996 resultados para Maximum exercise


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PURPOSE We have previously shown that the aminoacidemia caused by the consumption of a rapidly digested protein after resistance exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis (MPS) more than the amino acid (AA) profile associated with a slowly digested protein. Here, we investigated whether differential feeding patterns of a whey protein mixture commencing before exercise affect postexercise intracellular signaling and MPS. METHODS Twelve resistance-trained males performed leg resistance exercise 45 min after commencing each of three volume-matched nutrition protocols: placebo (PLAC, artificially sweetened water), BOLUS (25 g of whey protein + 5 g of leucine dissolved in artificially sweetened water; 1× 500 mL), or PULSE (15× 33-mL aliquots of BOLUS drink every 15 min). RESULTS The preexercise rise in plasma AA concentration with PULSE was attenuated compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05); this effect was reversed after exercise, with two-fold greater leucine concentrations in PULSE compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05). One-hour postexercise, phosphorylation of p70 S6K and rpS6 was increased above baseline with BOLUS and PULSE, but not PLAC (P < 0.05); furthermore, PULSE > BOLUS (P < 0.05). MPS throughout 5 h of recovery was higher with protein ingestion compared with PLAC (0.037 ± 0.007), with no differences between BOLUS or PULSE (0.085 ± 0.013 vs. 0.095 ± 0.010%•h, respectively, P = 0.56). CONCLUSIONS Manipulation of aminoacidemia before resistance exercise via different patterns of intake of protein altered plasma AA profiles and postexercise intracellular signaling. However, there was no difference in the enhancement of the muscle protein synthetic response after exercise. Protein sources producing a slow AA release, when consumed before resistance exercise in sufficient amounts, are as effective as rapidly digested proteins in promoting postexercise MPS.


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Sex-based comparisons of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise in the fed state. J Appl Physiol 112: 1805-1813, 2012. First published March 1, 2012; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00170.2012.- We made sex-based comparisons of rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) and anabolic signaling after a single bout of high-intensity resistance exercise. Eight men (20 ± 10 yr, BMI = 24.3 ± 2.4) and eight women (22 ± 1.8 yr, BMI = 23.0 ± 1.9) underwent primed constant infusions of L-[ring-13C6]phenylalanine on consecutive days with serial muscle biopsies. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis at rest and 1, 3, 5, 24, 26, and 28 h after exercise. Twenty-five grams of whey protein was ingested immediately and 26 h after exercise. We also measured exercise-induced serum testosterone because it is purported to contribute to increases in myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) postexercise and its absence has been hypothesized to attenuate adaptative responses to resistance exercise in women. The exercise-induced area under the testosterone curve was 45-fold greater in men than women in the early (1 h) recovery period following exercise (P < 0.001). MPS was elevated similarly in men and women (2.3- and 2.7-fold, respectively) 1-5 h postexercise and after protein ingestion following 24 h recovery. Phosphorylation of mTORSer2448 was elevated to a greater extent in men than women acutely after exercise (P = 0.003), whereas increased phosphorylation of p70S6K1Thr389 was not different between sexes. Androgen receptor content was greater in men (main effect for sex, P = 0.049). Atrogin-1 mRNA abundance was decreased after 5 h recovery in both men and women (P < 0.001), and MuRF-1 expression was elevated in men after protein ingestion following 24 h recovery (P = 0.003). These results demonstrate minor sex-based differences in signaling responses and no difference in the MPS response to resistance exercise in the fed state. Interestingly, our data demonstrate that exerciseinduced increases in MPS are dissociated from postexercise testosteronemia and that stimulation of MPS occurs effectively with low systemic testosterone concentrations in women.


