939 resultados para Lattes Platform
Slugging is a well-known slugging phenomenon in multiphase flow, which may cause problems such as vibration in pipeline and high liquid level in the separator. It can be classified according to the place of its occurrence. The most severe, known as slugging in the riser, occurs in the vertical pipe which feeds the platform. Also known as severe slugging, it is capable of causing severe pressure fluctuations in the flow of the process, excessive vibration, flooding in separator tanks, limited production, nonscheduled stop of production, among other negative aspects that motivated the production of this work . A feasible solution to deal with this problem would be to design an effective method for the removal or reduction of the system, a controller. According to the literature, a conventional PID controller did not produce good results due to the high degree of nonlinearity of the process, fueling the development of advanced control techniques. Among these, the model predictive controller (MPC), where the control action results from the solution of an optimization problem, it is robust, can incorporate physical and /or security constraints. The objective of this work is to apply a non-conventional non-linear model predictive control technique to severe slugging, where the amount of liquid mass in the riser is controlled by the production valve and, indirectly, the oscillation of flow and pressure is suppressed, while looking for environmental and economic benefits. The proposed strategy is based on the use of the model linear approximations and repeatedly solving of a quadratic optimization problem, providing solutions that improve at each iteration. In the event where the convergence of this algorithm is satisfied, the predicted values of the process variables are the same as to those obtained by the original nonlinear model, ensuring that the constraints are satisfied for them along the prediction horizon. A mathematical model recently published in the literature, capable of representing characteristics of severe slugging in a real oil well, is used both for simulation and for the project of the proposed controller, whose performance is compared to a linear MPC
Navigation based on visual feedback for robots, working in a closed environment, can be obtained settling a camera in each robot (local vision system). However, this solution requests a camera and capacity of local processing for each robot. When possible, a global vision system is a cheapest solution for this problem. In this case, one or a little amount of cameras, covering all the workspace, can be shared by the entire team of robots, saving the cost of a great amount of cameras and the associated processing hardware needed in a local vision system. This work presents the implementation and experimental results of a global vision system for mobile mini-robots, using robot soccer as test platform. The proposed vision system consists of a camera, a frame grabber and a computer (PC) for image processing. The PC is responsible for the team motion control, based on the visual feedback, sending commands to the robots through a radio link. In order for the system to be able to unequivocally recognize each robot, each one has a label on its top, consisting of two colored circles. Image processing algorithms were developed for the eficient computation, in real time, of all objects position (robot and ball) and orientation (robot). A great problem found was to label the color, in real time, of each colored point of the image, in time-varying illumination conditions. To overcome this problem, an automatic camera calibration, based on clustering K-means algorithm, was implemented. This method guarantees that similar pixels will be clustered around a unique color class. The obtained experimental results shown that the position and orientation of each robot can be obtained with a precision of few millimeters. The updating of the position and orientation was attained in real time, analyzing 30 frames per second
This work was motivated by the importance of conducting a study of vehicle emissions in captive fleets with diesel engine, coupled with the predictive maintenance plan. This type of maintenance includes techniques designed to meet the growing market demand to reduce maintenance costs by increasing the reliability of diagnoses, which has increased interest in automated predictive maintenance on diesel engines, preventing problems that might evolve into routine turn into serious situations, solved only with complex and costly repairs, the Reliability Centered Maintenance, will be the methodology that will make our goal is reached, beyond maintaining the vehicles regulated as fuel consumption and emissions. To Therefore, technical improvements were estimated capable of penetrating the automotive market and give the inshore fleet emission rates of opacity of the vehicles, being directly related to the conditions of the lubricating oil thus contributing to reducing maintenance costs by contributing significantly to emissions of pollutants and an improvement in the air in large cities. This criterion was adopted and implemented, em 241 buses and produced a diagnosis of possible failures by the correlation between the characterization of used lubricating oils and the analysis of opacity, with the objective of the aid the detection and solution of failures for the maintenance of sub-systems according to design criteria, and for this to be a deductive methodology to determine potential causes of failures, has been automated to implement a predictive maintenance system for this purpose was used in our study a mobile unit equipped with a opacimeter and a kit for collection and analysis of lubricating oil and the construction of the network diagnostics, we used a computer program in Microsoft Office Access 2007 platform tool is indispensable for creating a database data, this method is being used and successfully implemented in seven (7) bus companies from the city of Natal (RN) Brazil
