633 resultados para KRAFT
O objetivo deste trabalho foi de analisar o efeito combinado das temperaturas e dos tratamentos pré-germinativos na germinação das sementes de farinha seca (Albizia hasslerii (Chod.) Burkart.). Foram realizados 2 experimentos. No primeiro as sementes receberam os seguintes tratamentos pré-germinativos: imersão em H2SO4 PA por 10 minutos, H2SO4 20 minutos, GA3 150 mg.L-1 por 24 horas, água quente 5 minutos, água natural por 24 horas, e a testemunha, sem tratamento. No segundo experimento, as sementes foram divididas em dois lotes, um lote foi semeado logo após a colheita e o outro foi embalado em papel Kraft e armazenado por 90, 180 e 270 dias em condições de câmara fria e em temperatura ambiente. As sementes receberam os seguintes tratamentos pré-germinativos: imersão em H2SO4 PA por 20 minutos, em água natural por 24 horas, e a testemunha. A incubação ocorreu nas temperaturas de 18, 25 e 30ºC, 20-30ºC, e em casa de vegetação. Os experimentos foram realizados em DIC, sendo o primeiro em esquema fatorial de 6 x 5 e o segundo em fatorial de 3 x 5 x 4, ambos com 4 repetições de 20 sementes. O tratamento de imersão em H2SO4 por 20 minutos apresentou os maiores valores para todas as características avaliadas. As sementes armazenadas por 90 dias em câmara fria apresentaram germinação superior a 50% sem nenhum tratamento pré-germinativo e em qualquer temperatura de incubação. As plântulas provenientes de sementes armazenadas em câmara fria são mais vigorosas.
The objective in this research was to evaluate the isoflavone content and the physiological quality of seed from conventional and transgenic soybean cultivars before and after 180 days of storage. Twenty one soybean cultivars: CD 202, CD 206, CD 208, CD 213RR, CD 214RR, CD 215, CD 216, CD 217, CD 218, CD 221, BRS 184, BRS 185, BRS 214, BRS 244RR, BRS 245RR, BRS 246RR, BRS 255, BRS 257, BRS 258, BRS 261 and BRS 262, grown in the 2005/2006 crop season, were assayed. The seeds were packed in Kraft paper bags and stored at room temperature under laboratory conditions. Seeds were evaluated with respect to their germination and vigor (first germination count, accelerated aging and tetrazolium test) and their total isoflavone contents and respective aglycon forms (daidzein, genistein and glycitein),glycosides (daidzine, genistine and glycitine) and malonyl conjugates. A completely randomized block design with six replications with the treatments set out within a subplot scheme (21 cultivars x 2 storage periods) was used. The F-test was used to compare means between storage periods and the Scott-Knott test to compare cultivars for each storage period, both with a 95% probability. It was concluded that isoflavone contents differ between cultivars and show a distinct behavior throughout storage.
Gliricidia sepium is a drought-tolerant species, easily multiplied by seeds, and has been exploited by farmers as a source of forage in the semi-arid region of northeast Brazil. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of seed storage on the mobilization of reserves during imbibition of "Gliricidia" seeds. Freshly-harvested seeds were packed in kraft paper bags and stored for three and six months in the laboratory under ambient conditions (25 º C ± 3 T and 75% ± 3 RH). Cotyledons were isolated from imbibed seeds and macerated for the extraction and quantification of total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, sucrose and starch, as well as of proteins, amino acids and for amylase activity. Storage under these conditions resulted in an increase in seed water content although germination remained at relatively high levels (86%). Seed macromolecule levels showed significant variation with the storage period and imbibition and these variations were associated with a loss in seed viability due to inadequate storage conditions.