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Background: Ingestion of whey or casein yields divergent patterns of aminoacidemia that influence whole-body and skeletal muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) after exercise. Direct comparisons of the effects of contrasting absorption rates exhibited by these proteins are confounded by their differing amino acid contents. Objective: Our objective was to determine the effect of divergent aminoacidemia by manipulating ingestion patterns of whey protein alone on MPS and anabolic signaling after resistance exercise. Design: In separate trials, 8 healthy men consumed whey protein either as a single bolus (BOLUS; 25-g dose) or as repeated, small, "pulsed" drinks (PULSE; ten 2.5-g drinks every 20 min) to mimic a more slowly digested protein. MPS and phosphorylation of signaling proteins involved in protein synthesis were measured at rest and after resistance exercise. Results: BOLUS increased blood essential amino acid (EAA) concentrations above those of PULSE (162% compared with 53%, P < 0.001) 60 min after exercise, whereas PULSE resulted in a smaller but sustained increase in aminoacidemia that remained elevated above BOLUS amounts later (180-220 min after exercise, P < 0.05). Despite an identical net area under the EAA curve, MPS was elevated to a greater extent after BOLUS than after PULSE early (1-3 h: 95% compared with 42%) and later (3-5 h: 193% compared with 121%) (both P < 0.05). There were greater changes in the phosphorylation of the Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway after BOLUS than after PULSE. Conclusions: Rapid aminoacidemia in the postexercise period enhances MPS and anabolic signaling to a greater extent than an identical amount of protein fed in small pulses that mimic a more slowly digested protein. A pronounced peak aminoacidemia after exercise enhances protein synthesis.


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Spectroscopic studies of complex clinical fluids have led to the application of a more holistic approach to their chemical analysis becoming more popular and widely employed. The efficient and effective interpretation of multidimensional spectroscopic data relies on many chemometric techniques and one such group of tools is represented by so-called correlation analysis methods. Typical of these techniques are two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy (STOCSY). Whilst the former has largely been applied to optical spectroscopic analysis, STOCSY was developed and has been applied almost exclusively to NMR metabonomic studies. Using a 1H NMR study of human blood plasma, from subjects recovering from exhaustive exercise trials, the basic concepts and applications of these techniques are examined. Typical information from their application to NMR-based metabonomics is presented and their value in aiding interpretation of NMR data obtained from biological systems is illustrated. Major energy metabolites are identified in the NMR spectra and the dynamics of their appearance and removal from plasma during exercise recovery are illustrated and discussed. The complementary nature of two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy are highlighted.


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The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a highly conserved atypical serine-threonine kinase that controls numerous functions essential for cell homeostasis and adaptation in mammalian cells via 2 distinct protein complex formations. Moreover, mTOR is a key regulatory protein in the insulin signalling cascade and has also been characterized as an insulin-independent nutrient sensor that may represent a critical mediator in obesity-related impairments of insulin action in skeletal muscle. Exercise characterizes a remedial modality that enhances mTOR activity and subsequently promotes beneficial metabolic adaptation in skeletal muscle. Thus, the metabolic effects of nutrients and exercise have the capacity to converge at the mTOR protein complexes and subsequently modify mTOR function. Accordingly, the aim of the present review is to highlight the role of mTOR in the regulation of insulin action in response to overnutrition and the capacity for exercise to enhance mTOR activity in skeletal muscle.


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We examined acute molecular responses in skeletal muscle to divergent exercise stimuli by combining consecutive bouts of resistance and endurance exercise. Eight men [22.9 ± 6.3 yr, body mass of 73.2 ± 4.5 kg, peak O2 uptake (V?O2peak) of 54.0 ± 5.7 ml·kg-1·min-1] were randomly assigned to complete trials consisting of either resistance exercise (8 x 5 leg extension, 80% 1 repetition maximum) followed by a bout of endurance exercise (30 min cycling, 70% V?O2peak) or vice versa. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis at rest, 15 min after each exercise bout, and after 3 h of passive recovery to determine early signaling and mRNA responses. Phosphorylation of Akt and Akt1Ser473 were elevated 15 min after resistance exercise compared with cycling, with the greatest increase observed when resistance exercise followed cycling (?55%; P < 0.01). TSC2-mTOR-S6 kinase phosphorylation 15 min after each bout of exercise was similar regardless of the exercise mode. The cumulative effect of combined exercise resulted in disparate mRNA responses. IGF-I mRNA content was reduced when cycling preceded resistance exercise (-42%), whereas muscle ring finger mRNA was elevated when cycling was undertaken after resistance exercise (?52%; P < 0.05). The hexokinase II mRNA level was higher after resistance cycling (?45%; P < 0.05) than after cycling-resistance exercise, whereas modest increases in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1? mRNA did not reveal an order effect. We conclude that acute responses to diverse bouts of contractile activity are modified by the exercise order. Moreover, undertaking divergent exercise in close proximity influences the acute molecular profile and likely exacerbates acute "interference".