This work presents a spray-dryer designed to oxalate-niobate precursors and suitable for the production of Niobium Carbide. The dryer was intended to produce powders of controlled particle size. First, the precursor is dissolved in water to produce a solution of known concentration and then it is atomized on the spray-dryer to produce the powder. This equipment consists of a 304 stainless steel chamber, 0.48 m x 1.9 m (diameter x length), with a conical shape at the lower portion, which is assembled on a vertical platform. The chamber is heated by three 4 kW electrical resistances. In this process, drying air is heated as it flows inside a serpentine surrounding the chamber, in contrary to more traditional processes in which the hot drying air is used to heat the component. The air enters the chamber at the same temperature of the chamber, thus avoiding adherence of particles on the internal surface. The low speed flow is concurrent, directed from the top to the bottom portion of the chamber. Powders are deposited on a 0.4 m diameter tray, which separates the cylindrical portion from the conical portion of the chamber. The humid air is discharged though a plug placed underneath the collecting tray. A factorial experimental planning was prepared to study the influence of five parameters (concentration, input flow, operation temperature, drying air flow and spray air flow) on the characteristics of the powders produced. Particle size distribution and shape were measured by laser granulometry and scanning electronic microscopy. Then, the powders are submitted to reaction in a CH4 / H2 atmosphere to compare the characteristics of spray-dried powders with powders synthetizided by conventional methods
The fission-track method (FTM) in apatite was applied to 45 samples collected in the Serra da Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira mountain range), the Serra do Mar (Mar mountain range), regions next to these mountain ranges and the coastal region between Ubatuba and Santos in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, to study the thermochronology of the South American Platform in southeast Brazil and its influence on Santos and Campos basins. The data presented in this work complement the previously presented data on the same region (Tello Saenz et al., 2003. J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 15, 765-774) with 31 new samples analyzed. The weighted mean of the corrected ages from high Mantiqueira (around 1000 m), (121 +/- 6) Ma, coincides with the South Atlantic opening. The fact that its thermal history starts at a relatively low temperature (similar to 80 degrees C) suggests that the age of similar to 120 Ma would be the formation age of Serra da Mantiqueira due to a rapid pulse, in which tracks had no time to be retained at the closure temperature, that is similar to 120 degrees C. The Serra do Mar presents a more complicated thermal history, with several reactivations indicated by the changes in the slope of its cooling curve. The thermal histories obtained in the regions next to these mountain ranges are compatible with the results mentioned above. The Santos Basin has unconformities that agree with changes in the slope thermal histories of the studied region. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Wii Balance Board (WBB) began to be investigated as a low-cost alternative for assessing static balance in vertical posture. However, studies employed methodological procedures that did not eliminate result variability between the tests and equipment used. Objective: Determine the validity and reproducibility of the WBB as an instrument for assessing static balance in the vertical position, using simultaneous data analysis and superimposed equipment. Methods: This is an accuracy study of 29 healthy young individuals of both sexes aged 18 to 30 years. Subjects were assessed 24h apart (test-retest), using unipodal and bipodal support tests, with eyes closed and open. To that end the WBB was placed on top of a force platform (FP) and data (postural sway) were collected simultaneously on both devices. Validity and reproducibility were analyzed using the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Finally, Bland-Altman analysis was applied to assess agreement. Results: The sample was composed of 23 women and 6 men, with mean age of 24.2±6.3 years, 60.7±6.3 kg and 1.64±4.2 m. The validity of the WBB compared to the FP was excellent for all 4 tasks proposed (ICC = 0.93 0.98). The reproducibility analyzed by test-retest was excellent for the bipodal support tasks (ICC = 0.93-0.98) and only moderate for the unipodal support tests (ICC = 0.46 0.70). Graphic analysis exhibited good agreement between the devices, since most of the measures were within the limits of agreement. Conclusion: this study proved the validity and reproducibility of the Wii Balance Board as an instrument for assessing static balance in vertical posture, using simultaneous analysis with superimposed equipment. Thus, the WBB has been increasingly used by physical therapists and other health professionals in their clinical practice, as both a rehabilitation and assessment tool