A deterioração é um dos grandes problemas do armazenamento de sementes, principalmente das oleaginosas. Estudos recentes têm evidenciado que a eficiência do teste de condutividade elétrica pode ser influenciada pela temperatura de armazenamento das sementes. Este fato sugere que a deterioração da semente, principalmente em baixas temperaturas de armazenamento, pode não estar relacionada diretamente com a perda da integridade das membranas celulares. Para investigar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento sobre os resultados do teste de condutividade elétrica em sementes de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), sementes dos híbridos Helio 250 e Helio 251 foram embaladas em papel Kraft multifoliado e armazenadas nas temperaturas: 10 e 25 °C (constante) e 25 °C por seis meses e depois transferidas para 10 ºC até o final do período de armazenamento, sendo que a cada três meses, num total de doze meses, a qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi avaliada pelos testes de germinação, emergência de plântulas, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica. Também foi determinado o teor de água das sementes. O teste de condutividade elétrica não é eficiente na detecção do processo de deterioração em sementes de girassol armazenadas sob baixa temperatura.
O crescente interesse pelo uso de combustíveis renováveis nos últimos anos fez com que culturas oleaginosas, como a mamona, se tornassem importante objeto de estudo. No entanto, para a instalação de campos desta cultura, é imprescindível o uso de sementes de alta qualidade. O objetivo da pesquisa contida neste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência do teste de raios X na avaliação da qualidade de sementes de mamona após a colheita e armazenamento. Três lotes de sementes da cv. 'IAC-2028' (provenientes, respectivamente, dos racemos primário, secundário e terciário) e dois lotes da cv. 'Guarani' (lotes comerciais com sementes de todos os racemos misturados) foram avaliados de acordo com a morfologia interna pelo teste de raios X, na intensidade de 20 kV por 60 segundos de exposição. Posteriormente, as sementes radiografadas foram submetidas ao teste de germinação de modo a relacionar a morfologia interna das sementes com as respectivas plântulas normais, anormais ou sementes mortas. Após seis meses de armazenamento acondicionadas em sacos de papel Kraft, em condições não controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, amostras dessas sementes foram novamente avaliadas pelo teste de raios X. O teste de raios X é eficiente para avaliar a morfologia interna das sementes e seus reflexos no potencial fisiológico.
Tabebuia caraiba (Mart.) Bureau, commonly known as Silver Trumpet Tree is a forestal species, belonging to Bignoniaceae family, which can be utilized as medicinal plant or in landscaping of urban and rural areas; besides producing large mechanical resistance wood. Despite its wide use and ecological importance, basic studies on storages of their seeds are scarce. This way, the objective of this study was to determine the most adequate packaging and the best temperatures, for storing seeds of T. caraiba. For this, seeds were stored in two types of packaging: Kraft paper bags and transparent polyethylene bags; which were then stored during 150 days under three different environments: laboratory normal environment (25±2 °C); cold chamber (8±2 °C); and refrigerator (6±2 °C). After periods of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 days, seed moisture content, percentage of emergence, emergence speed index, and seedling length were evaluated. Seeds of T. caraiba kept in packaging of paper and polyethylene bags and stored at laboratory environmental condition, have lost more quickly their vigor along the storage period. For storage, it is recommended the maintenance of T. caraiba seeds in polyethylene bags into cold chamber; and/or polyethylene bags or Kraft paper bags into refrigerator.
Sementes de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) possuem características ortodoxas e requerem conhecimento sobre os fatores que afetam a manutenção de sua qualidade fisiológica. Assim, objetivou-se neste estudo identificar as condições adequadas de armazenamento para a manutenção da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de pinhão manso. Na avaliação dos métodos de armazenamento, utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x3+1, sendo os fatores constituídos por três embalagens (saco de papel Kraft, saco de polietileno e embalagem de vidro), três ambientes de armazenamento (laboratório com condições não controladas, câmara refrigerada a 14 - 16 ºC e refrigerador a 4-6 ºC) e avaliação inicial do material em estudo. Foram analisados os valores de teor de água, primeira contagem de germinação em ambiente controlado. Também se avaliou o índice de velocidade de emergência, porcentagem de germinação das sementes e Índice de Qualidade de Dickson para as mudas após 45 dias da semeadura em ambiente propagativo não controlado. As sementes armazenadas em embalagem de vidro e ambiente de geladeira mantiveram a sua qualidade fisiológica, podendo ser armazenadas pelo período de 180 dias.
