431 resultados para Magneto
In this paper, I review some recent high-precision Rydberg state lifetime measurements using a cold-trapped sample of neutral atoms held in a magneto-optical trap. The measurements were performed in rubidium for the S, P and D states varying the principal quantum number from n = 26 to 45 using the field ionization technique. The experimental results were compared with quantum mechanical calculations and good agreement was observed. This is an important demonstration of how cold atomic samples can be used to perform high-precision spectroscopy in the time domain.
We have revisited photoassociative ionization (PAI) in a cold sample of Na atmos. A two-color experiment was performed ina magneto-optical trap through the addition of aprobe laser. The observation of a marked change in the PAI rate for a definite frequency range can be attributed to the influence of repuisive levels and a possible avoided crossing between long-range molecular levels. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Magneto-capacitance was studied in narrow miniband GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices where quasi-two dimensional electrons revealed the integer quantum Hall effect. The interwell tunneling was shown to reduce the effect of the quantization of the density of states on the capacitance of the superlattices. In such case the minimum of the capacitance observed at the filling factor nu = 2 was attributed to the decrease of the electron compressibility due to the formation of the incompressible quantized Hall phase. In accord with the theory this phase was found strongly inhomogeneous. The incompressible fraction of the quantized Hall phase was demonstrated to rapidly disappear with the increasing temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A free-running, temperature stabilized diode laser has been injection-locked to an external cavity diode laser for use in cold Rydberg atom experiments. Cold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are excited to Rydberg states using a 10 ns laser pulse. The Rydberg atoms spontaneously ionize due to dipole forces, and the collisional ionization dynamics are observed as a function of atom density and principal quantum number of the Rydberg state, n. The injection-locked diode laser will be used as a repumper in conjunction with a dark spontaneous-force optical trap (SPOT) to increase the Rydberg state density. We report on the design of the injection-locked laser system.
Neste trabalho é apresentado um método para medição de deslocamentos sem contato, utilizando sensores magnetoresistivos, os quais são sensibilizados pela variação do campo magnético produzido por um imã permanente em deslocamento no espaço. Os sensores magnetoresistivos possuem, internamente, uma ponte de Wheathestone, onde a resistência varia conforme varia o campo magnético, de modo que o circuito mais indicado para este caso é um amplificador e um filtro para cada sensor. O principal objetivo do trabalho é a obtenção de uma técnica para medir deslocamentos sem contato, e estender os resultados para medida de movimentos mandibulares. A montagem consiste de duas placas de celeron, distantes 30mm uma da outra e unidas por parafusos de polietileno. Em cada uma destas placas foram dispostos quatro sensores, num total de oito, sendo que para cada um deles existe um circuito de amplificação e filtragem do sinal de saída. Sob uma chapa de alumínio foi fixado este equipamento e uma mesa de calibração em 3D, a qual, após a obtenção da matriz de calibração, foi substituída por um emulador de movimento mandibular. Os parâmetros do modelo foram estimados através do método dos mínimos quadrados com auxílio do software Matlab, Release 12. Este software também foi utilizado para o sistema de aquisição de dados durante a realização dos experimentos. A imprecisão dos resultados obtidos na determinação dos deslocamentos, está na ordem de décimos de milímetros. O trabalho apresenta, também, o mapeamento do campo magnético do magneto utilizado nos experimentos através do software FEM2000 – Método de elementos finitos aplicado ao eletromagnetismo.
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades morfológicas, estruturais e magnéticas de nanoestruturas de Fe crescidas em Si(111) vicinal. A análise de superfície foi feita usando microscopia de força atômica e microscopia de tunelamento, e as medidas de caracterização estrutural, por espectroscopia de absorção de raios-X. As propriedades magnéticas foram investigadas usando dois métodos distintos: efeito Kerr magneto-óptico e magnetômetro de força de gradiente alternado. Os substratos foram preparados quimicamente com uma solução NH4F e caracterizados por microscopia de força atômica. As análises morfológicas das superfícies permitiram classificá-las em dois grupos: Si(111)- monoatômicos e Si(111)-poliatômicos. Filmes finos de ferro de 1.5, 3, 6 e 12 nm foram crescidos sobre eles. A análise das superfícies indicou dois modos diferentes de crescimento do ferro; o sistema Fe(x)Si(111)-monoatômico resulta em grãos de ferro aleatoriamente distribuídos, e o sistema Fe(x)Si(111)-poliatômico em nanogrãos de ferro alongados na direção perpendicular aos degraus, auto-organizados. Particularmente no filme Fe(3 nm)/Si(111)-poliatômico, ao redor de metade dos grãos estão alinhados ao longo da direção [110] , ou seja, paralelo aos degraus. O padrão de nanogrãos de ferro alongados orientados perpendicular aos degraus foi interpretado com uma conseqüência da anisotropia induzida durante o processo de deposição e a topologia do substrato Si(111)-poliatômico. Uma forte relação entre a morfologia e a resposta magnética dos filmes foi encontrada. Um modelo fenomenológico foi utilizado para interpretar os dados experimentais da magnetização, e uma excelente concordância entre as curvas experimentais e calculadas foi obtida.