Social behavior of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, at Pipa Beach, RN, Brazil: dynamics, sequence, breathing synchrony, and responses to dolphin watching. Social animals form groups that can range from temporary to permanent. Depending on the nature of the social relationships developed between individuals, groups present a particular social organization and the effect of these interactions shapes the activity patterns of these animals. This study investigates: (i) fission-fusion dynamics of Guiana dolphins, through the analysis of three dimensions of the social system (variation in spatial cohesion, variation in size and composition of groups), (ii) sequence, routine and behavioral stability, (iii) breathing intervals in synchronized groups and (iv) behavioral responses of the animals to dolphin watching. Systematic observations of Guiana dolphins were made from a platform located in cliffs about 25 m above sea level that surround Madeiro Bay, Pipa Beach. Sampling occurred from December 2007 to February 2009 between 0600 h and 1600 h, and the groups of Guiana dolphins were investigated according to their size (alone and group) and composition (adults, adults and juveniles, and adults and calves). According to the analysis of fission-fusion dynamics, Guiana dolphin groups frequently changed their composition, modifying their patterns of spatial grouping and cohesion every 20 minutes on average. More than 50% of the individuals maintained a distance of up to 2 m from other group members and new individuals were attracted to the group, especially during feeding, leaving it for foraging. Large groups were more unstable than small, while groups containing only adults were more stable than groups of adults and juveniles. According to the Z-score analysis to investigate the sequence and behavioral routine, lone individuals were more ! .7! ! involved in foraging and feeding, while resting was more common in groups. Foraging and feeding were more common in homogeneous groups (individuals of the same age class), while heterogeneous groups (different age classes) were often involved in socialization, displaying a broader behavioral repertoire. Foraging and resting behavior presented higher stability (continuous duration in minutes) than the other behaviors. The analysis of breathing intervals in synchronized groups showed significant differences depending on type of behavior, composition and area preference. During resting, breathing intervals were of longer duration, and groups with calves showed shorter breathing intervals than groups without calves. Lone individuals also preferred areas called corral , often used for the entrapment of fishes. The Markov chain analysis revealed behavioral changes in the presence of boats, according to the type of group composition. Groups composed of adults presented decreased resting and increased in traveling during the presence of boats. Groups of adults and juveniles showed a massive reduction of socialization, while the behavior transition probability traveling-traveling was higher in groups of adults and calves. In the presence of the boats, stability of resting was reduced by one third of its original duration and traveling more than doubled. The behavioral patterns analyzed are discussed in light of socio-ecological models concerning costs and benefits of proximity between individuals and behavioral optimization. Furthermore, significant changes in behavioral patterns indicate that Guiana dolphins, at Pipa Beach, have suffered the effects of tourism as a result of violation of rules of conduct established for the study area
The undergraduate courses in Psychology have been historically pointed as defective in aspects related to the critical education and the integration between theory and practice. Hence, the scientific education has been considered a possibility to overcome those lacks. Therefore, this study has investigated the undergraduate education process of Psychology students with PIBIC (Portuguese acronym for Undergraduate Scientific Research Scholarships Institutional Program) scholarships from CNPq (Portuguese acronym Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). The scholarship program has been a strategic tool for the undergraduate scientific research. Electronic questionnaires have been sent to all the PIBIC scholarship students of Psychology in Brazil (622; 104 have answered), containing questions about the program developed activities, tutoring and advising, PIBIC evaluation and other ones. The students scientific and academic production has also been investigated through their Lattes (CNPq s Platform in which researchers have their academic résumés). The major part of the participants (70%) has stated that the first motivation to be in the program had been their interest in the research or in the academic career. Furthermore, 60% of the scholarship students has worked as volunteers before receiving PIBIC scholarship. Among the students who have answered the research, 65,4% has reported they are tutored directly by their advisors, and 80% of them attends one or more than one advising