Sleep disorders are a common health problem in western countries. Every third working age person suffers from sleep deprivation and that often leads to other health problems as well. One can end up in a vicious circle, which can further decrease mood and ability to function. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how sleep deprivation affects the lives of working age population and to deepen our understanding of life with sleep deprivation. Study questions are: how does sleep deprivation affect a working age person’s life and what kind of experiences do people have about cognitive-behavioural therapy as a treatment to sleep disorders. Theoretical perspective is based on clinical nursing science theories and the humanist view of man, which sees human as an entity. The methodology used is phenomenological approach and data analysis is conducted by using Ricœur’s hermeneutic phenomenological interpretation method. The empirical part is divided into two different sections. The material of the study consists of interviews and surveys done by people who have experienced sleep deprivation or sleep disorders. Two interviewees talked about their lives with sleep disorders and there are 21 surveys conducted on people’s experiences on cognitive-behavioural therapy. The partakers in the two sections are different people. The results show that people with sleep disorders can end up in a vicious circle of sleep deprivation and in worst cases a sleep disorder can take charge of a person’s whole life. Sleep disorder can cause shame and fear of stigma. Nevertheless, someone suffering from a sleep disorder can find strength and solutions to control the difficult situation. This study proves that both nursing staff and other people have little information about difficulties in sleeping and awareness should be improved in clinical nursing. A health-care provider has an essential role in preventing someone ending up in a vicious circle of sleep deprivation and cognitive-behavioural therapy can contribute to good health. Reflection at the end of cognitive-behavioural sleep therapy course helps patients to continue their learning process. When someone is sleep deprived, it means that they have control over the situation, but when someone has a sleep disorder, that person does not have the strength to control the situation.
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki muuttui 1.4.2016. Tästä lähtien kaikki maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain mukaiset poikkeamispäätökset tekee kunta. Aikaisemmin lain 171 §:ssä tarkoitettu poikkeamistoimivalta oli jaettu kuntien ja elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskusten välillä siten, että neljää asiaryhmää lukuun ottamatta toimivalta kuului kunnille. Aiemmin poikkeamisen ratkaisi lain 171 §:n 2 ja 3 momentin mukaan ELY-keskus silloin, kun kysymys oli: 1) uuden rakennuksen rakentamisesta ranta-alueelle, jolla ei ole voimassa 72 §:n 1 momentissa tarkoitettua kaavaa, ellei kyse ollut olemassa olevan asuinrakennuksen laajentamisesta tai korvaamisesta; 2) vähäistä suuremmasta poikkeamisesta asemakaavassa osoitetusta tontti- tai rakennuspaikkakohtaisesta kokonaisrakennusoikeudesta taikka vähäistä suuremman rakennusoikeuden osoittamisesta alueelle, jolle asemakaavassa ei ollut osoitettu rakennusoikeutta; 3) poikkeamisesta rakennuksen suojelua koskevasta kaavamääräyksestä; tai 4) poikkeamisesta 53 §:n 3 momentissa tarkoitetusta asemakaavan hyväksymisestä johtuvasta rakennuskiellosta. Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain poikkeamisen edellytyksiä koskevin säännöksiin ei tullut muutoksia. Oppaassa käydään läpi pää-kohdat kunnille siirtyneestä toimivallasta. Keskeisimpiä asiakokonaisuuksia ovat poikkeamisen edellytykset, ranta-alueen suunnittelutarve ja siitä poikkeaminen, maanomistajien tasapuolisen kohtelun vaatimus ja sen toteutuminen erityisesti rantarakentamisessa. Säännökset ovat joustavia oikeusnormeja. Näin ollen säännösten soveltamista ohjaa 15 vuoden aikana muotoutunut oikeus-käytäntö. Tarkoitus on, että toimivallan siirron jälkeen tulkinta- ja soveltamislinja jatkuu ennallaan. Tästä syystä oppaan sisältö on rakennettu vahvasti oikeuskäytännön ja erityisesti korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden soveltamiskäytännön varaan.
15th Congress, 1st session, 1817-1818, House. Doc. 81.
