1000 resultados para MELÃO DE SÃO-CAETANO
O Estado do Pará, cujo litoral se estende do Cabo do Norte à foz do rio Gurupi, representa o principal pólo pesqueiro da região. Dentre as espécies de importância econômica no estado, destaca-se a pescada amarela Cynoscion acoupa e serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis, capturadas principalmente nos municípios de Augusto Corrêa, Bragança, Curuçá, São Caetano de Odivelas, São João de Pirabas e Vigia. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de descrever estes sistemas pesqueiros segundo as dimensões sociais, tecnológicas, econômicas e ecológicos visando estabelecer linhas de ação que auxiliem na estruturação de um plano de manejo que garanta a sustentabilidade das pescarias. Para descrever os sistemas de pesca, uma lista de 45 atributos, na forma de valores numéricos absolutos ou porcentagens, classificados de acordo com cada dimensão supracitada. Um estudo mais aprofundado (Estudo de Caso) foi efetuado em Bragança, para ambos sistemas. Análise multivariada de agrupamento e ordenação (MDS), comparando os sistemas pesqueiros e considerando os diferentes municípios, foram aplicadas, visando identificar os agrupamentos e as possíveis causas da semelhança entre os sistemas de pesca por município. A análise dos sistemas da pescada amarela e serra juntas, mostraram a formação de dois grupos. Quando analisados por dimensão separadamente, registrou-se similaridade entre ambos os sistemas nas dimensões social e ecológica. Com relação às dimensões tecnológica e econômica notou-se que os municípios de Bragança e Vigia (sistema pescada amarela) destacaram-se, sobretudo pelas embarcações utilizadas, tamanho das redes de pesca, produção por pescaria e lucro líquido obtido nas pescarias. Para a serra registrou-se, entre os municípios do sistema, a predominância de barcos de pequeno porte nas capturas. O estudo de caso em Bragança indicou que apesar da importância do grude (bexiga natatória) na cadeia de comercialização da pescada amarela, com elevado valor de comercialização, a venda da carne constituiu a principal fonte de lucro líquido. O estudo de caso da serra revelou que as suas pescarias em Bragança ocorreram em três áreas distintas: costa do Amapá, costa de Salinas e costa de Bragança. Considerando o exposto, pressupõe-se que um plano de manejo no âmbito social deve prover ações em prol da cidadania, saúde, educação, emprego e capacitação. Numa abordagem ecológica, considerando que ambos os estoques se encontram no limite máximo sustentável, medidas de manejo devem ser implementadas. Finalmente, com relação aos aspectos tecnológicos e econômicos observou-se que as pescarias em Bragança e Vigia foram visualmente “sustentáveis”. Entretanto, os acentuados aumentos nas capturas com evidentes tendências de queda na produção, devem ser observados com cautela no que diz respeito à liberação de novos financiamentos.
O cultivo de espécies de ostras do gênero Crassostrea está em expansão no nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil. Este estudo analisa a qualidade sanitária das ostras e da água em que são cultivadas nos municípios de São Caetano de Odivelas e Curuçá. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente entre junho de 2009 e maio de 2010. As amostras de águas foram coletadas nas marés enchente e vazante, e cerca de 15 ostras foram obtidos a cada mês durante a maré vazante. Concentrações de coliformes foram determinadas usando a Técnica de Fermentação de Tubos Múltiplos, seguida pela identificação bioquímica das bactérias e determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade de Escherichia coli isoladas a partir de amostras de águas e ostras. A média geométrica das concentrações de coliformes termotolerantes na água foi de 119 mL MPN/100 em São Caetano de Odivelas e 163,21 MPN/100 mL em Curuçá, valores bem acima do limite de 43 mL MPN/100 estabelecido pelo Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente Brasileiro (CONAMA). Como a legislação brasileira relacionada à qualidade sanitária dos moluscos bivalves destina-se apenas ao produto processado, foi adotada a legislação da União Europeia, que classifica as ostras para o consumo cru em três classes sanitárias. Em São Caetano de Odivelas, apenas duas das amostras coletadas durante este estudo foram atribuídas para a classe A, sete amostras para a classe B e três amostras para a classe C. Enquanto em Curuçá três amostras foram atribuídas à classe A, sete amostras para a classe C e duas amostras para a classe C. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de medidas mitigatórias para garantir a qualidade sanitária das ostras, tais como a aplicação de métodos de depuração.
In this paper, we present an analysis of the resonant response of modified triangular metallic nanoparticles with polynomial sides. The particles are illuminated by an incident plane wave and the method of moments is used to solve numerically the electromagnetic scattering problem. We investigate spectral response and near field distribution in function of the length and polynomial order of the nanoparticles. Our results show that in the analyzed wavelength range (0.5-1.8) µm these particles possess smaller number of resonances and their resonant wavelengths, near field enhancement and field confinement are higher than those of the conventional triangular particle with linear sides.
In this paper, we present an algorithm for full-wave electromagnetic analysis of nanoplasmonic structures. We use the three-dimensional Method of Moments to solve the electric field integral equation. The computational algorithm is developed in the language C. As examples of application of the code, the problems of scattering from a nanosphere and a rectangular nanorod are analyzed. The calculated characteristics are the near field distribution and the spectral response of these nanoparticles. The convergence of the method for different discretization sizes is also discussed.