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We determined the effect of coingestion of caffeine (Caff) with carbohydrate (CHO) on rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise in seven trained subjects who completed two experimental trials in a randomized, double-blind crossover design. The evening before an experiment subjects performed intermittent exhaustive cycling and then consumed a low-CHO meal. The next morning subjects rode until volitional fatigue. On completion of this ride subjects consumed either CHO [4 g/kg body mass (BM)] or the same amount of CHO + Caff (8 mg/kg BM) during 4 h of passive recovery. Muscle biopsies and blood samples were taken at regular intervals throughout recovery. Muscle glycogen levels were similar at exhaustion [?75 mmol/kg dry wt (dw)] and increased by a similar amount (?80%) after 1 h of recovery (133 ± 37.8 vs. 149 ± 48 mmol/kg dw for CHO and Caff, respectively). After 4 h of recovery Caff resulted in higher glycogen accumulation (313 ± 69 vs. 234 ± 50 mmol/kg dw, P < 0.001). Accordingly, the overall rate of resynthesis for the 4-h recovery period was 66% higher in Caff compared with CHO (57.7 ± 18.5 vs. 38.0 ± 7.7 mmol·kg dw-1·h-1, P < 0.05). After 1 h of recovery plasma Caff levels had increased to 31 ± 11 ?M (P < 0.001) and at the end of the recovery reached 77 ± 11 ?M (P < 0.001) with Caff. Phosphorylation of CaMKThr286 was similar after exercise and after 1 h of recovery, but after 4 h CaMKThr286 phosphorylation was higher in Caff than CHO (P < 0.05). Phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)Thr172 and AktSer473 was similar for both treatments at all time points. We provide the first evidence that in trained subjects coingestion of large amounts of Caff (8 mg/kg BM) with CHO has an additive effect on rates of postexercise muscle glycogen accumulation compared with consumption of CHO alone.


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PURPOSE: Regulation of skeletal muscle mass is highly dependent on contractile loading. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in growth factor and inflammatory pathways following high-frequency resistance training. METHODS: Using a novel design in which male Sprague-Dawley rats undertook a "stacked" resistance training protocol designed to generate a summation of transient exercise-induced signaling responses (four bouts of three sets × 10 repetitions of squat exercise, separated by 3 h of recovery), we determined the effects of high training frequency on signaling pathways and transcriptional activity regulating muscle mass. RESULTS: The stacked training regimen resulted in acute suppression of insulin-like growth factor 1 mRNA abundance (P < 0.05) and Akt phosphorylation (P < 0.05), an effect that persisted 48 h after the final training bout. Conversely, stacked training elicited a coordinated increase in the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha, inhibitor kappa B kinase alpha/beta activity (P < 0.05), and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation (P < 0.05) at 3 h after each training bout. In addition, the stacked series of resistance exercise bouts induced an increase in p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation 3 h after bouts ×3 and ×4, independent of the phosphorylation state of Akt. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that high resistance training frequency extends the transient activation of inflammatory signaling cascades, concomitant with persistent suppression of key mediators of anabolic responses. We provide novel insights into the effects of the timing of exercise-induced overload and recovery on signal transduction pathways and transcriptional activity regulating skeletal muscle mass in vivo.