In 1893 Attorney Henry Drushel Perky and William H. Ford invented a machine for the preparation of cereals for food. Perky soon realized that the actual cereal biscuits were more popular than the machines and he opened Shredded Wheat plants in Massachusetts and Niagara Falls, New York. In 1904, the Niagara Falls, Canada plant was opened. These factories also served as tourist attractions. In 1907, one hundred thousand people visited the plants on both sides of the border. In 1928, the company was sold to The National Biscuit Company and the product name changed to Nabisco Shredded Wheat. The name of the plant was changed to Nabisco Foods in 1956 to reflect the variety of foods that were being produced at that time. In 1985, Nabisco was purchased by J.R. Reynolds thus forming RJR Nabisco. In 1994, RJR sold its breakfast cereal business to Kraft Foods and the international licenses to General Mills. Shredded Wheat is now integrated into the Post Foods portfolio. with information from: Niagara Falls Canada a History by The Kiwanis Club of Stamford, Ontario Inc. and Business Source Complete
Die morawische Nacht (2008) de Peter Handke représente un tournant: l’auteur y renonce à son engagement politique concernant les Balkans et il revient au « royaume de la poésie ». En reprenant des concepts de la théorie de l’espace dans les études culturelles, cette étude examine les moyens narratifs à partir desquels Handke projette une nouvelle image des Balkans. L’écrivain autrichien déconstruit son propre mythe du « Neuvième Pays » (Die Wiederholung, 1986), dont il a sans cesse défendu le concept dans les années 1990 (Eine winterliche Reise, 1996; Zurüstungen für die Unsterblichkeit, 1997; Die Fahrt im Einbaum, 1999; Unter Tränen fragend, 1999). Dans Die morawische Nacht, de fréquentes allusions et connotations nous ramènent aux œuvres antérieures, mentionnées ci-dessus. La signification et la fonction des nouvelles images des Balkans ne sont pas comprises que dans le cadre des références intertextuelles. Par l’entremise d’un maniement raffiné et ludique de l’ancien contenu et des vieilles structures, objets d’un nouvel usage, la poétique de Handke, toujours basée sur les soi-disant « Zwischenräume » (espaces intermédiaires) prouve toute sa puissance. Même si les Balkans perdent leur caractère absolu, ils continuent cependant à servir comme moyen de critique de la société moderne qui aspire cette fois à la mondialisation. Pendant que Handke réfute ironiquement sa naïveté de rechercher l’absolu dans le monde extérieur, le récit se révèle être le seul royaume où la paix et l’harmonie peuvent être créées.
In the present studies it is clear that Bacillus pumilus xylanase is having the characteristic suited for an industrial enzyme (xylanases that are active and stable at elevated temperatures and alkaline pH are needed). SSF production of xylanases and its application appears to be an innovative technology where the fermented substrate is the enzyme source that is used directly in the bleaching process without a prior downstream processing. The direct use of SSF enzymes in bleaching is a relatively new biobleaching approach. This can certainly benefit the bleaching process to lower the xylanase production costs and improve the economics and viability of the biobleaching technology. The application of enzymes to the bleaching process has been considered as an environmentally friendly approach that can reduce the negative impact on the environment exerted by the use of chlorine-based bleaching agents. It has been demonstrated that pretreatment of kraft pulp with xylanase prior to bleaching (biobleaching) can facilitate subsequent removal of lignin by bleaching chemicals, thereby, reducing the demand for elemental chlorine or improving final paper brightness. Using this xylanase pre-treatment, has resulted in an increased of brightness (8.5 Unit) when compared to non-enzymatic treated bleached pulp prepared using identical conditions. Reduction of the consumption of active chlorine can be achieved which results in a decrease in the toxicity, colour, chloride and absorbable organic halogen (AOX) levels of bleaching effluents. The xylanase treatment improves drainage, strength properties and the fragility of pulps, and also increases the brightness of pulps. This positive result shows that enzyme pre-treatment facilitates the removal of chromophore fragments of pulp there by making the process more environment friendly
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) has become of fundamental importance for research in area of micro and nano-technology. The continuous progress in these fields requires ultra sensitive measurements at high speed. The imaging speed limitation of the conventional Tapping Mode SPM is due to the actuation time constant of piezotube feedback loop that keeps the tapping amplitude constant. In order to avoid this limit a deflection sensor and an actuator have to be integrated into the cantilever. In this work has been demonstrated the possibility of realisation of piezoresistive cantilever with an embedded actuator. Piezoresistive detection provides a good alternative to the usual optical laser beam deflection technique. In frames of this thesis has been investigated and modelled the piezoresistive effect in bulk silicon (3D case) for both n- and p-type silicon. Moving towards ultra-sensitive measurements it is necessary to realize ultra-thin piezoresistors, which are well localized to the surface, where the stress magnitude is maximal. New physical effects such as quantum confinement which arise due to the scaling of the piezoresistor thickness was taken into account in order to model the piezoresistive effect and its modification in case of ultra-thin piezoresistor (2D case). The two-dimension character of the electron gas in n-type piezoresistors lead up to decreasing of the piezoresistive coefficients with increasing the degree of electron localisation. Moreover for p-type piezoresistors the predicted values of the piezoresistive coefficients are higher in case of localised holes. Additionally, to the integration of the piezoresistive sensor, actuator integrated into the cantilever is considered as fundamental for realisation of fast SPM imaging. Actuation of the beam is achieved thermally by relying on differences in the coefficients of thermal expansion between aluminum and silicon. In addition the aluminum layer forms the heating micro-resistor, which is able to accept heating impulses with frequency up to one megahertz. Such direct oscillating thermally driven bimorph actuator was studied also with respect to the bimorph actuator efficiency. Higher eigenmodes of the cantilever are used in order to increase the operating frequencies. As a result the scanning speed has been increased due to the decreasing of the actuation time constant. The fundamental limits to force sensitivity that are imposed by piezoresistive deflection sensing technique have been discussed. For imaging in ambient conditions the force sensitivity is limited by the thermo-mechanical cantilever noise. Additional noise sources, connected with the piezoresistive detection are negligible.
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die philosophischgeschichliche Darlegung des Selbstfindungsprozesses des lateinamerikanischen Denkens. Es wird die enge Verknüpfung dieses Denkens mit der Kultur aufgezeigt, in der es entstand und die sich in deren Mythen und Traditionen widerspiegelt. Durch diese kulturgeschichtlichen Betrachtungen soll der Leser zum Verständnis der lateinamerikanischen Autoren und zu deren zentralen Themen hingeführt werden. Die Erfahrung hat die lateinamerikanischen Denker gelehrt, dass sie die Begriffswelt Europas nicht identisch in ihre Lebenswelt übernehmen können, sonder dass sie diese umbilden müssen. Die Widersprüche zwischen den Bezugspunkten ihres Denkens, der westlichen Rationalität und der eigenen Realität empfinden sie als Inauthentizität. Das Bewusstsein von der Notwendigkeit eines Neuanfangs, des Befindens an einem Nullpunkt, kennzeichnet die Philosophie Lateinamerikas. Nicht der Besitz eines Wissens in festen Begriffen, sondern die Suche nach Offenheit charakterisiert diese Denken. Offenheit ist ihr zentraler Begriff, der ihren Weg zur Authentizität beschreibt. Authentizität ist hier nicht eine Eigenschaft des Menschen, die er aus sich selbst entwickelt. Sie ist auch nicht rein vom Erkennen des faktischen Seins deduzierbar. Authentizität ist ein Ziel, das nur gemeinsam mit den anderen, in einer durch die Gemeinsamkeit geschaffenen Kultur erreicht werden kann. Die Authentizität eines Denkens kann nur aus einer kulturellen Gemeinschaft erwachsen. In Lateinamerika erfolgt die Orientierung an der Gemeinschaft und deren Lebensgesetzen. Freiheit bedeutet hier diese Lebensgesetze aufzufinden und sie mit derGemeinschaft zu realizieren, also eine Verpfichtung auf die eigene Authentizität. Diese Philosophie sucht die Utopie, die Vergangenheit und Zukunft verbindet. Sie hat die Kraft der Transformation und setzt neue Intentionen, die unser Bild der Realität verändern. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit zu einem Denken das über die eine Rationalität hinausgeht. Durch ihre Ziele wird sie zum Teil der interkulturellen Philosophie.