A obtenção de ligas metálicas em forma de pasta, com propriedades tixotrópicas apropriadas para serem utilizadas em processos de tixoconformação, pode ser realizada através de vários processos metalúrgicos. Destacam-se os processos de reofundidos obtidos a partir do líquido com a agitação mecânica do banho, ao longo da solidificação. Esses processos utilizam-se de rotores e propulsores, agitação mecânica usando o processo de duplo-parafuso e a agitação magneto hidrodinâmica. Outros procedimentos para a obtenção de pastas reofundidas a partir do líquido são o processo SCR (Shearing Cooling Roll), refino químico, ultra-som, processo spray, a nova reofundição NCR (New Rheocasting) e a reofundição elementar. As estruturas tixofundidas são obtidas a partir do metal sólido no qual, utiliza-se a refusão parcial de estruturas dendríticas, a fusão parcial de estruturas dendríticas deformadas (SIMA) e a fusão parcial sob pressão de estruturas dendríticas. No Trabalho em questão foram estudados os dois métodos para a obtenção de estruturas com propriedades tixotrópicas (Reofundição e Tixofundição). O primeiro processo explorado foi a agitação mecânica da liga AA7075 em seu estado semi-sólido, através de uma haste propulsora com pás recobertas por carbeto de cromo e contida em um cadinho especial de grafite. O segundo, foi a aplicação de tratamento isotérmico usando diversos patamares de tempos de aplicação e temperaturas. Este processo foi realizado por aquecimento indutivo na mesma liga AA7075, deformada anteriormente por extrusão direta. As microestruturas foram caracterizadas através dos diâmetros e formas dos glóbulos, utilizando o fator de forma específico em um programa de análise de imagens.
Neste trabalho é apresentada a caracterização de amostras de filmes finos granulares de Fe- Al2O3, obtidas por evaporação em ultra alto vácuo. Duas amostras com composições diferentes foram obtidas. A espectroscopia de Espalhamento de Rutherford (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy - RBS) foi utilizada para determinar a fração volumétrica de metal e a espessura das amostras, cujos valores obtidos foram 43% e 34% respectivamente. A morfologia das amostras foi investigada por difração de raios-x a qual mostrou a existência de grãos de ferro com 30Å de diâmetro e orientação cristalina preferencial (110) embebidos em uma matriz amorfa de Al2O3. As medidas de magnetização também mostraram que as duas amostras apresentavam uma distribuição de tamanhos de grão de ferro com valor médio de 24Å, estando de acordo com os resultados obtidos por difração de raios-x. A magneto-resistência observada em temperatura ambiente pode ser explicada pelo tunelamento dependente de spin dos elétrons de condução entre os grãos de ferro. Os resultados das medidas de RxT e IxV mostraram que o principal mecanismo de transporte foi o tunelamento termicamente ativado, o que está de acordo com a teoria apresentada por Abeles.