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Skeletal muscle contraction stimulates multiple signaling cascades that govern a variety of metabolic and transcriptional events. Akt/protein kinase B regulates metabolism and growth/muscle hypertrophy, but contraction effects on this target and its substrates are varied and may depend on the mode of the contractile stimulus. Accordingly, we determined the effects of endurance or resistance exercise on phosphorylation of Akt and downstream substrates in six trained cyclists who performed a single bout of endurance or resistance exercise separated by ?7 days. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis at rest and immediately after exercise. Akt Ser 473 phosphorylation was increased (1.8-fold; P = 0.011) after endurance but was unchanged after resistance exercise. Conversely, Akt Thr 308 phosphorylation was unaltered after either bout of exercise. Several exercise-responsive phosphoproteins were detected by immunoblot analysis with a phospho-Akt substrate antibody. pp160 and pp300 were identified as AS160 and filamin A, respectively, with increased phosphorylation (2.0- and 4.9-fold, respectively; P < 0.05) after endurance but not resistance exercise. In conclusion, AS160 and filamin A may provide an important link to mediate endurance exercise-induced bioeffects in skeletal muscle.


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While participatory processes have become an important part of water planning, young people are a particularly vulnerable group in terms of potential marginalisation and exclusion from effective participation. Including the views of young people in water planning is not simply a matter of bringing them into existing processes. Instead, processes must be modified to accommodate their needs and ways of expressing their views. Without these adjustments young people may simply move from being kept outside the process to a situation where although they are formally included, their claims are not taken seriously and they are not treated with equal respect. In this paper we reflect on the success of the community advisory committee, formed to develop the Gold Coast Waterfuture Strategy, in integrating the views of young people into their deliberations. Using Young's communicative democracy we highlight the challenges and opportunities presented by this approach, as articulated by both the young people involved and the adult participants, and specifically consider the how the elements of greeting, rhetoric and narrative were reflected in the committee process.


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Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has been consistently demonstrated to improve skeletal muscle function in neurological populations with movement disorders, such as poststroke and incomplete spinal cord injury (Vanderthommen and Duchateau, 2007). Recent research has documented that rapid, supraspinal central nervous system reorganisation/neuroplastic mechanisms are also implicated during NMES (Chipchase et al., 2011). Functional neuroimaging studies have shown NMES to activate a network of sub-cortical and cortical brain regions, including the sensorimotor (SMC) and prefrontal (PFC) cortex (Blickenstorfer et al., 2009; Han et al., 2003; Muthalib et al., 2012). A relationship between increase in SMC activation with increasing NMES current intensity up to motor threshold has been previously reported using functional MRI (Smith et al., 2003). However, since clinical neurorehabilitation programmes commonly utilise NMES current intensities above the motor threshold and up to the maximum tolerated current intensity (MTI), limited research has determined the cortical correlates of increasing NMES current intensity at or above MTI (Muthalib et al., 2012). In our previous study (Muthalib et al., 2012), we assessed contralateral PFC activation using 1-channel functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) during NMES of the elbow flexors by increasing current intensity from motor threshold to greater than MTI and showed a linear relationship between NMES current intensity and the level of PFC activation. However, the relationship between NMES current intensity and activation of the motor cortical network, including SMC and PFC, has not been clarified. Moreover, it is of scientific and clinical relevance to know how NMES affects the central nervous system, especially in comparison to voluntary (VOL) muscle activation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to utilise multi-channel time domain fNIRS to compare SMC and PFC activation between VOL and NMESevoked wrist extension movements.


