732 resultados para Mechanical vibration


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This research aims at analysing the mechanical performance of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) from various locations in Portugal. First the characteristics of the various aggregates (natural and recycled) used in the production of concrete were thoroughly analysed. The composition of the RA was determined and several physical and chemical tests of the aggregates were performed. In order to evaluate the mechanical performance of concrete, compressive strength (in cubes and cylinders), splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and abrasion resistance tests were performed. Concrete mixes with RA from CDW from several recycling plants were evaluated, in order to understand the influence that the RA's collection point, and consequently their composition, has on the characteristics of the mixes produced. The analysis of the mechanical performance allowed concluding that the use of RA worsens most of the properties tested, especially when fine RA are used. On the other hand, there was an increase in abrasion resistance when coarse RA were used. In global terms, the use of this type of aggregates, in limited contents, is viable from a mechanical viewpoint. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermally expandable particles (TEPs) are used in a wide variety of applications by industry mainly for weight reduction and appearance improvement for thermoplastics, inks, and coatings. In adhesive bonding, TEPs have been used for recycling purposes. However, TEPs might be used to modify structural adhesives for other new purposes, such as: to increase the joint strength by creating an adhesive functionally modified along the overlap of the joint by gradual heating and/or to heal the adhesive in case of damage. In this study, the behaviour of a structural polyurethane adhesive modified with TEPs was investigated as a preliminary study for further investigations on the potential of TEPs in adhesive joints. Tensile bulk tests were performed to get the tensile properties of the unmodified and TEPs-modified adhesive, while Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test was performed in order to evaluate the resistance to mode I crack propagation of unmodified and TEPs-modified adhesive. In addition, in order to investigate the behaviour of the particles while encapsulated in adhesives, a thermal analysis was done. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the fracture surface morphology of the specimens. The fracture toughness of the TEPs-modified adhesive was found to increase by addition of TEPs, while the adhesive tensile strength at yield decreased. The temperature where the particles show the maximum expansion varied with TEPs concentration, decreasing with increasing the TEPs content.


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The container loading problem (CLP) is a combinatorial optimization problem for the spatial arrangement of cargo inside containers so as to maximize the usage of space. The algorithms for this problem are of limited practical applicability if real-world constraints are not considered, one of the most important of which is deemed to be stability. This paper addresses static stability, as opposed to dynamic stability, looking at the stability of the cargo during container loading. This paper proposes two algorithms. The first is a static stability algorithm based on static mechanical equilibrium conditions that can be used as a stability evaluation function embedded in CLP algorithms (e.g. constructive heuristics, metaheuristics). The second proposed algorithm is a physical packing sequence algorithm that, given a container loading arrangement, generates the actual sequence by which each box is placed inside the container, considering static stability and loading operation efficiency constraints.


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Reading is a basic competence that students have to master to be successful. Despite this fact, recent studies show that there may be a significant decline in the reading abilities of college students, one of the most educated segments of any population. This work is a prospecting study regarding the assessment of reading abilities of college students, namely in the context of Engineering education. Based on an existing screening test for assessing reading difficulties of children and teenagers, this work presents the results obtained by administrating that test to students at a top engineering institution in Portugal. An outcome of this study is the determination of a time range suitable for a massive, time limited, use of the previously mentioned test to assess college students, thus enabling a basic tool that will permit, in future works, to screen reading abilities in wider college populations. This work also shows evidence that ca. 20% of college students present a poor reading performance, revealing a strong need for monitoring college students reading abilities along different generations.


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We agree with Ling-Yun et al. [5] and Zhang and Duan comments [2] about the typing error in equation (9) of the manuscript [8]. The correct formula was initially proposed in [6, 7]. The formula adopted in our algorithms discussed in our papers [1, 3, 4, 8] is, in fact, the following: ...


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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sanitary Engineering in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon


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The aim of this contribution is to extend the techniques of composite materials design to non-linear material behaviour and apply it for design of new materials for passive vibration control. As a first step a computational tool allowing determination of macroscopic optimized one-dimensional isolator behaviour was developed. Voigt, Maxwell, standard and more complex material models can be implemented. Objective function considers minimization of the initial reaction and/or displacement peak as well as minimization of the steady-state amplitude of reaction and/or displacement. The complex stiffness approach is used to formulate the governing equations in an efficient way. Material stiffness parameters are assumed as non-linear functions of the displacement. The numerical solution is performed in the complex space. The steady-state solution in the complex space is obtained by an iterative process based on the shooting method which imposes the conditions of periodicity with respect to the known value of the period. Extension of the shooting method to the complex space is presented and verified. Non-linear behaviour of material parameters is then optimized by generic probabilistic meta-algorithm, simulated annealing. Dependence of the global optimum on several combinations of leading parameters of the simulated annealing procedure, like neighbourhood definition and annealing schedule, is also studied and analyzed. Procedure is programmed in MATLAB environment.