We present a microwave switchable frequency selective surface with high quality factor transmission resonance. The high quality resonance is achieved by excitation of the trapped-mode in array with two concentric metal rings in a cell on a silicon substrate. Optical activation of the silicon substrate permits to switch off the transmission band.
In Smart Grids, a variety of new applications are available to users of the electrical system (from consumers to the electric system operators and market operators). Some applications such as the SCADA systems, which control generators or substations, have consequences, for example, with a communication delay. The result of a failure to deliver a control message due to noncompliance of the time constraint can be catastrophic. On the other hand, applications such as smart metering of consumption have fewer restrictions. Since each type of application has different quality of service requirements (importance, delay, and amount of data to transmit) to transmit its messages, the policy to control and share the resources of the data communication network must consider them. In this paper Markov Decision Process Theory is employed to determine optimal policies to explore as much as possible the availability of throughput in order to transmit all kinds of messages, considering the quality of service requirements defined to each kind of message. First a non-preemptive model is formulated and after that a preemptive model is derived. Numerical results are used to compare FIFO, non-preemptive and preemptive policies.
The use of wireless local area networks, called WLANs, as well as the proliferation of the use of multimedia applications have grown rapidly in recent years. Some factors affect the quality of service (QoS) received by the user and interference is one of them. This work presents strategies for planning and performance evaluation through an empirical study of the QoS parameters of a voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application in an interference network, as well as the relevance in the design of wireless networks to determine the coverage area of an access point, taking into account several parameters such as power, jitter, packet loss, delay, and PMOS. Another strategy is based on a hybrid approach that considers measuring and Bayesian inference applied to wireless networks, taking into consideration QoS parameters. The models take into account a cross layer vision of networks, correlating aspects of the physical environment, on the signal propagation (power or distance) with aspects of VoIP applications (e.g., jitter and packet loss). Case studies were carried out for two indoor environments and two outdoor environments, one of them displaying main characteristics of the Amazon region (e.g., densely arboreous environments). This last test bed was carried out in a real system because the Government of the State of Pará has a digital inclusion program called NAVEGAPARÁ.
In this paper, we propose a hybrid methodology based on Graph-Coloring and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Wavelength Assignment (WA) problem in optical networks, impaired by physical layer effects. Our proposal was developed for a static scenario where the physical topology and traffic matrix are known a priori. First, we used fixed shortest-path routing to attend demand requests over the physical topology and the graph-coloring algorithm to minimize the number of necessary wavelengths. Then, we applied the genetic algorithm to solve WA. The GA finds the wavelength activation order on the wavelengths grid with the aim of reducing the Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) effect; the variance due to the XPM was used as a function of fitness to evaluate the feasibility of the selected WA solution. Its performance is compared with the First-Fit algorithm in two different scenarios, and has shown a reduction in blocking probability up to 37.14% when considered both XPM and residual dispersion effects and up to 71.42% when only considered XPM effect. Moreover, it was possible to reduce by 57.14% the number of wavelengths.
Após a publicação da Lei Complementar Federal no. 140 (LC 140/2011), de 08/12/2011, que definiu as competências dos municípios na gestão de políticas públicas ambientais, surgiu a necessidade de propor ações pelo poder público municipal para sua implementação. Para assegurar a eficácia da referida lei, os municípios deveriam estruturar-se para licenciar e fiscalizar as atividades degradadoras, ou potencialmente degradadoras, em seus territórios. Os órgãos criados no âmbito das políticas municipais ambientais demandariam estruturação física e de pessoal que, por serem onerosas, se tornaram verdadeiros óbices à priorização do gestor para garantir as condições necessárias para a gestão ambiental municipal. Dessa forma, a cooperação entre os entes federados, por intermédio do instrumento de Consórcio Público se apresenta como uma alternativa estratégica para implementação da lei nos municípios de pequeno porte para encaminhamento das questões ambientais. Entende-se que um planejamento territorial regional facilitaria o encaminhamento para solicitação de recursos, bem como para a celebração de contratos e convênios que beneficiassem os municípios consorciados. O presente estudo analisa a Capacidade Institucional de gestão ambiental entre os municípios de Vigia de Nazaré, São Caetano de Odivelas, Santo Antônio do Tauá e Colares e propõe um protocolo de intenções para formalização de um consórcio público para gestão intermunicipal do meio ambiente. De acordo com o IBGE, referidos municípios são de pequeno porte classes 1 e 2, localizados na Região Nordeste do Estado do Pará. No decorrer da pesquisa, após as visitas aos municípios, constatou-se a falta de capacidade institucional para promover a gestão ambiental em seus próprios territórios pelos municípios, como carência de servidores, baixa capacitação, escassez de recursos financeiros, omissões legislativas, inoperância dos conselhos e dos fundos municipais, além de ausência de aparelhamento como viaturas e equipamentos de medição. Por outro lado foi detectado que já ocorreram reuniões entre os gestores municipais para buscar uma solução conjunta para os problemas da região, dada a proximidade territorial e as semelhanças dos seus recursos naturais. Neste passo, ao final se construiu uma proposta para implementação de um consórcio intermunicipal, mediante um termo de cooperação para gestão ambiental integral entre os municípios.