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Re-programming of gene expression is fundamental for skeletal muscle adaptations in response to endurance exercise. This study investigated the time-course dependent changes in the muscular transcriptome following an endurance exercise trial consisting of 1 h of intense cycling immediately followed by 1 h of intense running. Skeletal muscle samples were taken at baseline, 3 h, 48 h, and 96 h post-exercise from eight healthy, endurance-trained, male individuals. RNA was extracted from muscle. Differential gene expression was evaluated using Illumina microarrays and validated with qPCR. Gene set enrichment analysis identified enriched molecular signatures chosen from the Molecular Signatures Database. Three h post-exercise, 102 gene sets were up-regulated [family wise error rate (FWER), P < 0.05]; including groups of genes related with leukocyte migration, immune and chaperone activation, and cyclic AMP responsive element binding protein (CREB) 1-signaling. Forty-eight h post-exercise, among 19 enriched gene sets (FWER, P < 0.05), two gene sets related to actin cytoskeleton remodeling were up-regulated. Ninety-six h post-exercise, 83 gene sets were enriched (FWER, P < 0.05), 80 of which were up-regulated; including gene groups related to chemokine signaling, cell stress management, and extracellular matrix remodeling. These data provide comprehensive insights into the molecular pathways involved in acute stress, recovery, and adaptive muscular responses to endurance exercise. The novel 96 h post-exercise transcriptome indicates substantial transcriptional activity, potentially associated with the prolonged presence of leukocytes in the muscles. This suggests that muscular recovery, from a transcriptional perspective, is incomplete 96 h after endurance exercise involving muscle damage.


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The main aim was to expand existing knowledge on the influence of physical activity on gastric emptying and appetite control. Through a series of three complementary research studies interactions between exercise, gastric emptying, appetite and energy intake were investigated in males. Relationships with body composition and energy expenditure were also addressed.


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Background. This study evaluated the time course of recovery of transverse strain in the Achilles and patellar tendons following a bout of resistance exercise. Methods. Seventeen healthy adults underwent sonographic examination of the right patellar (n = 9) or Achilles (n = 8) tendons immediately prior to and following 90 repetitions of weight–bearing exercise. Quadriceps and gastrocnemius exercise were performed against an effective resistance of 175% and 250% body weight, respectively. Sagittal tendon thickness was determined 20 mm from the tendon enthesis and transverse strain was repeatedly monitored over a 24 hour recovery period. Results. Resistance exercise resulted in an immediate decrease in Achilles (t7 = 10.6, P<.01) and patellar (t8 = 8.9, P<.01) tendon thickness, resulting in an average transverse strain of 0.14 ± 0.04 and 0.18 ± 0.05. While the average strain was not significantly different between tendons, older age was associated with a reduced transverse strain response (r=0.63, P<.01). Recovery of transverse strain, in contrast, was prolonged compared with the duration of loading and exponential in nature. The mean primary recovery time was not significantly different between Achilles (6.5 ± 3.2 hours) and patellar (7.1 ± 3.2 hours) tendons and body weight accounted for 62% and 64% of the variation in recovery time, respectively. Discussion. Despite structural and biochemical differences between the Achilles and patellar tendons [1], the mechanisms underlying transverse creep–recovery in vivo appear similar and are highly time dependent. Primary recovery required about 7 hours in healthy tendons, with full recovery requiring up to 24 hours. These in vivo recovery times are similar to those reported for axial creep recovery of the vertebral disc in vitro [2], and may be used clinically to guide physical activity to rest ratios in healthy adults. Optimal ratios for high–stress tendons in clinical populations, however, remain unknown and require further attention in light of the knowledge gained in this study.


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In many interventions that are based on an exercise program intended to induce weight loss, the mean weight loss observed is modest and sometimes far less than what the individual expected. The individual responses are also widely variable, with some individuals losing a substantial amount of weight, others maintaining weight, and a few actually gaining weight. The media have focused on the subpopulation that loses little weight, contributing to a public perception that exercise has limited utility to cause weight loss. The purpose of the symposium was to present recent, novel data that help explain how compensatory behaviors contribute to a wide discrepancy in exercise-induced weight loss. The presentations provide evidence that some individuals adopt compensatory behaviors, that is, increased energy intake and/or reduced activity, that offset the exercise energy expenditure and limit weight loss. The challenge for both scientists and clinicians is to develop effective tools to identify which individuals are susceptible to such behaviors and to develop strategies to minimize their effect.