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A crescente evoluo na tecnologia das juntas coladas conferiu um potencial atractivo s ligaes adesivas, com aplicaes nas mais variadas indstrias. Isto deve-se no s aos aspetos econmicos, tais como a melhoria da cadncia de produo mas tambm resistncia mecnica que estas proporcionam. A possibilidade de ligar facilmente materiais distintos, a distribuio mais uniforme das tenses, a melhor resistncia fadiga e a elevada capacidade de amortecimento de vibraes esto entre as principais vantagens da utilizao deste tipo de ligao. Estas propriedades transformam as juntas coladas numas das preferidas no momento de seleo de meios de unio. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertao enquadra-se no mbito das ligaes adesivas e tem como principais objetivos a produo de uma ferramenta para a produo de provetes de adesivo, assim como a determinao das propriedades mecnicas trao dos mesmos para testar o desempenho do molde fabricado. Para tal, utilizou-se um adesivo frgil (Araldite AV 138), um dctil (Araldite 2015) e um muito dctil (SikaForce 7888). Paralelamente selecionado o mtodo mais adequado na obteno destes provetes, designadamente escolhendo entre a moldao em molde aberto e a injeo em molde fechado. Com vista obteno dos provetes, foi projetado e construdo um molde em ao. Recorrendo mquina de trao Shimadzu AG X 100, realizaram-se os respetivos ensaios de trao, para a determinao de todas as propriedades mecnicas dos adesivos. Para efeitos de comparao de resultados foram utilizados dois tipos de extensmetros, um mecnico e um tico. Os resultados experimentais permitiram observar que a presena de vazios afetou especialmente a deformao de rotura e a tenso de rotura. Detetaram-se pequenas discordncias, comparativamente com os estudos publicados, de algumas caractersticas mecnicas obtidas dos diversos adesivos utilizados. Constatou-se tambm um ligeiro desfasamento entre os valores adquiridos com os dois tipos de extensmetros utilizados.


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Para o projeto de qualquer estrutura existente (edifcios, pontes, veculos, mquinas, etc.) necessrio conhecer as condies de carga, geometria e comportamento de todas as suas partes, assim como respeitar as normativas em vigor nos pases nos quais a estrutura ser aplicada. A primeira parte de qualquer projeto nesta rea passa pela fase da anlise estrutural, onde so calculadas todas as interaes e efeitos de cargas sobre as estruturas fsicas e os seus componentes de maneira a verificar a aptido da estrutura para o seu uso. Inicialmente parte-se de uma estrutura de geometria simplificada, pondo de parte os elementos fsicos irrelevantes (elementos de fixao, revestimentos, etc.) de maneira a simplificar o clculo de estruturas complexas e, em funo dos resultados obtidos da anlise estrutural, melhorar a estrutura se necessrio. A anlise por elementos finitos a ferramenta principal durante esta primeira fase do projeto. E atualmente, devido s exigncias do mercado, imprescindvel o suporte computorizado de maneira a agilizar esta fase do projeto. Existe para esta finalidade uma vasta gama de programas que permitem realizar tarefas que passam pelo desenho de estruturas, anlise esttica de cargas, anlise dinmica e vibraes, visualizao do comportamento fsico (deformaes) em tempo real, que permitem a otimizao da estrutura em anlise. Porm, estes programas demostram uma certa complexidade durante a introduo dos parmetros, levando muitas vezes a resultados errados. Assim sendo, essencial para o projetista ter uma ferramenta fivel e simples de usar que possa ser usada para fins de projeto de estruturas e otimizao. Sobre esta base nasce este projeto tese onde se elaborou um programa com interface grfica no ambiente Matlab para a anlise de estruturas por elementos finitos, com elementos do tipo Barra e Viga, quer em 2D ou 3D. Este programa permite definir a estrutura por meio de coordenadas, introduo de forma rpida e clara, propriedades mecnicas dos elementos, condies fronteira e cargas a aplicar. Como resultados devolve ao utilizador as reaes, deformaes e distribuio de tenses nos elementos quer em forma tabular quer em representao grfica sobre a estrutura em anlise. Existe ainda a possibilidade de importao de dados e exportao dos resultados em ficheiros XLS e XLSX, de maneira a facilitar a gesto de informao. Foram realizados diferentes testes e anlises de estruturas de forma a validar os resultados do programa e a sua integridade. Os resultados foram todos satisfatrios e convergem para os resultados de outros programas, publicados em livros, e para clculo a mo feitos pelo autor.