meeting every fifteen days. It has been identified that the Psychology scholarship students do not participate in all the research activities and that the proximity with the advisor is related to the accomplishment of tasks which contributes with the student critical and reflexive education. Finally, less than 25% of the students has published scientific articles or book chapters during the scholarship, what XI demonstrates a possible exclusion of them in that phase of the process. In general, the scholarship students evaluate the program positively by revealing that it contributes with their professional and academic education. For those reasons, it is observed PIBIC s potential role for the undergraduate education in order to develop more critical psychologists able to propose innovations and contextualized practices. However, the results obtained in programs like the studied one denounce the disqualification of the provided undergraduate education for the major part of the university students, who do not have a PIBIC scholarship. As a result, it is emphasized that it there should be more investment for improving the quality of the undergraduate education itself and not only for programs which are available for few students
The production of oil and gas is usually accompanied by the production of water, also known as produced water. Studies were conducted in platforms that discharge produced water in the Atlantic Ocean due to oil and gas production by Petrobras from 1996 to 2006 in the following basins: Santos (Brazilian south region), Campos (Brazilian southeast region) and Ceara (Brazilian northeast region). This study encompasses chemical composition, toxicological effects, discharge volumes, and produced water behavior after releasing in the ocean, including dispersion plumes modeling and monitoring data of the marine environment. The concentration medians for a sampling of 50 samples were: ammonia (70 mg L-1), boron (1.3 mg L1), iron (7.4 mg L-1), BTEX (4.6 mg L-1), PAH (0.53 mg L-1), TPH (28 mg L-1); phenols (1.3 mg L-1) and radioisotopes (0.15 Bq L-1 for 226Ra and 0.09 Bq L-1 for 228Ra). The concentrations of the organic and inorganic parameters observed for the Brazilian platforms were similar to the international reference data for the produced water in the North Sea and in other regions of the world. It was found significant differences in concentrations of the following parameters: BTEX (p<0.0001), phenols (p=0.0212), boron (p<0.0001), iron (p<0.0001) and toxicological response in sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (p<0.0001) when considering two distinguished groups, platforms from southeast and northeast Region (PCR-1). Significant differences were not observed among the other parameters. In platforms with large gas production, the monoaromatic concentrations (BTEX from 15.8 to 21.6 mg L-1) and phenols (from 2 to 83 mg L-1) were higher than in oil plataforms (median concentrations of BTEX were 4.6 mg L-1 for n=53, and of phenols were 1.3 mg L-1 for n=46). It was also conducted a study about the influence of dispersion plumes of produced water in the vicinity of six platforms of oil and gas production (P-26, PPG-1, PCR-1, P-32, SS-06), and in a hypothetical critical scenario using the chemical characteristics of each effluent. Through this study, using CORMIX and CHEMMAP models for dispersion plumes simulation of the produced water discharges, it was possible to obtain the dilution dimension in the ocean after those discharges. The dispersion plumes of the produced water modelling in field vicinity showed dilutions of 700 to 900 times for the first 30-40 meters from the platform PCR-1 discharge point; 100 times for the platform P-32, with 30 meters of distance; 150 times for the platform P-26, with 40 meters of distance; 100 times for the platform PPG-1, with 130 meters of distance; 280 to 350 times for the platform SS-06, with 130 meters of distance, 100 times for the hypothetical critical scenario, with the 130 meters of distance. The dilutions continue in the far field, and with the results of the simulations, it was possible to verify that all the parameters presented concentrations bellow the maximum values established by Brazilian legislation for seawater (CONAMA 357/05 - Class 1), before the 500 meters distance of the discharge point. These results were in agreement with the field measurements. Although, in general results for the Brazilian produced water presented toxicological effects for marine organisms, it was verified that dilutions of 100 times were sufficient for not causing toxicological responses. Field monitoring data of the seawater around the Pargo, Pampo and PCR-1 platforms did not demonstrate toxicity in the seawater close to these platforms. The results of environmental monitoring in seawater and sediments proved that alterations were not detected for environmental quality in areas under direct influence of the oil production activities in the Campos and Ceara Basin, as according to results obtained in the dispersion plume modelling for the produced water discharge
