 horas) e dos estresses osmótico (0,0; -0,3; -0,6; -0,9 a-1,2 MPa) e salino (0; 25; 75; 150 e 300 mM), e da profundidade de semeadura (0; 2; 4; 6; 8 e 10 cm) sobre a germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação e emergência de plântulas de puerária e de malva. As sementes de puerária germinaram, satisfatoriamente, sob condições de temperaturas constantes e alternadas. Para a malva, a temperatura constante de 40 °C foi restritiva à germinação e, nas temperaturas alternadas, a germinação foi superior a 85%. Não houve efeito do tempo de duração da luz. As sementes de malva apresentaram maior germinação em condições de estresse osmótico e foram mais tolerantes à salinidade. As sementes de puerária tiveram maior capacidade para emergir a profundidades que variaram de 0 a 10 cm.
Sementes de Bowdichia nitida (sucupira) apresentam dormência causando uma germinação lenta e desuniforme. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar métodos para quebrar a dormência de sementes de sucupira. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso com quatro repetições de 25 sementes. Os tratamentos foram: escarificação com ácido sulfúrico por 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 minutos; escarificação em água a 80°C por 5 e 10 min; escarificação manual mecânica com lixa para madeira e com lixa d'água; e testemunha. Foram avaliados o número de dias para iniciar a emergência, as porcentagens de emergência, de germinação, de sementes duras, de sementes mortas, de plântulas anormais e o índice de velocidade de emergência. A escarificação em ácido sulfúrico por 8 min foi o método mais efetivo para superar a dormência em sementes de sucupira.
This paper describes a method for leaf vein shape characterization using Hermite polynomial cubic representation. The elements associated with this representation are used as secondary vein descriptors and their discriminatory potential are analyzed based on the identification of two legume species (Lonchocarpus muehlbergianus Hassl. and L. subglaucescens Mart, ex Benth.). The elements of Hermite geometry influence a curve along all its extension allowing a global description of the secondary vein course by a descriptor of low dimensionality. The obtained results shown the analyzed species can be discriminated by this method and it can be used in addition to commonly considered elements in the taxonomic process.
The present study describes a survey of the Apocynaceae in different types of vegetation, in the region of Bauru, in the Center-West of São Paulo State. Of the 25 species encountered, distributed into 15 genera, representation ranges as follows: Forsteronia G. Mey, five species; Aspidosperma Mart., four species; Mandevilla Lindl., three species; Prestonia R. Br., two species; and Condylocarpon Desf., Hancornia Gomez, Himatanthus Willd. ex Roem. et Schult., Macrosiphonia Müll. Arg., Mesechites Müll. Arg., Odontadenia Benth, Peltastes Woodson, Rhodocalyx Müll Arg., Secondatia A. DC., Tabernaemontana L. and Temnadenia Miers, one species each. In addition to both distribution data, and flowering and fruiting times, identifications keys, descriptions and illustrations of the species are presented.
An inventory of the woody flora (trees and shrubs), was carried out in the Ribeirão Cachoeria forest (233.7ha, 650m high, 46°55'58''W, 22°50'13''S), the second largest and best conserved fragment of semideciduous tropical forest in the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo state, Southeastern Brazil. The soil is a red-yellow podsol and the climate is of Köppen's Cwag type. Collections were made from August/1996 to September/1997. Only fertile individuals with a perimeter at breast height of 9cm or greater were included in the survey. One hyndred and seventhy five species were identified, belonging to 119 genera and 49 families. The most important families were Myrtaceae (14 species), Rutaceae and Fabaceae (13), Caesalpiniaceae (11), Solanaceae (9), and Rubiaceae (8). Some species were found for the first time in the region: Tachigali multijuga Benth. and Schoepfia brasiliensis A.DC. The flowering peak for most species was from August to October. Maximum fruit production was from August to November. Most species are zoochoric (58%), but 23% were anemochoric and 19% autochoric. The floristic composition of this forest and another 20 forests from São Paulo state were compared. The results obtained indicate the existence of distinct groups of forests. The most homogeneus group contains forests from the municipality of Campinas with similarity of 40%. This suggests that these forests are possibly fragments of a original continuous forest in the Campinas region.
Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae) is a neotropical genus, native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and comprises two species, D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme and D. pentaphylla (Taub.) Burk., although it has been considered a monotypic genus by some authors. Leaf anatomy was compared to verify the presence of anatomical characters to help delimit species. Foliar primordium, leaflet, petiolule, petiole and pulvinus were collected from cultivated plants (Campinas, SP, Brazil) and from natural populations (Picinguaba, Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil - D. pinnata; Antonina, PR, Brazil - D. pentaphylla). Studies on leaflet surface assessment (Scanning Electron Microscopy), as well as histology and venation analyses were carried out of dehydrated, fresh and fixed material from two species. Leaflet material was macerated for stomatal counts. Histological sections, obtained by free-hand cut or microtome, were stained with Toluidine Blue, Safranin/Alcian Blue, Ferric Chloride, Acid Phloroglucin. Secretory cavities are present in the lamina, petiolule, petiole, pulvinus and leaf primordium in D. pentaphylla, but not in D. pinnata, and can be considered an important character for species diagnosis. Other leaf characters were uninformative in delimiting Dahlstedtia species. There is cambial activity in the petiolule, petiole and pulvinus. This study, associated with other available data, supports the recognition of two species in Dahlstedtia.
This work aims to describe, illustrate and compare the seedling morphology of five tree species of the genera Bowdichia, Cyclolobium, Diplotropis, Ormosia, and Poecilanthe, which belong to the genistoid clade (Leguminosae Papilionoideae). Phanero-epigeal-foliaceous seedlings are found in Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth, Cyclolobium brasiliense Benth. has phanero-epigeal-reserve seedlings, while Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms, Diplotropis martiusii Benth., and Poecilanthe parviflora Benth. possess crypto-hypogeal-reserve seedlings. Some other relevant seedling morphological characters are discussed and compared with those of previously studied species in these genera.
A phytochemical investigation of the ethanolic extract of stalks of Senna martiana Benth. (Leguminoseae), native specie of northeast Brazil, resulted in the isolation and spectroscopic characterization of a new bianthrone glycoside, martianine 1 (10,10'-il-chrysophanol-10-oxi10,10'-bi-glucosyl). Its identification was established by HRMS, IR and 2D NMR experiments. The evaluation of martianine trypanocidal activity was carried out against gliceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi. Its inhibitory constant (Ki) is in the low micromolar concentration and it was determined by isothermal titration calorimetry to be 27.3 ± 2.47 µmol L-1. The non-competitive mechanism is asserted to be putative of the mode of action martianine displays against T. cruzi GAPDH. Results show that martianine has a great potential to become new lead molecule by inhibiting this key enzyme and for the development of new drugs against Chagas disease.
The weevil subfamily Scolytinae includes beetles which may feed on the bark, trunk or roots of both live and dead trees and are sometimes considered forest and silvicultural pests. Less frequently, some species feed on seeds and may be cause economic losses when associated to plant cultivars. Spermophthorus apuleiae Costa-Lima is a Neotropical Scolytinae formerly recorded to be "associated" with seeds of Caesalpinia ferrea var. leiostachya Benth, a Brazilian tree popularly known in Portuguese as "pau-ferro". Hitherto, it was not clear whether these beetles actually feed on the seeds of that plant. In order to investigate the ability of S. apuleiae to feed on seeds of "pau-ferro", observations were done and colonies of these beetles were established. Both in the field and in captivity the beetles were not observed feeding on the seeds. Even when beetles were exposed to seeds as the only source of food they were incapable of boring or eating the seeds and died. Our data therefore suggest that S. apuleiae is a frugivorous species which peculiarly does not eat seeds of "pau-ferro".