The pristine boron nitride nanotubes have a large direct band gap around 5 eV. This band gap can be engineered by doping. We investigate electronic structure of the doped hexagonal boron nitride (5,5) nanotubes using the linearized augmented cylindrical wave method. In particular, this work focuses on systematical study of the band gap and the density of states around the Fermi-level when the nanotubes are doped by intrinsic impurities of two substitutional boron atoms in a super cell and a comparative analysis of the relative stability of three structures studied here. This corresponds to 3.3% of impurity concentration. We calculate 29 configurations of the nanotubes with different positions of the intrinsic impurities in the nanotube. The band gap and density of states around the Fermi level show strong dependence on the relative positions of the impurity atoms. The two defect sub bands called D∏(B) appear in the band gap of the pristine nanotube. The doped nanotubes possess p-type semiconductor properties with the band gap of 1.3-1.9 eV.
This paper presents an inversion methodology through weighted least squares to obtain the electrical parameters for the soil of a typical mid-western region in Brazil using the model based in the formalism of the parabolic equations to calculate the electric field intensity received. To validate this methodology, the results of the radio signal measurement campaign conducted in six radial routes leaving the city of Brasilia, Federal District, where the transmitter was located, were used. The measurements were compared to computer simulations and, thus, the optimal values for the electric conductivity and relative permittivity for the soil of the region could be estimated. Finally, a quantitative analysis of these parameters was performed with the values found in the literature, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
This article proposes a deterministic radio propagation model using dyadic Green's function to predict the value of the electric field. Dyadic is offered as an efficient mathematical tool which has symbolic simplicity and robustness, as well as taking account of the anisotropy of the medium. The proposed model is an important contribution for the UHF band because it considers climatic conditions by changing the constants of the medium. Most models and recommendations that include an approach for climatic conditions, are designed for satellite links, mainly Ku and Ka bands. The results obtained by simulation are compared and validated with data from a Digital Television Station measurement campaigns conducted in the Belém city in Amazon region during two seasons. The proposed model was able to provide satisfactory results by differentiating between the curves for dry and wet soil and these corroborate the measured data, (the RMS errors are between 2-5 dB in the case under study).
In this work, we analyze modified bowtie nanoantennas with polynomial sides in the excitation and emission regimes. In the excitation regime, the antennas are illuminated by an incident plane wave, and in the emission regime, the excitation is fulfilled by infinitesimal electric dipole positioned in the gap of the nanoantennas. Several antennas with different sizes and polynomial order were numerically analyzed by method of moments. The results show that these novel antennas possess a controllable resonance by the polynomial order and good characteristics of near field enhancement and confinement for applications in enhancement of spontaneous emission of a single molecule.
The present study aims to verify motivation of goals orientation using the scale TEOSQ (TEOSQ) developed by Duda (1992), translated, adapted and validated by Hirota and De Marco (2006), presenting as an experimental research methodology proposed (MARCONI and LAKATOS, 2006), with 37 practitioners basketball aged 11 to 17 (mean age 14.02 +1.42 years) of the City of Sao Caetano South – São Paulo, Brazil. Used for statistical software SPSS, version 15.0 in order to get the Cronbach's Alpha and the mean, standard deviation and median of each orientation – goal of Task and ego goal. Observed with the results that the scale has good values related to the statistic of Alpha showing Task 0.69 to 0.67 Ego. The mean age between 11 and 13 years old related to the orientation task was 4.60(+0.62) and ego orientation to 3.11(+0.84), for ages 14 to 15 years the average task was 4.23(+0.78) and 2.74(+1.02) for the ego and the age of 16 and 17 years the average orientation task was 4.78(+0.1) and ego of 2.66(+0.47). The total result of the group concerning the task was 4.36(+0.75) and ego of 2.83(+0.97). We conclude that the validation process was in line with expectations, showing consistent values of Alpha, which demonstrate that the students while learning basketball are more sure of their actions, but optimistic, persistent in their goals and adopt a position of responsibility the rest of the team
The increasing expansion of agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations of soils is a potential source of environmental degradation. Thus, the present study assessed the variation of use and occupation in 49 years, between 1962 and 2011 scenarios of watershed of São Caetano - Botucatu (SP). geoprocessing techniques were used in this study. In a Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI – it was integrated information from IBGE digital cards, scale 1:50,000, plus aerial photographs (1962) and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011). In the study area, we can view the progress of the urban area, which in 1962 was not present in the watershed. In 2011, the urban area occupied 21.37% of the total area. Even with this breakthrough occurring in the period of 49 years, there was an increase in the area of natural vegetation, which once occupied only 12.33% of the area (1962), and in 2011 represents 25% of the total area of the watershed, showing an increase in awareness on the importance of preserving nature. Thus, we can conclude that the analysis tools based on GIS enabled us to analyze variations in space and time and to propose alternatives to the correct use and occupation of land.