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This paper reports the design of a new remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), which has been developed at the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (USTL) - University of Porto. This design is contextualized on the KOS project (Kits for underwater operations). The main issues addressed here concern directional drag minimization, symmetry, optimized thruster positioning, stability and layout of ROV components. This design is aimed at optimizing ROV performance for a set of different operational scenarios. This is achieved through modular configurations which are optimized for each different scenario.


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The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of infection by respiratory viruses in preterm infants submitted to mechanical ventilation, and to evaluate the clinical, laboratory and radiological patterns of viral infections among hospitalized infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with any kind of acute respiratory failure. Seventy-eight preterm infants were studied from November 2000 to September 2002. The newborns were classified into two groups: with viral infection (Group I) and without viral infection (Group II). Respiratory viruses were diagnosed in 23 preterm infants (29.5%); the most frequent was respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (14.1%), followed by influenza A virus (10.2%). Rhinorrhea, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea, pneumonia, atelectasis, and interstitial infiltrate were significantly more frequent in newborns with nosocomial viral infection. There was a correlation between nosocomial viral infection and low values of C-reactive protein. Two patients with mixed infection from Group I died during the hospital stay. In conclusion, RSV was the most frequent virus in these patients. It was observed that, although the majority of viral lower respiratory tract infections had a favorable course, some patients presented a serious and prolonged clinical manifestation, especially when there was concomitant bacterial or fungal infection.


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To compare two yeast identification methods, i. e, the manual and the VITEK mechanical methods, 62 clinical samples from hemocultures and animal sources were analyzed. After identification as Candida yeasts by the VITEK method, the strains were recharacterized using manual assimilation methods and sugar fermentation tests. Our findings reveal 58% concurrent identification between the two methods for animal strains, and 51% for human hemoculture strains.


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This study focus on the probabilistic modelling of mechanical properties of prestressing strands based on data collected from tensile tests carried out in Laboratrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Portugal, for certification purposes, and covers a period of about 9 years of production. The strands studied were produced by six manufacturers from four countries, namely Portugal, Spain, Italy and Thailand. Variability of the most important mechanicalproperties is examined and the results are compared with the recommendations of the ProbabilisticModel Code, as well as the Eurocodes and earlier studies. The obtained results show a very low variability which, of course, benefits structural safety. Based on those results, probabilistic modelsfor the most important mechanical properties of prestressing strands are proposed.


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Plasmodium falciparum resistant strain development has encouraged the search for new antimalarial drugs. Febrifugine is a natural substance with high activity against P. falciparum presenting strong emetic property and liver toxicity, which prevent it from being used as a clinical drug. The search for analogues that could have a better clinical performance is a current topic. We aim to investigate the theoretical electronic structure by means of febrifugine derivative family semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations, seeking the electronic indexes that could help the design of new efficient derivatives. The theoretical results show there is a clustering in well-defined ranges of several electronic indexes of the most selective molecules. The model proposed for achieving high selectivity was tested with success.


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One parameter that influences the adhesively bonded joints performance is the adhesive layer thickness. Hence, its effect has to be investigated experimentally and should be taken into consideration in the design of adhesive joints. Most of the results from literature are for typical structural epoxy adhesives which are generally formulated to perform in thin sections. However, polyurethane adhesives are designed to perform in thicker sections and might have a different behavior as a function of adhesive thickness. In this study, the effect of adhesive thickness on the mechanical behavior of a structural polyurethane adhesive was investigated. The mode I fracture toughness of the adhesive was measured using double-cantilever beam (DCB) tests with various thicknesses of the adhesive layer ranging from 0.2 to 2 mm. In addition, single lap joints (SLJs) were fabricated and tested to assess the influence of adhesive thickness on the lap-shear strength of the adhesive. An increasing fracture toughness with increasing adhesive thickness was found. The lap-shear strength decreases as the adhesive layer gets thicker, but in contrast to joints with brittle adhesives the decrease trend was less pronounced.