981 resultados para Magdalena-sisaret
The fungi of occidental Catalonia after recent prospections I. This work intends to collect the mycological data gathered during the last four years as a result of the project "Fungal biodiversity of Catalonia", in the western and southern, mainly lowland areas of this country. The climate is mainly dry (400-600 mm/year) and warm. The survey, that covers 160 localities, has enabled the identification of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycora, 159 of Ascomyctra, 101 mitosporic fungi, 8 Teliomycetes, 1 Ustomycetes, 16 Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 Apliyllopllorates, that are included in this paper. Because of space limitations, the remaining 326 agarics and 44 Gasteromycetes will be published in the next number of this journal. This work is a contribution to a best understanding of the fungal flora, chorology, ecology and phenology of the West-Mediterranean dry lowlands.
Benjamín de Tudela (en hebreo Biniamín ben rabbí Yonah mi- Tudela) es, sin duda, un navarro universal. Judío de la aljama tudelana, se ignora la fecha de su nacimiento (acaso hacia 1130). Hijo de rabino y viajero infatigable, sólo sabemos de este personaje lo poco que de él se menciona en su famoso Libro de Viajes o Séfer-masa`ot, fruto de sus vivas experiencias -las más de las veces directas- exquisitamente plasmadas en su relación de viaje, redactadas en hebreo. Conocedor del romance navarro vernáculo de la época, sabía hebreo - su lengua de instrucción y cultivo literario- y árabe, entendiendo acaso el griego y el latín.
RATIONALE: Induction of oxidative stress and impairment of the antioxidant defense are considered important biological responses following nanoparticle (NP) exposure. The acellular in vitro dithiothreitol (DTT) assay is proposed to measure the oxidative potential of NP. In addition, DTT can be considered as a model compound of sulfur containing antioxidants. The objective of this work is to evaluate the surface reactivity in solution of a NP panel toward DTT. METHOD: The NP panel was composed of four carbonaceous particles, six types of metal oxides and silver with primary size ranged from 7 to 300 nm. Suspensions were prepared in surfactant solution with 30 min sonication. DTT was used as reductant to evaluate the oxidative properties of the different NP. The determination of the NP ability to catalyze electron transfer from DTT to oxygen was carried out as described in Sauvain et al., Nanotoxicology, 2008, 2:3, 121−129. RESULTS: All the carbonaceous NP catalyzed the oxidation of DTT by oxygen following the mass based order: carbon black > diesel exhaust particle > nanotubes > fullerene. A contrasting reactivity was observed for the metallic NP. Except for nickel oxide and metallic silver, which reacted similarly to the carbonaceous NP, all other metal oxides hindered the oxidation of DTT by oxygen, with ZnO being the most effective one. CONCLUSIONS : DTT was stabilized against oxidation in the presence of metal oxide NP in the solution. This suggests that different chemical interactions take place compared with carbonaceous NP. To explain these differences, we hypothesize that DTT could form complexes with the metal oxide surface (or dissolved metal ions), rendering it less susceptible to oxidation. By analogy, such a process could be thought to apply in biological systems with sulfur−containing antioxidants, reducing their buffer capacity. Such NP could thus contribute to oxidative stress by an alternative mechanism.
El trabajo se divide en tres partes: una traducción del ámbito médico inglés-español; un glosario de términos extraídos del texto con su equivalente en español, y un análisis de los principales problemas de traducción detectado y que son frecuentes en los textos biomédicos, con sus respectivas soluciones.
Health assessment and medical surveillance of workers exposed to combustion nanoparticles are challenging. The aim was to evaluate the feasibility of using exhaled breath condensate (EBC) from healthy volunteers for (1) assessing the lung deposited dose of combustion nanoparticles and (2) determining the resulting oxidative stress by measuring hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Methods: Fifteen healthy nonsmoker volunteers were exposed to three different levels of sidestream cigarette smoke under controlled conditions. EBC was repeatedly collected before, during, and 1 and 2 hr after exposure. Exposure variables were measured by direct reading instruments and by active sampling. The different EBC samples were analyzed for particle number concentration (light-scattering-based method) and for selected compounds considered oxidative stress markers. Results: Subjects were exposed to an average airborne concentration up to 4.3×10(5) particles/cm(3) (average geometric size ∼60-80 nm). Up to 10×10(8) particles/mL could be measured in the collected EBC with a broad size distribution (50(th) percentile ∼160 nm), but these biological concentrations were not related to the exposure level of cigarette smoke particles. Although H2O2 and MDA concentrations in EBC increased during exposure, only H2O2 showed a transient normalization 1 hr after exposure and increased afterward. In contrast, MDA levels stayed elevated during the 2 hr post exposure. Conclusions: The use of diffusion light scattering for particle counting proved to be sufficiently sensitive to detect objects in EBC, but lacked the specificity for carbonaceous tobacco smoke particles. Our results suggest two phases of oxidation markers in EBC: first, the initial deposition of particles and gases in the lung lining liquid, and later the start of oxidative stress with associated cell membrane damage. Future studies should extend the follow-up time and should remove gases or particles from the air to allow differentiation between the different sources of H2O2 and MDA.