We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The study and fabrication of nanostructured systems composed of magnetic materials has been an area of great scientific and technological interest. Soft magnetic materials, in particular, have had great importance in the development of magnetic devices. Among such materials we highlight the use of alloys of Ni and Fe, known as Permalloy. We present measurement results of structural characterization and magnetic films in Permalloy (Ni81Fe19), known to be a material with high magnetic permeability, low coercivity and small magneto- crystalline anisotropy, deposited on MgO (100) substrates. The Magnetron Sputtering technique was used to obtain the samples with thicknesses varying between 9 150 nm. The techniques of X- ray Diffraction at high and low angle were employed to confirm the crystallographic orientation and thickness of the films. In order to investigate the magnetic properties of the films the techniques of Vibrant Sample Magnetometry (VSM), Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) and Magnetoimpedance were used. The magnetization curves revealed the presence of anisotropy for the films of Py/MgO (100), where it was found that there are three distinct axis - an easy-axis for θH = 0°, a hard-axis for θH = 45° and an intermediate for θH = 90°. The results of the FMR and Magnetoimpedance techniques confirm that there are three distinct axes, that is, there is a type C2 symmetry. Then we propose, for these results, the interpretation of the magnetic anisotropy of Py/MgO ( 100 ) is of type simple C2, ie a cubic magnetic anisotropy type ( 110 )
The research behind this master dissertation started with the installation of a DC sputtering system, from its first stage, the adaptation of a refrigerating system, passing by the introduction of a heating system for the chamber using a thermal belt, until the deposition of a series of Fe/MgO(100) single crystal nanometric film samples. The deposition rates of some materials such as Fe, Py and Cu were investigated through an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). For the single crystal samples, five of them have the same growth parameters and a thickness of 250Å, except for the temperature, which varies from fifty degrees from one to another, from 100ºC to 300ºC. Three other samples also have the same deposition parameters and a temperature of 300ºC, but with thickness of 62,5Å, 150Å, and 250Å. Magneto-optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) of the magnetic curves measurements and Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) were made to in order to study the influence of the temperature and thickness on the sample s magnetic properties. In the present dissertation we discuss such techniques, and the experimental results are interpreted using phenomenological models, by simulation, and discussed from a physical point of view, taking into account the system s free magnetic energy terms. The results show the growth of the cubic anisotropy field (Hac) as the sample s deposition temperature increases, presenting an asymptotic behavior, similar to the characteristic charging curve of a capacitor in a RC circuit. A similar behavior was also observed for the Hac due to the increase in the samples thicknesses. The 250˚A sample, growth at 300°C, presented a Hac field close to the Fe bulk value
In this work we have developed a way to grow Fe/MgO(100) monocrystals by magnetron sputtering DC. We investigated the growing in a temperature range among 100 oC and 300 oC. Structural and magneto-crystalline properties were studied by different experimental techniques. Thickness and surface roughness of the films were investigated by atomic force microscopy, while magneto-crystalline properties were investigated by magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagnetic resonance. Our results show that as we increase the deposition temperature, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the films also increases, following the equation of Avrami. The best temperature value to make a film is 300 oC. As the main result, we built a base of magnetoresistence devices and as an aplication, we present measurements of Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer coupling. In a second work we investigated the temperature dependence of the first three interlayer spacings of Ag(100) surface using low energy electron diffraction. A linear expansion model of crystal surface was used and the values of Debye temperatures of the first two layers and thermal expansion coefficient were determinated. A relaxation of 1% was found for Ag(100) surface and these results are matched with faces (110) and (111) of the silver. iv
This paper presents numerical simulations of incompressible fluid flows in the presence of a magnetic field at low magnetic Reynolds number. The equations governing the flow are the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid motion coupled with Maxwell's equations of electromagnetics. The study of fluid flows under the influence of a magnetic field and with no free electric charges or electric fields is known as magnetohydrodynamics. The magnetohydrodynamics approximation is considered for the formulation of the non-dimensional problem and for the characterization of similarity parameters. A finite-difference technique is used to discretize the equations. In particular, an extension of the generalized Peaceman and Rachford alternating-direction implicit (ADI) scheme for simulating two-dimensional fluid flows is presented. The discretized conservation equations are solved in stream function-vorticity formulation. We compare the ADI and generalized ADI schemes, and show that the latter is more efficient in simulating low Reynolds number and magnetic Reynolds number problems. Numerical results demonstrating the applicability of this technique are also presented. The simulation of incompressible magneto hydrodynamic fluid flows is illustrated by numerical solution for two-dimensional cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this work is to obtain spherical particles YIG from micrometric to nanometric scales. The spherical particles were obtained from cation hydrolysis in acid medium by adding urea or ammonia in order to carry out a homogeneous nucleation process up to 90 degrees C. Different composition and morphology were achieved by changing reactant concentrations, precipitation agent and stabilizing agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, transmission and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to investigate the phase identification, mobility, morphology and particle size. Crystalline YIG, with spherical characteristics, was obtained. The surface potential presented different characteristics for different dispersion media.