The production of oil and gas is usually accompanied by the production of water, also known as produced water. Studies were conducted in platforms that discharge produced water in the Atlantic Ocean due to oil and gas production by Petrobras from 1996 to 2006 in the following basins: Santos (Brazilian south region), Campos (Brazilian southeast region) and Ceara (Brazilian northeast region). This study encompasses chemical composition, toxicological effects, discharge volumes, and produced water behavior after releasing in the ocean, including dispersion plumes modeling and monitoring data of the marine environment. The concentration medians for a sampling of 50 samples were: ammonia (70 mg L-1), boron (1.3 mg L1), iron (7.4 mg L-1), BTEX (4.6 mg L-1), PAH (0.53 mg L-1), TPH (28 mg L-1); phenols (1.3 mg L-1) and radioisotopes (0.15 Bq L-1 for 226Ra and 0.09 Bq L-1 for 228Ra). The concentrations of the organic and inorganic parameters observed for the Brazilian platforms were similar to the international reference data for the produced water in the North Sea and in other regions of the world. It was found significant differences in concentrations of the following parameters: BTEX (p<0.0001), phenols (p=0.0212), boron (p<0.0001), iron (p<0.0001) and toxicological response in sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (p<0.0001) when considering two distinguished groups, platforms from southeast and northeast Region (PCR-1). Significant differences were not observed among the other parameters. In platforms with large gas production, the monoaromatic concentrations (BTEX from 15.8 to 21.6 mg L-1) and phenols (from 2 to 83 mg L-1) were higher than in oil plataforms (median concentrations of BTEX were 4.6 mg L-1 for n=53, and of phenols were 1.3 mg L-1 for n=46). It was also conducted a study about the influence of dispersion plumes of produced water in the vicinity of six platforms of oil and gas production (P-26, PPG-1, PCR-1, P-32, SS-06), and in a hypothetical critical scenario using the chemical characteristics of each effluent. Through this study, using CORMIX and CHEMMAP models for dispersion plumes simulation of the produced water discharges, it was possible to obtain the dilution dimension in the ocean after those discharges. The dispersion plumes of the produced water modelling in field vicinity showed dilutions of 700 to 900 times for the first 30-40 meters from the platform PCR-1 discharge point; 100 times for the platform P-32, with 30 meters of distance; 150 times for the platform P-26, with 40 meters of distance; 100 times for the platform PPG-1, with 130 meters of distance; 280 to 350 times for the platform SS-06, with 130 meters of distance, 100 times for the hypothetical critical scenario, with the 130 meters of distance. The dilutions continue in the far field, and with the results of the simulations, it was possible to verify that all the parameters presented concentrations bellow the maximum values established by Brazilian legislation for seawater (CONAMA 357/05 - Class 1), before the 500 meters distance of the discharge point. These results were in agreement with the field measurements. Although, in general results for the Brazilian produced water presented toxicological effects for marine organisms, it was verified that dilutions of 100 times were sufficient for not causing toxicological responses. Field monitoring data of the seawater around the Pargo, Pampo and PCR-1 platforms did not demonstrate toxicity in the seawater close to these platforms. The results of environmental monitoring in seawater and sediments proved that alterations were not detected for environmental quality in areas under direct influence of the oil production activities in the Campos and Ceara Basin, as according to results obtained in the dispersion plume modelling for the produced water discharge
The aim of this study was to compare the misfit vertical, horizontal and passivity of zirconia and cobalt-chromium frameworks fabricated for CAD / CAM technology and conventional method of casting. Sixteen frameworks in one-piece, were obtained from a metallic matrix containing three Brånemark compatible implants with regular platform (Titamax Cortical Ti, Neodent). Eight frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM system (NeoShape, Neodent): four in zirconia (ZirCAD) and four cobalt-chromium (CoCrcad). Eight other frameworks were obtained by conventional casting method: four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment premachined Co-Cr (CoCrUCci) and four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment castable (CoCrUCc). The fit vertical, horizontal and passivity by one-screw test were measured using scanning electron microscopy with magnification of 250x. Initially evaluated the passivity by one-screw test and subsequently to assess the vertical and horizontal misfit, tightened all the screws with a torque of 20 Ncm. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were calculated for each group. Measurements of horizontal misfit were transformed into cumulative frequency for categorization of the variable and the group later comparison groups. To evaluate the existence of quantitative differences between the groups tested for vertical misfit and passivity, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare group to group statistical differences (p <0.05). Were observed the respective mean and standard deviation for vertical misfit and passivity in micrometers: ZirCAD (5.9 ± 3.6, 107.2 ± 36), CoCrcad (1.2 ± 2.2, 107.5 ± 26 ), CoCrUCci (11.8 ± 9.8, 124.7 ± 74), CoCrUCc (12.9 ± 11.0, 108.8 ± 85). There were statistical differences in measures of vertical misfit (p = 0.000). The Mann-Whitney test revealed statistical differences (p <0.05) between all groups except between CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc (p = 0.619). No statistical difference was observed for the passivity. In relation to the horizontal misfit groups ZirCAD and CoCrcad did not show best values in relation to CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc. Based on the results it can be concluded that frameworks fabricated by CAD / CAM technology had better values of vertical fit than those manufactured by the casting method, nevertheless, the passivity was not influenced by manufacturing technique and material used. The horizontal fit obtained by frameworks manufactured by CAD / CAM was not superior to those manufactured by casting. A lower variability in vertical adjustment and passivity was observed when frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM technology
One of the current challenges of Ubiquitous Computing is the development of complex applications, those are more than simple alarms triggered by sensors or simple systems to configure the environment according to user preferences. Those applications are hard to develop since they are composed by services provided by different middleware and it is needed to know the peculiarities of each of them, mainly the communication and context models. This thesis presents OpenCOPI, a platform which integrates various services providers, including context provision middleware. It provides an unified ontology-based context model, as well as an environment that enable easy development of ubiquitous applications via the definition of semantic workflows that contains the abstract description of the application. Those semantic workflows are converted into concrete workflows, called execution plans. An execution plan consists of a workflow instance containing activities that are automated by a set of Web services. OpenCOPI supports the automatic Web service selection and composition, enabling the use of services provided by distinct middleware in an independent and transparent way. Moreover, this platform also supports execution adaptation in case of service failures, user mobility and degradation of services quality. The validation of OpenCOPI is performed through the development of case studies, specifically applications of the oil industry. In addition, this work evaluates the overhead introduced by OpenCOPI and compares it with the provided benefits, and the efficiency of OpenCOPI s selection and adaptation mechanism
This thesis presents ⇡SOD-M (Policy-based Service Oriented Development Methodology), a methodology for modeling reliable service-based applications using policies. It proposes a model driven method with: (i) a set of meta-models for representing non-functional constraints associated to service-based applications, starting from an use case model until a service composition model; (ii) a platform providing guidelines for expressing the composition and the policies; (iii) model-to-model and model-to-text transformation rules for semi-automatizing the implementation of reliable service-based applications; and (iv) an environment that implements these meta-models and rules, and enables the application of ⇡SOD-M. This thesis also presents a classification and nomenclature for non-functional requirements for developing service-oriented applications. Our approach is intended to add value to the development of service-oriented applications that have quality requirements needs. This work uses concepts from the service-oriented development, non-functional requirements design and model-driven delevopment areas to propose a solution that minimizes the problem of reliable service modeling. Some examples are developed as proof of concepts
Context-aware applications are typically dynamic and use services provided by several sources, with different quality levels. Context information qualities are expressed in terms of Quality of Context (QoC) metadata, such as precision, correctness, refreshment, and resolution. On the other hand, service qualities are expressed via Quality of Services (QoS) metadata such as response time, availability and error rate. In order to assure that an application is using services and context information that meet its requirements, it is essential to continuously monitor the metadata. For this purpose, it is needed a QoS and QoC monitoring mechanism that meet the following requirements: (i) to support measurement and monitoring of QoS and QoC metadata; (ii) to support synchronous and asynchronous operation, thus enabling the application to periodically gather the monitored metadata and also to be asynchronously notified whenever a given metadata becomes available; (iii) to use ontologies to represent information in order to avoid ambiguous interpretation. This work presents QoMonitor, a module for QoS and QoC metadata monitoring that meets the abovementioned requirement. The architecture and implementation of QoMonitor are discussed. To support asynchronous communication QoMonitor uses two protocols: JMS and Light-PubSubHubbub. In order to illustrate QoMonitor in the development of ubiquitous application it was integrated to OpenCOPI (Open COntext Platform Integration), a Middleware platform that integrates several context provision middleware. To validate QoMonitor we used two applications as proofof- concept: an oil and gas monitoring application and a healthcare application. This work also presents a validation of QoMonitor in terms of performance both in synchronous and asynchronous requests