La ségrégation professionnelle horizontale et verticale selon le sexe est l'un des traits dominants du marché du travail: les femmes et les hommes exercent rarement le même type d'activité ou la même fonction. L'objectif de la recherche réalisée dans le cadre de mon mémoire de licence est de cerner les mécanismes sociaux qui contribuent au maintien de la division hiérarchique du travail entre les sexes. L'enquête a été menée au sein d'une administration cantonale et combine une étude de la politique de gestion du personnel et de trajectoires d'activité professionnelle d'employé·e·s et de cadres des deux sexes (« employé d'administration » est une fonction féminisée, celle d'« adjoint » est majoritairement occupée par des hommes). Elle met en évidence l'influence des rapports sociaux de sexe dans la production des différences de sexe. L'étude du système de classification des fonctions, de promotion et de formation continue met au jour la manière dont les stéréotypes de sexe et les représentations de rôles de sexe structurent la politique de gestion du personnel. Il ressort que les « employées » interviewées ont un niveau de formation supérieur à celui de leurs homologues masculins. Par ailleurs, la mobilité professionnelle est régie par des logiques différentes : les femmes rapportent avoir demandé une promotion alors que les hommes disent avoir été promus par les supérieurs. L'analyse des trajectoires d'activité montre que les « employé·e·s » n'accomplissent pas le même type de tâches, les femmes sont cantonnées à un travail de secrétariat alors que les hommes assument des tâches diversifiées, ce qui se répercute ensuite sur le type de cours de formation continue suivis. Mais surtout la mobilité spatiale et l'autonomie féminines sont moindres. « Employée» n'est donc pas le féminin d'«employé». La fonction d'« adjoint » comprend l'exercice de responsabilités diverses, notamment la direction et l'encadrement de personnel administratif. Pourtant, les « adjointes » sont exclues des fonctions de direction - où se prennent les décisions - et quasi exclues des fonctions d'encadrement hiérarchique importantes. Par ailleurs, les dossiers en mains masculines concernent davantage des questions économiques, financières ou techniques, ceux des femmes des dimensions juridique et sociale. Enfin, les « adjointes » connaissent un avancement de carrière plus lent que leurs collègues de sexe masculin.
BACKGROUND: Pharmacists can play a decisive role in the management of ambulatory patients with depression who have poor adherence to antidepressant drugs. OBJECTIVE: To systematically evaluate the effectiveness of pharmacist care in improving adherence of depressed outpatients to antidepressants. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted. RCTs were identified through electronic databases (MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Institute for Scientific Information Web of Knowledge, and Spanish National Research Council) from inception to April 2010, reference lists were checked, and experts were consulted. RCTs that evaluated the impact of pharmacist interventions on improving adherence to antidepressants in depressed patients in an outpatient setting (community pharmacy or pharmacy service) were included. Methodologic quality was assessed and methodologic details and outcomes were extracted in duplicate. RESULTS: Six RCTs were identified. A total of 887 patients with an established diagnosis of depression who were initiating or maintaining pharmacologic treatment with antidepressant drugs and who received pharmacist care (459 patients) or usual care (428 patients) were included in the review. The most commonly reported interventions were patient education and monitoring, monitoring and management of toxicity and adverse effects, adherence promotion, provision of written or visual information, and recommendation or implementation of changes or adjustments in medication. Overall, no statistical heterogeneity or publication bias was detected. The pooled odds ratio, using a random effects model, was 1.64 (95% CI 1.24 to 2.17). Subgroup analysis showed no statistically significant differences in results by type of pharmacist involved, adherence measure, diagnostic tool, or analysis strategy. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that pharmacist intervention is effective in the improvement of patient adherence to antidepressants. However, data are still limited and we would recommend more research in this area, specifically outside of the US.
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate